Reviewer Syndrome

Some personal thoughts from the point of view of the surveyor and photographer:

  1. Having tried a lot of photographic equipment, you understand one thing: you have to shoot the same thing with different photographic equipment. The quality and variety of pictures, scenes, ideas almost does not depend on technology
  2. Art photography, photography as art is in no way connected with photographic equipment. Photographic equipment, lenses, cameras are in no way associated with good creative photography
  3. The best picture I took many years ago on a whale 18-105, it's a pity, then I didn't have something better and I had to stand on my ears to make it work
  4. New cameras and lenses are 99% better than their predecessors and so good that they often exceed the capabilities of the photographer who uses them
  5. Often you have to review equipment that you don’t want the enemy to do, which in general is not bad, but strongly dislike it. These are the worst moments. So recently I shot several times on Pentax K-70, Canon 750D and much more, but I did not prepare reviews
  6. There is photographic equipment to which you need to get used to and 'see through' it. In one or two days, you can only very superficially describe its subtleties. For example, there are lenses that 'unfold' only after years of use.
  7. If earlier, new photographic equipment was delighted, now I look at almost all photographic equipment as ordinary tools for the photographer. Nothing new and nothing interesting. Either already tried something like this, or it's a new good technique
  8. What difference does it make, what kind of camera do you have, if you still shoot some next gray wedding with a pregnant bride?
  9. Over the past 10 years of practice, I was only 3 times asked what I am shooting. Moreover, these were just questions without an understanding of the matter.
  10. Readers Radozhiva in no way intersect with my customers. For clients there is my old separate site
  11. Often you take survey equipment for shooting, but as a result, there is almost nothing to show in the review
  12. I shoot a lot of nature such as, it really relaxes me a lot from planned filming
  13. Many reviews on Radozhiv are terrible, but there is no time to rewrite them. Through the prism of experience, everything looks very different. But many have been rewritten, for some even the galleries have been updated
  14. Surveys and filming are two completely different directions. I switch from one to the other as soon as one thing bothers me
  15. No favorite camera. No favorite lens. There is no favorite system. I like Nikon and Canon the most. Question 'Nikon / Canon?' is a kind of photographer's maturity detector
  16. Right color and good color are two different things.
  17. My dream is not about cameras and lenses, but how to get out of the bondage of weddings and deal only with Rainbow. It turns out with varying success
  18. I noticed that beginners and even advanced amateurs believe that a good camera will greatly help them to take a good photo. Tormented by choice. And you need to torment yourself with ideas and plans for interesting filming.
  19. What difference does your camera have if you have nothing to shoot? Especially when winter comes in my area and 2 times a week I have to go to the same studio and shoot the same thing
  20. Often, I don’t want to do a review, since everything that was possible has already been said about a certain technique. So I rented more than once from friends or acquaintances for personal purposes Canon 5D MarkII, 5D Mark III, 6D, 6D MarkII, 750D, D3, Z6 and a bunch of other things, while I did not do their reviews
  21. Often I have to shoot not how I want, but how the client wants. It is very important to find a mutual solution. You need to strive to ensure that the client is personally interested in your approach to shooting. Often the client does not understand either his own desires or the goals of achieving them
  22. The word 'Radozhiva' is inclined, that is: Radozhivu, Radozhivu, Radozhiva. For some reason, I often communicate with people and they do not decline this word
  23. Phones are seriously taking away the bread from low-budget filming and are already getting to the mid-budget segment. You need to move towards high budgets, and this requires a change in the model of your photo business
  24. Not so long ago I was thinking about color, looking at the original images from the 'canonically correct' cameras. Then, continuing to ponder, he went out into the street on business. By chance, my gaze stopped on a yellow minibus minibus. For some reason, I thought this bus was 'shot' with a Canon 1 Ds Mark II, and I didn't like the color and didn't seem to be natural. But in fact, I looked at the bus with my own eyes and did not trust them. After which I am absolutely sure that the often-dense perception of color in a photograph is subjective.
  25. It takes years to discern trifles and be able to manage details in a photograph
  26. When working with old equipment, a challenge arises, a struggle in which the photographer’s work is or may be manifesting itself. Old equipment sometimes tempers the spirit and makes you play by other rules
  27. I am in favor of updating the technology in one generation. It’s better to skip the first generations of new cameras (this is the question of new mirrorless cameras)
  28. Sorry Pentax
  29. For big cities, a very good rental equipment paradigm is now. For beginners, I advise you to stick to it
  30. The best camera of all time? I would prefer Canon 5D MarkIIbut the correct answer does not exist
  31. One lens to rule the world? I would prefer the good 35 / 1.4 / 1.2
  32. How not to fall asleep? Just find and see at night good shots and ponder how they were removed and what of the like I would like to repeat, but what to come up with yourself?

