In the vastness of the network there is a wonderful site, which I have been reading since the distant 2009 and which I highly recommend to all lovers of manual optics. Its author, Sergei Elizarov, has found the perfect set of lenses for all occasions. Many amateur photographers, and sometimes photographers, are still struggling with the choice and cannot find the required set of lenses. Recently, one phrase from Sergey, quoted below, has come to my mind more and more often.

I just needed a poster picture for this post. I took here Biotar 1.5 / 75
From the correspondence with Sergey:
“… Then, going through the lenses, I just learned to photograph. Now I got rid of many. It is enough to have Nikkor 20/4, Biotar 75 / 1.5 and Spiratone 300 / 5.6... The rest can be dispensed with (however, they are easier to leave than to sell - they are cheap). Therefore, it suits me perfectly Nikon D50, and for everyday life compact Konica-Minolta Xg... … Photography is not WHAT, but WHAT. "
I hope this short and very succinct quote will help some seekers find their way in the world of photography.
Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.
The site is really very nice and interesting. A lot of unique cognitive material. Of the minuses - many pages and photos are no longer available, and the site lies deep at the bottom of the search results.
something does not open for me (even through the torus). writes “We have restricted access to the site to users with IP addresses belonging to the Russian Federation in order not to violate the requirements of the Federal Law“ On State Regulation of Activities for the Organization and Conduct of Gambling ”
it's clear why .. sorry
Apparently his website was broken
At the moment, it works through vpn, with links to the main problem with the encoding, but this is how everything opens, articles can be read, photos can be viewed.
A link to the site, if not difficult.
What is in Arkady's article - "... is blocked for users with an IP-address of the Russian Federation."
Thank you in advance.
This is how it works, in general, apparently his site was broken
Let him show a master class on shooting photographs of a car race, a children's holiday, a cat hunt for a mouse in the late evening at the dacha with these "three pieces and d50 for all occasions"
And you can shoot "for yourself, souls and portraits of friends" and d40 with a single 35 / 1,8g
It is possible to use the sixth iPhone all the way.
But do not call it another dull “it’s not the camera shooting…. lyalala "
And this is not a dull idea, but an idea that sooner or later many come to. The only question is in time and striving. Previously, they filmed “a master class on shooting photographs of a car race, a children's holiday, a cat hunt for a mouse late in the evening at the dacha with these“ three pieces and d50 for all occasions ”.
Actually, part of the idea to publish this post is due to the fact that I very often shoot for myself at d40 (a descendant of d50, which Elizarov shoots for), sometimes even part of some orders for d40 for the sake of fun. More recently (2020!) I shot a small children's event on d700 + Nikon 24 / 1,4zh and d40 + Sigma 50 / 1,4 (birthday, children, animators, photo zone for adults and children). As a result, the client chose about 90 photos (this is a lot!) For a photo book and about 80% of them were pictures from d40. The photobook turned out to be 32 spreads (64 pages, view, photo on your phone) and this is the most voluminous photo book this year. This is if we talk about the old woman d40.
A little earlier, at the end of the summer, I had a similar situation, but with a manual Zeiss Milvus 35/2 lens. I also filmed a children's event (baptism + celebration, a banquet, children, animators, all things), d700 + Nikon 20 / 1,8zh and Sony a3500 + Zeiss Distagon 35/2 (manual). It turns out a pair of EGF 20 + 50 mm, which is very convenient. As a result, the vast majority of photographs for photobooks and retouching were chosen by the client from the manual Zeiss and a3500. The book turned out to be 24 spreads (48 pages, view, photo on the phone). Let me remind you that it is very difficult to shoot children, especially with manuals.
Therefore, do not judge so harshly.
Most do not bother with the question of composition, do not work with rhythms, do not see the light. Angles, emotions of the model - whatever it is. They generally run away from the stage light as from fire. But they count the hairs on the back of the cat, the pixels of aberrations and look for the DIVINE COLOR.
Yes, I've never printed more than 30 spreads in my life, I don't have enough patience. But I remember that with 8 MP Canon 20d there were never any problems with printing, easily A4 and even A3.
