Impressions from Sony a6300

According provided by Sony a6300 camera (Sony ILCE-6300) many thanks to the official representative of Sony in Ukraine.

Sony a6300

Sony a6300

Sony a6300 was introduced in February 2016, and after 8 months, in November 2016 was supplemented by a model Sony a6500. In general, the Sony a6300 has become a replacement for Sony a6000released in February 2014. Outwardly, all these cameras look like two drops of water.

I do not want to retell a hundred pages of instructions for the Sony a6300, the main properties are beautifully described on the official pages,,

The key features in this model are the new focusing system and 4K video support. All in all, this is a good, very functional camera that I liked. I believe that the Sony a6300 model has been modified to Sony a6500, the latter became just the perfect camera, expressing the full power of the cropped mirrorless.


The camera was announced at the time of its launch that it has '... the world's fastest * autofocus (0,05 seconds *) with the world's largest * number of phase-detection AF points (425 * points) helps to achieve exceptional levels of photography ...'

Many have been excited by the news that the Sony a6300 mirrorless '4D Focus' system now focuses faster and better than DSLRs. And 425 phase focus points terrified Nikon owners D500 and Nikon D5 (which only have 153 phase points). However, the small print under the asterisk indicates that this autofocus is only 'the fastest in the world among interchangeable-lens digital cameras based on Sony research as of February 2016. Measured per CIPA standard and internally using a lens E PZ 16–50 mm F3.5-5.6 OSS and viewfinder with pre-focus off. '

The good news is that the camera really focuses very, very quickly with the simplest kit lens. Also, the good news is that when the pre-focus function is on, the camera focuses even faster (in fact, it is always in focus on the subject). It's also great that the coverage of the focus points is great.

The bad news is that focusing speed, its accuracy and tenacity very much depend on other factors:

  • lens used. If with E PZ 16–50 mm F3.5-5.6 OSS everything is clear - there, tiny lenses are shifted to a super-tiny distance during focusing, which allows you to focus very quickly, then with other lenses the speed will strongly rest on the mechanics of the lens itself. It is enough to install on Sony a6300 using the original adapter Sony LA-EA4 old screwdriver lens - and all praises about speed will dissipate.
  • lighting conditions. Unfortunately, in poor lighting, focusing is primarily due to brakes EVIis extremely uncomfortable, slow and, in general, inferior to SLR cameras. If there is no problem with room lighting with focusing, shooting with a very weak pilot light turns into hell.
  • from work algorithms. Unfortunately, I used the Sony a6300 only with a lens E PZ 16–50 mm F3.5-5.6 OSS, with whom there were incomprehensible situations - during focusing in difficult conditions in EVI or on the main display of the camera, I clearly saw the complete defocus of the image and the camera’s very slow attempts to restore accurate autofocus. But while the shutter was released, the camera instantly took a sharp, properly focused shot. On the one hand, a statement about 0,05 seconds is true, on the other hand, such an incomprehensible algorithm of work introduces a certain discomfort into the shooting process.

Have mirrorless cameras beat conventional DSLRs in terms of focusing quality? Of course not. SLR cameras still have a much lower sensitivity threshold for focus sensors, down to about '-4 E.V', which allows you to shoot in very, very poor lighting. The a6300's sensitivity is only -1 to 20 EV.

For real serious work, TOP SLRs are much preferable. But I want to note separately that advanced mirrorless cameras such as the Sony a6300 have already caught up with amateur SLR cameras and some advanced amateur SLR cameras as focus.

Image quality

The first crop cameras with an APS-C sensor to have 24MP on board are Sony NEX-7 и Sony SLT-A65submitted on 24.08.2011. 6 years have passed since then, but not a single cropped camera has been able to overcome this psychological threshold (in the comments they suggested that one could - Samsung NX1) It's no secret that Sony supplies matrices for some Nikon cameras and Pentax. In creating sensors, Sony is a very strong player.

Image quality is similar to modern twenty-four megapixel cameras, for example, Nikon D7200. The ISO range from 100 to 51.200 seems very attractive, but after ISO 3200 in the on-camera JPEG, it is very noticeable that the details of the image are eaten by the noise reduction function. At ISO 25.600-51.200, noise reduction is very aggressive, images in this range can only be watched with tears in their eyes.

Unfortunately, unlike the new full-format models of the 7th series, the Sony a6300 still has no way to receive uncompressed RAW source files (the camera uses the RAW format with 14-bit color depth and strong compression).

Sample Photos

Examples of photos from this camera can be viewed (and / or download their source) on different lenses:

My experience

Sony a6300 is not a cheap device, for its cost you can buy a full-frame Sony A7 camera. At the same time, if compactness is not important, the presence of a better focusing system and 4K video, I would strongly advise you to look towards the Sony a7. In general, I single out the much better image of the Sony a7, primarily due to the better performance at high ISOs.

The Sony a6300 itself is a good camera with a wide range of functions. This is the first mirrorless camera with an APS-C sensor, which in my hands proved to be quite confident in terms of focusing (but I was not happy for long, see the review a6500).


Prices for the Sony a6300 BODY camera in popular online stores can look at this linkSony a6300 KIT at this linkor in the price block located below:
All prices on Sigma 70-300

In comments Can I ask you a question on the topic and you will answer, and you can also express your opinion or describe your experience. Many little things for a photo can be found on AliExpress.


Instead of summarizing the Sony a6300, I suggest asking a specific question on the camera in the comments, I will try to answer it.

Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.

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Comments: 202, on the topic: Impressions from Sony a6300

  • Arkady Shapoval

    Please note that your comment is also filled with negativity, this will not help anyone. If you have something to say about the case - please write that.