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Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.


Add a comment: Roman



Comments: 155, on the topic: Observer Syndrome

  • Gregory

    “One 35 / 1.4 lens” - is it a full frame?

  • Basil

    Can you look at that very best shot, Arkady? :)

    • Ivmulder

      I'll wait for you here)

    • Dmitriy

      Yes, I would also like to see)

      • Maria

        + + +

        • Vadim

          I also support the question!

  • Konstantin Shulika

    The question has already been asked above - why do you feel sorry for Pentax? I join him. IMHO Pentax has the most comfortable and complete ergonomics I've ever seen.

    • Michael

      Because he will die, therefore it is a pity

    • Roman

      Sigma stopped releasing lenses under it officially. Tamron informally, but also. Its lenses are few, the platform is dead.

      • Michael

        They forgot Tokin, she is like Tamron

      • Michael

        By the way, where does the Sigma infa come from? Her latest line of Art and Contemporary is with the Pentax mount.

        • Roman

          Today is literally in the news.

          • Michael

            Thank you

            • spitzer

              But the K-1 II was released ...

              • Michael

                Well released. They are still alive. Only there are no lenses, the demand is low. This track is known where it leads.

  • Dim

    The whole difference is in approaches, some fall in love with cars, someone grows flowers in the garden, someone has a happy violin. A person is a sentient being - if he likes some kind of camera and a person enjoys using it or, for example, like the aforementioned lens - for a long time reveals its capabilities, then he enjoys life and this is wonderful. Another thing is that it is very difficult to enjoy work :), sometimes it is almost impossible. At the same time, such “unrequited love” with enthusiasm for becoming “work” also makes life complete and allows the individual to develop, and not degrade. Lying drunk under the fence in your stool is naturally much easier than trying to create at 1001 weddings, which happened according to the scenario of the previous 1000 :) Maybe you should do Psychology if the photo seems to be studied and then the latter will take on new facets :)

  • I do not want holivar, I just nastalgiruyte

    18, 19, 28 p.
    Pentax is 100 years old, hello. When I was choosing a camera for myself, I was guided by the criteria “more than once”, survivability (all-weather), the materials from which I collected.
    And so, since the age of 11 I have been walking with a k-5, during this time he went with me both fire and water, in the literal sense. Just the way the officers looked at me after the training ground, when I washed away the dirt and gunpowder under running water - it was worth taking it. The guys even dropped their cigarettes.
    During this period, I took Canon, Sony, Nikon into my hands ... But all this did not just seem flimsy, they actually did not give me that joy, emotions that I got with my first digital SLR.
    At minus forty-three, Sony said it was completely discharged, and Pentax worked with a bang for five hours. Five hours for which the event simply ended. For which I had to run several times to the field forge, to the forge (where I burned the back of the gloves, just blissfully warming my hands).
    Where the canon got wet and refused to work, pentah ... I would have worked with a bang, but I did not take it with me. This baby is still lying nearby, proudly flashing a sticker from one of the security services. And now I only take him with me. Maybe I would have changed him, but for my soul and business, he completely suits me. I do not shoot weddings, companies, in the studio - I shoot what I like and when I want (including the period of service).
    And yes, no matter how much I love pentas, I consider the K-70 a freak. I think the less moving parts, the better. We changed the usual ergonomics. And generally speaking.

    • Jury

      I started to try bourgeois photographic equipment with K1000 ...))) This camera was in the hands of our entire laboratory, and when, many, many years later, I tried to buy it from the last owner, he did not sell it ...))

  • Vyacheslav

    Thank you for honest interesting thoughts and what you do. :)

  • Victor

    Thank you, Arkady, for the revelations! Item # 18 is the best! However, Nos. 21, 24, 25, 26 should also be designated as important. Success!

    • us6ibd

      I will support your opinion on paragraph 18.
      Arkady huge respect.
      Thanks to this site, I made the choice of my first digital SLR.
      And that was the Nikon D80. Now I switched to FF, and gave the D80 to my daughter. You should have seen what thematic photo sessions she “creative” !!!

