Review of the Konica Minolta Dynax 7D camera specifically for Radozhiva prepared Daniil Makienko.

Konica Minolta Dynax 7D. increase.
The Konica Minolta Dynax 7D (D7D) camera was released in 2004 and is Konica Minolta's first digital SLR camera, as well as the first SLR camera with interchangeable lenses and image stabilization based on matrix shift called Anti-Shake. For the first time, this stabilization system was tested in a Minolta DiMAGE A1 pseudo-mirror camera and was a hallmark of the Minolta and Konica Minolta cameras prior to the sale of the Sony photo division. This system was later inherited and improved by Sony and now bears the name Steady Shot.
The characteristics of this camera for 2020 are quite modest, but at the time of release the camera provided the photographer with all the necessary functions and a little more than what will be discussed later.
Key Features:
Matrix Type: CCD (CCD)
Resolution: 6MP
System: Minolta AF / Sony α
ISO: 100-1600 (Expands to 3200)
Excerpts: B, 30 - 1/4000
Burst: 3 K / s
Crop: 1,5
Weight: 760g (with battery and memory card)
The camera feature, in addition to stabilization, is amazing ergonomics, which allows you to control the camera blindly without using the main screen, just the information that is displayed on the LCD in the pentaprism viewfinder, which, by the way, seemed to me big and bright compared to the younger Konica model Minolta Dynax 5D. Returning to ergonomics, I must say that it is made in the form of many selector wheels, buttons and levers in such a way that at first glance the control may seem rather complicated, but after some time using this camera you begin to get used to such an abundance of controls and in which at that moment, just look at the camera to understand what shooting mode it is in now, what correction exposureas exposed white balance and other parameters, not to mention the fact that all of them can change on the fly without having to look at the main screen.
Consider the camera in more detail.
Amendment selectors exposure and the choice of shooting mode on the top of the camera have a lock button, which prevents a change in mode or correction at the wrong time. Under the amendment selector exposure there is a lever for adjusting the power of the built-in flash, and under the selector of the shooting mode, there is a lever for changing the modes of serial shooting, bracketing by shutter speed and focusing, as well as a timer for 10 and 2 seconds. Next to the shooting mode selector is a white balance control lever. Under the index finger is the trigger and a little further away is the change wheel excerptshowever, it can be reassigned in the camera menu to change the aperture, for example. And all of the above selectors are located at the top of the camera, apparently because of this, they did not place the LCD epaulet typical of semi- and professional cameras with all the camera settings, which is a bit inconvenient, because you need to either look at the current shutter speed, aperture and ISO camera viewfinder, or use the main screen. There is also a hot shoe of its own Minolta design, which was subsequently used by Konica Minolta and Sony, until the advent of Sony mirrorless systems, and an integrated flash.
On the rear panel of the camera, next to the screen are the usual menu buttons for viewing, enlarging and deleting frames, an ISO button, a button for setting user modes, a navigation pad combined with a lever for selecting and locking AF points, a button for stabilizing on and off, a lever for choosing a metering mode, lock buttons exposure and disable / enable autofocus and aperture selector wheel. The panel is made of plastic, quite pleasant to the touch, the screen is 2,5 ”and has a resolution of 207 pixels, the screen has a transparent protective cover, the screen itself is bright enough, but as it seemed to me, it takes the picture in warm colors, but it allows you to evaluate the pictures and getting into focus.
As already mentioned, the camera has a pentaprism viewfinder, covers 95% of the frame and has a magnification of 0.95. Viewfinder displays settings excerpts, aperture, exposure meter (from -2 to +2 stops), the number of frames that will fit into the buffer, the camera shake level is additionally displayed, and if you press the ISO button, the setting of this parameter will be displayed.
On the front of the camera is an IR receiver for the remote control, aperture repeater and a lever for changing the autofocus mode. The front of the camera is made of magnesium alloy, which gives the camera weight, which in my opinion is a big plus when using heavy or telephoto lenses.
The camera has clock connectors and a rather rare version of the USB port (mini USB 8-pin), combined with video output, as well as connectors for the self-timer cable (of its own design) and network power.
The camera’s autofocus is fast enough and tenacious, it behaves well indoors when using a relatively dark Minolta AF Zoom 35-70 1: 4 lens (22), but the focusing speed is highly dependent on the lens due to the use of an autofocus screwdriver, and it can be quite slow when using a heavy non-motorized telephoto lens.