  • Lll

    From Sony mirrorless
    What are the differences, and which ones you recommend to an amateur.
    The first camera. What good. Which would recommend.

    • Arkady Shapoval

      A6000 is the oldest in the lineup, the most advanced, and look at it.

  • Dima

    Sony A6300 or better Sony A7 ... I still don't understand your advice. ???

    • KalekseyG

      Who presented this camera for review? Draw conclusions. Arkady simply doesn’t lie about technology in principle, and apparently for this reason he so secretly wrote that FF is better.

    • Ivan

      Here's a video about crop and FF:
      The A6300 will be more compact and has more af points. In addition, glass is cheaper.

    • Valeria

      I also wonder which model is better to take? Now I'm thinking about buying a Sony, switching from canon 5d mark ll. And I wonder how Sony works with lenses from canon 50mm 1.8 canon and 85mm 1.8? Because having bought a carcass on the lens, money is no longer left.
      Did I understand correctly that the sony a6300 is a crop?

      • B. R. P.

        The entire 6000-series is crop.

  • Alek

    Good day, tell me please, how much will I lose or win by changing the Canon 60D + EF-S 17-55 f / 2.8 to this A6300 carcass? At a price of about the same, it turns out, but I will buy glass for Sony later if that (there is a lot of manual third-party optics) And how will this carcass work through adapters with such glasses? Compactness and autofocus in the video are very important for me, since it is almost always on trips on vacation with young children. Of course there is the A6500, but in Europe we have a price tag just like a horse, and this despite the fact that the A 6500 is already two years since the release .. Not when I didn’t have Sony cameras, and it will probably be difficult to get used to Sony EVI, menus and amenities after 7 years of experience and JVI on Canon)) and many more criticize Sonya for her acid colors)) is this so?

    • Michael

      Yes, the colors are much worse than with kenon and nikon. For the sake of the photo, you should not take these cameras

      • Alexander

        Sony A6300 has an absolutely standard average color like any other camera and brand. According to the results of the imatest, there are about 15% color deviations and saturation is lifted by only 5% with a delta of less than 6%.
        Canon R has slightly better delta results than Sony and the same 15%.
        For comparison, Nikon D750 has a color deviation of about 25%.

        • Sergos

          this answer should be remembered by everyone, but it’s like in a pub: which beer is tastier. It’s better to put it on the shelves and make a footnote. This topic is a sick and scientific approach to the issue of color is a scientific approach, and not empty-bellied quacking: I think it seems to me, and even with rudeness and morbid fanaticism of a supporter of a particular company

          • Pokemon

            Nevertheless, the topic is interesting for discussion and is difficult to measure in ма.

          • Michael

            The scientific approach is not very friendly with color. Here precision is no longer needed, but harmony

  • Alexander

    Hello. Please advise:
    I am a fan, now I have a37 and a small optics park, mainly tamron. I wanted to buy a new camera. But I can’t decide something. Buy a77m2 or 6300 with la-ea4 adapter. la-ea2 can no longer be bought. This is my problem. I have no opportunity to take and compare, since there are none in our stores, only ordering via the Internet. Thank you in advance

  • Ed

    Tell me, which camera is better for an advanced amateur and creativity - Sony a6300 or Nikon D7200?

    • Arkady Shapoval

      By and large, the advanced amateur is already navigating the world of mirrorless cameras (a6300) and DSLRs (d7200). These are two radically different cameras, which camera will be best for you - no one in this world knows. Both have strengths. If you tell me the goals, objectives and desires for future photography, then perhaps this will somehow shed light on this issue.

      • Ed

        Good afternoon, Arkady. Thanks for the answer. As for the advanced amateur - well, I still have to become them). I meant that I want to shoot beautifully, but for myself, not for earning money. There used to be a Sony A58, but I shot everything in auto mode. Now I still want a more creative and interesting shooting. Priorities: night photography, landscape, architecture, nature.
        And special thanks to you for your site.

        • Arkady Shapoval

          I would still advise the d7200 in this case. A6300 only if compactness is very critical.

  • Denis

    What do I need to take the a6300 or the full frame of a7, both video and an artist, can you advise something else? Portraits and landscapes are interesting, high iso and what is more profitable? I just don't want to miscalculate, too expensive a pleasure

  • Bezymyan Bezyyanovich

    A very superficial review, about a very, very cool video, not a word (while the TS sends us to the old a7, which doesn’t even have 4k).

    A6300 video is almost the best of all sony mirrorless cameras to date (* with the correct firmware).

    • Sergos

      as I understand it, this site is something like a free forum ON .PHOTO and not VIDEO. AND I ASK FOR U. ARKADIY, as the owner of the site to delete comments of emotional boors, somehow you read reviews, comments, interesting. And suddenly bam-again and the creed of a boor. it is clear that everything is needed all the time, but nonetheless please.

  • Denis

    What to buy for a photo is better and 7 or 6300?

    • Valery A.

      And what is not obvious to you (in favor of the full-frame a7)?

  • Eugene

    A6000 and A6300 strong difference in the detail of the photo?

    • Arkady Shapoval

      Under ideal conditions, 1.5 times, it feels no more than a third.

      • Eugene

        Thank you.

      • Andrei

        Arkady, good day! Tell me, you had 2 cameras A7 and A6300 on your review, which in your opinion is preferable for a photo and why? I would be glad to hear your opinion as a practicing photographer

        • Arkady Shapoval

          Full frame is preferred for photography. But in the end, everything depends very much on the lenses.

          • Georgy

            Good day, I agree with you, FF is more interesting for a photo, and those who write in the comments that it cannot be, 6300 is better than it could be better, not true, etc., apparently 6300 users either do not see the difference with FF, then you can shoot this on the phone)

            You are great, great blog and help people.

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