A note on the Nikon line, primarily about Nikon D700 and its non-existent descendants.
Nikon D700 was one of a kind. The camera had a very good balance in its capabilities, but this was due to the fact that Nikon D700 was a mixture of TOP Nikon D3 и D300. Primarily in D700 used the same sensor and other main nodes (focus module, metering, etc.) as in Nikon D3. To summarize, then Nikon D700 could give almost everything the same as TOP Nikon D3.

Nikon ruler on the timeline. The image is clickable. Blue arrows indicate direct inheritance in generations of cameras. Green indicates the inheritance of part of the functions.
But Nikon D800 / D800E is not a direct continuation Nikon D700. Cameras Nikon D800/D800E/D810/D810a/D850 carry some of the functionality received from Nikon D3x, which led to significant loss of that balancewhich was at one time D700.
With the release of the Nikon D800 / D800E, not only the 'D700' line is closed but also the 'D3x' line. Nikon D700 and Nikon D3x cameras have no direct functional descendants. Subsequent cameras inherited only part of the capabilities from each of them, which led to the loss of the treasured balance.
First of all, the eight-hundredth series stopped using sensors from TOP cameras Nikon D3s, D4, D4s, D5, D6 and instead uses 'its own' high pixel density sensors, resulting in very different frame rates and ISO thresholds.
The dilemma is not that in our time there is no replacement for the D700, but that the proposed replacements do not have the same balance that the Nikon D700 once had.
On Nikon D750 - This camera belongs to the amateur series and is actually a continuation / addition to the Nikon D600 / D610 and has no direct relation to the Nikon D700. It is enough to write 'D750' instead of the name 'D620', as everything falls into place. By the way, according to rumors, the D600 / D610 line will also not receive its continuation. D780 - continuation D750.
As a result, users of the Nikon system did not wait for a full-fledged replacement for the D700 and never will. It is simply not profitable for Nikon to sell the conditional 'D700s' with the capabilities of the Nikon D5 in a body from D500.
I am often asked which of these Nikon full-frame cameras to buy. Nikon D700 I recommend buying last, following the following sequence (in descending order): D850 -> D810 -> D780 -> D750 -> D800E -> D800 -> D610 -> D600 -> D700. Of course, in each case the priority can change, including the addition of 'ones' to the sequence D3, D3s, D3x, D4, D4s, D5, D6, Df and mirrorless Z7, Z6, Z5, Z6 II, Z7 II.
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Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.
in January 2018 I took a used D700, before that I was shooting an entry-level camera D3100.
first impression - lenses Nikkor 28-300 and Sigma 50 / 1,4 are completely different lenses
The D700 is certainly a thing! I never cease to wonder how much my possibilities have expanded
And what exactly has “expanded the possibilities”? (besides another picture from the lenses).
You feel bad?
There are NO reviews of almost all units and dimes on Radozhiv.
Well, there’s so much that isn’t on the joyo. Arkady is more on old nikon and nikon crop, there are no sensible reviews of the last nikon either.
For other brands, a lot of what is not. Read the preview, DRL and other resources.
I am alone, and there are millions of various techniques :)
Nobody argues, but the nickels ... Arkady ...
The second and third ... this is a popular technique.
And how cool it would be to compare the d700 and the second nickle. And there will be a lot of hype and a discussion of bold comments on 200-300))
And for a long time there were no reviews of Canon cameras.
Sense of comparing the D700 and the second or third nickle?
They have already left the market. On Avito, five-copecks in bunches are sold at bargain prices.
It is necessary to compare Kenon Air with Sony A7 3 or later, with Z6 or Z7 and with Panasonic S1 / S1R. This is really interesting.
The point is that Radozhiva is not for majors.
To talk about the cameras you brought, well, it's like giving a playboy to a high school student.
Comparing Porno with Nikon and Canon is a futile idea. These cameras are bought new by people with the luggage of money and glass experience.
A review of Pyatak 2, Pyatak 3 is needed. It is cheap and affordable to the masses. Yes, and it’s interesting to read an honest, unbiased opinion on nickels and units from Arcadia. Comparison pyatidvaka and d700 is also interesting to read, mainly because of the comments. Yes, and justice must be restored. Here Nikon is full of reviews, and ff Canon cat wept.
Well, I voiced my opinion on mark 2, 3, 4 many times here. We can assemble a hodgepodge of basic info on 5d mark 2/3/4 for young neophytes who want to be used. or new, I will create a special theme.
And then the majors?
Open the dates of the reviews ff made by Arkady. How much did these cameras cost on the review date? Compare with the price of cameras above.
What has changed? You just wanted to flood? Then it was a camera like not milking majors, but now ff cameras for 2000-3000 suddenly became for some kind of super poor majors of playboys?
Your post perfectly illustrates how past year-old moss-covered gurus have lagged behind life.
