How to create a content project in a niche. Case Radozhiva. Arkady Shapoval at WebPromoExperts.TV

A short interview for WebPromo Experts:

Thank you for attention. Arkady Shapoval.

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Comments: 47, on the topic: How to create a content project in a niche. Case Radozhiva. Arkady Shapoval at WebPromoExperts.TV

  • Dmitriy

    Thank you for your work and patience! The site is very interesting and fascinating, nice to read. And your photos are beautiful!

  • Maksim

    Arkady, thank you very much for your work!
    It was somewhat unexpected to see you on video, introduced you much older.
    It’s doubly nice that everything turns out great!
    I wish you continued success and implementation!

  • Victor

    Everything is very sensible and competent. Good luck, Arkady, and patience, patience, patience.

  • anonym

    thank you

  • Artyom

    I have been watching Radozhiva for about 4 years, constantly waiting for new articles and reviews. Thank you so much for your work !! Health and all the best to you Arkady.)

  • Nicholas

    Like your site, Arkady. Thanks to you, I boldly buy new things for Nikon. Thanks.

  • Arkady

    The “Russian speakers” were called “our people”. Ukrainian, Belarusian, Russian - our people. That's how it is! (no mockery).

  • Arkady

    Arkady, thank you for your work! You have a rare site in terms of quality and volume of material, the absence of direct and intrusive advertising is pleasantly happy! “Radozhiva” and the green eight-leafed leaf are already an established brand!

  • anonym

    Thank you for your work !!! I like an infinitely novice photographer, this site is the best assistant !!! Good luck with your project and good health to you personally!

  • Scarecrow

    Arkady, the resource really came out amazing, but did you think about expanding the team of authors? For example, to develop a certain mandatory template for reviews and for example, to allow articles to be squeezed on photography and photo equipment by specially trusted specialists? Sometimes surprisingly interesting commentators are found: Lynx, Denis and Trekhsotkovich literally write about everything very informatively. Well, Flueg’s comments about the small pixel and the advantages of DF simply overturn the usual ideas. Yes, and many more who.

  • Mihail

    Nice site! Interesting author! A lot of comprehensive information. Thank you very much!

  • anonym

    The most lively site! Good luck! Dovgo life!

  • anonym

    The work has been huge, but despite the high traffic, the site has stopped developing. Why are these praises. The site is certainly valuable, but new ideas are needed. Digging in the lenses from the bucket will be endless. However, this is my personal opinion, which I have expressed more than once. And not only me ... ... Happy Easter everyone ... Look, it's interesting

  • Denis

    A very interesting video, I learned a lot about the future of the project. Arkady, if you change the design of the site, then make it as light and unobtrusive as this one). And the project still needs to come out in addition to text reviews on video reviews and YoyTube. Pros: new audience, some people will understand the content better, it will be easier to convey information. And I still continue to believe that the site needs reviews on photo processing) And in general, for me, Radozhiva is a project! Good luck Arkady! From SW. Denis Penyak!

  • uladzimir

    Many thanks to the project and Arkady personally. A lot of interesting.

  • Artyom

    Thank you Arkady for the site and for the hidden advertising, which is generally not annoying!

  • Bypass

    I was wondering how old are you Arkady?

  • Dmitriy

    Hello, Arkady.
    Attracting like-minded assistants, creating a forum on the site - this will revive the site as a whole, make the site's horizons wider. The site will become more interesting, even livelier, more attractive in appearance (this is, however, my personal opinion).
    Perhaps you will have a desire / time to write articles about photography (the basics, so to speak, about theory, some techniques for shooting, etc.). I understand that such information can be found on the Internet, but if you do it a little differently (with your “proprietary” simplicity / accessibility to a wide range of people), given that the vast majority of readers are amateurs. (As an example: the KhE site. There are quite a few interesting articles and not only about the photo technique, unfortunately, the site has quietly "fallen asleep" over the past year).
    In general, I want to wish / to become more diverse, interesting, etc.

  • Dmitriy

    I discovered Radozhiva more than 3,5 years ago. During this time, the site has become just a reference book which is read to the holes. Thanks to Radozhiva, I quickly outgrew my first Nikon DSLR with a whale lens and continue to enjoy the world of digital photography with the new advanced camera and a set of first-class Soviet optics. Thanks Arkady! Good luck to you and your resource !!!

  • Charles

    Still to write without errors who taught.

  • Eugene Moykin

    So, how do you do monetization? I don’t have a single ad unit.

  • Andrii

    Good whip! Arkadiyu, you’ve done well, have time to you!

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