Announcement: Samyang / Rokinon AF 14 / 2.8 RF

On October 25, 2019, the Samyang AF 14 / 2.8 RF lens was introduced.

Samyang / Rokinon AF 14 / 2.8 RF

Samyang / Rokinon AF 14 / 2.8 RF

Basic properties

  • The first autofocus lens under Canon RF mount from a third-party manufacturer
  • Relative Hole: 1: 2.8-1: 22
  • Focal Length: 14mm
  • MDF: 0.2 meters
  • Maximum magnification ratio 1: 8.33
  • Optical design: 14 elements in 10 groups, including 3 aspherical elements, 2 low dispersion elements and 1 element with an ultra-high refractive index. See the drawing of the optical scheme. The optical design is significantly different from the mirror autofocus models Samyang AF 14 / 2.8 EF и Samyang AF 14/2.8F. It also differs from the mirrorless autofocus of the earlier model. Samyang AF 14 / 2.8 FE.
  • Enlightenment UMC
  • Number of aperture blades: 7 pieces
  • Focusing with STM motor
  • Filter diameter: does not support ordinary threaded filters. The lens is equipped with a filter holder on the bayonet side.
  • Protected enclosure
  • Weight: 484 gram
  • Price: about 700 dollars
  • Update: discontinued due to patent obligations


All Samyang Auto Focus Lenses

For mirrorless full frame cameras Sony (AF-FE)

For mirrorless full frame cameras Leica l

Cinema lenses for Sony (V-AF FE)

For mirrorless full frame cameras Canon (AF RF)

For SLR full-frame cameras Canon (AF EF)

For SLR full-frame cameras Nikon (AF F)

For mirrorless cropped cameras Sony (AF E)

For mirrorless cropped cameras FujiFilm (AF X)

For Canon cropped mirrorless cameras (RF-S)

  • 12mm F/2, December 2024

List of all mirrorless cameras with Canon RF mount

  1. Canon EOS [September 2018, BHphotovideo | ADORAMA]
  2. Canon EOS Ra [November 2019, BHphotovideo | ADORAMA]
  3. Canon EOSRP [February 2019, BHphotovideo | ADORAMA]
  4. Canon EOS-R1 [July 2024, BHphotovideo | ADORAMA]
  5. Canon EOS-R3 [April 2021, BHphotovideo | ADORAMA]
  6. Canon EOS-R5 [July 2020, BHphotovideo | ADORAMA]
  7. Canon EOS R5C [January 2022, BHphotovideo | ADORAMA]
  8. Canon EOS R5 Mark II [July 2024, BHphotovideo | ADORAMA]
  9. Canon EOS-R6 [July 2020, BHphotovideo | ADORAMA]
  10. Canon EOS R6 MARK II [November 2022, BHphotovideo | ADORAMA]
  11. Canon EOS-R8 [February 2023, BHphotovideo | ADORAMA]

Materials on the topic

  1. Full frame mirrorless systems... Discussion, choice, recommendations.
  2. Cropped mirrorless systems... Discussion, choice, recommendations.
  3. Cropped mirrorless systems that have stopped or are no longer developing
  4. Digital SLR systems that have stopped or are no longer developing
  5. JVI or EVI (an important article that answers the question 'DSLR or mirrorless')
  6. About mirrorless batteries
  7. Simple and clear medium format
  8. High-speed solutions from Chinese brands
  9. All fastest autofocus zoom lenses
  10. All fastest AF prime lenses
  11. Mirrored full frame on mirrorless medium format
  12. Autofocus Speed ​​Boosters
  13. One lens to rule the world
  14. The impact of smartphones on the photography market
  15. What's next (smartphone supremacy)?
  16. All announcements and novelties of lenses and cameras

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Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.

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Comments: 26, on the topic: Announcement: Samyang / Rokinon AF 14 / 2.8 RF

  • Peter Sh.

    $ 700, what a nightmare.

    • Arkady Shapoval

      Is there something cheaper under RF? But we already know the answer - no, because there is simply nothing to choose from for AF optics for RF.

      • Peter Sh.

        Yes, it seems that no one will be cheaper. Neither Tokina nor Tamron. I can not understand why?

        • Arkady Shapoval

          Over-width is a very, very difficult pleasure, especially a high-quality one.

          • Peter Sh.

            But there is cheaper for DSLRs. Why are all lenses for RF and Z so expensive?

            • Arkady Shapoval

              If we are talking about autofocus full-frame 14 2.8, then they are not cheap, neither for the ZK, nor for the BZK. For example, name one offhand?
              As for the high cost of all RF and Z, I believe that this is due to the fact that at the beginning PROF lenses were released under them, which by default should be good and make a good image for the system, so they are expensive. Canon, for example, has 8 out of 10 RF lenses - L-ki.

              • Peter Sh.

                AF 14mm f / 2.8 is not cheaper, but there are zooms like 16-28 different aperture. The difference is insignificant for most. Maybe they’ll do such things for the UPC.
                Or maybe the pros will start switching to the BZK someday.
                And so, new and expensive, cool and unknown, but nothing more.

