Announcement: Leica M11

January 13 2022 Leica M11 rangefinder camera was officially presented.

April 14 2023 Leica M11 Monochrom rangefinder camera was officially presented.

Leica M11

Leica M11

Basic properties

  • rangefinder digital camera, manual focus only, Leica M mount
  • 60MP full-frame BSI CMOS sensor (image size 9528 x 6328)
  • opportunity binning pixels up to 36 and 18 MP (with dynamic range enhancement and noise reduction)
  • optical viewfinder with 0.73X magnification
  • Leica Maestro III processor
  • 2.95-inch touchscreen display with 2.332.800 dots
  • electronic stabilization for LIVE VIEW
  • ISO range 64-50.000
  • mechanical shutter from 1/4000 second to 60 minutes, electronic from 1/16000 to 60 seconds, excerpt sync 1/180 second
  • 4.5 fps burst speed, 3 GB memory buffer (15 RAW files)
  • DNG 14bit
  • built-in memory 64 GB
  • SD / SDHC / SDXC card support (UHS-II)
  • Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, USB Type-C (USB 3.1)
  • weight: about 530 grams (camera with battery)
  • Price: around $9000 stock version and $9400 Monochrom version


More materials on the topic

  1. Full frame mirrorless systems... Discussion, choice, recommendations.
  2. Cropped mirrorless systems... Discussion, choice, recommendations.
  3. Cropped mirrorless systems that have stopped or are no longer developing
  4. Digital SLR systems that have stopped or are no longer developing
  5. JVI or EVI (an important article that answers the question 'DSLR or mirrorless')
  6. About mirrorless batteries
  7. Simple and clear medium format
  8. High-speed solutions from Chinese brands
  9. All fastest autofocus zoom lenses
  10. All fastest AF prime lenses
  11. Mirrored full frame on mirrorless medium format
  12. Autofocus Speed ​​Boosters
  13. One lens to rule the world
  14. The impact of smartphones on the photography market
  15. What's next (smartphone supremacy)?
  16. All announcements and novelties of lenses and cameras

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Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.

Add a comment: Arkady Shapoval



Comments: 43, on the topic: Announcement: Leica M11

  • koba

    Previously, Leica cameras cost $8000, now they have risen in price a little, it is strange that the manufacturer did not immediately switch to the coveted $9999, apparently decided to gradually, imperceptibly, bring its customers to the cherished line, but let's hope that in the next M12 they will do this and finally - then they will block the road to the elite world of photographic equipment for all rogues.

    • Joe

      Open the Leica online store using the link
      and look at the prices.
      The previous model, LEICA M10-R, costs from 8150€ to 8390€.
      The current model, Leica M11, costs 8350€.
      Have risen in price?
      And this despite the fact that inflation in Germany as of November 2021 was 5.2%:
      It is clear that even in spite of the not very favorable situation in the economy, Leica is doing everything possible to keep their excellent cameras affordable and affordable.

      • Victor

        >>Leica goes to great lengths to keep their great cameras affordable and affordable.

        And it's great that the company cares about its fans and does not allow marketers to be self-willed. After all, what would happen if the enthusiasts of their business did not keep the price at $ 9000? Would the world see price tags of $15000 and maybe even $25000? I consider this absolutely unacceptable.

        What other focusing on the eye and ears of insects, real photographers focus only with their hands, fully controlling the process from and to.

        • Gennady

          The main thing is that it is not expensive!

      • Dim

        Thank you very much for the comment, it not only cheered me up, but also allowed me to rethink many things.

      • koba

        a couple of years ago, they saw on the Internet the annual sales statistics for Leica products, where about 50% came from China. China ended 2021 with an unprecedented growth in merchandise sales of $3,6 trillion, factories literally crammed with orders, average lead times increased by almost 25% due to lack of capacity, and revenues increased accordingly, this does not directly affect photographers, but some of the revenue goes to Them, so Leica figured it was the perfect time to raise prices.

    • Oleg

      Just big sales in China, selling like hot cakes

  • Joe

    Camera review on DPReview TV channel:
    Unboxing and review of mathphotographer channel camera features:

  • Second

    They are stamped like pies! But in fact, they are all the same! ))

  • Zheka

    This chamber makes no sense.

    • Arkady Shapoval

      Leica doesn't think so

      • Zheka

        Someone will certainly buy it, no questions asked, but this price - you can buy a digital medium format

        • Sergei

          can i buy a car and what?

        • Joe

          You can also buy a bag:
          Only it will not replace the Leica camera, as well as the abstract “digital medium format” for this money will be far from perfect, unlike the Leica camera.

