13.02.2019/XNUMX/XNUMX was announced a new full-frame mirrorless camera Canon EOS RP, and also announced the development of several lenses for this system.
Detailed specifications can be viewed here.
You can express your opinion in the comments below.
Thank you for attention. Arkady Shapoval
Strange, 70-200 is so short. Trunk?
What's so strange? Have you seen the long-discontinued Canon 70-300 in size (length) 10cm?
He's not that short. Consider the increased bayonet mount
It's not short. It's just cold right now ... :-)
No, it is positioned as ultra-compact.
Basically, in a… um… unexcited state, the little mentioned 70-300, but it uses diffractive optics (DO). And, by the way, it is still being produced. But it is also a folding, not one-piece design.
It is likely that Canon is using DO elements in this lens. Well, or a significant reduction in the working length will finally allow the use of more interesting optical schemes.
Generally interesting. Judging by the picture, the diameter of the lens is not much larger than the diameter of the front element, and all the “folding” elks are like barrels, about a centimeter around. And trombones are now out of favor to move the entire front part (like the old 100-400). Perhaps the combination of DO and a short back section will allow such a solution with internal focusing.
Yes, Canon has problems with the design. Compared to the same latest Panasonic, which has a plus ... IMHO, naturally.
What is wrong with the design?
The camera is ugly, but immediately recognizable :)
ordinary camera
Wrote: IMHO. That is, this is purely my opinion, not imposed on anyone. And it is such that the design is no and scary. I wouldn’t have taken the camera because of him.
Poor management - like in the younger series. Apparently, everything is through the sensor ...
so this is the younger series.
two breakthroughs at once on the market of mirrorless cameras from Kenon - the cheapest full-frame mirrorless camera and another even greater breakthrough - an unusually small fast long zoom - 70-200 / 2,8. I wonder when other manufacturers will do this. As we can see, Kenon knows that the name alone is not enough to sell a lot, we need even more or less cheap cameras and some super comfortable professional lenses.
Where did you get the price? cheaper Sony a7 did not see anything.
It is still available for order.
Sony A7 100 years into lunch already, with disgusting controls, ergonomics, with an ancient matrix.
their “ancient matrix” is still better than a 6dm2 sensor, which is placed in the camera under discussion.
better than 6dm2 sensor? But what if I say that in 6dm1 a matrix is better than in 7dm2? I have both of these cameras, tell me where the sensor is better.
It is inadequate to compare crop / 1.6 and ff, whatever it may be.
And yes, the sensors in most Canon, except for the latter, were rigidly inferior to the sensors manufactured by Sony (both in the Sony cameras themselves and the options for Pentax, Nikon). For a long time, the Canons had simply no DD.
The color is good, yes.
I wrote about Sony a7m2.
"Matrix than 7dm2?"
You mentioned not a7m2, judging by the quote.
I will say that you and I have very different requirements for sensors. The 6dm2 sensor has a significantly narrower DD at the base ISO, but gives slightly less noise at the high ISO. For cameras that do not have a good and fast AF system (I'm talking about RP now, although 6dm2 AF is also not very good) DD is more important than noise at high ISO, IMHO. Because for sports or animals they are not the best choice anyway, for everything else there are flashes / tripods and stabilization. Which Sony has on the sensor, but the kenon does not.
@ Sasha
as for me, the picture from the canon is initially much nicer,
and for many it is much more important than the d. range
Autofocus rp think sharper a7m2
And in my opinion, everyone has long been accustomed to the ugly ergonomics of Sony
on the other hand, the first a7 is perhaps the most inexpensive option with a full-frame sensor
Sony a7 is a camera with a primitive af, poor ergonomics, dirty colors, and a shutter sound that can wake a chicken coop in a neighboring village. Good dd is the only virtue.
The best description of Sony A7
and you forgot to mention the plastic part of the mount,
which starts to dangle over time
No matter how the matrix from 6D_Mk2 sits in this RP ...
She is.
there is a different matrix, even in eos p it is not the same matrix as 5dm4, and the number of pixels is the same, but the matrix is different.
Dave Etchells / Imaging Resource: OK, so I'll just start in. We've been told that the EOS RP sensor is very similar to the one in the 6D Mark II. In what ways is it the same, and in what ways is it different?
Canon: Basically, it's the same sensor, except the microlenses are fine-tuned to be more optimized for the mirrorless system.
except the microlenses are fine-tuned to be more optimized for the mirrorless system.
almost but not like that.
therefore, the kenon removed the banding problem in the airbrush, but in the mark 4 - no.
The price for 24-70 is undoubtedly pleasing, “only” 234 thousand. Yes, obviously this system will be quite “inexpensive”. This is a breakthrough, this is the cheapest full-frame mirrorless camera.
Blogger Camera
250 shots 1 acc full charge. Mom take pictures of children in the playground.
The weakest side, and in a year or so the price will drop to 1000 ye
So it happened, in fact one of the best modern cameras available.
At first I thought that now, finally, a competitor for Sony in the segment of relatively affordable full frame. But by performance characteristics it is somehow pale even against the background of the A7II 2014 (!) Year, there is no stub on the matrix, mini-battery from EOS M6 (apparently, thanks to the efforts of marketers). And the price is from $ 1300.
Yes, I really got stuck with the battery, I don’t have enough on the M6 for a day2 off. and that without video. Although USB-C was installed for recharging, this is progress! Yes, there’s still focus bracketing that can be set - maybe you’ll be interested in macrushniki! Fixes f1.8-2.0 are inexpensive!