Of course, Milvus will do better than Nikkora
I can assume that
firstly, the focal factor played (larger portraits for parents are always probably more interesting than general plans, and if there were 85 1.4 on the 16, and some 2/XNUMX on the XNUMX, the alignment could be the opposite),
and secondly, but this is to a lesser extent, from personal experience, if you do not make some efforts to colorize, photos from d40 (d70, d80, etc.) look more “alive” than from seven hundred.
How about d40 + sigmaart auto racing? Formula for example, or indicar. So that it turns out no worse than “those dudes with full-frame reportage and telephoto zooms who don’t know that it’s not the camera but the photographer who is shooting”?
How about the pictures taken by the Hubble Telescope? Well, or at least TV cameras with their infinite zoom, from a pimple on the nose of a football player to a wide shot of the stadium? You can always find fault with the words and find a better example. Here people have 20 lenses for shooting cats, and they didn’t just shoot these races - they went beyond Ust-Zazhopinsk only to serve in the army under Brezhnev.
So what? Does it somehow change the essence?
You know, I used to think that it was very difficult, but it turns out that there is nothing special about it, this is a standard, standard photo problem with moving objects. And if we are talking about focus tenacity, etc., then with a pretty lens, the d40 has no special problems. Of course, on a large sample of photos, it will be inferior to TOP cameras, but no more. I remember a few notes from racing pros who worked with the first Nikon D1, and the main problem they had was completely different - memory cards, which held few pictures and they had to shoot almost like on film.
“How about d40 + sigmaart auto racing? For example, a formula, or an indicar ... "
Personally, my opinion of a person who is not keen on shooting races: In Formula and Indikar, cars drive in circles, they drive for a very long time. In the formula, they also slow down on corners and chicanes, call in at pitstops. You just need to choose the right place and be lucky for the coming. What will the top camera give you in comparison with the D40? Huge ISO, shutter speed, better autofocus. Those. you can freeze the movement of the car, so what? Get a car standing on the track :) To get dynamics and plot you need skills, taste and luck - a taste for adventures.
You speak as if a mouse in a dark dacha or dull rhymes in a kindergarten is a high art. Considering WHAT removes the majority of people the question of WHAT should not be at all. And he, for some reason, is in the lead.
And let's build a plant to burn all those who, according to some opinion, are not good enough to shoot?
And a cat at dusk is a technical problem, no more
Better is a plant for incineration of those who unreasonably believe that they are shooting awesome. If a person has been doing something for a long enough time, then somehow you expect some minimal results that can be assessed objectively, discarding all taste. I dabble in opera and, having a potentially good voice, but at the same time completely undeveloped, I can still make judgments about the quality of someone else's performance, at least considering the amount of material I listened to. Painting, literature, music - everywhere there is erudition, observation, listening, which are objective. Shooting for the sake of shooting, for the sake of the picture, for the sake of color has a place to be as a specific genre, but the person engaged in it must understand the absolute niche of this direction.
Previously, all this was filmed on film and on FED-3, and I have a lot of such photos and everything was fine. And now, if D5 is not in the hands, then that's it, nothing can be removed! Now there are no real amateurs or real professionals. there are only Nutcrackers! It's just like in a movie about cops - if there is no camera at the crime scene, then everything is a dead end, no one knows how to open it! But what about before, when there were no cameras? All this happens because a specialist creates such an opinion among people that they would all the time think that without a new camera you can’t shoot anything, and all the time they were buying and buying a new one! Barge politics in action!
Well, yes, photography is “what”, which nevertheless often depends on “what”. You win in one thing - you lose in another.
Hands, feet and most importantly - the head. Unless you are a very narrow specialist working in your very narrow genre, but then you will buy some one tool that will solve this one of your problems - but there are only a few of them. And even there ... There are a number of fashion and landscape photographers who are quite costing themselves in general with only 24-105. And give them an even cheaper 28-135, they'll shoot pretty much the same. But on the contrary, it will not work out in any way, the presence of expensive equipment in hand will not lead to the coveted result, if a person does not understand what he received and why all this.