  • Air force

    Philosopher, philosopher.
    I don't know, I don't like smart pictures. They are wrong. Why dont know.
    The best camera is the one that is constantly with you and you don't mind)
    Nikons shoot the same

    • Novel

      Your phobia can be easily treated - by viewing photos without exiphs.
      Or look at the presentation of the iPhone 11)

  • Mihailo

    Good day.
    This system and camera is suitable, for a long time before that, the quality of nikon / kenon is approximately the same with similar characteristics. If I want to rewire, I give everything to Nikon.
    Tsikavit vlasne nutrition - what's wrong with Pentax? It's just that a long time ago there was a milenitsa pentax, and-10 to be built, just not a memory. Zhodna Milnitsa did not know so much more.
    Infection Nikon 3100 і about "Active nikon 35mm, 1.8 diaphragm. For that, you have bought a tsey about an active, about a whale forgetting. Alone, it’s not vistacha for architecture, and it’s not even better to know in the primitive, albeit on the crop.
    I think zmіniti Pentax, ala pokti koshti do not allow all zrobiti. It’s possible through pіvroka rіk all the same I can remember.

    • Oleg

      Already wrote, but think twice. Sigma just recently officially announced that it was discontinuing the production of lenses for the Pentax system, and Tamron, most likely, would no longer do this either. The reason is not profitable, the demand is too low. Few people use Pentax. And Sigma is going to put all his efforts into the production of lenses for mirrorless systems, believing that they are the future of photography.

  • Nicholas

    Good for you! Five points. (experienced photographer).

  • Novel

    Arkady, your sadness in the article strongly reminded how Tom Sawyer painted the fence and the conclusion that there is a hobby (when you pay) and that there is work (when you are paid for the same thing) and a scene from the first university when the gosh decided to be a specialist in checking breasts and how it ended.
    All you need is a trip to the Caribbean or the Maldives with a good camera. Just for yourself. There are sunsets!
    And if the work does not give such an opportunity, then it probably makes sense to think whether it makes sense?

  • bigmc

    Thank you for the sincerity and well-thought out thoughts and experience of a commercial photographer. I will subscribe to every word. You don’t need to make a fetish out of photo equipment, you need to choose what is convenient for you personally and work for her, and not engage in techno-dreading. I constantly remember this and try to get rid of it in myself.

  • Novel

    The right color and good color are two different things.

    Arkady, I think what to talk about color when a lot of people do not understand at all how the camera works with color ...
    Do you have any educational program on this topic?

    Any camera has a color gamut that fits into the selected color space, amateurs most often use the ancient sRGB.
    Any matrix, within the framework of its settings and hardware, tries (or not) to write the information received as accurately as possible.
    Pros and amateurs have different requirements.
    Pros need a camera with accurate color reproduction.
    The amateur is more colorful to acidity, and accuracy is not needed at all.
    Profi wants to get a predictable result at the output, he winds up the rest.
    Here are the manufacturers and began to twist the saturation equal to saturation from 3% -5% to 15%.
    Hence the endless flame about Skinton. It’s easy to understand what was really difficult at sunset, but you can see greenback or carrot on the skin), especially if it was not in the source data.
    Further, the paths of inexperienced lovers again do not coincide with the pros.
    The pro looks at the result of imatest or the like and already knows where and how the camera will lie by color or saturation.
    Because any subject - tops, landscapes or portraits - is a special case.
    An amateur scornfully scoffs and does not understand the test (well, it’s difficult there, all sorts of numbers!) Spends a lot of time checking each particular case.
    The same thing about lenses, the pros look MTF, the noob takes bricks for a long time and writes nonsense about opening the lens.
    The evolution is obvious from here:

    There is no favorite camera. There is no favorite lens. There is no favorite system. Most like Nikon and Canon. Question 'Nikon / Canon?' is a kind of photographer maturity detector.

    • Roman

      When talking about a camera, it is not customary to talk about color gamut. Glory to T-stu, already at least not "colorful", already the megaprofi spied on the definition. Color gamut is a characteristic of an output device. An input device (camera sensor) has a spectral response.

      Each element of the matrix generates some value. This value indicates how many photons the element has caught. He can catch them with a certain probability for each wavelength - this is the spectral characteristic.

      There are an infinite number of spectra that a given specific element with a given specific spectral characteristic can reflect the same value. It can be a monochromatic radiation source, a combination of them, or a whole spectrum - it doesn't matter. On the other hand, we have at least three types of elements, so each of them will react differently to this spectrum. Therefore, it is impossible to talk about color gamut - within a certain range of wavelengths, each element of the matrix will respond to ALL spectra.

