Nikon D850

Maybe someone missed the announcement of Nikon D850



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Comments: 99, on the topic: Nikon D850

  • Igor

    Many people want to get a masterpiece from hand in the gloom, counting every milligram of weight ignoring the tripod, but no powerful noise canceling camera will surpass the noisiest camera with a tripod.

    • Vania

      Not just a “hand-held masterpiece in the twilight”, but also in motion.
      Sorry, but a tripod is not a universal solution. For a very limited range of subjects only.

    • Ivan

      What kind of nonsense do you live in? High-aperture optics - haven't you heard? Tripod in the firebox

  • Fidel

    Tell me, is there a wi-fi module there to drop pictures on an email or in the cloud? Of course, I don’t need to drop the entire folder, but a couple of jpeg for clients?

    • Burzenbach

      If you want a direct WiFi connection, you must purchase the Nikon WT-7 adapter, which costs $ 750

    • Peter Sh.

      There is already built-in wifi. You can immediately upload pictures to an android or iPhone via Snapbridge. Only in a reduced form and not very smartly.

    • Peter Sh.

      Yes, I use wu-1a for $ 40. On the tablet, I select the desired frames and size, and everything loads.

  • ы

    By the way, I noticed one unpleasant nuance that catches your eye precisely in the photographs taken with something small-pixel - Canon 5DS / 5DSR, Nikon D810 / D800E / D850.
    It is interesting that at one time there were battles that it is impossible to use old film and just soap glasses on such matrices. And someone argued that the picture of the norms works fine for him on the D800 and 35 / 2D, and someone wrote back to him that it was not kosher and it was imperative to buy Sigma 35 / 1.4ART. But no one could explain what exactly would be “wrong” in the picture when working with small-pixel cameras when working with old lenses.
    So - when taking pictures with an open aperture, soapy corners on the pictures will be VERY VERY noticeable. Those. if on 5DMk2 or D610 it was not very conspicuous, and on D700 or 5DMark1 it was not noticeable at all, then on 5DSR and D850 there will be an open butt at the corners. On a closed aperture, this is not so striking. In short, if the glass is flawed, it will be even more noticeable in the pictures from the new matrices.

    • ы

      Those. a very sharp boundary appears between the sharpness center of the photo, which is acceptable in sharpness, and very soapy corners. As if you are looking into a pipe.

    • R'RёS,R ° F "RёR№

      But at 24 MP crop the pixel is even smaller))) True, the edges are cut off too. But one of the advantages of a full frame has always resulted in a larger pixel size and, accordingly, more sensitivity and less noise. But what we see in the latest Nikon cameras is that they equalize the pixel size of the crop and full frame. Is it all for the image and 8K?

      • Arkady Shapoval

        There are many reasons. And the pixel size is not equalized. 24 megapixels on crop is 54 megapixels in terms of full frame. Is that if we are talking about 20 mp and 45 mp.

        • R'RёS,R ° F "RёR№

          About them and speech.

      • anonym

        They brought it, only this is not particularly visible. More marketing is visible. When considering pixel by pixel raw that d700, that d750 are all the same, and the pixel size is two times different. With croppers the same thing. So the noise is different, because ff is more expensive, you have to give a step an advantage. For me, the gain in 35-mm cameras is visible precisely in resolution (at infinity in the landscape) and in better control of the flu, all other things being equal (some need).

        • Peter Sh.

          Do not mislead people. At high ISOs, the difference between them is huge.

          • R'RёS,R ° F "RёR№

            But due to what will be in the new cameras, if the pixel size is the same? In a deliberate deterioration in the parameters of the crop?

            • Peter Sh.

              In the new Nikons, the pixel size of crop and FF is not the same.
              But in general, more light enters the FF matrix, 2.25 times.

            • Peter Sh.

              Sorry, I forgot that the D850 has 45MP. In this case, the matrix is ​​larger. Also, with a decrease in the picture rabmer to 20MP, the quality will be higher.

          • Michael

            Honestly, I didn't see it. I'm talking about high ISO and talking about. Maybe you mean shooting in JPEG and (or) using the built-in noise reduction - then yes. Pure RAW makes the same noise at 100% playback.

            • Peter Sh.

              Shumodav I never turn on, and always shoot in RAW.

              Here much depends on the light. Not only from the brightness, but also from the type of lamps, how hard the sources are, how much the reflected light beams are scattered, also from the contrast of details, the lens (first of all), etc.

              • Michael

                Then I dont know. The lighting conditions were identical (shop, fluorescent lamps), the lenses were different, yes. But for me there is little or no difference between the D700 and 750 (I looked at the noise in the shadows). The matrix of the 750 was made better and the pixels were pushed in more - bash on bash turned out. This is my experience. Although, if you climb above 6400, maybe the experience will be different))

              • Peter Sh.

                Quite possible. I'm shooting on D3s and D610 right now. There is no difference in noise between them at all. D3s have better micro-contrast and detail, but at high ISOs this is not so important. And this is with expensive fast lenses. With dark zooms there will be no difference at all, I think.

                You need to understand that the camera is not limited to one matrix. The AF module is also important.

                For example, the D750 has a new AF module, with sensitivity up to -3EV. But in the dynamic reporting D3s behaves much more confidently, it loses less focus with a motley background, and it’s just faster and more accurately induced. There, a successful frame and a garbage frame are literally milliseconds apart. She has a larger buffer, works faster with a memory card. More burst speed. Etc.

              • Peter Sh.

                Why am I doing this. To unleash the true potential of the camera, certain conditions and corresponding lenses are needed.

                With normal lighting in the rooms, any, store, home, anywhere, it is almost impossible to get the most out of the camera. The light is too diffuse and soft. The number of rays close to the perpendicular hits the matrix too little. It turns out one garbage with noise. Although the light for our eyes is quite bright.

    • Peter Sh.

      This is a serious statement. Can I have examples of such soap?


    Finally bought a d850! happy as an elephant, already bombed a couple of expensive weddings!

  • Vladimir

    I read this nonsense and a lantern. You buy photographic equipment for a show off before each other. or for photography ??? On a simple device, hang a decent glass. and photos 18 + 24 (namely such wedding photos. basically) you can not distinguish Nikon 850 from 5000. Everything else. to bring down money from suckers. such as you. puffed up turkeys.

    • Peter Sh.

      As Shura Balaganov said - Who are you?

  • Alexey

    I found a program that does not display separately the number of frames on a mechanical shutter, and electronic for the Nikon D850
    Perhaps it will be useful to someone

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