Instead of XIAOMI, you can substitute any other brand that produces smartphones, the essence of this will not change much. Of course, this is a comic picture, but the grain of truth in it, in my opinion, is huge.
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Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.
Well, I don't know ... In the summer of 2020, for the first time, I did not take my DSLR on vacation, wanting to free up four desperately needed liters in my luggage. As a result, I brought a hundred and fifty shots, instead of the traditional 1000-1500, and came to the conclusion that my three-eyed, non-pixel, AI-powered Xioami mobile phone fails in many situations where Nikon is quietly working out the plot. And shooting on a mobile is damn inconvenient. Next time, if a similar situation arises with free space in the luggage, I'd rather take a twelve-year-old Canon soap dish, there will be more sense)
At one time, canon released 4000d - a bottom-to-bottom camera, but it is being sold. And the whole secret is that it is aimed at those who need a camera as a bun for a smartphone. Otklatsal, spread over wi-fi and that's it. No unnecessary troubles.
No wonder. Recently, I myself have been taking pictures on my phone more and more often, and with the advent of the child, I began to shoot short videos for home viewing for grandparents. And for the soul - I take out a DSLR. :) Before there were film soap dishes, then they were replaced by digital ones. Now the phone gives a snapshot of a satisfactory quality. And "for memory" is not necessary anymore. Therefore, I do not see anything wrong. It's just that soap boxes have become a class. Moreover, the phone has built-in neyornki, which improve the picture from a tiny sensor. A similar fate with portable audio players. Everything is now in one device, always at hand. Professional equipment will remain professional. Mirrors may give way to mirrorless cameras in terms of mass, but they will still remain. People in our country are still led to large devices that solidly clang their mirrors;)
What are "neornki"?
most likely "neurons" (neural networks)
I completely agree. I will add that relatively inexpensive mirrorless cameras will still be made for amateur photographers, because no smartphone will give the same capabilities as a camera.
what to do for weddings, studio people, beachgoers, etc., if clients will not be led by large devices, solidly clanging their mirrors. in principle, it will be possible to wave the latest versions of smartphones and change them every six months. wear a poster for advertising: prof. photographer – I shoot with Honor pro 80 + /// professional equipment will definitely remain professional and gradually antique like D2x, 1D, etc., but there will be super pro smartphones with tele-knobs pro. /// not everyone will have to go to the house manager !! !
yes smartphones are running out. But, normal smarts that are more or less removed and can work with pulsed light already stand as a camera, but the camera will still have a higher quality of images.
So the pro's cameras will not disappear.
As for Sigma, I would remove her from the list altogether. Because it is a family business and it has great prospects ... I will say more, I believe that Kenon and Nikon, along with Sonya ... Well, the rest of the players ... But sigma ... will just start producing optics for smartphones .... and our own cameras.
2 years ago I took a Mirror with me on a hike and 24-70 + batteries of a flash drive in the end all 70 km cursed everything in the world from being overweight! I went to the last trip with 11 Apples and was completely satisfied! Regular camera portrait camera and wide angle camera for 4k video time lapses! In general, everything is in one small box! Considering that the network is turned off, one power bank for 20k was enough!
Xiaomi is so top for its money)
Yeah. Especially Mi10 and Mi11, which are more expensive than iPhones in retail.
How to say.
The price tag of mi10 is equivalent to iphone 11, while the brainchild of Chinese developers makes a stub in most indicators, including usability (except that they are comparable in processor performance), and it's even funny to compare cameras.
After the coronavirus suffered in December, I am allergic to everything Chinese. I can't see. If there is an alternative, I will buy non-Chinese. Don't give a damn to support these komunyak.
And yes, the statistics tell a different story.
Regarding statistics, I posted a link below.
"Apple lost to Xiaomi and dropped out of the top three smartphone manufacturers"
And this is natural. The people support the "commies" with a ruble, despite the coronavirus suffered by many :-)
Xiaomi sales make other models, such as the cheap Redmi, in short, everything that costs up to $ 500.
Apple sits in a different segment. At least in the Russian Federation.
This does not negate the fact that xiaomi in the same budget is better than epla, objectively. And the Russian market is doing so-so sales, in comparison with more developed countries.
And then the gap will only widen.
It will not work to leave on only past merits, the competition is too great now.
the apple sits in the vanity segment ... oops! and the Koreans are not commies and not God's chosen ones. We contain samyang and samsung \ pity the cameras are covered - excellent copies of pentax and optics from schneider-kreuznach / alas, managers have been cutting people into their ears for years what? Sony barely made it into the top five and is still hammering with the speed of autofocus, there is nothing more. But there was the authority of Hassel and Leica, who made copies of Sony, those were deals, matrices were bought. But advertising is remaking the world like this ..
the smartphone is certainly good and efficient, but the quality cannot be compared with a camera. My wife and I went to Altai in the summer, the old D700 worked perfectly.
