Black Friday



Black Friday (world sales day):

  • AliExpress - a huge playground with all sorts of things, there are many photo accessories and lenses (yongnuo, 7Artisans etc.)
  • Power socket - a popular store, there is a catalog of photographic equipment
  • E-Catalog - a huge catalog of photographic equipment

Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.

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Comments: 26, on topic: Black Friday

  • Alexander

    SCAM !!!

    • Victor

      I AGREE !!!

    • Not + bot

      Brad, you want the equipment to be sold to you in one day at cost price, it does not happen to make a 10 percent discount for a week - use in the world of photography equipment there are no 50 percent markdowns.

      • Novel

        Yeah, I'm here at the OLH looking at Canon 50 / 1.2L for 12 thousand UAH (less than $ 500). I understand that a divorce, let me, I think I'll follow. Everything, no author, no announcement.

  • Neo

    Well, this is our post-Soviet opinion, mentality. In the west, this is a real sale and discount. We can only profit from this. I recently took metal bars with spraying on Ali, much cheaper than on our market

    • Victor

      Yes, there are, of course, discounts for norms and we have, but less often. Like Ali, many first screw up the price, and then make a “sort of” discount))

      You just need to navigate the prices a little and be able to distinguish real from imaginary skidos.

    • Rodion

      "We, Russians, do not deceive each other" (c) film "Brother-2"

      • Novel

        Yeah. “This is how they have been shouting all their lives, all their lives:" Beat the Jews, save Russia! " All were killed, but Russia was not saved. " (c) movie “Promised Heaven”.

        • Alexander

          Yes, here, besides the Jews, there are enough scammers. And, bitches, all the time new scams are inventing. Well, I somehow didn’t get into it, they’re brains, but it’s a shame for people how many pensioners and people in general are deceived. And they deceive even those who are already very elderly, who lived in the USSR, who believed in the state, which really was for the people!

          • Andy

            Or maybe they also have enough brains not to be on discounts?

          • Pokemon

            Yes, here the state itself has adopted the customs of crime and is trying to fall in love with or shoe anyone it can. And so for the last 30 years.
            Only he does not abandon his “friends”, yes. "Own" ride Maybachs, and money, houses and children in the "decaying West" (C), about which they constantly rub the game from the zombie box.

            • Andy

              Oh, this is a bad state.

            • Pokemon

              And in what place is it good compared to the countries of the former socialist bloc such as the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary?

        • Andy

          Terry scoop could not see this film - religion does not allow.

    • Andy

      Yes, there are enough of them for Russia.

  • Pokemon

    Do you want to laugh what is Canon Russia Black Friday?

    • Pokemon

      As if I went into a lohomarket like Eldorado.
      The price for the 4th penny is more expensive than elsewhere, but a backpack and a flash drive are free!

      • Victor

        Yes, so at all.

        Take Nikon. Bh photo black friday deals on z6 kit is $ 2196 (plus a free kit with a bag, filter and sony xqd card, which alone costs 10k in Russia), this is the equivalent of about
        167 000.

        The official in the Russian Federation has the same set (but of course, without a bag, filter and card) with a mega-discount of as much as 3 (three!) Percent for 194.

        So much for Black Friday :)

        • Kievan

          Do not forget that the Pindos on Amazons and other bh photo prices are always indicated without VAT (sales tax), but we have with him.
          Although the equipment on sale is really cheaper than in Europe or the CIS.

          • Victor

            Yes, but it still comes out much cheaper (for Americans, if ordered with shipment to the Russian Federation, it comes out the same)

  • Pineapple

    Not always a scam. Sigma has a real 15% discount for several days. I monitor their prices, so I see. I think, and not only Sigma.

  • Rodion

    On Ebay they give coupons (to everyone or not - I don't know) for a discount of up to 20%, maximum $ 25. Very good, given the fact that there are real discounts there too + many sellers accept bargaining.

  • Novel

    But I won a camera in a bank action, in which I deliberately did not take part :) I just paid with a card online. Fujifilm Instax Mini - 9th or 11th, we'll see. Modern reincarnation of Polaroid, small 9x5 cm frames.

    The funny thing is, I recently came across a project on Kickstarter where I make a camera for printing on the same photo paper, but with support for Canon EF lenses, and not a standard soap lens. Now this is already interesting, I even thought about taking it.

  • Ivan Shikhalev

    This year, for some reason, I did not observe the classic picture on Ali on 11.11 - we will raise the price and draw a big discount (I look at the price history for AliTools), but on Black Friday - all the time. This, of course, is not a representative sample - only those products that I am interested in, but this is what is, that is ...

  • vvs

    I heard a ringing that in England the discount is calculated from the minimum price for the year.
    And here, the night before the action, the price tags are raised exactly so that the discount is no less than it was.
    And how mvideo calculates prices, this is generally a trash

    • Not + bot

      Popularized myth

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