Panasonic s1r, for example, is equipped with a matrix from a watering can q2 made in Israel, has very dense color filters and gives a luxurious color, which is the average between Fuj and Kenon Mark 4.
In turn, the erk kenon has problems with color, and the z-series Nikons are simply none, gray. For completeness, there are already profiles under Sony A7 3 to get the colors of Kenon with one click.
So it’s nothing strange that Avito’s old junk is too big a difference with the new cameras.
S1r has good color
Discover the dates of Nikon crop reviews here on Radozhiva, but look carefully at the dates.
Most of the reviews were done after 2012-2013. And even then they were NOT like new, but most were removed from the prospect.
Who cares what color, what a photoanonism. Why compare these cameras?
For what there is a glass park, we buy those carcasses.
Who will now dawdle on the headstock and merge their photo equipment park for the sake of new products? Well, what a kindergarten. Do not care for everyone on a porn elephant.
Try to read it carefully. If you have vision problems, can you see an ophthalmologist? Where did I talk about the crop? Quote. You also talked about brands and d700, is it like a crop? Against this background, your mention of “… nanism” simply confirms the simple fact that you blurted out nonsense about the majors and now you are flooding.
And now the facts about the d700 that you talked about. Arkady did her review in 2012, her price in 2012: In March, the price of the Nikon D700 will drop to $ 2199.95 in the US. This is $ 500 reduction from the curent $ 2,699.95. Feb 24, 2012.
Which is lower than Sony a7 iii. But in your opinion, Sony is for majors and playboys. )
We look at d800, Arkady did a review in 2012.
Its price was $ 2999.95, which is higher than the price of canon eos r and quite fits into the price range of nikon z6, z7.
Majors, apparently, shredded heavily for 7 years)
Spell and again - take the reviews of all cameras here and compare the test date, the date of the announcement. There are mainly crop reviews on Radozhiv. The overwhelming majority of camera reviews are made using old technology. Review of the same unit or Kodak or first-timer.
We must also mentally multiply the prices by two, the rates of our "currencies" have changed somewhat since then ...
One more time and by letter -
8.08.2019/09/05 at XNUMX:XNUMX Reply
Nobody argues, but the nickels ... Arkady ...
The second and third ... this is a popular technique.
And how cool it would be to compare the d700 and the second nickle. And there will be a lot of hype and a discussion of bold comments on 200-300))
08.08.2019/14/14 at XNUMX:XNUMX Reply
Sense of comparing the D700 and the second or third nickle?
They have already left the market. On Avito, five-copecks in bunches are sold at bargain prices.
It is necessary to compare Kenon Air with Sony A7 3 or later, with Z6 or Z7 and with Panasonic S1 / S1R. This is really interesting.
No one discussed crop.
Then 1Ds_mk3 began to invent major, crop and other floods.
So what have the courses changed?
Fewer cars began to be sold? How many new imported cars were sold in Ukraine? They are also denominated in foreign currency at the exchange rate.
Those who need it will buy it. The problem is different, the masses for $ 800 are enough for the masses, this is cool, and many pros will not upgrade because the demand has fallen and the price of photo services, they will not recapture the costs now.
Arkady, used mark 4 for the price of a new sony a7 iii, as some say here only for majors).
For the neophyte, there is not the slightest sense in Mark 4 that there is simply no sense in what’s new. Do not get it wrong, Mark 4 itself is quite good, but for this money you can buy a neophyte camera much better or not worse but cheaper.
Neither by color, nor by function, nor by dd mark 4 does not shine for the money that is being asked for it. Therefore, in the photo ru in the topic about him post a photo of only a couple of people.
Mark 2 - excellent color, IMHO one of the best, worst phase af among ff, ridiculous price, poor functionality. For $ 300-500, this is a very good option.
Mark 3 - noticeably worse color, average af, average functionality. The best choice for bombing.
Well said.
Comrade Anonymous. How can you not understand that having a canon of Nikon or L golden rings from Canon there is no particular desire to sell them for deshmana, lie on the dough and take Sonya's porn or bzzk.
Well the point? Well, here comes the A7Rm4. Well, Allah is with her. As well as a porno slave. To get better shots? And I don't seem to complain. I don't know where you live, but recommending 5Dmk4 to a neophyte ... as well as any new product is stupid. It's silly to compare cameras with each other. Well, this comparison is like a Ferrari and a Lamborghini. As schoolchildren buying a magazine, they discuss which is cooler. The reality is different - I bought 24-70 / 2.8, 70-200 / 2.8, 24-105 / 4 or 24-120 / 4 (24-85) and that's it - you're a slave to the lamp. You are not interested in cameras with other mounts. And if you managed to save up for 50 / 1.2, 85 / 1.2, 35 / 1.4, then in general, then I don't care what color and DD are there for Sonya / pornoslonic. How many dozen batteries do you need to carry with you? I hope I have clearly explained.