The matrix in this camera is from Sony and has 6 megapixels, which, however, is enough for most photo tasks. It was made using CCD technology and at that time was considered low noise, now, as before, it does not show obvious noise up to ISO 400, up to ISO 1600 it is still tolerant noise, and I would call ISO3200 conditional, it shows up quite terrible luminance and color noise, it can only be used to simulate grain in bw photographs, and then, it is doubtful, even though the noise of the CCD matrix is quite close to the film grain.
The matrix in the chamber is located on a movable platform and stabilized. According to the manufacturer, the stabilizer can compensate up to 3 steps exposure, but in reality it turned out for me to get sharp pictures with him and with longer shutter speeds. It works with all Minolta, Konica Minolta, and other lenses native to the system. It also works with manual glasses, and there is no need to enter the focal length of the lens, which possibly affects the stabilizer, not allowing it to work more efficiently.
The camera uses as a carrier CF cards (I, II and Microdrive), it works fine for me even with a card with a capacity of 8GB; I did not have a larger capacity.
The camera buffer accommodates 9 RAW + Jpeg frames with and without noise reduction, 9 RAW files with and without noise reduction, and 20 high-quality Jpeg files with and without noise reduction.
A single battery charge is enough for about 400 - 500 frames, which is neither more nor less.
Small details:
- The camera has the ability to conduct interval shooting with a frequency of at least 30 seconds and no more than 240 shots (selected in the camera menu).
- Due to the fact that the power of the built-in flash can be affected, it can be used to control studio lighting.
- The flash is not automatic and you need to raise it with your hands, which I personally consider a plus, since it does not jump out at an uncomfortable moment when using the “green” mode
- The camera does not have Russian.
- This camera and Konica Minolta Dynax 5D also have a black frame problem, in my instances it was present on 7D and still exists on 5D, however, this problem, although annoying, doesn’t interfere much, just restart the camera after a black shot and it removes as if nothing had happened.
- The camera cannot reproduce full-size previews of RAW frames, so if you want to see your frames, you need to put RAW + JPEG in the menu. This is one of the few disadvantages of this camera. JPEG quality can be changed by resolution. You cannot adjust the size of RAW files.
- Near the viewfinder there are sensors that turn off the main screen when you are not using it.
- Cannot write lens model in EXIF (applies to native Minolta and Konica Minolta lenses, possibly later ones are also not displayed)
The camera for its time had excellent ergonomics, was reliable, did everything that a professional camera should do, and moreover, it was equipped with an incredible stabilization system at that time, which made it possible to compensate for the movement of any lens. I do not recommend the camera as the first or as a working one, since it is already outdated, has a low resolution and, in my opinion, has a difficult control for a beginner, which, however, will not prevent it from being used by an experienced photographer who decides to take it as an acquaintance or “cameras for the soul.”
Examples of photos on the camera (photos converted to Adobe Lightroom, fixed Exposition и white balance):
You will find more reviews from readers of Radozhiva here.
White titanium is better than zinc.
Thanks for the review!
Author, please add more frames in sunny weather, if possible. Including portraits.
The back of the camera resembled the Sony a850 / a900, which I looked closely at, I wanted to buy, but changed my mind.
Unfortunately, the wonderful color of the matrix of this camera is not disclosed at all. By the way, the same matrix is in the legendary rangefinder Epson R-D1.
and not only
Perhaps the point is in the lens, since I used a "kid" and not 18-70 with which the camera came out, or maybe just the skill was not enough. Well, it's not very clear what it means to “reveal the color”. I would be grateful for an explanation.
Well, I myself like the color from these matrices, it is very nice, though I only see it when processing RAW, flexible as plasticine, in no way comparable to my 40D, although it is more flexible in theory (in color).
"Well, it's not very clear what it means to" reveal the color ". I would be grateful for an explanation. "
Take a picture of the streets in good weather, people on the streets.
I noticed that good lenses on this mount can be cheaper than the same type on Nikon-Canon. Several times came across Sigma 24-70 / 2.8 cheaper than the same on Nikon / Canon. I understand that it may seem a little heavy for this camera, but if you are going to shoot further on this camera, then why not buy something lighter.
Thank you for the clarification.
