My little interview to Oleg about Fujifilm FinePix S5 Pro

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Comments: 50, on the topic: My little interview to Oleg about Fujifilm FinePix S5 Pro

  • Ivan

    Arkady has turned so gray! ..

    • Arkady Shapoval

      after 1000 questions about FR and EGF, you can move your skates :)

      • Ivan

        In that case, let me ask the 1001st question. What is the difference between FR and EGF?

        • Oleg

          Fit to full frame format for reference. Someone receives 100 tugriks, someone 100 yuan, someone 100 shillings ... By indicating the equivalent value in US dollars, everyone understands in comparison how much is 100 shillings and how many shillings are needed to make it like 100 dollars.

          For a photo, such a “dollar” has become a full frame, or rather the focal lengths of lenses for it. If the camera has a smaller matrix, its specific (physical) focal length is indicated for its lens (salary in shillings, rubles, tenge ...) and the equivalent is indicated - the one that will provide the same picture (in terms of angle of view) in the full frame.

          If someone wants a picture, such as a 50 mm lens will give in a full frame (we are talking only by the angle of view - how much space will enter the frame, not bokeh, etc.), but he does not have a full frame, but, for example, Nikon 3100 , he needs to understand the EGF of his lens, since 50 mm on Nikon 3100 will not give the same picture as 50 mm on a full frame.

          • Ivan

            I don’t understand, are you serious? I wrote with irony.

          • Specialist

            Oleg, everything is correct. But vice versa. FR is “dollar”, and EFR is what I have on my photo (in my country) in tugriks. I put a 135mm portrait lens on my micra, fuck you, not a portrait, count it in tugriks and get a telephoto camera with an EGF of 270 tugriks, i.e. mm. In general, if I have one crop, there is nothing to fool around, imagine - but how is it, my universal zoom 10-30mm, on FF.

  • Oleg

    At kenon 80d, the dynamic range is 13,2, I confirm.

    • Arkady Shapoval

      below 13.5, it was about the fact that few canon, even in synthetics, go beyond this value, which was shown by s3 pro in 2004

  • Oleg

    RP-dd is cut in all tests, and 90d has 13,5 at last

    • Arkady Shapoval

      yes, in the video I mainly mentioned only those who have dd above

  • Oleg

    Thank you very much.

  • twm

    Thank you, it was interesting to stay with the video, listen :-) Not boring 40 minutes.

    From time to time I catch myself on a superficial, insufficient sense of color - after the fact: vulgarism, which creeps into processing, - now, it is a shame, and I understand that practice is needed. And criticism: because he himself is not yet able to see his own jambs.

    In general, this conversation between Arkady and Oleg helped to "comb" the sensations: he made notches, in which direction to move, to what to be attentive. Thanks.

    • Trueash

      Could you look at examples of what you consider to be incorrect processing and “vulgarity”? I understand that it sounds a little tactless, but I ask without ulterior motives - I just myself sometimes am not sure of what I am doing. Feelings - sensations, but it can also carry away somewhere in the wrong place

      • Igor

        In addition, not all monitors are calibrated, and of different price segments. How to find the truth?

        • Trueash

          No, I understand that, say, going into blue or green is just a technical flaw. Vulgarism is different

      • in

        This is Vadim's Instagram, whom Arkady apparently included in an interview with the camera in the list of “reviewers of the waste” who do not understand anything about color.

        Enjoy and don't forget to bury your eyes after photographers like this

        • LoliFromFutanari

          Of course, I am a very crooked amateur photographer, but it seemed to me that his Instagram is either very subtle banter or his own style. Photos are atmospheric, but the color is quite specific by traditional standards.
          PS Can you tell me how to avoid processing errors in order to prevent at least such a color? I understand that it will be difficult to achieve this on an office monitor, but still.

          • Victor

            Can't tell. You either see the color or you don't. On a weak office monitor, of course, it will be difficult for anyone.

            • Vlad

              In digital photography, color is a collection of quantities that can be measured. Mathematics, if you will. Of course, there is some innate or acquired sense of aesthetics.
              But there are also basic (mathematical!) Laws of harmonious color combination. And, if applied correctly in practice, you can get “beautiful” and “correct” color from any camera. Or am I wrong?