It depends on what kind of camera.
The quality of inexpensive soap dishes with 1 / 2.7-1 / 2.3 sensors has already been stepped over by smartphones for a long time, and it was with such soap dishes that most went on vacation, when the film had already started to fade, and digital mirrors were still the lot of the elite.
Gentlemen, this is not about smartphones, but about the fact that Chinese concerns, in general, are about to undermine eminent brands, the technology of which is already mostly made in China.
I have been hearing this since 2004.
When they began to import Chinese garbage dumps on 4 wheels, which rust faster than Zhiguli, stink of chemistry worse than Zhiguli, and I will not say anything about spare parts and service - the common misfortune of Chinese equipment from cars and trucks to equipment such as machine tools. Yes, it's cheap. No spare parts, no service, no repairmen, made of shit and sticks for the first time.
All these cool stories end with one thing - when a person is offered a choice between an iPhone and xiaomi for the same amount, he will buy an iPhone. This is even more exacerbated in critical manufacturing equipment where stopping an automatic line is fraught with losses. Or about personal - Toyota and Cherie, admittedly, costs the same money. A thinking person won't take Chinese bullshit. Do many Chinese cars work in taxis? Everything rotted or fell apart. Koreans or Japanese travel in a taxi in Moscow (yesterday she drove me home in a Camry).
In the end, to whom you will entrust your life and your children, no matter how sweetly it sang, it was sold in a car dealership. Exactly. Think about it.
It's strange to hear this from a person who chooses photographic equipment not by advertising in the catalog))
Iphon is, first of all, a BRAND. Therefore, they take him. Stylish. Fashionable. Youth.
The Chinese have recently (several years) improved the build quality VERY cool.
And the people seem to be starting to throw the tinsel out of their eyes.
I have no photographic equipment made in China.
Absolutely. And I hope it never will.
Here you come with your wife / girlfriend or daughter for the phone and what will she choose? That's all.
When a product has different prestige and status (no matter how ridiculous it may sound), but people take the same price, then what is more prestigious for self-affirmation. When I worked in the auto business, I saw enough of this.
He also worked in the sales of equipment and construction equipment, and if a thing works in a responsible area, China will never be taken. If you try to sell Chinese construction equipment in Yakutia, they will laugh.
What has this to do with Chinese-made photographic equipment, which was not at all discussed? I mean pragmatism, or am I wrong?
>> but people take the same price, what is more prestigious for self-affirmation
Well, it depends on what kind of people. Those with a head on their shoulders and with limited funds in their pockets take what is best objectively. Now we do not take into account a small stratum of the population, where it is the image of a thing that affects sales, they have a very weak effect on sales
Those who have sawdust in the very place where there should be a gray matter - they run after oiphones for 140k on credit, because, as I wrote above, it is “stylish, fashionable, youthful”. You will of course object that millions of flies cannot be wrong)))
Incomes in the Russian Federation and in developed countries seem to differ.
In many countries, there are operator sales in installments for several years with the possibility of exchanging for a new model, and the old one is given for restoration, and then to third world countries that are trying to get up from their knees, but someone is constantly bothering them.
That's right, when they come to buy a cool phone or a cool car with pockets full of stolen money, then of course, prestige is the most important thing! And the fact that this thief came, so there are rose-colored glasses, and already put on a "respected person" in front of you.
Why stolen at once?
Expensive, not because it is expensive in real life, but because there has been no growth in the population's income since 2014 and the national currency is being reset to zero on a regular basis (soon it will be more profitable to go to the toilet with it instead of toilet paper). Compare exchange rates in 2007-2008, 2013 and now in 2021.
And now, in.. 2023? )))))))
>> when a person is offered a choice between an iPhone and xiaomi for the same amount, he will buy an iPhone ... which is made in Shanghai. It turns out that it's only a matter of prestige.
The iPhone is easier to resell - it is more liquid. It's not just about prestige.
Well, if you take equipment for the sake of resale, then yes, it's easier to sell an iPhone (maybe)
If you use it - it's a remnant limited in everything for a rather big price, there are models that are much better for the same price.
It was in the days of 3Gs and 4-4s that the iPhone was something outstanding that competitors could not offer, which earned fame. Now these are unremarkable remnants of a bitten apple, that's all.
People often do this - they change it every 2 years when battery problems begin. Xiaomi loses a lot at the flea market, it is more profitable to sell an iPhone.
It's like with cars that are bought for 3-5 years and changed regularly.
In fact, the iPhone is losing a lot.
And xiaomi loses just like any other device (except for the iPhone, which loses a lot)
Of course easier! I bought it for 100 pieces, a week later I barely sold it for 10. Very easy !!!