I plan to shoot on this camera further, but only with optics of minolta, or Sony-Zeiss, I was very interested in Minolta 35-70, 70-210, 24-50 f / 4 and 28-135 f / 4-4.5 lenses picture, and third-party lenses are of little interest. In fact, the minolta at first bribed me with very good colors (Dynax 5D), and then with ergonomics (Dynax 7D) and at the end with native optics, which has a beautiful picture and cheap. And the severity doesn’t scare me much, since I’m taking off for 7D, while having a relatively light 5D, which in some cases even surpasses 7D in terms of capabilities.
"There is little interest in third-party lenses."
It’s a pity, among them there are curious specimens, no worse than relatives under this mount.
Good day! You write that 5d is in some cases superior to 7d in terms of possibilities. Please clarify this superiority. And yet, write that you got rid of the black frame in 7d, how?
Is 5d equal to 7d in image quality? There will be no difference?
Well, also, briefly about the difference between 5d and 7d, according to your experience.
Why am I asking, 7d has a very high price, and 5d is available at an affordable price.
Perhaps it is no longer relevant, but I could not answer earlier due to force majeure)
The superiority of 5D lies in the improved firmware and the correction of a number of childhood diseases, such as image rotation. The new ISO modes are lo80 and hi200, on paper it’s true, I didn’t feel the essence of them, alas. Well, who cares, less weight. In terms of ergonomics, the 5D loses, because this is an amateur camera, the viewfinder is small, penta-mirror, but not much smaller than that of the seven, but it will be darker.
The quality of the picture is equivalent, the matrix is the same, the stabilizer is the same.
If we forget about the firmware and new 5D features (in my opinion, not worthy of attention), then the difference all rests on the housings, ergonomics, weight, materials (the semi-magnesium body of the seven and the plastic case of the five), the viewfinder and everything in general.
If you want a very convenient camera and there is a willingness to put up with some shortcomings, then the seven is the best choice, if you need something simpler and more understandable, then the five. But this is my experience and the choice of two cameras.
Well, I didn’t get rid of the black frame) For the seven, it looks like if you use the camera regularly, then there is no problem, if you forget it for a month, then it appears. It used to be repaired by Aunt Sonya under warranty, but now it's gone.
On my seven, I also had a black frame problem. The service center recognized it as a warranty defect and completely replaced the shutter under the company’s warranty.
This is my Reiknarr question!
I ask you to answer, if possible in more detail.
Threat. Perhaps the reason is that the matrix differs from the same matrices in other cameras, nevertheless, the manufacturer could somehow modify the matrix: change the filters on the matrix (put a different density) to use a different ADC or / and the debayer algorithm, I repeat, but also the lens could have contributed, as it also affects this. Well, in general, I only propose options for what could have been and what is real, I don’t know, maybe I just couldn’t convey the color as it should be.
About color - a rather controversial statement. I had the camera for three years, in parallel with the Sony A850. I prefer to shoot in RAV, because (at least) I almost never manage to accurately get into the exposition, and in fact often the BB also needs to be corrected. Perhaps the color of the camera is good in the jeep. Do not know. But Minolta did not bother to create a program for converting RAVs (unlike competitors!). And something averagely faceless comes out of the FS. In general - alas, not impressed (in comparison with other mastodons that we managed to shoot - such as Canon 20D, Nikon D50, Olympus E500, Kodak SLR-n, Fuji S5 Pro, Pentax K200D.
My favorite camera. There are also Nikons, Canonies, a couple of Sonya ... but this one is just super. It is a pity that Konica did not release 9D, there were rumors, but it did not grow together. And then Sonya sold her photography direction Konica, they quickly, in the image and likeness of Konica Minolta 5D, released their first Alpha A-100 (even sold at the same time, at least I saw this in our stores), and 7D found its revival in the 700 ... 900 series ...
Yes, it’s a pity that there are only 3 digital cameras with interchangeable lenses from Minolta and Konika Minolta. On the other hand, it seems to me that the engineers remained the same when selling the unit (this can be seen in the optics and the design of Sony SLR cameras), so in fact the cameras Sony is a camera minolt with the inscription Sony)
It is a pity that old cameras cannot shoot in any way in modern conditions. The speed of life has changed, people began to run faster, birds fly faster and cats wash their eggs faster. The sun has become much dimmer and the lamps hardly shine at all. Photos are no longer suitable for comfortable viewing, smaller than A3, and the monitor is not a monitor if you do not have to twist your head. Without continuous shooting 10 frames per second. don't go outside at all. Mechanical twists do not want to succumb to the brain of an advanced gadget owner. Autofocus is generally a goat slow. It’s somehow very difficult to be a photographer today without the latest model - no, I’ll wait, tomorrow it will be even newer. This is not nonsense, friends. This is the meaning of almost all TOTAL about any cameras. Agree - yesterday she is a super-duper and the dream of a professional, but today the priest is sad. Maybe something is wrong in the heads?