      After debayering and interpolation of the obtained values, we will have three RGB values ​​for each image element. They are dimensionless and can mean anything. They need to be interpreted in some way. The interpretation is handled by the camera profile. It is either an embedded profile that is used internally by the camera to create a JPEG image. Or converter profile. In general, the conversion is performed according to the RAW -> XYZ -> sRGB or AdobeRGB scheme. The output profiles already have a color gamut - these are some ideal monitors with certain characteristics. We can bring to them the triples of values ​​taken from the camera. As a result, we run into the output device, in its color rendering capabilities. HOW you interpret the values ​​depends on the profile. You can wind up the profile in any way you like. It can be some kind of relatively simple matrix, it can be a set of LUT values, it can be anything you like - at least write your own converter for your needs. You can take photos of 16 million patches, adjust your profile to fit them - the matrix will fix all the colors in a certain way. She counts photons, she does not see color from the word at all.

      • Novel

        Sensors have a color gamut, I'll tell you a secret - it is measurable and usually superimposed on the color space.
        Therefore, if the sensor provides coverage within sRGB, it makes no sense to change the output format. But if the sensor is much better than srgb, the output format of srgb will simply cut off some of the halftones.
        Therefore, you need to know the capabilities of your carcass in order to choose the output format.
        It’s not interesting to comment further,
        Your enchanting nonsense that imatest measures distortion from a flash and a polarizer made my day yesterday, today I am without popcorn)
        So surf theaters, I won’t interfere)

        • Roman

          Sensors DO NOT have color gamut. Color gamut is a characteristic of output devices. This is the definition. What the sensor measures, I explained above. If you find it difficult to understand, re-read it again. You can even several times. Do you even understand what color is? How does the eye work, how does the sensor work? Until I see understanding, real understanding - you are simply relaying a set of mantras without bothering with examples.

          The sensor issues a RESPONSE to the EMP in the form of a set of numbers. You have a specific spectrum of radiation - the eye reacts to it with a specific response from the LMS cones, which the brain interprets as color. And the sensor generates numbers, which are obtained after digitizing the voltage on the photodiode, which is covered with a light filter. And different situations may arise because the systems are different. Two different responses in the eye to two different spectra and only one in the sensor - the sensor does not distinguish between such spectra. Or one response from the eye and two from the sensor - the eye does not distinguish between such spectra.

          Interpretation of these numbers gives you color. Interpretation only. In principle, sensors respond to all spectra to which the eye responds. Only they do it in different ways.

          > Your enchanting nonsense that imatest measures distortion from flash and polarization made my day yesterday, today I'm without popcorn)

          This is your speculation. I talked about the fact that the shooting conditions are so different, and any devices affect the resulting image so much that I see no reason to talk about skinton or beautiful color. It will be exactly what you make it as a result of processing. I don’t know what you are doing, WHAT you are shooting, but neither color correctors nor retouchers ever worry about skin color, unreliable color, boring color - they create it themselves. Desolation of the theme of color is the lot of photo dochers and techies. This is not art. This is not a photograph. This is a photo doc, the same as audiophilia, when not music is important, but per se sound. You can do this alone or in groups, but you do not need to poke your mantras under each message. This is not healthy. You have a schizophrenic approach, you simultaneously declare that the camera is an instrument and what it is - it doesn’t matter at all, but only the color rendition is important, and better 1DS III and 5D II or whatever you advertise there didn’t come up with anything.

          • Vitaly N

            Yes, if you remember where these RGBs came from, and that in different people, cones register different ranges of the spectrum - all these standards are tied to the hospital average value. To which the printing-display devices are also attached. As a result, it is not possible in principle to achieve that for EVERYONE in the end the photograph displays the real color. Maybe someday color photography will take a step forward, registering more than 3 bands of the spectrum, but so far it has not.

            • Roman

              The perception of the image depends on the viewing conditions. Perception is influenced by the size of the image source, the presence and position of the light source in the room. The sun came out from behind the curtains - the color temperature crept. Moved the lamp closer to the monitor - the same thing. More monitor means less impact and vice versa.

              In people, everything is just about the same, if there are no diseases. Whoever painted the standard curves in the 30s didn’t really have to average them over the observers. Almost identical results.

              • Vitaly N

                The fact of the matter is that in the 30s. Newer studies have found 50 photopigments in 8% of women and 4% of men ...

              • Roman

                Without extensive research on the actual effect of this pigment on the ability to distinguish colors, so far these are just four pigments.

