Spring offtopic

This topic was created so that everyone can call your own most 'steep'at the moment a camera :).



In the comments indicate:

  1. The camera you have and why is it really 'cool', it is advisable to attach one 'cool'photo from it :)
  2. The best'/'steep'a camera that you don't have, but which is perfect for this title :).

Until the next recording in Radozhiv temporarily amnestied all prisoners from blacklist.

Under the term 'steep'let everyone understand whatever he wants.

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Comments: 533, on the topic: Spring offtopic

  • Alexey

    Nikon 5100 - Helios 44-2. Well, I would like to ff nikon d700

  • Pastor

    1. At the moment, from DSLRs there are Nikon D80 (for sale), D5200, D7000, Canon 600D, 50D, 5D and Fuj C5. Of the former, so far I regret selling the Canon 400d - an excellent camera, small, with beautiful colors, good autofocus and sharp even with lousy glasses. I think I bought another one for 3 for 5 :) I can't single out one camera from the available ones. For unhurried shooting 80d and d5, for landscape c7000, for reportage d50, 5200d, for traveling light and video - d600, XNUMXd. All are very good in their own way.
    2. It is difficult to call the coolest. This is either a face van / hassel digital, or 1dh / d4, or even a film. Again, looking for what. The camera suitable is ideal for everything I do not know. Portraits and landscapes in medium format look perfect, but reporting is much better with topff from canon or nikon.

  • anonym

    When the comments in this useless article have already ceased. Is it really interesting to someone what camera someone is shooting. Bullshit!

    • Dim

      Why nonsense? To each his own. Or do you think that everyone should and even simply must be exactly like you? I, in turn, wonder where all such knowledgeable and peremptory people come from.

    • Pastor

      It is very interesting to me. Great article! I've always wondered which photographer is shooting what. It's a pity the site does not have visitor profiles with information about the equipment used. Here on photo.ru a lot becomes clear thanks to such profiles. A person writes that Nikon sucks, Canon drives 0, you look at the Old - only Canon cameras and lenses, Nikon and did not use. It's immediately clear - the person who bought the camera glorifies his swamp, roughly speaking :) There are many more examples. It is clear that a pro can shoot perfectly both on a soap dish and on a phone. Still, serious reporters use top ff, and this is no accident. Also in other professions related to photography. Weddings love 5d for the price-quality ratio, landscape painters, until recently, for the sake of high resolution took d800, etc. The camera is not the main thing, but it says something about the owner.

      • Novel

        I agree, and the comments are very instructive. For example, many people write that you can shoot even on a mobile phone - comrades, are you trying to deceive yourself? What do you do then on similar sites where photography is discussed?

      • Dmitriy

        Pastor, interesting opinion about “serious reporters” and top FF :) But this is just an opinion. This has already been discussed a little higher :)

        • Pastor

          In my opinion, this is a fact, did not see the discussion above. If you have a TV set or YouTube, just look at what filming meetings of politicians, rallies and other joys of life. At the moment, 90% have 1 dx, in the extreme case, another one or d4. It is understandable - the best autofocus, tremendous shooting speed, excellent ISO up to 10 thousand and even higher, comfortable grip. It is strange that this is what seemed to you controversial, my other statements are much further from objective truths, for example, with d800 :) And the fact that they are seriously reporting with flagships, I thought it was obvious.

          • Dmitriy

            - Do you see a gopher?
            - No.
            - And I - no, but he is!
            A wedding is also a reportage in many ways.
            There are a lot of those who shoot reports on crop (me in particular). The reason is simple - the weight and price of the equipment. Very often, this comes first among military reporters. For myself, I see no point in a special FF camera. It is because of the weight and non-criticality to subsequent processing, noise, color accuracy, and more.
            Once I was filming the wedding of my wife's friend (I never did this before, as well as after). I rented a D4S to try it out, and I also handed over my D300S for maintenance. Cursed everything from the weight of the carcass and 70-200! When I poured everything into Lightroom from different maps and set sorting by time (there is such a function. It is just important when observing the chronology of the footage). So I couldn't distinguish at first glance the pictures taken with the D7000 from the pictures taken with the D4S! Monitor - iMac 27. Only by stretching the picture to the limit I saw this difference!

            • Pastor

              But did you feel the difference in autofocus speed? And work at high iso? And the rate of fire? :)
              Here is a simple example from my practice. The governor shakes his hand at the awarding of one and a half seconds. I, shooting at 50d or d7000, do only 6-9 frames. Of these, 1-2 can be blurry (either push or you can jerk yourself), extra parts of people can get into parts of the frame (constantly someone is walking), on the remaining 6-7 frames, either the governor or the awarded person will close their eyes or open their mouths . And next, a colleague threshes on d4 and receives 10-15 frames for the same period. In addition, where I am forced to twist the aperture to the maximum, turn on the stub or take noisy pictures at ISOs above 1600-3200, a person with d4 just puts ISO 6400 on and without getting worried gets great shots. Moreover, after a series of 20 frames, my cameras choke and come to their senses for a while, and the flagship is ready to thresh further. In addition, if you need to give a photo right after shooting, in d4, initially the automatics in jepeg work better (auto bb, exposure metering, colors). I do not relate to the quality of the picture, it is higher, but this quality in reporting work is often not in demand. It is much more important to obtain a reliable statement of fact.
              It is strange that you are challenging the obvious - there is nothing better than the flagships of Nikon and Canon for professional reporting, which is proven by practice. Naturally, there are reporters shooting on a crop, the same d300s or 7d (and m2) are excellent reportage crops. But I was talking about an ideal tool for a specific job, this is the topic of the spring offtopic :) And, finally, I in no way want to convince you, if you have enough crop for all types of reporting, then this is great. After all, people used to shoot a reportage on film, when ISO 800 was the limit, and there was no autofocus at all. And, of course, I agree that in some cases it is completely inconvenient to carry a one and a half kilogram coffin with you.

