Nikon D3400 review

According provided by Nikon D3400 camera huge gratitude to the official Nikon representative in Ukraine.

Nikon D3400

Nikon D3400

This is a very short overview: the new Nikon D3400 camera differs only in details from its predecessor Nikon D3300. Cameras Nikon D3300 and Nikon D3400 use the same processor, focusing system, burst speed, they are like two peas. Most likely used same sensorthat creates the resulting image. No significant difference in image quality, control, etc. the cameras do not.

The main positive differences of the Nikon D3400 from D3300:

  1. Nikon D3300 was introduced on 07.01.2014/3400/17.08.2016, Nikon D3400 two and a half years later - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX. Nikon DXNUMX is newer.
  2. Nikon D3400 can transfer files via Bluetooth and the special SnapBridge application for mobile devices. At the same time, imagine how long it takes to transfer a single file in JPEG L FINE format, which weighs about 10 MB. The network has a lot of information about problems with SnapBridge.
  3. Nikon D3300 Uses maximum ISO HI1 equivalent to ISO 25.600. Nikon D3400 uses a maximum ISO value of 25.600 (without going into Hi1 mode).
  4. The number of frames that can be taken on a single charge has almost doubled (most likely due to a drop in flash power)
  5. Nikon D3400 has slightly changed the menu.
  6. The Nikon D3400 camera slightly changed the design of the case (the shutter button is now matte black instead of metallic shiny).
  7. Nikon D3400 is 15 grams lighter! 15 grams!
  8. Nikon D3400 can use a series of lenses AF-P without additional firmware upgrade. For full compatibility Nikon D3300 with lenses AF-P The firmware of the camera should be updated.
  9. Added additional creative shooting modes for 'Effects' mode (night vision; super vivid; pop; photo illustration; toy camera effect; miniature effect; selective color; silhouette; high key; low key). I saw the same manipulation of marketers in the model Canon EOS 700D.
  10. Nikon D3400 fixed a glitch with brakes in Live View during image enlargement.
  11. Nikon D3300 usually comes with a lens Nikon 18-55mm 1: 3.5-5.6GII VR II AF-S DX NikkorNikon D3400 comes with new N lensesikon DX VR AF-P Nikkor 18-55mm 1: 3.5-5.6G or Nikon DX AF-P Nikkor 18-55mm 1: 3.5-5.6G.

The main impairments in the D3400 compared to the Nikon D3300:

  1. Nikon D3400 has decreased flash power.
  2. The Nikon D3400 removed the connector for an external microphone (Marty, outside the window 2017, and Nikon lost everything)
  3. Nikon D3400 removed the built-in matrix cleaning system (Marty, I'm sorry!). The matrix can now only be cleaned manually.
  4. Nikon D3400 is not available in brown (only red and black). Even this trifle can be considered a deterioration compared to the Nikon D3300.
  5. Nikon D3400 deprived lever EE (I see this for the first time), because of which it is impossible to measure exposure with any lens that has an aperture control ring. Now, even if the lens has a built-in focusing motor, but there is an aperture control ring, for example, like the Nikon AF-S 28-70mm F2.8D, it will be possible to work with the lens only in the 'M' control mode.
  6. The price of the Nikon D3400 is about $ 100 higher than the Nikon D3300.
Nikon D3400

Nikon D3400


You can look at the prices for Nikon D3400 in popular online stores at this linkor in the price block located below:

A few examples of photos from the Nikon D3400 can be found in the review. Nikon DX VR AF-P Nikkor 18-55mm 1: 3.5-5.6G.

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Nikon D3400

Nikon D3400


Nikon D3400 is the brainchild of marketers. If you managed to read this review, then you understood that there is no point in overpaying for the Nikon D3400, you can safely buy the Nikon D3300.

If don't know which camera and lens to choose, then my article will help with this - Which Nikon amateur DSLR camera and lens to choose?

Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.

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Comments: 107, on the topic: Review of Nikon D3400

  • Mix64

    It's strange, but for some reason most of the reviews are about what was removed in this camera. I have never heard about the main advantage of this model, although all reviewers probably have no idea about it themselves. The fact is that the main, if not the main advantage of the camera is the ability to take a picture in certain conditions without extraneous factors worsening this picture. I mean the noise generated by the CPU when creating the final image. So this is estimated by the level of the read noise signal. Few people know that there is an independent site that collects data from around the world about the most popular models and their shooting characteristics. So on this site, out of the entire number of models that I looked at, the D3400 is the leader in terms of the lowest level of read noise. Incredibly, the Nikon D 3400 left behind such brands as (Canon 7D mark 2, M6, R6, G1, G7X,) (FujiFilm X-T4, X-T5,) (Leica X1) (Nikon Z6,7,9) ( Pentax K, Q) (Ricoh GR 3) (Sony all and including RX series). All of them have a level of so-called DNs that barely exceeds zero. And for the Nikon D 3400, it is at the beginning of the ISO scale a negative value and only in the region of ISO 650 crosses the zero level. It turns out that this inconspicuous old man is the quietest camera to date. Something like that…

  • Mix64

    Here are some more comparisons

    • Rodion

      Nice, but I'll throw it on the fan. Think, the noise for matrices of different resolutions will have different spatial frequencies, it turns out. Low-frequency noise will be felt more than high-frequency noise: a small number of fat hot pixels of some first fiver or the same Sony A7s may seem more annoying than a large number of small noisy pixels in a picture of something like 5dsr.