Children grow, and toys change with growth.
Well yes, children.
Boys from men are distinguished by the value of their toys. (C) Robert Frost
Witty comment, but the message understood and generally agree.
To be a photographer without a super duper camera nowadays can be simply “Total” was written based on modern realities.
The realities have not changed. The world is the same. The camera has not changed. As she was then a powerful tool, she remained. Another thing, the attitude towards her has changed. Why? Few people think. Brain marketing drives you forward and doesn't let you think. I'm not talking about you personally. I just think that in such reviews it is much more correct to write in this vein.
Reality is an illusion caused by a lack of alcohol in the blood ...
This is an interesting thought on Saturday night :-)
It's not about marketing.
People strive for the best - that's okay.
Today I took a picture in the automobile museum on a film Canon EOS 50E. Kodak Vision3 500T film. Parallel to the Nikon D4. It would be torture, maybe on Canon af blind and 3 (three) points of everything. And 3 thoughts came to my mind at the same time - about the Canon 50 / 1.2L, Canon 1N HS / RS and Fuji GW690 Pro.
Demand creates supply ... and marketing is guided by the needs of the majority: Are you tired of heavy DSLRs? Here are 100500 fewer mirrorless cameras ... That there are few buttons on mirrorless cameras and they are all nearby? Here's a mirrorless camera the size of a DSLR)) Any whim for your money)
Let me disagree with you, and here's why:
As you rightly pointed out, cameras are a powerful tool and how it is typical for a tool to develop: over time, they got better, of course, the old cameras have not disappeared and they can be used, no one forbids this, sometimes even the old camera is preferable to the new one, but in fact the camera still got better. Previously, it was impossible to imagine that a camera with an APS-C matrix can produce a silent image at ISO 3200, but now it can (evening shots, indoors, when you can’t use the flash, when you need a short shutter speed, etc.), the working distance has become less , now you can use the rangefinder optics and be sighted by the EVI rather than the rangefinder (although I like the rangefinder, there is something nice about it), the EVI now allows you not only to see the composition, but it has become much easier to set the exposure tracking, too etc. by the list. Specifically, the D7D has not changed, it is a good professional camera and I do not belittle its capabilities, but compared to current cameras it is objectively outdated, although it has some subjective advantages, for me personally it is colors, ergonomics, weight, noise of an AF screwdriver, a halo of legend .
Another thing is when this same marketing is throwing dust in the eye with some unfinished or unnecessary features, shooting video in 720p 24 frames and 10 minutes or a broken ISO 16000 with terrible noise, or shutter speed 1/12000 (that's where I use it, I’m not crazy I’ll put it, I’ve never even used 1/8000 in my fortieth)
Okay, we are here about tools and about tools, but do not forget about the main thing that the camera does not shoot, but the person, the camera is just a tool and its whole task is reduced to facilitating the process of photographing. Speaking for myself, I can say that I like working with different instruments, D7D, D5D, 40D and other cameras, but this is only because I have an interest of this kind: “what will happen if I take another camera, newer, older and different lens , or I will now shoot from a different angle or I will take it and experiment with colors ”
Well, in general, the cameras are now different, the attitude of everyone was different, and it remains, I perceive it as a tool, someone as an image object, someone as a collector, a work of art, etc.
Exposure 1/8000 - elementary: Tunisia, Egypt, other Mediterranean - noon, cloudless sky, even at aperture 2.8 it was 1/8000. And if it's 1.2, some kind that you want on the open?
Yes, on 1.4 it happens that 1 \ 8000 is not enough.
The first time I hear about shooting landscapes at an open aperture, but if you really want to - use neutral gray light filters of various densities. There are also gradients to darken only the sky.
And what prevents shooting in RAW and then when processing, underestimate the exposure?
There are many options for overcoming the situation, if there is no 1/8000.
You will not remain hungry if you have not been given a fork for salad?
