Radozhiv already has an overview of such a lens - Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm 1: 1.8 (MKII version, mij [Made In Japan]).
Important: The Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm 1: 1.8 lens (MKII version) exists in three versions, depending on the country of manufacture:
- Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm 1: 1.8 - MKII mij, Made In Japan [made in Japan], a review of this version is possible look at this link
- Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm 1: 1.8 - MKII nj, Nikon Japan [Nikon Japan, but the lens is made in China], you can review this version look at this link
- Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm 1: 1.8 - MKII MIC Made In China [made in china] version shown in this review
The first lenses Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm 1: 1.8 MKII versions were produced in Japan (subversion mij), then production moved to China (versions NJ and MIC).
I did not find any differences between the Japanese version Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm 1: 1.8 (MKII version, Made in Japan, MIJ) and the Chinese version of Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm 1: 1.8 (version MKII, MIC, Made in China, from this review).
Sample Photos
In gallery all photos without treatment.
Original photos in format JPEG and / or RAW can be downloaded at this link (800 MB).
- Some photographs were taken in RAW format with subsequent conversion using the original ViewNX-I ver. 1.0.1 64 bit or Capture NX-D Ver.1.2.1 or Ver.1.4.7 without additional changes to the source files. It was done just because Nikon D100 can't shoot in RAW + format JPEG or RAW + TIFF (only either RAW or TIFF or JPEG separately).
- Some photos were taken in the usual format JPEG with quality 'L Fine' (maximum image size, maximum image quality).
- Some photographs were taken using a polarizing filter. GREEN.L CPL 52mm
- In the gallery on the site, photos are reduced to 2048 pixels on the long side using FastStone Photo Resizer for Windows Version 3.1. The same program imprints data from EXIF (lens, camera, ISO, excerpt, diaphragm, copyright). The compression method used is Lanczos3 (Default) with a compression quality of 72%.
- All photographs were taken at ISO 200. Please note that Nikon D100 writes the ISO value to EXIF non-standard, this value is not read by the vast majority of programs to display EXIF.
Photos in processing
Photo with a little processing for the legendary camera Nikon D100 (Nikon's first 'classic' DSLR) and Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm 1: 1.8 Made In China can look in my gallery on 500Pix.
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Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm 1: 1.8, MKII version, MIC (MADE IN CHINA). The lens is shown on the CZK. Nikon D100
All Nikon 50 / 1.8 Autofocus Lenses
- Nikon 50mm 1: 1.8 AF Nikkor (first version, MKI) - the lens was produced only in Japan from 1986 to 1990. It is easy to distinguish by a window with a focusing distance and a narrow plastic focus ring. There are two subversions that are no different:
- MKI first subversion. Weighing 210 grams. It is easy to distinguish by the screw under the inscription '1: 1.8'. From September 1986 to March 1987. Serial numbers start at 2
- MKI second version. Weighing 165 grams. It is easy to distinguish by the absence of a screw under the inscription '1: 1.8'. From 1987 to 1990. Serial numbers start at 3.
- Nikon 50mm 1: 1.8 AF Nikkor (second version, MKII, also known as the 'N', or the 'NEW' version) - the lens was produced in Japan and China. The MK II version was produced from 1990 to 2001. There are three subversions that are no different:
- Nikon 50mm 1: 1.8D AF Nikkor (third version, MKIIIbetter known as 'D'-version) - the lens is available from 2002 to this day. All lenses are made in China.
- Nikon AF-S Nikkor 50mm 1: 1.8G SWM Aspherical (fourth version, MKIVbetter known as '1.8 G'-version or '1.8 AF-S' version) - the lens has been produced since 2011, all lenses are made in China.
- Nikon AF-S Nikkor 50mm 1: 1.8G SWM Aspherical Special Edition (fifth version, MKVbetter known as version 'Special Edition' or 'SE' or version for the camera with a retro design of the case Nikon Df) - the lens has been available since the fall of 2013. All lenses are made in China.
- Nikon Nikkor Z 50mm 1: 1.8 S, from summer 2018, lens for mirrorless cameras with Nikon Z mount... Diagram of 12 elements in 9 groups, 2 ED, 2 ASP.
Details on the lineup of fifty dollars from Nikon can be found in my article 'All Nikon autofocus fifty dollars'.
On photo flea markets, due to ignorance, many sell or issue the MKII version (all three subversions mij, NJ, MIC) for 'D'-version, since they are very similar to each other.
There is no difference between Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm 1: 1.8 lenses (MKII version) made in China (subversion NJ and MIC) and Japan (subversion mij) Rumors about the superiority of lenses made in Japan are just rumors.
Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.
PS I was given the keys to the program EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Professional 12.0, to recover data, primarily photos and videos, from different media, for example, after accidentally deleting them and asked to share a link with readers of my blog. The program is quite convenient and functional. You can look at its capabilities here (unfortunately the site is only in English, but for the program, during installation, you can select the Russian-language interface). You can leave an impression of the program under this post, the developers will be very happy :). You can get the keys for the PRO version from me, write to me in PM. Thank you.
A photo with a flowering tree against the sky with a polar explorer taken?
Judging by the color - definitely with him)
Yes, with a polar. The review indicates that part of the photo with polarik.
