A Thousand and One Nights with HELIOS-44

There are such a large number and variety of HELIOS-44 lenses that sometimes you can get lost among them and never be found again. This article shows the main versions and modifications of such lenses.

A Thousand and One Nights with HELIOS-44

A Thousand and One Nights with HELIOS-44

Helios-44 lenses were produced at several factories:

  • KMZ - Кrasnogorsk Мmechanical Зavod
  • MMP - Мincan Мmechanical ЗAvod named after S. I. Vavilov, which since 1971 became BelOMO (Бelorussian ОbirdМmechanical Оunification)
  • Optical and Mechanical Plant 'Jupiter‘, Valdai.
  • Plant 'Zenith', Vileika

The manufacturer of the lens is very easy to identify by the logo:

Logos under which lenses of the HELIOS-44 brand were produced

Logos under which lenses of the HELIOS-44 brand were produced

The genealogical tree of the HELIOS-44 lenses was carried out by the manufacturers. Basically, different HELIOS-44 lenses differ in such things:

  • manufacturer
  • mounting thread or bayonet
  • case rim
  • the presence of a diaphragm repeater
  • presence of aperture preset ring
  • the presence of multi-coating (marking 'MS')
  • names written in Latin or Cyrillic
  • a bunch of other little things :)

In this article, the names and designations of the lenses are indicated as close as possible to the mark on the body frame. Therefore '58 mm 1: 2 'and' 2/58 'are considered different versions here. Please note that to make it easier to identify lenses, add new versions, as well as to accurately and quickly understand what modification is in question, I have introduced my additional lens numbering, starting with the letter 'h' (h1xx - KMZ, h2xx - MMZ, h3xx - Jupiter).


BTK 1: 2 F = 5,8cm P h101 - BTK stands for BioTar Krasnogorskiy, the very first version of the lens, is a copy of Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar 2/58. Most likely made from German glass blanks. Later, lenses under the name HELIOS-44 were produced according to a recalculated optical scheme for a domestic grade of optical glass. Uses a 13-blade diaphragm, M39x1 / 45,2 thread in a white body. It is of great collection value, since BTK 1: 2 F = 5,8 cm P was more experienced than a mass sample.

HELIOS-44 1: 2 F = 5,8cm P h102 - Uses 13-blade diaphragm, M39x1 / 45,2 thread in white body. The letter 'P' is responsible for the 'P' enlightened optics (simple chemical enlightenment), later this letter was not written. It differs from the h105 version in the minimum aperture, which is F / 22.

HELIOS-44 2/58 h103 - lens with bayonet mount for START cameras. 13 aperture blades, white body. Lenses for 'Start' cameras differ from other modifications of Helios-44 by an additional button on the body.

HELIOS-44 2/58 h103-a - lens with bayonet mount for START cameras. It differs from h103 in that the name is written in Latin letters.

HELIOS-44 1: 2 F = 5,8cm P h103-b - lens with bayonet mount for START cameras. It differs from h103 in that the lens parameters are indicated differently.

HELIOS-44 2/58 h104 - lens with bayonet mount for START cameras. 8 aperture blades, white body. Differs from h103 in the number of aperture blades.

No photos.

HELIOS-44 2/58 h105 - Uses 13-blade diaphragm, M39x1 / 45,2 thread in white body. It differs from the h102 version in the minimum aperture, which is F / 16, as well as the body frame. An overview of this modification can be viewed here.

HELIOS-44 2/58 h106 - Uses 13 flap diaphragm, M39x1 / 45,2 thread in white case. It differs from h105 in that the name is written in Latin letters.

HELIOS-44 2/58 h107 - Uses 8-blade diaphragm, M39x1 / 45,2 thread in white body. The body is similar to h105 / 106. An overview of this modification can be viewed here.

HELIOS-44 2/58 h108 - Uses 8 flap diaphragm, M39x1 / 45,2 thread in black housing. From h107 differs only in case color.

No photos. Perhaps there was no option from the KMZ plant with the spelling of the name in Cyrillic.

HELIOS-44 2/58 h108-a - Uses 8 flap diaphragm, M39x1 / 45,2 thread in black housing. From h108 differs only in the spelling of the name.