I have been doing an article about 1 / 4000-1 / 8000 for a very long time; I generally, for example, am not worried about this issue. This is a real trifle, in fact, the details are here
About the landscape of speech, it seems, did not go, although it is possible, if desired, and it is open)
Well, in that case it’s reasonable, personally I don’t use such high-aperture optics on bright days
Understand my point. An experienced person will ALWAYS shoot anything. He understands that in essence the apparatus is required and that everything necessary is in his apparatus and in any other apparatus. In the end, with a minimal set of possibilities, ancestors before us filmed, we filmed ourselves in our youth, and people are filming now. With the convenience it is certainly more convenient, but that is the challenge - to learn how to shoot in any conditions, with any device. But! These reviews are read also by inexperienced / decided to start. There are more of them. It is written for them. And now, after reading ALL of these conclusions, an immature brain paints terrible pictures. Now he will never buy last year's "no longer suitable device" - only a novelty, for a lot of money with the last bit of strength, on loan, in order to stretch the time of using the device, so that tomorrow he will not have to change it, but only the day after tomorrow. Like an iPhone. But if wise people wrote that the old models of cameras are still good, they allow them to work fully, their capabilities are more than enough despite their age, there would be less unnecessary "pixel races".
I will repeat the obvious thought. All shooting conditions in the world have not changed. The same light. Why yesterday call this camera wow! but not today? I’m not talking about some types of shooting when all this is not enough. There are extremes. Such a shooting is not much and only a few are engaged in it. We talk more often about those things that easily succumbed to much older and uncomfortable cameras in the hands of the Jedi :)))
Well, in this vein, I agree with you and I won’t argue, and though beginners may be scared after such reviews, but you must agree, it’s better for a beginner to give a camera with simple controls and ascetic capabilities, for example the Canon 350D or D5D, where there are not so many opportunities and not very complex control, but these cameras teach a person to take off and are punished for misses, in general it’s possible to start from the film, it’s more interesting, but in the end it’s a little expensive and perseverance from a beginner is needed, otherwise after a misses he can give up this business. But I would not give a beginner a 40D or D7D, they are good, but this is the next level.
Or maybe it’s better for a beginner to give a camera with features that simplify life as much as possible, rather than archaic? For example, to have a LiveView and a human screen at least. This requirement already cuts off a large number of old cameras that are so extolled by experienced amateurs.
Honestly, I agree with Rodion.
It is better for beginners to start with modern cameras - with cameras released in the last 5-7 years.
It is like learning to drive and getting your first driving experience.
According to the words of "kind people", it is imperative to start with rear-wheel drive Zhiguli - "classic", so that it would not be a pity to break, and preferably with bald tires.
It is good that such advisers are in the past, and even if they are, they are no longer listening.
So it is with a man at the helm of the country. Why change if coping with its capabilities. Why comfort, that's all. Grandfathers lived under Stalin and we will live. Let him stay, learn from the present, learn life.
I wanted to answer Rodion to the phrase: "Maybe it is better for a beginner to be given a camera with possibilities that make life as simple as possible, and not archaic?"
but there is no "answer" function))
Remembering how happy I was with every new bun, which was not there before, for example, on the film "Kiev-19", then on the 400D, then ... and so on ... This is how a beginner can enjoy the automatic iso, if everything is already was in his first cell, and on the machine, and plus the button "make a masterpiece")) Although, perhaps, most of the newcomers have a different opinion on this))
I completely agree. The era of consumption is the scourge of our time. There is only one goal for manufacturers - to increase sales. Nothing personal just business
As if someone is forcing you. Used machinery in bulk, some glass models have been available for twenty years, be content with them. What do you care about who the scourge is there? Tips for manufacturers, that’s all. We bought a Zenith in the 70th, shoot it.
Yes and no, if we talk about cameras. On the one hand, here’s the Nikon line 5xxx: after 5200, practically nothing has changed in terms of photo quality, only wi-fi was added over time and instead of 60i -60p. But from the pictures that 5200 that 5500. I think there are those who say that 5100 is somewhere in the same place. So what's the point? Moreover, the problem of consumerism on photographic equipment is not with manufacturers, but in consumers' heads. If it weren’t important for the video, then generally we buy d90 from 18-105 at the price of 18-105 (count the carcass for free) and take a picture of everything.
Gregory, I agree with your remark! Well, how can you not recall the cartoon character: You will be ruined by an abundance of opportunities!
1 / 8000 ...
Damn, I have to use ISO 50 and even cover the aperture in the ordinary Baltic states, and in Egypt, Thailand, etc., I also need to cling the nd filter (of course, you can clamp the aperture to f16 and take “flat” photos, but then why do you need a full-frame camera, if you use it as a soap dish? For show-off or something? Only if in the studio you shoot some small items for sale in online stores, for example, car models. Then you need to clamp the aperture properly to show it all, and not the front bumper and the transition of everything the rest in .... In a blur)
Yes, and this is with a lens of just that f1.4.