              • Dmitriy

                Yes, I did not deny the obvious :) I simply argued that in some cases (I only shoot military reports), the Federal Fund is not at all mandatory. And size matters. We must not be too lazy and find my old D90 with a button torn off by a trigger fragment. A larger carcass would have to stick out further, could remain without a brush.
                Well, let's count: the Kora-Kulon 4 body armor - 11,5 kg, the helmet - 1,5 kg, the knee pads with elbow pads - another kilogram, the first-aid kit - a kilogram, dry rations for three days - 1,5 kg. And we haven't reached the equipment yet! Therefore, I bought 18-300 and use 35 1,8 for twilight.
                I need a lot of frames - I shoot a video (it is perfectly cut into pieces later). Will there be noise? Will your mouth twist? And the dog is with him! It will look better!
                So the equipment is needed from the task, and not from the hotel.
                From 99 to 2010 he shot on the Nikon F90X. When he still served in the army. And he didn’t bathe at all. And the lens was one for all occasions.
                Those pictures formed the basis of a couple of hundred articles in the press and 17 criminal cases on grave and especially grave articles. And no one was worried about the noise, over-mugged faces, and extra people in the frame. By the way, the accidental hit of the character in the frame was proof of his guilt. So you never know when and what comes in handy.
                Personally, I miss the rotation of the screen in my cameras, the ability to remotely control and the ability to affix gps tags with wireless transmission to the tablet. Although all this is decided by the cam ranger device.

              • Pastor

                Well then I agree :) Much depends on the goals, yes. And in some cases, even a phone will be an excellent reportage camera - you can shoot with it in such a way that no one even thinks that the shooting is in progress (leaning against your ear like talking). Well, in a military or crime report, of course, noises and extra people in the frame most often will not interfere. I did not consider this type of reporting.

    • BB

      You, dear Anonymous, no one forces them to read.

      • Dim

        I agree with Pastor and the rate of fire with high iso is needed not only for shooting events. I have a child, I love to photograph her. At the same time, I also work, as many probably stay on evenings and Saturday and Sunday. Therefore, high iso workers are very necessary, you can't take pictures of a moving child with high-aperture optics and the rate of fire is needed, especially if there is more than one person in the photo - who closed their eyes, who scratched themselves ...

        • Dmitriy

          If the production is a group photo, then you can ask everyone to close their eyes and open one, two, three, while shooting four. The same technique works when shooting a model in the bright sun, so as not to squint.

  • Gregory

    Nikon D7000 Jupiter 37-A

    I would like a full frame


    I now have a D7000 and a whale lens 18-140. There is also an SB-910 flash. Of those that passed through my hands- SONY A65, CANON 650D, NIKON D90.
    From what I want, I don’t even know, from this kit I still haven’t grown to the end. The carcass will go down for now. It might not be bad to have one fast fix and one telephoto. Of the possible purchases, 50mm 1.8G / 35mm 1.8G is also relatively inexpensive and functional.

    • Sergey-IZELBOR

      Oops) accidentally drove the address instead of the name)

  • Andrew

    I had a lot of fotiks mostly Nikon, D50 two pieces, Nikon D90, D200, Fuji S2, Nikon D600, D7000, D5100 two pieces, Sony A7, Panasonic GH4, and I don’t remember what else. This hour left Nikon D600 and Panasonic GH4 for video and GOPro Hero 4 Silver.

    I can say with confidence that if you take a photo for yourself, then the quality from Nikon d50 is enough for the eyes! I bought it as a third camera for the D600 & D7000 for timelaps. Was surprised that I could connect it to android. the quality is super, even for our days! Now I use GoPRO Hero 4 for timelaps, but the quality with Nikon d50 is many times better.

    For the video, it's Panasonic GH4, but it doesn’t like the fact that it’s hard to achieve a dept of field even with Leica 25mm 1.4 since crop 2.

    Well, the most important thing is the lenses !!! Cameras are not particularly surviving if honestly for me. But I had to shovel a lot to understand this.

    At the moment this is:

    Samyang 8mm 3.8 interesting very fish though I would say just shirik for crop
    Samyang 35mm 1.4 for the video is very cool.