Well, one bought an apple for 100k, sold it for 60k, another Chinese for 15k, sold it for 7k (for some measly 7). But for whom are losses important..!!! Wow))
The point, as it turns out in the inscription, but the fact that these two penny smartphones sold at exorbitant prices to outright idiots left one conveyor, at the end of which there are two stamps for stamping the inscription on the body, is nonsense. We don't see this!
Are you also one of those who like to calculate the cost of the parts from which the smartphone is made, and claim that it is for this amount that the manufacturer should sell it to you?))
He still runs around with a rotary telephone, which he connected back in the USSR. You cannot understand this.
Of course, isn't it? And with medicines the same, and with vaccines - and do not care how many years and money you spent in nowhere.
You seem to be unable to sarcasm, Maxim ...
It's one thing to "look", and another thing to see a car on a lift in service after 1-2 years of year-round operation.
Go and buy a bucket of bolts for your own money. I don’t need to advertise this stuff. Thanks, I saw enough of the insides of Lifanov, Cherie, Greatwalls, Ksinkaev and Geely.
For all those who are mentally ill for communal China, I sincerely advise for a long time to buy a Zopo smartphone (there were such, maybe they still are), and a Haval or Lifan car. Be a walking joke.
If you put on a cap right away, they will not laugh.
And so yes, the material of the Yakut sculptor is used in full by the Chinese car industry.
I do not see any connection between xiaomi (with epl to the heap) and the auto industry.
To be on the safe side, let me explain: China in mobile phones is no longer "NOKLA" at the beginning of the 21st century. And the iPhone can already envy a lot, including (dada) and the build quality.
The link is direct - the level of engineering training and the level of scheduling.
From 2013 to this year I had a Japanese Sharp smartphone brought from Japan.
Japanese assembly.
Until recently, no problems. No brakes, no glitches. But for 8 (eight) years, the battery has worn out, of course, and Android 4.1 cannot be put on anything. Model SH-02E for the Japanese market, operator NTT DoCoMo.
This Sharp for the Japanese market survived Alcatel (there was a battery change, i.e. 2 in the end), and another Chinese Meizu MX4 (2 battery replacements).
So dada, the country of production of course doesn't decide anything, yeah. Decides the level of responsibility, qualifications of engineers and their desire to "fall in love" with the hamster so that the hamster buys a new smartphone every year.
And you just need to do things with high quality.
Yeah, Sharp is definitely "problem-free", this is especially clearly visible on the profile branch 4pd)) And I will never believe that the battery has not degraded for 7 years of active use. It doesn't matter where produced.
You can cite a huge number of jambs of brands, including Japanese ones, and on goods that are made in Japan.
On the other hand, there are examples of purely Chinese products that work perfectly and are conscientiously assembled.
In any case, China is the third economy in the world after the United States and the European Union, and it has definitely taken its place under the sun, whether we like it or not. They have definitely taken their place in the phone market: I have a cheap huavei for three years and have no complaints about it. Apple is considered a piece of overpriced plastic made in China. The same Viltrox went well into fuji territory, so take a closer look Pokemon
> "This is especially clearly seen on the profile branch 4pd))"
Straight on this model?
And I didn't even go there. Surprise.
> "And I will never believe that the battery has not degraded after 7 years of active use."
Read with your eyes - I wrote above:
“But for 8 (eight) years the battery has worn out”
> "Sharp is definitely" no problem ""
Hassle-free. I didn't play games, the rest worked well.
You did not go there, but people had problems. Here are miracles, huh?)
Secretly: EVERYONE has problems. It's just that not everyone faces them.
Regarding Sharpe and 8 years of battery operation: during this time the battery should not have been “worn out”, but turned into almost a corpse, and wear and tear would come much earlier. And in the pace of development of modern technologies, the eight-year-old flagship no longer draws any competition, yielding in performance even to the initial state employees. This is not a camera that continues to produce the same picture after 10 years.
Well, we will not talk about iPhones in terms of battery, right?
I think it is normal for the middle class today to take a mid-priced ($ 200-300) smartphone, use it actively for two or three years and get rid of it. In this mode, there are no problems either with reliability (no matter how good the smartphone is, inevitable: dust, high humidity, shock loads, etc., have not been canceled), or with the battery, or with performance.
”But people had problems. Here are miracles, right?) "
Yes. If there was a problem, I would drop by. Maybe. But there were no problems.
The connection is good, the GPS is accurate, the interlocutor is well heard, there is no heating.
“Regarding Sharpe and 8 years of battery operation: during this time, the battery should not have been“ worn out ”, but turned into almost a corpse, and wear and tear would come much earlier. "
After 8 years of service, the battery lasted about 9-10 hours, depending on the load. Earlier, in the first years - up to 3 days, depending on the load.
The Internet also worked well, even though there were no updates for anything.