              • Roman

                Well, put these zooms 16-28 different apertures through the adapter, what's the problem? Especially for the knowledge base, it makes sense to release only what takes advantage of the knowledge base. And this already requires a complete recalculation of the scheme, and then new technologies such as coatings and glasses were brought up - and now you already have a high-tech product at an adequate price. I do not like it - the adapter and the existing optics park works great anyway. Why do I not understand a bunch of lamentations about the price?

              • Peter Sh.

                Because through the adapter, both quality and AF deteriorate. Personally, I’m not an option. For others, I don’t know.

              • Peter Sh.

                If the question arises, why did I get this, so all manufacturers talk about it.

              • Roman

                The adapter retains the full autofocus and image stabilization capabilities of the mounted lens and includes no optical components, ensuring there are no changes to the original optical quality. It is also dust and water resistant, making it suitable for use in inclement weather conditions. In use, the adapter works perfectly with existing EF lenses, and in many cases, you'll be hard pressed to notice the difference between their performance on the EOS R and a Canon DSLR camera body. The adapter also works with existing third-party lens options designed for the Canon EF mount, and I was able to use the EOS R alongside both the Tamron 100-400mm and Sigma 100-400mm lenses. While their performance wasn't at the same level as a native EF mount lens, with noticeably laggy autofocus in low light environments, they both offered respectable performances.

                I'm interested in the performance of native lenses. She is the same. For third-party, sorry, no guarantees and no one promised. A set of native Canon lenses is more than enough for the most demanding taste to walk and whine about the high price of BZ glasses.

  • Rice

    I don’t understand why at such focal lengths I need to overpay for AF.

    • Arkady Shapoval

      Efficiency for work on 2.8. Not everyone needs hyperfocal at F / 22.

      • Rice

        Arkady, well, it’s only at short distances if.

        • Peter Sh.

          They are often filmed with them at close distances.

          • Roman

            In the full frame, this is a very specific glass. It is necessary to specifically look for plots and most often it all comes down to architecture, landscapes and a pinched hole, no matter how much you looked at the model shooting, it’s not that. And taking such a fool for a crop is simply pointless. Tokina 11-16 will be much more comfortable.

            • Michael

              As a user of the manual Samyang 14mm 2.8, I completely agree.
              99% of the frames are architecture and landscapes, and autofocus is not really needed there.
              It is impossible to shoot “at a glance”, with such a lens you still spend time building the correct composition, adjusting the AF is not a problem.
              I would generally buy a light dark fix 14mm, for example with f / 5.6, it is a pity there is none.

              • Roman

                I’m also thinking about some widths that are simpler and smaller. 16/4, 20/4 at least.

              • Arkady Shapoval

                Tokina 11-16 by 16mm in full frame is quite
                Tokina 12-24 by 18mm in full frame is quite inexpensive and even af ​​there

  • Roman

    Here again, Canon has patents - 10-24 / 4.0 (this is for a full frame, for a minute) - the equivalent of a crazy 11-24 and 14-28 / 2.0 in a pair of 28-70 / 2.0.

    It will be very cool (and, of course, very expensive) glass. But damn it, this in itself is an achievement in optics.

    • Arkady Shapoval

      10/4 full frame with AF is truly an achievement.

  • Peter Sh.

    I don’t know how it is with Kenon, but with Nikon Z, the adapter for F mount works with restrictions. AF only on phase sensors, no focus on contrast. And only for lenses with a built-in motor. Because the phase AF in the BZK can not even be compared with the AF of the DSLRs, the adapter will give invalid results.
    And the stub is also trimmed. And this is with native lenses.

    • Arkady Shapoval

      Stimulation of buying new Z-lenses

    • Roman

      Well, then it makes sense to talk about the problems of the Nikon UPC, and not the UPC in general. Therefore, Canon began to develop the TOP segment, because the bottom and the center were captured, out of inexpensive only 35 / 1.8 macro (also very worthy) and just patented 50 / 1.8. Which is also likely to be superior to mirror counterparts. And this model appeals to me more than “let us release a camera under which there is nothing, and then we will frantically push dumb lenses under it”.

  • koba

    I don’t know why people are surprised ... companies release products to make a profit, and not to satisfy someone, they do not care about you and everyone else in the world! There is one, the only goal in the release of goods - to maximize profit!

    • Roman

      Aha. I wonder why, when the welfare of the people was set as a goal during the scoop, shit was released on stolen schemes, and the capitalists with their maximum profit constantly get something that you regularly whine about - it's expensive. Earn more. And just put up with something - not for you. You don't whine about a Caterpillar bulldozer, but it costs more than a lens. This thing is used by special people for special purposes. Yesterday my wife showed a palette of eyeshadows for $ 300 - she can't afford it, it's Prof. series. Even though I can buy a dozen on the fly, for example. Glass does not pay for itself - it means not yours, they cannot satisfy all the poor pensioners who built a bright future for us.

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