              • Arkady Shapoval

                Yes, the bottom line is that “color” is a completely solvable task from any camera. It is much more important to be able to solve this problem in general (to know the methods) than to use only one kind of solution tool (for example, a certain camera or something else).

          • Vlad

            LoliFromFutanari, don't listen to Victor. All stories about "subtle innate feeling" are bullshit. You can and should learn to work with color.

            Examine the materiel: what it is, what it consists of and how the color is obtained on the source and the finished photograph. Basic rules for color harmony. Explore Lightroom (or any other converter), learn how to get the colors you want in it.

            As a result: the result depends on your knowledge and skills, the harmony of the construction of the original frame (in terms of composition, light and color), knowledge and processing skills.

            What kind of camera you have, the type of matrix, etc. - in this case it does not really matter. The camera is more about the technical quality of the frame and convenience. Well, either for those who shoot in jpeg and don't bother with color correction.

            Well, yes, a calibrated monitor is also important and needed.

            • Victor

              "What kind of camera you have, the type of matrix, etc. - in this case it does not really matter"

              I have heard these tales more than once, but in reality we have what we have - there are cameras with a pleasant color, but there are - not very much, and all the “training” comes down to a tough, tasteless toning, as a rule.

              • Vlad

                Can you give an example when the “unpleasant” color of the camera did not allow you to achieve the desired result during processing?

                I'm not talking about a narrow dynamic range or strong noise when color information is lost.

              • Victor

                What are we talking about? In theory, any color can be obtained from any camera, in practice, from some cameras a pleasant color comes out in a minute, while with others you have to sit for 10-15 minutes over one frame, at best. Well, again, if we want to get a * nice *, natural color, and not * commercial * (with which the entire Mavedo is crammed to capacity, for example)

              • Vlad

                “With some cameras a nice color comes out in a minute, while with others you have to sit for 10-15 minutes over one frame” - I think this is more connected with the experience of working with a particular camera and its color profile. It happens to me too, but it is even more pronounced with different lenses. For me, for example, it is much easier to get a beautiful color from the Sigma Art fix than from a dark zoom. And when buying a new camera or lens, it is always more difficult to process, it takes time to get used to

              • Vlad

                “Well, again, if we want to get * nice *, natural color, and not * commercial *” And what is a “pleasant” natural color for you, and what is commercial? Even skin color depends on constantly changing ambient light and is always different

              • Victor

                Well, of course, the color of the skin depends on the lighting, and of course it is different (depending on the environment, time of day, and the type of skin of a particular person)

                If you showed that for you a beautiful color, which is easier to get from sigma art (for example), it would be clearer whether we are talking about the same things.

              • Victor

                What is pleasant for me and what is commercial - well, I said, almost every photo on the Mayveda, for example, is a commercial, very typical example - here, for example:

                I didn't particularly look, opened the list of top photographers around the world and clicked on the first one that came across.

              • Victor

                Nice, natural - for example, something like this:

                I think, in general terms, the essence is clear, it would be possible to search, pick up photos similar in lighting and so on, but probably there is no need.

              • Vlad

                I think I figured out what you mean
                The photographs are conceptually very different. First photo: complementary color scheme, pure and beautiful color. At the same time, it looks quite natural, although it is clear that the source was very different
                The second photo (with the girl) has a color, albeit natural, but inharmonious. This photo is more for a family album than for a wide range of people.

                Here is a photographer's profile that is my benchmark for color and composition:
                Here's another one:

                Do they have a natural color?

              • Zheka

                Both of these profiles are bad, no need to learn! A question of a normal color is the price of a camera, and the ability to use something like a lightroom or better capcher one. Photoshop is not needed for a photographer if you are not doing computer graphics. Alas, the price starts from 4 thousand €, this is a sl2-s watering can. Phase one has very good color. € 30000. A cheap figure, whatever one may say, you can only spoil it with excessive processing.