It's not about expensive technology, but about technology with a different functionality. Let's say I have some kind of gimbal for landscapes - I'm not going to shoot a street with it, or a party in a nightclub?
Well, by and large, it all comes down to a set of fixes with convenient FR. Maybe not even specifically these models, but for the same Canon I would have quite cost 20 / 2.8 (it would be better if its even more compact version 20/4), 200 / 2.8 with a 2.0 teleconverter and something in the middle less than a hundred. For example 85 / 1.4L IS. Or, to use the same filter size - 85 / 1.2L. And further options are possible.
Or zooms. Of course, even though Elizarov writes about specific models, the point is that just a few inexpensive (or not very expensive) lenses with a head are enough for himself, creativity, etc. And it doesn't have to be some super-cool modern solutions. Of course, it's good when there is something new and pleasant, but often it can be redundant.
Therefore, 10-18, 55-250 and 35 / 2.8 are enough for me to shoot while traveling. Actually, sometimes only the presence of a full frame and other lenses makes you use something else. A travel set for a full frame - 20 / 2.8, 50 / 1.8, 135 / 2.8. You can shoot almost anything.
Having tried about 4 dozen manual lenses with focal lengths from 17 to 300 mm, I came to the conclusion that the optimal set for me when working on a full frame was the sum of lenses with focal lengths 20 (or 24), 35, 50, 80 (or 85), 100,135 and 200 mm.
Having switched to the medium format, I had to significantly adjust the optics fleet for two reasons:
1) vignetting some full-frame lenses on a medium format body (Fujifilm GFX 50R) and
2) drop in resolution at the edges of the frame for the same lenses on the same carcass.
As a result, about 10 full-frame lenses remained, confidently working in medium format and covering the range from 40 to 200 mm (I will give a specific list to interested comrades), and also several medium format lenses of the Pentacon Six and Pentax 67 systems appeared.
And you say - three glasses for all occasions! .. 😂
Explain why you need so many lenses with such close focal lengths? I'm not even talking about the fact that all this glass container for a full frame can be replaced with only two zooms, or even one.
Well, why, so, for example, today the cat sits vooooon on that fence, we will undoubtedly need 200mm, a little later it will go down and sit on a bench, there you can already use 135, and if it deigns to walk along the grass side by side, there is no way without 35mm.
And there can be a lot of such cases.
And if you need to shoot a black cat in the basement, and it's dark?
I have not come across such a thing frankly, but, it seems, for this purpose you can use the capabilities of the gfx50, and where it cannot cope - illuminate with an LED flashlight from a keychain.
a flashbang to the basement!
You can't do this with cats!
And Sharikov would argue with you.
For example, a few photos (Fujifilm GFX 50R carcass) without cropping (matrix size 44x33 mm).
Minolta Rokkor 45/2:
Vivitar Macro 1: 1 55 / 2,8
Minolta Rokkor 58 / 1,4
MC Helios-44-3 58/2
The Soviet Helios-44-3 proved to be the most versatile lens: at an open aperture in the near-field, it perfectly twists the background, and in the distant, when apertured, it shows good edge sharpness
Helios already started playing with new colors.
“For example” - for an example of what and why do you need ten lenses for this?
And especially the medium format? For what?
In order to show that leaves and seals can be filmed not only with a crop camera for 3.000r (d40), but also with a medium format for 300.000r, so that no one would question this possibility;)
My father has hundreds of photos of cats at 55-250 on the EOS 1100D. The same ragged bokeh, a little more contrast and the same depth of field due to a larger focal length at a weak aperture. Just still a stub.
There is little light in the berries and even the vaunted bold pixel and medium format starts to make noise. I understand that I also have time to click something only after work. But somehow such pictures do not cause a feeling of pride. As well as semi-sharp strawberries.
The edge sharpness of the Ust-Zazhopinskaya gland is not impressive.
And then these people again start talking about "dull phrases about no matter what to shoot." And "but without processing."
Well, envy is felt and that's it. Go and buy the same.
What for? I shoot the same thing on crop.
