Review of JUPITER-37A MS-N-30 3,5 / 135

According provided by lens JUPITER-37A MS-N-30 3,5 / 135 (with interchangeable shank KP-A / 42 and serial number 833546, KOMZ) many thanks to the reader of Radozhiva - Nikolai Nedin.

JUPITER-37A MS-N-30 3,5 / 135

JUPITER-37A MS-N-30 3,5 / 135

There are several modifications of JUPITER-37, produced at different times (approximate list):

  1. MS Jupiter-37AM 3,5 / 135, 1990-2002 (prefix 'MC' is placed before the lens name)
  2. Jupiter-37A 3,5 / 135 MS, 1983-1986
  3. MC Jupiter-37A 3,5 / 135, 1986-1989 (prefix 'MC' is placed before the lens name)
  4. Jupiter-37A MS-N-30 3,5 / 135, 1983-1984, shown in this review
  5. Jupiter-37A 3,5 / 135since 1978
  6. Юпитер-37AМ 3,5/135, 1990-2002

This review presents an extremely rare lens variant - JUPITER-37A MS-N-30 3,5 / 135. There is no exact data on what the mysterious 'H-30' means, but some thoughts on this can be found at

From other lenses JUPITER-37 version 'JUPITER-37A MS-N-30 3,5 / 135'differs in another enlightenment and color of the depth of field and aperture marks. Front and back lenses cast pronounced lilac and green flowers. I did not find other visual and tactile differences.

JUPITER-37A MS-N-30 3,5 / 135

JUPITER-37A MS-N-30 3,5 / 135

JUPITER-37A MS-N-30 3,5 / 135

JUPITER-37A MS-N-30 3,5 / 135

JUPITER-37A MS-N-30 3,5 / 135

JUPITER-37A MS-N-30 3,5 / 135

JUPITER-37A MS-N-30 3,5 / 135

JUPITER-37A MS-N-30 3,5 / 135

Sample Photos

JUPITER-37A MS-N-30 3,5 / 135, like its close relatives, is abruptly insane. Multilayer enlightenment in this version does its job well, only in rare cases in the backlight does the picture get a veil-flare, it is extremely difficult to catch a glare.

You can download RAW + JPEG source files at this link (21 files in the '.ARW' and '.JPG' format, 450 MB). All photos in the gallery above are on-camera JPEG from the camera Sony a7.

JUPITER-37A MS-N-30 3,5 / 135

JUPITER-37A MS-N-30 3,5 / 135

How to use with modern cameras?

'A' lenses with an interchangeable shank, such as the one in this review, are very easy to use on almost any modern digital camera (both DSLR and mirrorless), just select correct adapter. The replacement 'A' shank usually has an external M42 thread and an 'H' mount (similar to Nikon F). For use on modern cameras, the easiest way is to add the required adapter from M42 to the desired system or from Nikon F to the desired system to this shank.

Catalog modern brand lenses 'Zenitar' и 'Helios' can look at this link.

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JUPITER-37A MS-N-30 3,5 / 135 is a good, in no way different from others, version of the legendary Jupiter-37A. Find more information in detailed reviews Jupiter-37A 3,5 / 135 и MS Jupiter-37AM 3,5 / 135.

Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.

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Comments: 139, on the topic: Review of JUPITER-37A МС-Н-30 3,5 / 135

  • Ivan

    didn’t be too lazy, I don’t see much difference, maybe in the counter light ms didn’t try better.
    two photos from different lenses

  • Ivan

    simple 37 a

    • Alexey

      And I see that your simple one is sharper and more contrast.

      • Ivan

        No, just the cloud rolled back and the sun became brighter (darkening and contrast increased), I saw it through the viewfinder - but did not redo it. I do not defend 37A MS-N-30 I will sell it anyway, the Olympic is more expensive for me, but I still need to play with the counterlight first.

      • Dmitry

        The difference between the MS version and the single-layer version cannot be seen in such photos, neither from the photo, nor on the histogram. Where there is good lighting, without side light and backlight, both versions behave the same there. There is also no difference when shooting with flash.

        The difference is manifested with a lack of lighting. If you shoot on a cloudy day in the shade of trees (and without a flash), especially closer to the evening, then the colors of the usual version are somehow dull and dirty, especially in the shadows. MS version give more pure colors (especially green). It feels like the screen was rubbed off from a layer of dust. The histogram also shows that the graph of the MS version is wider than not the MS, especially the red and blue channels. (Means, MS is more contrast). And the MS version is lighter than the usual one, somewhere at 0.25-0.3 feet. Another single-layer version sins with weak, but noticeable glare from night lights, on the MS version this is not observed.