    I use very little Nikon 20mm 2.8, but it takes up little space for lanscape just right.
    Nikon 28mm 1.8G is my favorite.
    Nikon 35mm 1.8G my favorite for crop very cheap worked cool with Sony A7
    Nikon 50mm 1.8G I use once a year
    Nikon 85mm 1.8G Highly recommend

    Nikon 70 - 210 F4 is not expensive and the result is great.

    Panasonic 12-35 2.8 picture for the photo is so-so as the whole GH4 but for the video it’s normal.
    Leica 25 1.4 beautiful bokeh

    if you take only one fix, then this is of course Nikon 35mm 1.8G crop.

  • Bo

    Bogdan Titomir is the best

    • anonym

      Bo, your offtopic is the most offtopic offtopic of all offtopic!

  • Bo

    Anonymous, thank you, you are cool too, I just always defended Arkasha when old men attacked him like, “Yes, I worked on film sixty thousand years ago, I know more and better about this or that old Soviet junk,” I defended, but recently , downloaded the Superdisco of the 90s of 2010 and 2011 in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and then I thought: I am 33, if Arkady is 20-25 years old, then in the 90s (90s or 5s), he was 10-16 years old, that is, he is not knows what “well, where are the pens, well, where are your pens”, did not collect turbo inserts, and did not drink Yupi. So that ugly old man is right? At the moment when I write this comment, I feel that yes. For example, a 1999-year-old (born in 20), and even a 90-year-old “specialist”, will read and think: “Well, what do you think, Yupi”. And he does not know one subtlety, a secret, that from this Jupi the tongue remained painted, and indelible marks remained on the dishes. And in the XNUMXs, insolent young or inept photographers hung upside down, hung upside down at weddings by cool bulls in crimson jackets, for some kind of offense, although anyone could easily have been killed. I think the example with Yupi is indicative, as well as the torn liner that stuck to the wrapper of the Lov Iz or Turbo gum and was torn with it, and the example with old lenses. Hi energy, all the world!

  • vic

    Here for the Nikon D60 completely forgot!
    But there was a good device!
    Standard lens - 18-135

    Shot from the window.

  • vic

    Now I use D7100 - behind the eyes. I added a staff from D200 (AF-S 18-70) to it - it resolves the matrix best of all - there is even moire.

    Also with him (D7100) I use Nikon AF 50 / 1.8D - the best color rendition.
    Tried Yashica 50 / 1.7 - not bad - but manual. And blushes (a kind of artistic crap, it looks like a film)

    Carl Zeiss Iena (DDR) Tessar 50 / 2.8 - medium.

    But our domestic Helios-44M 2/58 showed itself best of all. Although slightly yellow.

    In general, I think that the device is better, which itself will set the sharpness, white balance, etc. Those. - turned on - shoot. As you understand, dear ones, I prefer the reporting genre.

    But these are all subjective assessments, my own opinion.

  • vic

    In general - pay attention - we are all united by a hobby - photography - since the times of the USSR - a very accessible activity.
    I remember the prices for photochemistry, paper, film.
    We guys handed over lemonade bottles - and there was enough for the photo classes.
    In comparison with technical creativity at that time, for example - radio amateurs (searching for radio components, diagrams, subscribing to magazines), photography - was much (at times, dozens of times) more accessible to anyone.
    Judge for yourself - the camera is massive - Change is not expensive, film (usually 65 - either 45 kopecks, or 55 kopecks), developer, fixer - pennies, paper (the most popular is Unibrom, less often Contabrom) - well 50 kopecks, or 1. rub per pack.
    And all this was available regardless of where they lived in the USSR.
    Paravda in my hometown - Tselinograd - I have not met the paper Yodokont - only at my grandmother in the Baltic states.

    • Bo

      It turns out - the coolest camera - if by coolness we mean value for the owner - this is the one that your parents took pictures of you with.

      • vic

        As I understand it is not about the "toughness" of the equipment, but about who is shooting what.
        And you will appreciate the pictures taken by parents when you are under 50.
        Really appreciate it.

        • Bo

          I appreciate it, although not a 50 year old man

        • Bo

          At the beginning of the article, read carefully: "By the term 'cool', let everyone understand whatever they want." Specially written for you

  • Denis

    D2x + Nikkor 70-200 VRII

  • Sergei

    Change, Fed-5, Nikon D100 D200 D3100. Now Nikon D2x 17-55 2,8 and 80-200 are the second version. I want a wide Tokina 2-11.
    Photo-2Dx 80-200 2,8

  • Vladimir

    Hello everyone! Of course I’m not talking about the topic (for which I apologize), but someone can comment on the Rustar 2 lens. I shoveled the whole one, but I didn’t see anything like that.

  • Vladimir

    So he

  • Vladimir


  • Vladimir

    Olympus SP 510-UZ ...

  • Vladimir

    Olympus SP 510-UZ

  • Vladimir

    more Olympus SP 510-UZ

  • Vladimir


  • Vladimir

    Canon 1100d

  • Vladimir

    more Canon 1100d

  • Sandy

    I will continue the series of Canon 1100d
    Helios 44-2

  • Sandy

    ... whale

  • Sandy

    ... the same Helios

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