      • Dmitry Kostin

        I will support.
        If we compare the noise on the D700, D4, D750 on the screen of a large monitor, then the pictures from the D750 seem to be the least noisy.

        • Dmitry Kostin

          And if you look at the photos at the limiting ISOs for these cameras, then in terms of the noise texture on the D700, it suits the least.

          • Rodion

            This means that it is necessary to consider not the signal-to-noise ratio, but its influence on the modulation transfer function of a particular sensor.

      • Mix64

        Noise in a photo, no matter what you call it, will still be noise, and there is no need to juggle terms and make a smart face. The frequency may be different, but the level is the level at any frequency and does not become lower. The D3400 is the only camera with the lowest level of read noise, that is, its electronics introduce the least distortion when processing the signal (this is especially for smart fools). It is not for nothing that manufacturers abandoned SLR cameras and began to mold mirrorless ones. It is easier to simulate the desired result with electronics than to preserve a natural image, which is why artificial intelligence is thriving (ii), but it is strange why people remember old CCD cameras and are no longer delighted with digital combines with millions of possibilities, but begin to shoot with old stuff, including film. It turns out that progress is not progress in art at all, but degradation. Degradation of color, light, plot, reality and artistry. Virtualization has already become boring ...

  • Mix64

    and more

  • Mix64

    I hope those who have a head on their shoulders will understand. I consider that the camera for production of photos. Turning it into a video production combine is just a mockery in order to profit from the unprofessionalism and lack of education of the population.

    • Osh

      Well, yes. And the 256 GeForce 1999 is cooler than the GeForce RTX 4090.

      • Mix64

        Not an appropriate comparison and just stupid ...

        • Osh

          Yes Yes

  • Mix64

    I do not undertake to become an expert in the last resort, not at all, this also surprised me very much. I was just picking up a SLR camera for myself, before that I had mirrorless cameras. And I stumbled upon this information by accident. After rechecking a bunch of material and the opinions of the world's leading experts, everything came together. Here is another proof that this camera is undeservedly forgotten and defamed in a number of cases.

    • Dima

      So from this line in terms of noise, the d3300 is the best. By the way, a small DSLR with an excellent matrix, and nothing extra, what else do you need?

  • Mix64

    Believe that, succumbing to the nightingale trills of corrupt speculators and marketers, people blindly believing they buy what they want to resell. There are many cameras that have gone unnoticed on the Olympus of photographic equipment and no one knows about their merits due to the fact that not good products are promoted to the market, but profitable cheap products with low cost. Capitalists cut profits and do not make masterpieces. And in this market, from time to time, successful copies of photo and video equipment come across due to the fact that development engineers are fighting for the image and popularity of their brand, while the owners of these developers only care about filling their pockets. And just because the owners themselves do not check the products supplied to the market, not ideal but rather good things slip through. The market of optics testifies to it especially eloquently.

  • Igor

    Hello, please tell the ignorant: is it possible to install the Helios-44M on a Nikon D3400 without tambourines and squats, just using an adapter? Thank you.

    • Arkady Shapoval

      in no way

      • Mix64

        Well, you're lying. It's possible. But in order to use it to the fullest, you'll have to tinker with it. I mean adjusting it to get infinity. And if you, Arkady, haven't done this, then you shouldn't lie and mislead people. That's how it is.

        • Arkady Shapoval

          Ahaha, to tinker is with a tambourine and squats. Where am I lying?

          • Mix64

            You're lying that there's NO WAY to fit Helios on a D3400. Well, if you have a tambourine instead of a head, then you have to squat. Someone who knows how a lens works doesn't need any squats, they need ingenuity and resourcefulness. And the tambourine-heads only talk empty talk and spread lies read by yet another expert in photographic equipment. But well, all of you, I'm doing great, and you can dance or squirm. "Stupidity is not a vice, but a great dirty trick" - (quote)...

            • Arkady Shapoval

              without tambourines and squats, just through an adapter?
              The question seemed to be like this. I suppose that I have handled more Helios and Nikon cameras than you have taken pictures with these very Helios

        • Gregor_S

          You can tinker with it if, for example, we have a lathe at home)))

        • Gregor_S

          Some people regrind the rear flange to compensate for the difference in lengths or try to screw on an adapter with the right bayonet instead, but it's hardly worth it.

        • Gregor_S

          “If you didn’t do it, then you shouldn’t lie”
          if the author wrote this while sober,
          he can describe his experience quite well)

    • Mix64

      How difficult it is to adapt Helios to 3400 depends on the specific lens. All Helios have different designs and therefore adjusting to infinity is easy in some places and requires some fiddling in others.

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