        However, both versions glare if you shoot against very bright light (smartphone LED). But the flare of the regular version is dense, like a thorn. The flare of the MS version has the same shape, but is translucent and without a veil around.
        In terms of glare and contrast, the MS version does not reach the whale Nikkor 18-105, somewhere as much as the usual Jupiter 37a does not reach the MS version.

        The question is, is it worth taking the MS version?
        My answer is yes. But if the price of the regular version is now 600-800 UAH per olx, then I don’t see the point of paying for the MS version more than 1000-1100 UAH: it’s not so much better than the usual one to pay more for it.

        PS / Compare the single-layer version of 1984 with amber enlightenment with the MS version 1984 with lilac-green enlightenment (suspiciously similar in color to the version MS-H-30 described here)

        • SergeyM

          “… ..In terms of glare resistance and contrast, the MC version falls short of the whale Nikkor 18-105, about as much as the regular Jupiter 37a falls short of the MC version… ..”

          How can such a gorgeous fix as the Yu-37 be compared with some whale shit ?! What kind of madness?

          • Dmitry

            Sarcasm? If not, then the 18-105 is quite a decent dark zoom, and with enlightenment and glare resistance it is more than excellent, in contrast to the “chic” Soviet fixes.

            • SergeyM

              No, not sarcasm.
              “… .18-105 quite decent dark zoom….”
              However, the Ju-37 is a gorgeous super sharp and light 135.
              Much better than any Rockkor-135 with 2,8.
              How it can be compared with a cheap fix - I am perplexed ...

              • SergeyM

                ... sealed ...
                compare with the zoom, of course ...

              • B. R. P.

                Any Rokkor ... Hmmm ...

  • Ivan

    Off topic, purely for comparison helios 77 m 4 :)
    more precisely helios

  • Dmitry E.

    Is it worth buying for 4850 rubles without CP / en in the kit?

    • KalekseyG

      Why not. Pass the thread of the helicoid and there will be infinity in a simple adapter.

      • Dmitry E.

        I already bought a converted T2 cheaply

        • KalekseyG

          What the hell then was there to ask?

    • Alexey

      for n 30 the normal price - it is rare.

    • Ivan

      Take for 10000 better do not cheap the main thing !!! If you take into account that according to Avito before figs for 2-3, then the mind is a chamber.

      • Dmitry E.

        I do not understand. The seller sells it for 4850, why offer more?

      • Alexey

        on Avito from 800 to 3 tr normal, the MS version is from 3 to 4,5 tr, and the MS is n 30 from 4,5 to 5 tr, precisely because it is rare. Study the topic before giving advice to Ivan.

    • Vitaly N

      Or maybe it's better to look for the old Nikon 100 or 135? The price is about the same, but the native mount and working diaphragm. When I searched for Kaleinar, prices were breaking, Nikon 105 / 2.5 found it cheaper. With a jumping diaphragm it is much more convenient, you will not always shoot in the open.
      A year ago, the simple Yu-37s were up to 100 Baku, now for 40 Olympic at the OLX no one takes.

      • Dmitry E.

        Already bought. Not at the same price, but like Jupiter more)

  • Eugene

    Who cares about the prices. here it was written that MC Jupiter-37A is TU3-3. 2022-87 RUB 100
    MS-N-30 Jupiter-37A - TU3-3. 105-80 120 rubles, I will also inform you that in 1988-89 I bought a simple, not MS, for 55 rubles. And the MC was on the shelf really for 100 rubles.

  • Bogdan

    Is it suitable for nikon d80?

    • Oleg

      Without a native or third-party manufacturer, the Nikon mount adapter will not work.

  • Vladimir

    Dear Pros !!! Tell me please? Is the JUPITER-37A lens suitable for the SonyA6500 mirrorless (crop) mount Emount and with which adapter. I’m shooting a video. I’m very passionate about macro.

    Very grateful for the response, thanks.

    • anonym

      If it has an M42 thread, then you need an M42-nex adapter, and if the Nikon bayonet is cool, sell-change with an extra charge of M42.

      • Nicholas

        On the nex / sony-e, there are both adapters, and M42 and Nikon, if you look, then you can find t2 on the nex, so it's better to take the version of the lens which has better condition and lower price.