I can find a better use for my monthly salary.
"For an example of what, and why do you need ten lenses for this?"
For an example that full-frame optics (not all) can work well on medium format.
It is wonderful. And crop optics (not all) can work on a full frame. And medium format and even full format optics (all) can work on crop.
Strange examples. Exactly as examples of medium format and heaps of fixes - exactly the same frames can be obtained on a crop with one universal ultrazoom.
Another sofa. And this sparkle in the eyes of the cat? This elaboration of the glare of berries in the smog of Ust-Zazhopinsk?
It would be something to be proud of in terms of statements ... In his place, I would be ashamed to say so categorically, from the height of my, perhaps, huge experience, “not WHAT, but WHAT”. The complexity of solving a particular issue is determined in most cases by our experience. But if a person, when he already poses, by virtue of experience or selected circumstances, the task “WHAT” for himself predominantly allows himself to use such words, then he obviously has not fully understood the question.
The question WHAT always takes place, simply because of experience or the availability of material resources (well, or something else), we most often answer it automatically, without noticing it ourselves. But it is always put. On a par with the question WHAT.
And there is also a third question. One that very few people pay attention to - HOW.
Therefore, I would say this: photography, and not only photography, is always WHAT IS WHAT and HOW.
With a serious approach to what and how romance is lost, focusing on the “what” question is often more important than the question of what and how. Although, I agree, it is best when everything meets the needs and is optimized for a particular task
In general, I agree with you.
Such a systematic approach, of course, cuts any romance in the bud, but from the point of view of solving the task, it is obviously the most effective.
In my opinion, the question WHAT still cannot be called more important. And that's why…
If we consider this system of questions in an extremely abstract way, then one might get the impression that it is much more important to resolve the question of WHAT. But it is quite another matter to consider this trinity of questions not from the point of view of, say, the relative capabilities of our equipment, that is, to consider the solution for the questions WHAT and, to some extent, HOW, but from the point of view of absolute possibilities.
I will paraphrase. Modern technology and methods of obtaining results from it have stepped so far that it is now easier than ever to get a technically high-quality result. Moreover, this is available to an extremely wide range of interested parties. To solve the question of WHAT is now much easier than 25-30 years ago. Moreover, the modern solution will be so elegant that no one dreamed of anything like that in those years. This partly solves the question of HOW. Today, the simplest entry-level amateur SLR with a whale lens can do so much that it can meet the requirements of any novice photographer in terms of taking a picture. Remember at least the wonderful Nikon D5100? To the question "Which camera shoots well?" I always say to my friends “Any of the modern ones. Which is better is another question. "
Why am I ... In the light of this approach, the question of WHAT really comes to the fore. The question of WHAT is still of some importance, but the question of HOW is largely at the mercy of automation and other modern technologies. So yes, the question WHAT can be called a priority for the solution, but more important - by no means.
This is some kind of sophistry.
The question “WHAT” was resolved 5 years (or even 10) ago and you can shoot well with any DSLR, this is so, so the question is not worth it. But by and large, it was possible to shoot well 25-30 years ago, which is confirmed by the huge number of gorgeous film shots of that time. But it could have been bad. Good technology lowered the threshold for entering photography, but it seems that it only increased the amount of slag in photography, because someone who knew how to shoot well then could get access to photographic equipment and then, all the more, will get this access now. And those who filmed cats and a luxurious railway with berries then can do it now, only for the medium format - there would be money, and there would be no more deficit.
A good artist with experience will draw with a pencil, paints, soiled in berry juice with his palm on his body - he will be able to solve a technical problem by any means available to him. A brilliant artist will also do this in such a way that, in addition to a purely technical task (to reproduce reliably), the picture will also solve an artistic task (to give meaning). A photographer in this sense is not much different from an artist. (Unless, of course, the photographers of the photographers of berries, cats and COLORS are referred to the photographers).
Yes, perhaps I have a certain inclination towards sophistry)
But here the habit from work to find fault with words rather played - for us it is very important to separate the concepts of “important” and “priority”, this is already at the level of the subcortex.
