On January 06.01.2020, 1, the Canon EOS-XNUMXD X Mark III digital SLR professional camera was officially unveiled.
Basic properties
- Full-frame 20 MP sensor (maximum picture size 5472 X 3648), Dual Pixel CMOS AF
- ISO 100-102.400 with the ability to expand to 50 and 819.200
- DIGIC X processor (single)
- Maximum Burst Speed 16 fps when working with JVI and 20 fps when working with Live View
- Announced buffer for 1000 frames RAW + JPEG
- Minimum excerpt 1/8000 s mechanical shutter
- Shutter rated for 500.000 operations
- Video 5.5K (5472 X 2886) Raw 12-bit 60p up to 2600 Mb / s, focus peaking, autofocus only at 30 fps
- Video DCI 4K (4096 X 2160) 60p, Canon Log, 10-bit 4: 2: 2 to 940 Mb / s, autofocus only at 30 fps, the ability to write to memory cards and an external device, you can write from the entire sensor like this from crop
- HEIF 10-bit support
- JVI 100% frame coverage and magnification 0.76X
- 3.2 inch touch screen with 2.1 million dots
- 191 focus points for JVI, 155 cruciform, deep learning, eye and head recognition, sensitivity from -4 EV, f / 8 operation
- Dual Pixel CMOS AF for Live View, coverage 90% horizontally and 100% vertically, you can choose one of 3869 focus points, sensitivity -6-18 EV, work with F / 11
- Two CFexpress type B memory card slots
- Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, PC-sync, USB Type-C 3.1, HDMI Type C, two 3.5 mm jacks for microphone and headphone
- Weight 1440 grams with battery and memory card
- Protected enclosure
- The price is about $ 6.500 per body. Prices for new Canon cameras are available see here
Materials on the topic
- About Canon EOS (all Canon EOS digital cameras with interchangeable lenses, a lot of information)
- Focus Sensors on Canon EOS Cameras
- Exposure Sensors Canon EOS
- Processors Used in Canon EOS Cameras
- Which Canon amateur digital SLR camera to choose?
Comments on this post do not require registration. Anyone can leave a comment.
Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.
Yes, weigh!
Tonight - after 22:00 there will be an announcement of Nikon D780, the start of sales of which on January 16:
“191 focus points for JVI, 155 cross, deep learning system, eye and head recognition, sensitivity from -4 EV, work with F / 8
Dual Pixel CMOS AF for Live View, 90% horizontal and 100% vertical coverage, 3869 focus points selectable, -6-18 EV sensitivity, f / 11 "operation
"The shutter is rated for 500.000 strokes"
Cool artillery! :-)
Nikon promised to give birth to the D5 replacement for the Summer Olympics, on the matrix from Z6.
And from Canon there will be a response to the D850, in the form of replacing 5DSr with EOS Rs.
It will be a rich year for new items and partly the reason is the summer home Olympics, which for Japanese manufacturers of photographic equipment began in winter.
On z6 there is a matrix from d750. And there are too many pixels to enter such a density into a series of units and to disperse the shutter to decent values.
The car, of course, is gorgeous, but personally I specifically feel sorry for the covered seed.
To build at least a part of all this magnificence a mirror top crop, and it would be wonderful.
Nikon has a D500, and it seems to be selling quite nicely.
Dyksy is still too much for professionals, but for a very advanced amateur, it turns out that now there is nothing above 90d.
Which is still somewhat not about that ...
7d mark II? I recently shot it, it’s a very good machine, but it’s a pity that they cut down the method of choosing focus points to a lower ruler.
Essno, sorry.
Marketing considerations and avoiding internal competition, alas ...
Semyon the second - the machine is really very successful, his birds are still appreciated and very actively used, and it’s in vain that canon covered this line.
BZ there - not a replacement, neither in terms of battery, nor AF ... In any case, not yet.
And what was cut there? There is a joystick, direct point selection too
But there is no direct choice of a point / zone / zone of focus. You press an asterisk or the dedicated af button, and then move the points with this joystick
If the number of points is reduced to 9, there is a direct AF point selection setting. Although this is purely "paper knowledge"
There is a focus mode selection lever and a joystick. Very comfortably. I set myself a point, a "cross", a third and all - four modes, it suits me. The default is "dot" in all three modes C1-C3. Few - I increase with the lever and drive with the joystick. Everything is controlled by your thumb.
Today I shot again with 7d mark 2 and canon 17-55 / 2.8. I studied all the menus for a long time and carefully, but I failed to achieve switching focus points with one joystick. Everything is the same as for models 60, 70, 80, 90d - first you need to press the button near the star, and then move the selected focus point with the joystick. This is extremely inconvenient.
Or is it possible to do this simply in one motion, as on 7d and older cameras?
The 7D II has the most comfortable focusing system of any crop camera. Not holding a 5D Mark IV, but definitely more comfortable than a 5D III. Firstly, the huge frame coverage (even in comparison with 5D IV / 1 D) due to the smaller matrix size. Secondly, the software selection of the grid-levels, when all the necessary information is displayed or turned off directly on the focus area. Well, the actual choice of focusing methods - you can focus on a small point for the most accurate adjustment, a large one, five neighboring points, a group of 12 points, a third (left, right, middle) and all points at once. The choice of the mode is carried out by the lever above the joystick, the movement of individual points (groups, thirds) is carried out by the joystick. The settings allow you to leave only the preferred focusing methods for the custom mode. For example, for a landscape I am not too lazy to switch between all six modes - I shoot with a tripod, time allows, with the default mode - a group of 12 points. For reporting, a series is included, and there are only two modes - a group and "all". Well, for a portrait, one point, group, thirds.