Yes, I read. I wanted to understand what photos were taken with him, I didn't have to search for a long time. The quality looks not bad. Unfortunately, the link to the store is not working. My polar explorer with an aliexpress company "Knight-He" is sorely soaping the picture.
Photo without processing - there is nothing special to process, D100 produces an almost finished picture with beautiful colors! Thanks for your review.
Beauty, thanks!
PS I tested the EaseUS program: there was a formatted flash drive on which there were raves for transferring from one computer to another. After formatting, nothing was written to the flash drive - the program, as it should, found the pictures (this situation is relatively simple). At the same time, the program found old video clips, after transferring which other information was written to the USB flash drive several times and the flash drive was formatted several times. The percentage of recovery of these videos turned out to be quite high, that is, the software is working, according to subjective estimates, it is not worse than competitors in this area. For cases of unexpected data loss - useful.
Thanks. If you need a key for the pro version, please write to me in PM. I was given a pack :)
Thanks for the review. After the Zenith-EM, the D75 was filming the Nikon F-80. A few years ago I bought a Chinese AF 50 1: 1.8D number starts with 4. I mainly use it when I need a shallow depth of field, as a portrait I don’t use, still a fifty-fifty picture. I have a question for you whether there is an instruction in Russian for this lens in nature. Searched, but did not find.
"Drawing fifty dollars" is now not suitable for portraits? Instructions specifically for this lens in English on 1/8 of a sheet, in Russian apply a universal Nikon lens for all lenses. Those. lens characteristics in Russian are on the Nikon website. What did you want to know from the instructions, can I tell you in Russian from the English version?
Thanks for the answer. I am interested in instructions for expanding my horizons. But seriously, there will always be a couple of three useful words. I use Yu-9 for a portrait, pulled it on Nikon, adjustment allows us to achieve sharpness at infinity.
It is clear that there is no Russian for 1.8D, it is only for G versions (for example, for 1.8G it is very detailed). The U9 is a disagreeable lens, weak at open and with a bifurcation in the bokeh, I did not like it.
Yu-9 is different, very different, fundamentally different due to different tolerances at different plants.
It's silly to argue, but I have Lytkarinsky 83 years old. The main thing in this business is the rear segment. If you have a lathe, you can adjust everything. I do not respect the file.
In the portrait, I think the main thing is not bokeh.
As for the bokeh, I can propose to try on a long focus (starting from 85) a lens attachment made of many holes in an impermeable plate so that there would be no glare I cut the thread. I tried several times, but did not cause much enthusiasm. By the way, in this case, a file is also suitable. As part of the instructions, if it does not bother you, could you please drop me a mail (vladimir.tckachiov@gmail.com)
for me it’s not worth it; I’ll have enough of a fifty-fifty figure. for 1,8G instruction here http://downloadcenter.nikonimglib.com/ru/products/301/AF-S_NIKKOR_50mm_f_18G.html
Thank you for the link. I did not know that a mini fire extinguisher must be worn with a lens! Yes, and rubber gloves do not hurt. Seriously, the information on the screen is informative.
A cool review, although there are no differences between Chinese and Japanese, you can still shoot endlessly on such a popular lens and it will only be more interesting for everyone. I have a huge number of 50 mm lenses on all systems, always pleasing with quality! I can say that the difference between all auto-focus versions of Nikon fifty dollars is minimal. That is, there is simply nothing to improve in the optics of these lenses for a long time.
I tried this EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard (trial); it seems to work, but somehow strange - it finds files even where they were not.
Reminds discussions of manual Zeiss lovers about the differences between German and Japanese glass. It also turned out that the quality is absolutely identical (contrary to rumors about the superiority of the Germans).
Thank you ever so for you post.Much thanks again.
but I noticed the difference between the Chinese version of MK3 and Japanese MK2. But most likely just got an unsuccessful instance of MK3. On it, acceptable sharpness began with 2.8, it was possible to make a successful shot at 2.0, but very rarely. But Japan bought MK2 as soon as it was surprised that even at 1.8 it’s easy to get a good frame, at 2.0 all the pictures are without software and chromatic. I immediately sold the Chinese, though the owner later wrote to me what cool pictures he takes. So maybe this psychology worked))
Mental cameras used to do. And the result was initially pleasant shots with a good mood, in which the surface texture and the color of the main scene were of particular concern, rather than dull technical negatives in which the main thing was not to overexpose something (which was not really necessary) requiring painstaking restoration work. Therefore, looking at the photos obtained on the latest smartphones, taking a series of pictures and creating the final result programmatically for the template chosen by the user, one can feel the sunset of the initial and amateur DSLRs following the digital compacts, due to the complete lag of the process of obtaining pictures of pleasing eyes. Only the same film and the first digital SLRs for the soul will remain for us, and future smartphones will close all other needs.
Yes to a point and nothing to add!
Good day! How do I get the keys for the PRO version?
Here EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Professional 12.0, and on the site there is already version 18. A lot of time has passed, look on the root tracker or on “blizzard” (nnmclub.to), the remaining version there is 13.6. Better than vikory program R-Studio. Tested and working properly.