For the rest, I completely share your opinion.
It seems to me that the main question is WHY ???)))
The soul asks ... well, or the stomach, when you want to eat, and the shooting feeds.
It all depends on the situation i.e. order of questions and their priority. For me there is no problem with the “what” - I mostly shoot my children. And “What” and “How” for me are partially related, since I once chose Nikon, but they also fall apart, since I have many and many lenses. Each lens-body combination dictates “how” and it's interesting. It is possible that my personal collection of "glass containers" is explained by this - the tools provide limitations and allow you to acquire new skills and knowledge. The main questions are “when” and “where” - there is no time, now it is difficult to get to new places and, accordingly, get new photos, skills and questions for reflection.
It is a rare case when a mirror-lens Spiratone 300mm / 5,6 was included in the recommended three lenses. It's pretty miniature, though.
Nikkor 20mm / 4 is small too.
Biotar 75mm / 1,5 cannot be called small, but in any case it is much more compact than Helios-40.
It seems that size and weight were of great importance for Sergei Elizarov.
Well, in fairness, at the time of writing, Nikon's D50 is only four years old since its release. That is, if you shove any amateur crop of 2016 here, then it no longer sounds so daring, you must agree). Some Nikon D5600, for example.
What article?
Obviously, Art. 300 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine
"In order to show that leaves and seals can be filmed not only with a crop camera for 3.000r (d40), but also with a medium format for 300.000r, so that no one questioned this possibility"
“My father has hundreds of photos of cats at 55-250 on the EOS 1100D. The same ragged bokeh, a little more contrast and the same depth of field due to a larger focal length at a weak aperture. Just still stub. "
"The edge sharpness of the Ust-Zazhopinskaya gland is not impressive"
I am sorry that the wonderful site of Arkady and the topics that by and large cannot be found anywhere else, through the efforts of the above-quoted vocational school students, are turning into a village toilet. Apparently, these humanoid, like Bandar-logs, are only capable of making faces while sitting on a tree and shitting on their heads. And human speech is not for their minds.
Don't be offended. Not everyone succeeds in finding an adequate use for the medium format, I would not succeed either, which is why I do not have it.
In some cases, it is difficult to use not only a medium format, but also a crop and even a phone with a matrix size of more than 0.3MP * тікає *
Who said that I was offended? I just expressed regret about the srach in the comments. And the very persons who are the sources of this srach are indifferent to me.
So indifferent that you cannot calm down for the third hour already. The topic is about the sufficiency of three lenses. You went into it with mediocre photos to prove that you can shoot mediocre photos in medium format and on helios. Everyone is very happy for you - a wonderful illustration of the post itself - about the importance of WHAT, and not WHAT.
“Who said that I was offended” is obvious, judging by the reaction. Don't take it personally, it may still be ahead.
For the rest, I have to agree with Roman about the wonderful illustration - indeed, it turned out to be quite in the subject.
Actually, here
Failed with a response to a specific user, this answer was higher on “does not work even through the torus”.
“You can shoot mediocre pictures with medium format and with helios. Everyone is very happy for you "
"It may still be ahead"
How happy I am that two great gurus spent their invaluable time on me, insignificant, preaching from their palm! I have everything ahead! Miracle! There won't be enough candles in the church! ..
For this I am leaving your society, for I am tired of your banana cores - chew them yourself, dear Boney and Mickey!
Chao, semolina!
You shouldn't be offended, right) Just take the real state of affairs for granted and think about how to resolve the situation.
There are several solutions, I can outline them for you:
- you post worthy camera photos, which until then were kept in the storeroom, in order to troll the esteemed public;
- you acknowledge that you do not have such photos and conclude that it would be good to think about how to get them;
- you realize that it is not easy to get such photos at this stage and in the foreseeable future, bitterly sell the medium format and take light crop food in return (this is just an example).
In the case of the last two options, it is not necessary to admit following them, you can simply continue to call opponents “decoys” and other funny epithets, we will understand and forgive. May be.