And this has already become a problem - shopping mall Sberbank online stopped working, it demanded updates and refused to start.
If hearing is bad, should some other feeling develop? In this case, vision?
My daughter flew with her husband to Sochi, Abkhazia and then to Moscow with her brand new bitten apple “11 pro” ... And what else do the girls need? I spent as much as 140 hayworms on it and I'm glad like an elephant! Personally, this summer I am going to fly to a meeting with classmates in Crimea with good old D3s and two normal glasses from Tamron - 30 / 1,4 and 27-70 / 2.8 ... Although I have a decent smartphone, it is inconvenient to work with it and how It's shameful, I often use the “chocolate bar” as a video call in Wattsap and as a report on my transactions, and as a video eye behind a parking lot through some application. But in my traveling bag there is always a D3200 with 35 / 1,8 - what else is needed to meet old age with dignity)))).
I decided to make this note due to the fact that XIAOMI is looking for a brand for its cameras in telpheons. Reviewed by Nikon, Canon and Hasselblad. There will be something like Nokia / Zeiss and Huawei / Leica
Do they just need letters or glass to boot?
I do not know this, but I assume that a well-known brand is needed
What kind of glass can there be? Bukovki.
Hassel collaborated with Lenovo / Motorola. They even released a replaceable camera module with an orange button.
I will not say about xiaomi - it was not and will not be, because for the sake of the electronic shutter I fit into their camera yim1 with two staffs - I got scared and quickly sold it. then I read -xiaomi disowned the device - dumped everything on some company YI already an advanced amateur .I am an advanced amateur in my old age, and now I am also a conscious and now a conscious photojacker \ as our quasi-professionals like to say \ yes -photojumpset-I buy and test and sell what I don’t like. there is no opportunity to buy, I negotiate with my friends, but I gain experience and am responsible for the bazaar / indecent term, but male // ... respect. Arkady. as a pensioner I have time to read your reviews, I am satisfied and thank you. but in terms of reviews and answers to questions, it's a big mess, a competition of pride. Here I read the paid ones. reviews on paid reviews-1.pluses .2.-cons a result, you yourself involuntarily climb into a mess of pride. Let me urge you once again not to be a liberal-put a strict order-regulations on opinions-only technical Eskoy orientation. I myself got into unnecessary polemics today - I got infected. Old people have a positive attitude to your site. They send young people to you. But what I have expressed to you is supported.
2Sergos: you may not quite agree with me, but I had to tell you this:
Spinning wheel, seven, mandarin, Sakha Republic.
Why go far there: I have already seen a lot of ads for “photographers” who shoot weddings and other events on an iPhone and charge very immodest fees for this. And the funny thing is that there are a lot of clients. And we all bathe with matrices, lenses, focusing systems)
Horror! I would not let this clown with this bitten crap on the threshold!
That's right, iPhone won:
Progress cannot be stopped. They will find a way to improve the quality of optics and then large heavy cameras will die out. In the end, the size of the bird's eye is not striking, but the birds see well.
Physics is not about ... beckoning. It's just that computational photography will 'wiser' even more.
I imagine something like this: the image is of mediocre quality, with a lot of compression. Attached to the photo is a very detailed exif, such as' in the frame a shooting gallery of a man, shot to the waist, Vasya Petrov (id856632) on the left, Kolya Ivanov (id246355) in the center, Yana Sidorova (id44226) on the right. Olezhda on them so and so ... The sun is at its zenith, the coordinates of the shooting location, the exact time and date. To view the image, the end device takes photos of these same Vasya, Kolya and Yana from social networks (they are already there in 3D, of course), takes out archived images of the area, calculates lighting, and renders a 3D image of almost any resolution, from any angle, with any FR and The depth of field, most likely, is not even a static picture, but a several-second video like a 'live photo' - about what engines of modern games are doing now. The original photo is only needed to determine the relative position of objects in the frame, the position of the arms, legs, head rotation. At the same time, you do not need to store a very large amount of data for each photo, a 3-5 megapixel image is enough, or maybe less.
I imagine this vision of the future of computing photography.
You have described now about such a future that we most likely will not see :-)
In 20-30 years, and if the development is completely sad, then 50, IMHO :)
Marketers should worry about this - what to sell in the future. Photographers need to use what they feel comfortable with. A smartphone is convenient, it solves all problems - well, excellent, not convenient, does not solve - another solution. That's all.
Good day! Smartphones are striking with in-camera post-processing and smart modes. I wonder when hybrid DSLR & android devices will appear?)
The mirrors go off. DSLR / smartphone will not appear in principle.
And I admit everything. And DSLRs and mirrorless cameras and film and smartphones and soap dishes. I have everything and use everything depending on the situation. Each device has its own niche. I'm not a pro, I shoot for myself / my family.