              • Vitaly N

                I agree. It turns out that we use research almost a century ago. And about a quarter of the population have a different retinal structure, while being healthy people.

    • Roman

      > Pros need a camera with accurate colors.

      For what? Now, except for the obstinacy of this constant and unproven? It’s possible some images, better in RAVs, some development results. Only artistic images, not this typical crap of yours, when you take a picture of a hut, some bush, or headphones on a synthesizer. ALL PICTURES that I have seen on the photo doc forums are disgusting. They just remove anything, show them in different ways, sort through profiles and try to make out details. In these pictures there is no sense, there is no artistic value, you can not take them to the exhibition, you will not sell them to the customer. These are just stupid photos of dull lovers in which there is nothing at all but an abstract and comprehensive color.

    • Roman

      > Here are the manufacturers and began to twist the saturation saturation from 3% -5% to 15%.

      Proofs. Tired already. What exactly is saturation and exactly in RAW.

      • Michael

        The numbers in the test) I saw myself)

        • Roman

          The most interesting thing is that imatest works with RAW files using dcraw. And with standard profiles, which are generally, in my opinion, adobian. That is, the most important stage - the interpretation of the obtained RAW-values ​​is at the mercy of the standard profile, made by some sort of colorchecker. Well, what can then be compared at all? What kind of objectivity are we talking about? Changed the profile on the same sensor - got other results.

          • Michael

            Well, actually yes. You can put different profiles for the camera acr and the result will be different. Also about color rendering hi RPP

            • Roman

              And if none of the manufacturers are not soared about the profiles, then what? So the problem is sucked out of the finger. If only from a finger only.

  • Ivan

    Yak, for me, are the signs of the diploma of robots, nothing new. Effort to pass.

  • Volodymyr

    Paragraphs 9, 10.
    Є by reading Radozhivi i buv your klіntom :), v_dpov_dno, feeding on scho vі know and didn’t.

  • Pavel Gorbunov

    Arkady can only sympathize. But in the end, we choose our own destiny.
    As a professional amateur photographer, it is immeasurably easier for me than professional photographers, since most of the questions asked by Arkady and most of the topics he raised for me simply do not exist. This is not a picture, but the realization that photography, besides a hobby, can also be a profession, with all the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and limitations imposed on it by the scope of a given task.
    Many thanks to the author of Radozhiva, as this is one of the very few photographic sites that you don’t want to leave afterwards.

  • Vladimir Bogush

    I felt sad in your words: and who needs it, I'm tired.
    You did a great job and personally answered many questions, and it’s hard to find stronger reviews on technology with your personal impression as an author.
    You are right that iron or glass is secondary, but finding a tool takes a long time - and you save a lot of it.
    Thank you for your help.

  • Serge

    “I took my best picture many years ago on a whale 18-105, sorry, then I didn't have something better and had to stand on my ears to make it work” - which one? Where can you see?

  • Serge

    p.18 and yes and no ...
    When your lens is shit, then you really don’t want to shoot it. I had cameras Nikon D50, D80, D90, Kenon 1100, Nikon D610, d5300. The last 2 I have now. But the coolest camera was d50! Because the first one! Because I taught! Because I fell in love with the photo! (before that there were soap cameras like Canon a470 and Olympus super zoom SP550 and it was suffering and not creativity).
    Having finished the photo school, I realized that the cameras are all the main thing, what and how to shoot, at least for a tin can :)

  • VasilVasil

    Somewhere Hervé Bazin had a phrase: “Just as after changing twenty professions you fall into poverty, having lived through twenty love stories you fall into loneliness”. Something like this is heard this article, all from satiety, you can write a commentary on each item or you can ... sympathize, art for pleasure and craft for our daily bread, sometimes inspiration forgets us, if apathy comes, change at least something: camera, work, woman; some say that rearranging the furniture (lens) brings variety, do not hesitate to fight depression or it will slowly kill you, sometimes an antidepressant in a secret pocket is more useful than a condom, and in general this article is not about photography but about mood ... mood indigo. Good luck Arkady.

  • Rack

    Good opinion) But I do not agree with some points, about the lenses that almost all are the same) They are the same, but the perception is different. I also read this blog, because there are no Russian-language sites on technology, and even more so on lenses. And about the lenses - Helios definitely stands out, Jupiter - I like them) Of course - the optical scheme is German) The Germans know how to do it)
    My page at 500 px if that
    Helios and Jupiter bought thanks to reviews from the site

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