So 1/8000 is the right thing. It's also good that I can set ISO 50. But for many ISO 100 is the minimum. So it’s generally a problem for them with light lenses and they need to walk around the city with whales during the day, since they only need light lenses for show-offs or wind up ND filters.
In short, 1/8000 is the right thing, and electronic 1/32000 is also a good thing. Although not often necessary, but .... For example, when I photographed a solar eclipse in Thailand, I had a completely closed aperture and two ND filters (I’m lying, one ND 8 or ND 16 ... Now I don’t remember exactly, and the second one was cpl out of hopelessness. Yes, of course he’s there and what for not needed in theory, but at least it darkens a little after all .... Well, now, just in case, my park of ND filters has become wider and 32 and 64 have appeared. I didn’t like it. Two polarists, roughly speaking. Maybe someone likes them, maybe they’re not bad for video, but I don’t like them for photos) and then I had a Sony a55, and there 1/4000 and as a result garbage and not the photo came out (yes, I shot at 300mm then, which means for crop it is 450mm).
That's where 1/32000 would be very useful to me, and at least 1/8000. But what was at hand at that moment was what he used.
So take my word for it…. 1/8000 is good. Yes, this is not the kind of shutter speed that you use all the time, but even if you have a Ferrari, you won’t drive it at 300+ km / h all the time. In most cases, you will drive the same way as the main stream of cars. But you will know that when you need it, you press the gas pedal and fly, and your neighbor in the Opel Corsa can press as much as he wants, but he will not start flying.
That's all about those 1/8000
Well, besides, there are situations when that 1/8000 and faster shutter speed is really needed. For example sports. Motorsport, motorsport and so on. After all, not everyone puts a camera on a tripod and photographs landscapes .... So you need ... And 20 frames per second is also necessary. Not for everyone, not always, but it’s necessary (even 10 is enough for me, and to be honest, I rarely use it, but sometimes I use it ... For example, a couple of years ago I photographed a marathon and needed a small shutter speed and a lot of frames per second .... Then for 4- 5 hours ~ 3000 shots. Yes, 90% of them did not go further than the camera, the rest went to newspapers and websites. But this is normal for such photographs. Because now, for example, this person is a leader, and after a couple of kilometers he has already left. Well and why does anyone need pictures of it is not clear who :))) so this is a normal statistic)
If you don't want it, don't waste your money on it. Don't buy a Ferrari, buy an Opel. Only then do not demand Ferrari indicators from Opel and do not be surprised that a Ferrari neighbor can accelerate to a hundred in 3 seconds, and your Opel in 16 seconds ...
You are not forced to buy a camera with a shutter speed of 1/8000. You are not forced to buy a camera at all. Maybe the second Aivazovsky is dying in you, and you bought a camera instead of canvas and paints ... so maybe you don’t need an Opel, but a bicycle ...
from empty to empty
How can I say ... on the one hand - progress. On the other hand, there is a madhouse and a wheel for an unfortunate hamster who is forced to run around like a run-down in a circle. So that it was like everyone else, or even better. A car on credit, an apartment on a mortgage, a fur coat for a wife, an iPhone for a child ... But you can always ... put a tripod with a camera, sit on the grass, and looking at the sky and grass blades, wait until the breeze brings that cloud vooon there. And the world ... and the world will wait.
“I'll get off at the far station
Waist-length grass
And good with the past alone
Wandering in the fields, nothing, no worries
Through cornflower blue silence ”(c)
Nice words!
On this occasion, back in 2008, LJ had a wonderful post about Koproeconomics:
And after 13 years, what was written in it became even more relevant: /
Hello! The Konica Minolta Dynax 5D camera suddenly stopped turning on. Maybe someone is familiar with this phenomenon?
Is the battery dead or dead? Try to recharge the battery, if it doesn’t work, then you can order it in China, since they are still made with minolts (the battery model is NP-400), if it still doesn’t work, then I can only sympathize and advise you to take it to some service, who deals with these cameras (these remained, in any case, there is where I live)
I have a 7d minolta conic. When turned on, it writes error ((((((. Please tell me where you can make repairs ????) This camera is very expensive for me !!!! I understand that it is outdated in function. But I really want to repair it.