All cropped Canon cameras, I mean. Well, all full-frame DSLRs, not counting the last two or three reportage ones (and, possibly, on an equal footing with 5D4).
This is generally the best amateur camera and I am glad that I bought it after much hesitation and study, and I’m definitely not going to change it in the next few years.
Dachshund, let's go again. Is it possible to simply shift the point / focus area without pressing additional buttons with a simple touch of the joystick?
Yes. If the “focus on all points” mode is not selected, then with the joystick I move a point or a group of points.
Thank you
Think in Ukraine to get such equipment?
Arkadiy, zrobite looking around? :)
I don’t see much point in doing reviews on such devices. They are just good, all that data has already been posted. Pros know exactly what kind of camera it is. Lovers will never use it. Much more interesting to do a tube review 1ds mark ii
And 1Ds mk3 :-)
Isenno is like that.
It is very interesting to look at the tests for noise and (most importantly) for autofocus in the dark. Changing 5D2 to 5D3 and setting 35 / 1.4, I came to the conclusion that a 4-fold increase in the noise range is cool, but I did not rise above 12800 even at 5D2, but the autofocus work in dark rooms (to be honest) upset me. The camera is on the secondary housing 2-2,5 times more, of the global nishtyaks (for me, in general, the whole opus is my subjective opinion) only autofocus. There are still many small features, such as a built-in level or the ability to heavily customize the functions of the buttons, but, I repeat: I took the camera because of autofocus, but during the day it does not work twice as well. At dusk - yes, the difference is huge, but it is impossible to work effectively late in the evening without illumination: the ISO margin is almost 10 times, but there is no time to focus for 3-5 seconds.
After the failure of the Nikon D5 (for the first time, Nikon managed to allow banding while pulling shadows in his top cameras!) They have D6 ready (we hope that there is no banding there!). But Kenon in all probability released a smart camera, looked at files on the Internet at high ISO and there are simply no words, a sufficiently high DD is preserved up to 12800! More real life is not necessary. It is a pity that Kenon will never allow the release of cameras in a lower price range with similar image quality. So you have to wait for 8-10 years before the prices for 1Dx3 control unit fall to the level of the national wallet.
koba, what other banding? There is no banding on the D5 in actual use. Only if you deliberately stretch the ravine by 5 steps and then examine the shadows with a magnifying glass. Well, I don’t think that because of this “nuance” you didn’t take the new D5, rather you didn’t have money for it anyway: D
I completely agree with Arkady and koba that lovers will not use such a camera in the near future. But for me personally, the question now was to change my 5D Mark II to something much better in terms of reporting capabilities, and now I seriously consider it as a used second-hand Canon 1 DX. This model was just released about ten years ago, and now it is available for the amateur. For me, the highest possible ISO working and speed and focus accuracy are the priority. Therefore, Arkady would be grateful if not for the review of 1 DX, then for the comment that he would choose for reporting for the same price: 5D Mark IV or 1 DX and why?
Difficult choice. If the report is pure, then 1dx on this case was created and ideally suited. 5d mark 4 is newer and is a more universal solution. I would take 1dh whenever possible (personal preference)
Take only 1D series cameras, never take 5D3! I have it, and despite the hype for this camera, it is completely defective, the matrix is worse than ever, banding is present on all files, in light areas and dark areas, shadows stretch but the result is ridiculous, etc. Camera jpeg - you will cry. 1Dx is another matter - everything is in place, literally everything! I'm not saying that it is a reportage camera, the shutter resource is at a level, made like a tank, very comfortable in the hand, more comfortable in an upright position than my Nikon D3s and in general all Nikon cameras from this series.
7D II look too. You hang on it 70-200 and immediately receives a 1.6-fold increase in comparison with a full frame and almost full coverage of the frame with focusing points. For reporting, it’s the most.
I have just the second 5D II camera - for a walk around the neighborhood with old fixes. For responsible filming, reporting and tourism, I take the 7D II - it has a flash (sometimes critical), GPS and WiFi via an inexpensive adapter. The bonus is the same type of battery, plus the battery grip is removable. You get tired of constantly wearing a full-frame carcass with a fixed handle.
Can I have an example of a photo where the built-in flash is critical?
The point of the built-in flash is not so much that it is a flash, but that with its help you can implement different things. The main one is to control other external flashes, use it as a trigger for monoblocs, often this is the easiest way to synchronize with the rest of the light used.
Because specifically, the effect of the built-in flash on the photo is rarely needed, but the photo itself can significantly benefit from it, the details are described for me, for example here.
Thank you very much, Arkady and Koba, for your advice. I myself was inclined to 1DX, but I wanted to hear the opinion of experienced photographers. Thank you again.
Roman, I'm just doing the opposite.
For a walk around the surroundings, I have a 40D and Sigma 18-200 with a tripod, because when shooting with a tripod, I don’t need a high working ISO, and I’m reluctant to drag a full frame and glasses weighing a kilogram. But for reporting in rooms with a single ISO lamp, the worker needs the more, the better, even if external flash units are used. I have 70-200 2,8, and for a long time I shot it with a 40D monopod, which is also good in terms of reporting, but its capabilities, like 7D II, in terms of ISO are very limited. I have no doubt that the 7D II is a good camera, but not for my tasks. And yet, I see no reason to change the full frame back to crop, especially since I have the main optics park for a full frame.