  • Anatoliy

    Підскажіть, whether caress for the dots on the line? Do not rub off. What is shushu sharu chi yakіys fungus? What will you do? Maybe you can zrobiti chi not to win respect?

    • Michael

      Scratches, it seems. This is not a fungus

    • Arkady Shapoval

      Microcracks of enlightenment, that's okay. Put a protective filter and forget about it

  • Anatoliy


  • Pineapple

    My copy doesn’t have MS, it shimmers just like in the pictures of the version without MS here on Radozhiva. But the marks on his aperture ring are green.

    • Maria

      One year of release. On a lens without MS, but with green aperture numbers, as I understand it, they did not do a separate review.

  • Maria

    Dear specialists.
    Could this be the case with the D90 at a distance with a face portrait (I don’t remember how much it turns out there, about three meters, it should be), the confirmation of focus on the camera works flawlessly. As I try to shoot a person in height - the focus begins to “miss”. That is, I miss, of course, I)) It turns out that confirming the green circle in this case is meaningless.
    The reason is not clear, and it is not entirely clear why. It is clear that the boundaries of the depth of field themselves have nothing to do with it, maybe the sensor simply lacks contrast from a certain distance.
    The problem is that there is nothing to test now, I am with one camera.
    Sorry if I'm sloppy.

    • Alexey

      it should be so. it takes a long time to explain the reason. at such long shooting distances, you need to focus in LV.

      • Maria

        Thank you very much!
        This means that the observed reflects the reality. I will try to fill the gap)

  • Maria

    While the experience is small with portraits, and indeed small)
    But I compare the 85 mm 1.8 native lens with the one obtained with Jupiter, the feeling that in the second case it is just a masterpiece (how appropriate it is to write about my creative attempts). Or I don't know how to work with modern lenses, but I like the picture less. Dissuade)

    Of course, af and light is a great thing. But for some reason, the same 85mm exhibits much more clearly the effect inherent in telephoto cameras - flattening of the picture and when the background objects in relation to the subject of the shooting seem much larger than in the original. In Jupiter, IMHO, this is poorly expressed.

  • a83k

    Good day, readers of radojuva.
    The lens is gorgeous. But I have a question more about its varieties.
    There is a Jupiter-37A MS-N-30 3,5 / 130 lens of the 83rd year of production.
    On the one hand, it is embarrassing, but on the other hand, the “unusual” focal length of 130mm pleases.
    I wonder what it can be and how it happened that there is no information about the f3.5 / 130mm variant anywhere?

    • Alexey

      who said he was 130? he's 135, we read this

      and it

      • a83k

        Nobody said :) It's written on it.
        As I will be in my native land within the next week, I will definitely take a picture.
        It will even be interesting to find another Ju37a MC-N-30 3.5 / 135 and compare the difference in these 5mm.
        True, I myself am inclined to believe that this is a banal typo in production.

    • Rodion

      Rather, it is just a peculiar typo. A photo would ...

      • a83k

        Good day, readers of radojuva.

        I am sending the photo as promised.

        • a83k

          General form.

          • a83k

            General view of the lens

            • a83k

              View from the bayonet side.
              A needle scribbled the number: 132979. What it can mean - I have no idea.

              • kotofei

                The scrawled number is a lot from a pawnshop. You can call it a "lens with history"

        • Alexey

          outwardly, from all sides - a completely ordinary Ju-37, so, apparently, this is a typo. year 83, everything is correct.

        • Alexey

          it is easy to find out its FD - you need to photograph something of a known size at a known focusing distance. and then simple mathematics, the rule of similarity of triangles.

          • a83k

            Yes. The calculation algorithm itself is clear to me.
            More question over time. As soon as I have free time, I will definitely try.
            Then I will write the result here.

  • R'RёS,R ° F "RёR№

    And I have a rare one. Enlightenment from n-30, but there is not even an MC in the name. These copies were produced at the end of 1982 as pre-production prototypes. I'll give it up for 5.

  • Stanislas

    Hello, I saw an advertisement for the sale of such a lens. Can you please tell me if his paint has peeled off or is it some kind of tricky specimen?

    • Stanislas


    • Jury

      is this the last lens on the market? find a copy in good condition.

      • Stanislas

        Understood thanks)

    • Arkady Shapoval

      she didn't peel off, she was cleaned off

      • Alex

        I had the MC-N-30 in a new state, and from a wide ring with aperture values, one layer of paint really tears, it literally remained lumps on my fingers. But under it there would be another one, so the appearance did not suffer at all.

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