If the question is still relevant, then in Moscow the certified Sony service center "Copy-Moscow" produces, as they put it, limited repairs of 7D and 5D minutes, it is possible that other certified services are engaged in the repair of these cameras, I do not know about other services and masters. I did not repair the camera in the service, thank God for my order, I just wanted to give the main camera for cleaning, but did not know the prices, I also asked about the minolts.
Rodion, of course, I just named the cameras with which I myself started and the fact that they were limited in their capabilities made me look for new ways to shoot and learn, study a lot, I can’t say that a camera with a good screen and Live View cannot do the same , it’s just that it’s less demanding on the skill, personally I think that a beginner should first be given a simple and old camera to learn how to shoot, and then he will decide what he needs and what not, but that's my opinion and what I’ve come to starting with such old cameras
I have a unique exhibit in my collection - a completely new Minolta Dimage 7. Can someone tell me what the problem is with it? Does NOT work at all from pen batteries and batteries, the icon of a full battery discharge is on and does not turn on, there is no reaction - no difference on new batteries or charged batteries - it works normally, turns on, removes only from the native 6V adapter from the network
To be honest, I have no idea. But usually this is a discharge controller problem. Insufficient voltage on the battery pack or its drawdown from oxidized contacts.
UPDATE: Daniil Makienko added examples in sunny weather and added and corrected the description of the camera itself a little.
Hello, can there be color profiles for 5d-7D?
Hello! I recently purchased this camera, it is checked, it works with 16 and 32 giga flash drives.
Didn't expect that it can work with 32GB, thanks
Hello, please tell me a developer for mrw, close to the color from the camera? Thank you.
Hello, no, Lightroom developer, from there I just converted to jpeg, you won't find a native developer in the daytime with fire, and the one that I had I did not use with D5D and I do not use due to the fact that it does not work well on win10. But through it, the color comes out a little more juicy.
This is the problem. There is no way to get the "native" color. Sold to Hong Kong in the end
In the comments, the author of the review wrote "
Yes, it's a pity that digital cameras with interchangeable lenses from Minolta and Konica Minolta are only 3. ”… I only know 5d / 7d. Please tell me what is the third?
Yes, there are three of them, there was also a Minolta RD-175
Thank you!
But the color, what a color! real, natural straight. Stunned. In terms of naturalness, it is better than Fuj C 5 pro, I have. I want to buy it in 2021. All the same, the first ssd matrices on DSLRs by the naturalness of color have not yet been bypassed and not because give me a retro or something like that.
Do you shoot in a jeep? You are a real Jedi!
They also have compacts on a 2/3 matrix, where the color rendition is also cool. a2, a200, and Dimage 7hi is just the best color for me. They are braking, but if someone is in no hurry, it makes sense to try, they are now worth a penny.
Good review!
One can feel not only a specialist in photographic equipment - past and present, but also a dedicated photography enthusiast, with all the worries about the future of photography and the attitude of today's users to photography.
To be honest, I was not carried away by the review itself, but by the comments and thoughts of all participants. It really captivated me, and read all the comments to the end.
It is very pleasant to read sincere and intelligent statements both on photographic equipment - past and present, and on the attitude of photographers to the process of the rapid development of photographic equipment, and statements about the place of the photographer himself in this progress of cameras.
We are all amazed at such progress, someone is trying to defend their point of view about the charm of rare photographic equipment, someone says that progress helps the photographer - both are right. Everyone finds their niche, their interest in this variety of cameras and lenses.
And still, everyone emphasizes that the main character is the PHOTOGRAPHER himself.
The only thing that depresses me is that it is not our countries that develop and manufacture this miracle technique, we are only users.
Some will argue that the whole world uses Japanese photographic equipment, and they will correctly object. But also smartphones, and computers, and TVs, and cars and ... and ... and ... we cannot please anyone.
It's a pity that something was missed….
Thanks for your review. It is strange that the film manufacturer decided to put a matrix from Sony on its flagship, and not from its own development, or at least from Kodak.
Another Konica Minolta Dynax 7D review from reader Radozhiva -
Friends, I took a KM 7D in a lot with a bunch of working cameras and lenses. I would like lenses for Nikon, but there were a lot of them just for this Minolta. In short, I bought her a battery in the hope that everything would work out with her, especially since I love such unusual carcasses. But…
In general, the problem is with the matrix stabilizer (when turned on, it buzzes for 5 seconds and does not allow the shutter to be released, otherwise it works). I have already gradually filled my hand in home repairs of DSLRs, I wanted to fix it, but there is no information on the network how to do it. Before that, I repaired Nikons, basically, there is no such stray as matrix stabilization (judging by the number of complaints from the owners of Sony and KM, I’m just happy that Nikons did without such a fragile element in DSLRs).