              • Vlad

                Trolling is too fat

              • Victor

                2Vlad: I think we have some misunderstanding :) I'm only talking about the color of a person, not about the frame as a whole.
                In your last examples, it is, uh, somewhat peculiar, for example.
                I understand this is commerce, and this happens there often.
                But I would not want to see those close to my example in such tones, this is NOT a natural color, IMHO.
                Somewhat below, another participant wrote: “Probably the perception of a professional and an amateur is different, the latter are more often thrilled by the memories associated with a particular photo”. So, I personally have no memories associated with this girl, this is a completely stranger to me, and the photo was found on the Internet. But since this is an example, it is pleasant in color.

                Overall, your position is clear, thank you. In this situation and the desire to get such a commercial color “what kind of camera you have, type of matrix, etc.” really does not matter.

              • Vlad

                I agree that we defend different, non-overlapping positions. It is important for you to get a natural skin tone with minimal effort, preferably in the source. For me, there are ample opportunities for processing. Although natural skin tone is also not appropriate everywhere and does not always look natural (pun intended).

                I was deeply moved by your words that it is impossible to learn color, that it is an abstract "sense of color" and the possibilities of a camera. These words spoken to a beginner who asks for advice can permanently discourage him from taking up photography. And it's sad, it's not worth doing

              • Vlad

                And yet the question is: where, in your opinion, did the natural color turn out?

              • Vlad

                Photo is not attached

            • Victor

              Although no, I'm lying. You need an eye for a good color, if a person looks stably and often has a lot of good work, he himself is able to give a digestible result. And if he is guided only by the numbers, the result is quite predictable.

              • Vlad

                This is what I am talking about as learning. Although numbers are important too

                Mathematics, geometry and physics in photography are no less than a creative component. And that's why I love photography

          • Trueash

            The “right” color is one that correctly conveys the creative idea of ​​the photo. Well, or a whole movie. That is, the problem is not how to achieve the “right” color, but how to achieve the right one for your task.

  • Alexander

    Uncle Arkady said everything a long time ago. :)
    "The right color and good color are different things ... often, the perception of color in a photograph is subjective ... It takes years to distinguish between small things in a photograph and be able to manage details ..."
    Probably, the perception of a professional and an amateur is different, the latter are more often thrilled by the memories associated with a particular photo.
    But if you make them for yourself, maybe you shouldn't brag about them? :)

    • Victor

      Everything is a little different :-)

      The pros often have a very indirect attitude towards the correct / pleasant color, usually a bunch of fashionable tinting is piled up, I gave examples above. For lovers (not everyone, of course) it is important that his family and friends look like people, and not like zombies))

      • Alexander

        I agree about amateurs, often for this you just need to “not interfere with the device to work” :) Put the “machine” and that's it.
        But sometimes such a shot can inspire something there only for loved ones ...

    • Dim

      Pro - works in the market, amateur - trying to capture something important for himself. Both types can be corrosive, or they can relate to art carelessly. All people are different. For me, at the initial stage, a pro, talent and taste only interfere, he needs to be like a gypsy or something - to be able to read a person from a person's face to make a profit. And an amateur just needs to love and have a little luck here and there.

      • Victor

        We only speak for the color, don't we?)

        It is clear that even an outstanding professional of great color, but an introvert by nature, will never become a successful bombila. As well as giving out unsuccessful angles or catching inappropriate moments.

  • Vlad

    All the same, advertising is power! We had this S5 Pro on Avito for 8 thousand Russian rubles, and there was no sign of anyone who wanted to hang, but here I see he is already worth 20 thousand rubles! Wonderful transformation, discount!

    • Arkady Shapoval

      nothing, soon Oleg will release his review and the price will go down

      • Oleg

        He is loyal to Fuji if Sony

        • Arkady Shapoval

          It's not really FUJI. Fujiki is now a bzk or medium format. And this is an old mirrored man, and even on a Nikon mount. And therefore, I am sure that Oleg, in his usual manner, against the background of the hype, will simply mock the old woman for 50 minutes.

          • Aleksey68

            mechanically this is nikon. what protoroy, what soak. but the fact that one is based on the F80, and the other is based on the D200, do not play the piano))

  • SashOK

    Thanks for the interesting interview. I learned a lot about this camera. I want her for a long time. But ... vile hucksters at online flea markets inflated its prices to the point of indecency.

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