View of the LOMO OKS1-40-1 40 / 2.5 lens, examples of photos from it, and the review itself especially for Radozhiva, prepared Rodion Eshmakov.
Characteristics OKS1-40-1
Optical design: 6 elements in 4 groups (planar, see);
Field of view angle (on APS): ~ 60 degrees;
Native format: Super 35 (~ APS-C), covers 5 * 5 cm;
Rear section: 32 mm (can only be fully installed on mirrorless cameras);
Diaphragm design: ten-petal, non-preset, without ratchet;
Mounting filters: no;
Mounting to the camera: 30 mm thread;
Focuser: none;
Features: technical macro option.
I was asked to adapt this lens to the Son NEX, giving a lens unit and a camera. That is why we see this review.
Design and features of adaptation OKS1-40-1
OKS1-40-1 - a film-making lens manufactured by LOMO, was produced in different versions: for movie cameras of various types and as a technical macro lens (this is the version presented in the review).
The lens itself is a very compact lens block with a diaphragm and mount thread, no focuser. Surprising is the lack of marking of the aperture ring - apparently, it was not required in the technique. Alas, I did not take a photo of the “before” lens, but the lens looks something like this:
The lens can only be used on mirrorless cameras due to the small length, for this it is necessary to select a focuser and mount the lens into it.
The best option for the focuser is the Industar-50 body (with M39 thread): these lenses are easy to find with poor lenses and working mechanics, and their helicoid is just right for this lens.
It is worth noting that the internal part of the focuser must be bored from the inside (otherwise the ACS will not fit), but this is easily done even with a file - the material is soft.
Then the helicoid stops are removed, infinity is found, the lens is fixed inside, strokes of the diaphragm marking are applied - done! Surprisingly simple alteration, after such huge things as Uranium-xnumx.
Due to the removed stoppers, the stroke of the helicoid almost doubled, due to which the MDF of the lens became about 30 cm:
OKS1-40-1 has an even ten-blade diaphragm:
Another interesting feature of the lens is the appearance of Newton's rings (?) Under bright illumination of the front lens:
Apparently, this is a consequence of some feature of the optical scheme.
In general, the design of the lens without features is extremely minimalistic. The alteration is ordinary, simple - do not be afraid of it by acquiring a lens.
Optical quality
The lens showed itself very well during the shooting: it has excellent field sharpness already with an open aperture, correct color reproduction, nice drawing. On mirrorless mirrors it will serve as an excellent replacement for 35-37 mm retro-focus lenses of the Mir-1 type and can be a good small staffer.
There is no vignette on APS-C, the geometry is correct.
The only gripe was about the instability to backlight - the lens needs a lens hood, because backlit stripes, sunny rain and color devils :).
The lens can also be used on SLR cameras, but only in macro mode. However, in this quality he is so good that, perhaps, it makes sense to have it in the arsenal and the “mirror”.
But the best thing, of course, is to use it fully on the BZK:
Photos - on-camera JPEG, without processing
All reviews of film projection and filming lenses:
- RO3-3M 2/50
- RO2-2M 75/2
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- 2/92
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- 35KP-1,8 / 120 (with aperture)
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- ЛОМО ОКС1-40-1 40/2.5
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The names of the lenses correspond to their exact spelling on the body.
OKS1-40-1 is a filming lens-baby, which, after easy adaptation, can become a wonderful staffer on mirrorless cameras. On SLR cameras can only serve as a sharp makrikom. OKS1-40-1 shows a very good image quality, so it can be recommended for amateur photographers.
Thank you for attention! Eshmakov Rodion.
You will find more reviews from readers of Radozhiva here.
Rodion thank you for the review, good luck with everything ...?
The title photo immediately guessed who the author is.
I offered Rodion to take the lightcube the cheapest and beautifully there to retake his interesting experiments from the world of old lenses. Could do more visual photos with a look of his unique alterations :)
Oh well, why is this needed?
The main thing is photography on the lens itself. Reading reviews, I often scroll through everything that relates to the appearance and other things, right to the pictures)
You can cut yourself off, become light and place, but then any desire to do something will disappear for sure.
Here, as they say, it was in the evening - there was nothing to do ...
From here, a table lamp climbs, then a built-in flash ...
Everything should be beautiful - this time.
There is no view of some of your lenses on the net at all, I would like to have a high-quality reshoot - that's two.
point three, let someone else write :)
We are trying as best we can. At this stage, the purchase of a lightcube in any case is unjustified for me. It's not even about the means.
In the end, not so disgusting I re-shot it :(
Okie, thanks anyway. We are waiting for new interesting things.
P.S. Rodion prepared another interesting review. Tomorrow there will be.
The other day, I watched a film about the world by Nikon, so there a professional photographer made a lightcube of white plastic squares fastened to like a book cover. For such a person with hands like you Rodion, to make it this one evening is maximum, and the quality of photos will increase significantly. The reviews are good and interesting, attention to detail in this case is not a waste of time because the result is worth the effort.
Z. A certain work has been done (alteration of the lens, writing a review — it does not show through vanity and attempts to assert itself like a famous forum member) whose purpose is to show people something good and thereby inspire someone!
Only it does not pull beautifully. Samopal? More precisely. By the way, how is he on MDF? Often the lens block falls out or have time to catch?
not bad
Off-topic comments have been deleted. Good to all.
> the lens needs a hood
Yeah, that's where to get it, it’s not clear yet.
thanks! :-)
Yes - there are no fastening threads) If only to do on a smooth fit.
by the way, before the lens looked like this
the picture is not mine :-)
Newton's rings arose in the frontal slack due to a thin layer of glue, often observed in Soviet lenses, since the lenses were assembled with minimal misalignment of shapes, although today they are often selected the other way around - with a hole in the center so that the rings do not climb.
To give. The file is extremely accurate. And who told you that the body of the ox is accurate in itself? I bet that everything is fine there (no) with the sterependicularity of the optical axis.
The alteration is simple, but from the series, how to make a crooked tractor from Ferrari in five minutes.
Who ever said that perpendicularity is determined there? Well, for the sake of interest, count through the GO formulas the maximum permissible error in the angle relative to the axis)