“Bitterly sell medium format and take light crop-fudge instead”
Oh my God…
It's a pity Arkady did not make a mandatory registration with the obligatory indication from the link to 500px, flickr and so on.
So many coming-outs and masterpieces could be seen)
Now I understand those who clean EXIF photos.
Pavel should have been told that these are pictures from D90 or D7000 and the reaction would have been much calmer.
Of course, you need to grow or mature to SF. Not everyone succeeds and not everyone needs it.
I recently got money on GFX, but I have not grown to it, its purchase will be useless for me. “To play around” you can take something from the film SF and then sell it back without losing money.
“Pavel should have been told that these are pictures from D90 or D7000 and the reaction would have been much calmer.”
Moreover, to clarify this in the context of "look, it turns out that full-format optics covers the matrix of the d90go, it's incredible!" ?)))
It's only about the misuse of technology, and nothing more. Of course, this is a personal matter for everyone, but if you are already exhibiting your pictures for review, be ready to discuss them, and include resentment as something quite childish.
This registration was given to you.
Serious relationships must be registered, plus a tribute to tradition., hospadi, I never hide my years.
By the way, I really like the color with 7dm2, I shot it many times in conjunction with 17-55 2.8 family, but I did not review it
Yes, it should be. He's still awesome. And yes, exactly 17-55 he is a very successful pair, in fact, for a near-fashion or studio in general, you can only do with them. A trip to Tunisia with this bundle is still the most memorable and productive one in terms of the number of photos that I am personally very pleased with. But there are also "decorations". The 1100D coped well with good decorations.
I'm not a pro, I chose 2 lenses for myself: Tokina 12-24 and Nikkor 70-300 (thanks to Arkady for his recommendation). True, they are heavy infection, but they are not tired yet. And of these 2 - tokina124 I am among the leaders, I never thought before that I would do a lot for almost all cases.
Interesting. I'm not a pro either, and I also use almost the same: 12-28 + 70-300. And a modest fifty kopecks, just in case ... it suddenly gets dark :)
It's not heavy yet))
I read this holivar, I wanted to insert five kopecks. I have spent quite a long time converting old lenses for modern mounts, and this hobby is the best opportunity to get acquainted with an optical exclusive.
but here's the thing. The most productive in terms of photography for me was the period when I was shooting with a vigilant 6 with an industrial 50 (clamshell). By the way, with proper knowledge of the depth of field scale, you can shoot moving objects with manual optics with a minimum of marriage. I'm not hinting at anything, but the main photographic tool is still the brains that think in the right direction: the vision of the plot, the feeling of the key moment and the knowledge of the possibilities of the available technology.
Everything is correct, but you need to reach and grow up to this. At first no one understands it
In some cases, and then many do not understand this.
“There are several solutions ...
- you post ...
- you admit ...
- you realize ... and bitterly sell the medium format ... "
There is also a 4th option:
- the owner of Fujifilm GFX 50R continues to work with this camera as he sees fit and convenient for himself. And the advice of sofa experts and forum srach-commentators is sent to the ignore. Together with the authors of these tips.
Gentlemen, no offense will be said to some of you, but I first picked up a medium format (film, of course), when some of you were not yet in the world. For those interested in a specific date - 1986.
Over the years, it seems to me, I have achieved something in photography and I do not need to prove my worth to anyone, shaking with my modest photographic works))
And what I published in this thread, I propose to consider it a mockery on my part. It was funny for me to "get led" on those who pecked at my banter and troll them slightly. Thanks to the representatives of the local crowd for the pleasant minutes delivered to me.
For this, let me take my leave, since the discussion of this issue is no longer interesting to me. Happy photos to everyone!
"Happy photos to everyone!"
Of course, this is a banter, the photos are actually taken on the d90th by a novice teenager)) and planted solely with the aim of trolling gullible newbies)))
It could not be otherwise, how can an experienced photographer with experience in medium format shooting since 1986 shoot such a trash in 2020?)))
Amen, my children!)))
Look at your leisure at the work of Arseny Shapurov, performed using this camera.
Which one is shooting on projectors?
