Impressions of the Pentax K-s2

According provided by Pentax K-s2 camera with lenses SMC Pentax-DA L 1: 4-5.6 18-50mm DC WR RE и  Tamron LD DI AF 70-300mm 1: 4-5.6 Tele-Macro (1: 2) A17 (for Pentax), many thanks to Vasily Bondarenko.

Pentax K-s2

Pentax K-s2

Pentax K-s2 was announced on February 9, 2015. This is a very good entry-level amateur SLR camera. They provided me with a camera for a week, but I paid more attention to a review of the whale asset. SMC Pentax-DA L 1: 4-5.6 18-50mm DC WR RE than Pentax K-s2.

The technical details of the camera can be easily found on the official website. In this note, you can read only my impression of the Pentax K-s2.


I like amateur Pentax cameras, as they are almost always better than their direct competitors in the Nikon and Canon camps. So, Pentax K-s2 can be considered a direct competitor Nikon D5500 / Canon 750D... In contrast, Pentax did not skimp on making a weather-resistant case, added a good viewfinder with 100% coverage of the field of view based on pentaprism, overclocked the camera to 5.5 fps and added many other goodies.

I am sure that in the comments, experts on the Pentax system will not be too lazy to tell all 'anonymous' about what the Pentax K-s2 is 'cooler' than any other entry-level amateur DSLR.

In turn, I will try to answer in the comments all questions of interest to readers.

Pentax K-s2

Pentax K-s2

The matrix (the heart of the camera) Pentax K-s2, most likely, inherited from its predecessor Pentax K-s1, released on August 24, 2014. The matrix produced by Sony can create images with a maximum size of 5472 X 3648 pixels, which equals 19.961.856 which is rounded to 20 MP. This number is a kind of psychological threshold for those who choose a camera, focusing only on this parameter. 20 MP is less than 24 MP in the more advanced K3, K3 II models, which easily divides the cameras by model series.

All the time I was tormented by one question - why is this sensor not used by Sony and Nikon cameras? Maybe he is somehow unsuccessful?

The matrix, as for me, is good, and its overclocking to ISO 51.200 only confirms this. Nevertheless, the noise level is no different from other cameras of its time and level and, most likely, loses to competitors from the Nikon legion. The absence of an AA filter, as well as the “gadgets” for eliminating moiré, are not surprising and do not particularly affect the picture.

Pentax K-s2

Pentax K-s2

The overall impression of the camera remained positive. Everything works as expected, and in a huge menu with a million settings, you can easily get lost for a couple of hours. In general, the Pentax K-s2 was developed for potential buyers who have never encountered a Pentax camera before, but would like a functional and inexpensive camera. 'Inexpensive', of course, is debatable. Despite all the Pentax K-s2 chips, it will easily get lost among the variety of similar cameras from Nikon, Canon, Sony. Why buy a Pentax when you can buy a similar Nikon / Canon for the same money?

Sample photos on the Pentax K-S2

All photos in the gallery are on-camera JPEG. All photos were taken using lenses. Tamron LD DI AF 70-300mm 1: 4-5.6 Tele-Macro (1: 2) A17 и SMC Pentax-DA L 1: 4-5.6 18-50mm DC WR RE. I was asked to shoot a Pentax K-S2 with a manual lens to show the beauty of the stabilizer, measuring exposure and focus confirmation with manual optics. But, strangely enough, for a very long time I have not had manual lenses. There was a myth that because of the reviews on Radozhiv I simply had to shoot with manuals, but this is not so.

I did not find anything special in color rendering. In low light white balance can easily lie, and the resulting color will be completely different from what it really is.

Source files can be downloaded. here.

More examples of photos using Pentax K-s2 can be found in the review SMC Pentax-DA L 1: 4-5.6 18-50mm DC WR RE.

Prices for modern Pentax cameras in popular stores can look at this link.

In comments Can I ask you a question on the topic and you will answer, and you can also express your opinion or describe your experience. Many little things for a photo can be found on AliExpress.

I can easily recommend this camera to those who do not like the dominance of the same Nikon / Canon designs, and who want a camera different from others.

Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.

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Comments: 105, on the topic: Impressions of the Pentax K-s2 camera

  • anonym

    The camera is very decent!
    Half a year did not fail, everything is convenient
    Most of all I like the color of the case))
    joke ,,,

  • kotofei

    Attention! The camera has a bug confirmed by the manufacturer - a "sticky" anchor of the diaphragm drive electromagnet. The sore has migrated from K-30 and K-50, it seems there is also K-70.
    Sad but not deadly. Repair kit for the correct anchor in Ali is available.
    The camera is interesting, just remember about this "feature" if you decide to purchase.

    • Michael

      Interesting. I liked the assembly of the Pentax. I thought their jambs were only based on software ...

      • Vadim

        Yes, there is such a bug. appears when the camera is lying for a long time, most likely grease sticks. the culprit is the electromagnetic pusher. I'll reveal a secret, probably the same size as in laptop drives, for opening.

        • Vladimir

          there is no grease there and there is no need to grease anything, I took apart my k-30; I disassembled, pulled out the “horseshoe” from the solenoid (it really was stuck), demagnetized it, put it in place and everything began to work again ...
          there is a video on YouTube - “How to fix Pentax K-50 (K-30) aperture”, they undermine the “horseshoe”, but I didn’t do that, I just demagnetized it ... I read on the forum (pentaxforums) that the solenoid should be taken from the drives not advised, outwardly it is the same, but it seems like the parameters are different, either the voltage, or the effort ... if you nevertheless change the solenoid, then it is advised to take it from chambers released up to k-30, before they put Japanese (white plastic), and starting from k-30, they put cheap Chinese (green plastic, as in your picture)

  • Land

    Hello guys, I finally got a good SLR in my life, this is my first camera, I bought an additional 50mm 1.8, 70-210f4 of the 80s, ideally, I’m happy like an elephant, I’m studying a photo theme) Such a question, when using an on-camera flash, I can’t understand why the balance white in this mode fotkaet in the machine, put manual bb, tried different modes, bbmw photo as a result turns out to be auto

    • B. R. P.

      Shoot in a ravine, edit in processing.

      • Land

        I figured out this situation, in “my settings” you need to change the parameter

  • Artemy

    About 2 years ago the shutter count exceeded 1 million operations (I love hdr). In 7 years, 4 lenses died (both the original smc 18-55 and the sigma laundress, but the carcass doesn’t even give a hint that something has started to go wrong, it’s a reliable and good camera. Pentax makes the most reliable equipment.

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