This note is specially for Radozhiva prepared Roman Ukhanov.

Double Exposition. Enlarge poster.
The New Year's holidays have ceased, daylight hours have increased, and the world of photography is still winter stagnant. Either the weather is painfully gloomy, then there is no snow - only mud, then on the contrary - it knocks and sweeps, covering up the camera. There are only expensive studios with pale, sneezing clients, and not everyone likes them. What can a photographer do when his soul requires creative realization, and his eyes are beautiful new pictures with likes from subscribers? There is an exit! You can try yourself in a double world exposure. The thing itself is monstrously complicated on film cameras, especially for people who are used to digital cameras. And even the applications on the cameras do not give much to turn around, combining new photos only with those that are already on the flash drive. It remains only photoshop, but we will be honest, not many people know it well enough and are ready to try to combine different pictures, spending free time that you can spend on TV shows or chatting with loved ones.
And here a magical application for phones comes to our aid, on which you can work with photos, albeit with limitations, but with dignity, first of all coaching thinking and perception for collage in a double style exposure.
This review is not an advertisement for this product. it attempt to share beautiful with brothers in arms. And I sincerely hope that many of you will find it interesting.
The application is called PIXLR and is installed on android free of charge through Google Play.
When launching the application, we select a photo from the device’s gallery (it’s better to pre-download it from our social networks) and in the menu click double exposure, thus loading the second photo for overlay. Pictures can be rotated as you like, change the scale and use the eraser for unnecessary details.
I warn you right away - it is advisable to take a photo with a moderate amount of dark and light objects. The selection experience will come with time.
Personally, I only work with my photographs on principle. You can take part of your project from any source or use completely borrowed photos for collage (be careful - don't stumble upon copyright problems if you exhibit your masterpieces in the Louvre!
In conclusion, I want to repeat that this is primarily a training base for creative play during a trip in a minibus or train on the way to work or school. To come home, it was possible to realize this with increasingly serious graphic tools.
For example, I attached my works, during the creation of which I used only this application. I wish you all creative success and a speedy summer.
You will find more reviews from readers of Radozhiva here. Want to share some interesting information? Just contact me on my contacts.
Wow! Just gorgeous combinations !!! The author has a good imagination and artistic taste.
Thank you.
Android ([ˈandrɔɪd]; from the Greek. Ἀν --ρ - a man, a man + the suffix -oid - a humanoid robot; "Android"). That is, AndroId, not AndroId.
That is what I pointed out to the author.
Yes, Roman, I understand. Therefore, he added, otherwise the author will not understand what was meant.
"The application is called PIXLR and is installed for free on android via Google Play"
Just great!
Hm. I did not find this application on Google Play. Maybe someone tell me the name of the developer? At the request of PIXLR, the first result is PicsArt only.
It seems like this:
Yes this! And yes, it’s possible to have an iPhone too. Did not check.
Isn't it easier to do it humanly - in Photoshop? And do not they suffer trying to neatly erase the unnecessary on the screen? Even on my 6-inch phone, it's still a torment ...
Cool! Usually most photos have double exp. this is uh.
And here it is really stylish and in the subject.
There are a lot of interesting things about multi exposure
There are a lot of interesting things about searching for a multiple exposure. Multiple exposure Andrey Chvanov.
The same thing can be done in Photoshop. 2 photos, with the second you play in opacity. Same effect
Not at all the same. Need screen blending mode, not transparency play.