1Ds_mk3, it's hard for me to comment on your promiscuous fantasies. Try re-reading the comments one more time, there is no mention of crop, no lens park, no Sony a7mk4, no recommendations for a neophyte to buy 5d mark 4.
You came up with something yourself and argue with it yourself. I won’t interfere.)
Arkady, can you somehow calm down a troll with a vocabulary of the level of "pornography" and "photoananism"?
Ran complaining?
Hmm ... reminded me of a local lover of color and twice a crop with whale glass (because there is no money). All spring and summer he propagandized him. He called unbelievers trolls and ran to complain to Arkady anyway.
1Ds_mk3, it's hard for me to comment on your promiscuous fantasies. Try re-reading the comments one more time, there is no mention of crop, no lens park, no Sony a7mk4, no recommendations for a neophyte to buy 5d mark 4.
You came up with something yourself and argue with it yourself. I won’t interfere
What is the dispute about? Give Arkady these cameras - there will be an overview. What was written about that. I think Arkady doesn’t want to make a review on Hassel either ...
Sly Arkady.
Interesting and relevant cameras are not millions, but less than a dozen.
Along the way on Radozhiv, another "detriesovich" appeared
Arkady, but you did not plan to review the adapters for the lenses of one brand with the carcasses of another, in different formats?
It is ridiculous to read the comments of some “gurus” who do not even suspect, for example, that you can perfectly use elki from kenon on Sony carcasses by buying MS-11 for 150 dollars. It is clear that the people are behind the times, about sigma, they have not heard or tried metabones, can you fill the gap?
I had a review of Canon EF somewhere - Sony E with full automatic support
With all this, the eternal question. What to choose? I had d700 and the bastards stole the rest of the good straight from the hut.
Now I think to return again to the d700 or 610 to miss. I want to fasten 50 1.4 d. Banquets do not bomb. Mostly portraits and street. The only thing I didn’t like about 700k was the weight. Now I have fuji x100s. I am extremely disappointed with the slowness. For the street, fire and nothing more.
You only consider a Nikon DSLR?
I think yes. The budget is up to 20 thousand UAH. it is with a lens. Therefore, used. Experience with Nikon is positive. But I could and canon consider. On a budget it's Mark 2.
Dear Sergey, I use or have used many cameras, including the Nikon D700. In terms of image quality / price, he has no equal, and the camera is made perfectly. If you need video, then Canon 5d or 6D (the latter is better in terms of image quality and one of the best on the market), but if ISO more than 1600 is not required, then I would choose the Nikon D7100 and spend on Nikon 17-55 / 2.8. By the way, I think that in terms of image quality up to ISO 1600 the Canon 7D lags quite a bit behind it, and up to ISO800 it completely wins, with a better and more professional level of the camera itself. Only kenon is required 17-55 / 2.8 IS (the latter has autofocus faster than that of the same lens from Nikon and reaches the speed of full-format professional zooms, and the price is even $ 150 less than Nikon 17-55 / 2.8).
Nikon D700 is a workhorse; on the secondary housing can be found inexpensively, but its wear will certainly be colossal. Moreover, it is mainly weddings and other serial push buttons that throw it off. So, if the budget allows, it is probably better to take the 610. But together with the lens ... if only you are lucky.
Since I choose in the secondary market, it’s hard to find the d610 that’s not ushatanny weddings for my budget. All the same, the choice fell on the d700 and time-tested 50 mm 1.8g. Here, on the forum, I found out that it is probably the fastest in conjunction with the d700. I shoot mainly street (speed and tenacity of autofocus) + portraits.
> better both dd and resolution
The DD of the second penny is lower - 11,9 versus 12,2 for the D700.
= DD of the second nickel below - 11,9 against 12,2 for D700. =
Measurement error 0.5. We can safely say that dd does not differ taking into account the measurement error.
Yes, and after reading almost everything on this site, I came to the conclusion that the d700 is quite relevant to this day. The only complaint is weight. But having taken a look at the conveniences and ease, I am ready to carry the weight of d700 + 50 mm along the streets.
Weight can be counted among the pluses as a stabilizer. The heavier the camera, the less shaking.
Good afternoon! Is it worth buying this camera now?
I am considering dormouse a 7-3 ... and I started thinking because nikon d700 wanted for a long time
A7-3 is much newer and preferable. But on the d700 you can shoot for your own pleasure. The question is in tasks, experience and budget.
Canon 600d 18-55 is ll. Taken at Svyatcher in motion from the front passenger seat of the Tavria car. When the road swept, and traffic between the cities of the Kirovograd region was blocked.
D850 series is declining towards Df. Is the Z7 series also declining towards the Z7II?
Arkady, I'm probably stupid, but I can't figure out the sequence of “ones”. Here, the sequence is probably not in descending order, but in ascending order. But then why does Df come after D6? is it preferable?
DF of another class, this is not a “one”, where at least does it have a combo body? or top autofocus? or professional orientation?