Attention! question: how to fix the stabilizer? or at least turn it off (maybe there is a video or some kind of diagram). I really want to shoot with this interesting camera, especially since a cart has also arrived for it with lenses.
Thanks for any info!
Try calling the contacts at the Konica Minolta service center. A couple of years ago, people still worked there who repaired these cameras in the past, mb will tell you something
Haven't read the complete thread, but I have two KM 7D's myself. I use them once in a while as I have FF Nikons now.
One remained for a few years unused because of the black frame issue.
When I found (cannot remember where) a solution in another forum. A person explained that you should tap the body of the 7D on the ball of your (free) hand, if needed several times, until you hear a 'click'.
This worked and that camera came to life again. A second 7D that didn't work and that I bought with some other stuff reacted in the same way. Both cameras work fine. However if left unused for some time you may have to go through it all again. Once back to life they do perform. Don't know if this could solve your problem, maybe someone else may find this to be helpful. Best regards.
Good evening, in addition to the above tips, I can only advise you to disassemble it yourself, the matrix stabilizer is implemented on stepper motors, that is, stabilization occurs only in the plane and breaking something with careful disassembly will not be very easy, no easier than with a magnetic suspension, that’s for sure. I hope something will help you and your animal will begin to serve you faithfully, just like me)
Hello. Although it's a belated comment, I'll write about the possibility of repairing the matrix stabilizer in the KM5D camera and, I believe, the KM7D. I have repaired the KM5D camera, but I think that the KM7D is designed similarly in terms of the matrix stabilizer. So, in the matrix stabilizer of these cameras, two piezo motors in the form of ceramic columns are used to move the matrix in the horizontal and vertical planes. These engines are fragile and either as a result of the camera being dropped, hit, or perhaps over time, they will break. When turned on, the camera checks the stabilizer by actively moving the matrix in both planes. At the same time, it produces a characteristic noise and some vibration can be felt. If the stabilizer is working, this check takes less than a second. If at least one engine is not working, the buzzing sound can be heard for a longer period of time. As a result of checking the stabilizer, the camera, in case of detection of a matrix drive malfunction, does not allow taking a photo. And this will be repeated with each new switch-on. As a result of searching for information on one of the forums, a suggestion was found that the matrix stabilizer of the KM5D and Sony A100 cameras may be similar, since the Sony A100 became the successor of the KM5D. To test this version, a non-working Sony A100 was purchased and after disassembling it turned out that the matrix stabilizer KM5D and Sony A100 are identical. All that was left was to remove the stabilizer from the Sony and install it in the KM5D instead of the broken one. This, as it turned out, was not an easy task, since the stabilizer had to be disassembled in order to install the KM5D cables on it. With the same mechanical design, the cables on the Sony and KM5D are different. This was done, the stabilizer from Sony A100, with the KM5D cables soldered onto it, fit perfectly on the KM5D camera. Next, since the stabilizer was disassembled, the matrix position was adjusted relative to the stabilizer frame. This is done by moving the magnet sensor on the stabilizer frame. The procedure is relatively simple. Next, the matrix itself was adjusted relative to the bayonet mount. To do this, we had to take many pictures of the photographic world with a half-disassembled camera without a back cover, so that we could turn the matrix adjustment screws during the process. The procedure is not particularly complicated, but time-consuming. You have to take a lot of pictures, turn the screws and check the focus using the pictures taken on the monitor screen. In addition, to implement this idea, it was necessary to disassemble almost the entire camera in order to detach the matrix cable from the camera frame. This had to be done on both cameras – the Sony and the KM5D. In addition, since it was decided to use a matrix frame from Sony during the repair (to reduce the need to disassemble the stabilizer), it turned out that the matrix from the KM5D does not fit there. The matrix guide pins are positioned differently on these cameras. And the shape of the matrix, with the same dimensions, is a little different. Accordingly, it was necessary to modify the seat for the matrix. All this was done, and after this work the KM5D camera started working again. I think that KM7D can be revived in the same way. But this is just my guess. This was not an easy job; not everyone would probably take on such a task. But there is such an opportunity – to revive these cameras.