On what he just does not shoot ... Uncle gave a second life to such different optics)
Saw. The pictures are good.
Together with Alexander, a “snow biker” for a couple of hunters for the “bichest” lens, the latter even came up with its own parameter - wow factor;) the ratio of focal to aperture number, and if this voucher is close to or even exceeds 100, the lens is considered really cool :) )) Of course, the background in the trash, even on the growth.
I read about vava on the photo in the topic of tigers. People have reinvented the absolute aperture simply, or rather, the diameter of the entrance pupil)
The third day of taking leave has gone. 35 years of filming eared cats on the railroad. Some kind of nightmare.
“There were thousands of slides, and without exception, the quality was at the level of amateur pictures. Natalie knew how difficult it is to take a really good picture, and she learned this over the years, trying her best to make her father like them after he gave her, a nine-year-old girl, her first camera for her birthday. But my God, if a person takes thousands of pictures for at least two or three decades, he should have at least some interesting slides!
George Hodges failed to do this. The pictures were different: family, on vacation, types of houses and boats, floating dachas, photos on the occasion of all sorts of special events and holidays. Natalie had to go through all of the Hodges Christmas trees from forty-eight to seventy-seven. The daily life of children and grandchildren was also captured, but every slides were of very poor quality. For eighteen years of photography, George Hodges never learned how to shoot against the sun, choose the right place so that trees, poles and other objects do not "grow" from people's ears or old-fashioned hairstyles, keep the horizon, avoid unnatural poses, photograph inanimate objects at a distance several miles, use the flash. " - Dan Simmons, The Dark Game of Death.
Hard you. You can't do that. And I laugh and cry at the same time.
I agree. I go to the site.
I have not been able to catch the thin thread of srach in these comments.
Personally, I don't care what equipment and optics a person uses. And also what he is shooting. This is a personal matter for everyone. You can shoot a barn in the rays of the sunset and it will turn out beautifully.
As for manual optics, of course, old lenses can be no worse, and for this price much better than new ones. I came to this conclusion after careful thought and repeated verification, from my own experience. Due to the specifics of my shooting, I do not use manual optics, but I have a couple of manual fixes. Which I really love and take pictures of all kinds of stuff that has nothing to do with work. Although, what kind of work is now, all competitions were banned, there is nothing to shoot ...
I read the comments and remembered the humor section on the same Elizarov website. It's all there already
If we limit ourselves to two lenses, then the number of combinations of 6 types of lenses (MF-Fix, MF-Zoom-f =, MF-Zoom-f ~, AF-Fix, AF-Zoom-f =, AF-Zoom-f ~) is Option 21. When choosing a set of three lenses, the number of combinations will be 56 options. Therefore, you can comment on this or that set for a very long time. Each has his own. For example, I see such a kit in the context of the topic for manual optics lovers: Nikkor 20F4.0, Nikon 75-150F3.5
Since the topic has received so many reviews, but apparently not everything is as clear as it seems.
Arkady, you already had a similar topic - the choice of one single lens for all occasions.
It seems that there is not much to choose from - nothing is better than a standard lens, with an ether like 24-70 (105-120-200 ...) "for all occasions" has not yet been invented, that's really)))
And yet, 187 comments with different opinions:
The site smacks of Leftism, "pseudo-quality" of old technology, etc., etc., bread for 3 kopecks ...
Well, this is a very old and one of the first sites dedicated to the use of old photographic equipment on new digital cameras, when the price of native lenses seemed prohibitive, and with a fleet of old optics taken from flea markets and a simple amateur SLR one could work wonders. Now interest in you has faded, of course, when the prices for all kinds of junk have exceeded in some cases the prices for new autofocus glasses.
Sergei Elizarov had a great website! But for several years he barely worked, then the pictures will not be displayed, then the full-size photos are not available. The site has been down for about two weeks. It's a pity, I read it all the time, even without pictures. Maybe Sergei will come to court and read the comments ... Sergei, please fix the site! It was incredibly interesting to read your articles, the photos were great, you could watch endlessly. Please fix the site!
By the way, Biotar now costs more than $ 1000.