          • Zheka

            Come on, hasselblad x1d, medium format pentax 645d, fujifilm. It’s just that this watering can is not suitable for commerce, it is generally suitable for rich uncles who shoot an abstract “street” that no one needs, or for tourists like steve makari. What can not be said about Leica sl-2, or Leica sl2-s. You can shoot weddings, funerals, fashion, even your cat's houses and trees. Plus they have a sane video.

            • Joe

              >hasselblad x1d, medium format pentax 645d, fujifilm

            • Joe

              >hasselblad x1d, medium format pentax 645d, fujifilm
              As said, a “digital medium format” for the money will be far from perfect, unlike a Leica camera.”
              >It's just that this watering can is not suitable for commerce, it is generally suitable for rich uncles
              For some, any camera more expensive than $ 100 is “for rich uncles”.
              And what is not good for “commerce”? Doesn't take pictures?
              There are no “commercial” and “non-commercial” cameras, there are people who can / want to sell their services and their photos, and there are people who do not sell services / photos. Both categories can use any cameras, it's not about the cameras, but about their owners.

              • Oleg

                It seems that Alexander Medvedev is the name of the photographer, he quite shoots commerce on a manual watering can. It's just that he can still shoot in a jeep, besides, a sectarian. Youtube has his blog.

              • Zheka

                Well, you know better from your sofa that the latest Hasselblads are worse than this rangefinder

              • Sandro

                Medvedev switched to Hassel from a watering can. Yes, and he said many times that the staged plots that he teaches absolutely do not care what to shoot on: even on a watering can, even on a hundred-dollar old canon, even on a mobile

              • Arkady Shapoval

                “GREAT PHOTOGRAPHER”

              • Sandro

                First, it's a rather dull medium format in terms of frame size.
                Secondly, this medium format gives a lot of compromises and optics of horse size and weight and small aperture.
                Thirdly, under the SF there are simply no some very interesting casting glasses in nature

          • Sandro

            Let's be honest - watering cans are extremely far from perfect and have never been close to it. At least purely mechanically and constructively.

        • koba

          The company's annual sales are about $400 million, so its products are bought quite well. In addition to cameras, the company also produces other products that are very popular in certain areas.

  • Sergei

    In my opinion, the possibility of lowering the number of active pixels (binning) by exactly 4 times is more interesting for the quality of the frame. From 60 MP to 15 MP (or from 64 to 16 and further to 4).

    • Rodion

      Of course, you know better - where are Leica's engineers up to your high sofa, from which it is always clear what is truly “more interesting and correct”.

      • Dim

        Are you sure it's from that Lake. Leica, who set the tone, is there anything left in the industry besides a label? As I understand it, all German companies lost the competition to the Japanese and were bought one way or another. Now the Japanese themselves are drowning and now, as I understand it, they are trying to stay in this world due to the tactics that the Germans used in an unsuccessful attempt to survive.

        • B. R. P.

          Are you sure that Leica set the tone in the industry?)

          • Dim

            Well, at least it was one of the iconic companies.

        • Joe

          Poor Japanese, still drowning with their more than 90% share of the global camera market ...

          And what is left of Leica, you can find in the form of cameras and lenses for them, binoculars, spotting scopes, scopes and rangefinders, surveying equipment, microscopes and histological equipment.
          Separately, it is worth mentioning cinema lenses, the results of which can be easily seen

        • Rodion

          And it doesn't matter. There, all the same, people know more than the regulars of the photoru / lensklab. Or do you disagree?)

        • Zheka

          Leica is Panasonic.

        • Zheka

          And who said that they drown? And because of what? Like everyone is switching back to film? The film renaissance that our leaders dreamed of, like Pasha Kosenko, is killing the figure?

          • Dim

            Maybe this picture will tell you something.

          • Sandro

            Pasha Kosenko earns quite well on aesthetic nerds. However, he always does.

            • Dmitry Kostin

              And this despite the fact that in his Wednesday work, it seems to me, students for food.
              So they already burned with chemistry (or lit up) 3 of my films and ruined a bunch more.
              They have for 2 years some kind of obvious degradation happened. You can still buy film there, but it’s already dumb to wear it for development for your money.

    • Sandro

      It is unlikely that the watering can care about the opinion of people who will not buy their cameras anyway

  • Andrey

    shooting 4.5 frames per second - about the same as Canon RP - a disgrace :)

    • B. R. P.

      Thank you, even though the shutter cocking is not a hammer)

      • Sandro

        There was never a trigger on digital tubes.
        It was only on epson rd-1 and according to personal feelings it is a cool camera

        • B. R. P.

          Thanks for the quick and useless tip.

  • Sandro

    Good news - there is a chance that the tenth monochrome on the resale will fall in price

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