ГЕЛИОС-44-2 2/58  h109 - Uses 8-blade diaphragm, first modification with M42x1 / 45,5 thread.

No photos. Perhaps there was no option from the KMZ plant with the spelling of the name in Cyrillic.

HELIOS-44-2 2/58  h109-a - Uses an 8-blade diaphragm, M42x1 / 45,5 thread. It differs from h109 only in the spelling of the name.

HELIOS-44M 2/58 h110 - Uses an 8-blade diaphragm, M42x1 / 45,5 thread. The first lens with Blinking Aperture, from which the letter 'M' was added to the name.

No photos. Perhaps there was no option from the KMZ plant with the spelling of the name in Cyrillic.

HELIOS-44M 2/58 h111 - Uses an 8-blade diaphragm, M42x1 / 45,5 thread.

MS HELIOS-44M 2/58 h112 - Uses an 8-blade diaphragm, M42x1 / 45,5 thread. Version h110 / h111 with multi-coated optics

Гелиос-44М-4 2/58 h113 - Uses 6-blade diaphragm, thread M42x1 / 45,5.

HELIOS-44М-4 2/58 h113-a - Uses 6-blade diaphragm, thread M42x1 / 45,5. No repeater / aperture switch. It differs from h115 only in the spelling of the name.

Гелиос-44М-4 2/58 h115 - Uses a 6-blade diaphragm, M42x1 / 45,5 thread. No repeater / aperture switch.

Photo is missing.

MS Helios-44M-4 2/58 h177 - Uses 6-blade diaphragm, thread M42x1 / 45,5. Without diaphragm repeater. Added multi-coating.

No photos. Perhaps there was no option from the KMZ plant with the spelling of the name in Cyrillic.

MC HELIOS 44M-4 2/58 h118 - Uses 6-blade diaphragm, thread M42x1 / 45,5. Without diaphragm repeater. There is no dash between 'Helios' and '44M-4' in the name.

ZENIT Helios-44K-4 58mm 1: 2 h116 - version with Pentax K bayonet. Modern body.

ZENIT MC HELIOS-44K-4 58mm 1: 2 h114 - version with Pentax K bayonet. Modern body. It differs from h116 in multi-coated optics and a different spelling of the name.

 ZENIT-IR 2/58 MOONLIGHT PRODUCTS INC h119 - unknown for me version of the lens, most likely for special devices.

AUTO COSMOGON 1: 2 F = 58mm h120 - an unknown version of the lens for me.

Гелиос-44-1 2/58 h121-a - lens for ZENIT-7 cameras.

 HELIOS 44-1 2/58 h121 - for cameras ZENIT-7. differs from h121-a in the spelling of the name.

 Helios-44-D 2/58 h124 - for Zenit-D cameras with a specific mount.

Гелиос44-7 2/58  h122 - lens for ZENIT-7 cameras, black.

Гелиос44-7 2/58  h123 - lens for cameras ZENIT-7, zebra


Helios-44 2/58 h201 - 8 petals, white body, thread M39x1 / 45,2.

Helios-44 2/58 h201-a - 8 petals, white body, thread M39x1 / 45,2. It differs from the h201 version only in the spelling of the lens name.

Helios-44 2/58 h202 - 8 petals, zebra, thread M39x1 / 45,2.

No photos. Perhaps there was no option from the MMZ plant with writing the name in Cyrillic.

Helios-44 2/58 h202-a - 8 petals, zebra, thread M39x1 / 45,2. It differs from the h201 version in the case.

Helios-44-2 2/58 h203-a - 8 petals, zebra, early body rim, thread M42x1 / 45,5.

Helios 44-2 2/58 h203 - 8 petals, black, thread M42x1 / 45,5. No dash between 'Helios' and '44 -2 ′

 Гелиос-44-2 2/58 h204 - 8 petals, black, thread M42x1 / 45,5. An overview of this modification can be viewed here.

HELIOS-44-2 2/58 h204-a - 8 petals, black, thread M42x1 / 45,5. It differs from the h204 version only in the spelling of the lens name.

Гелиос-44-2 2/58 h204-b - new case design, similar to h205-a

MS Helios-44-3M 2/58 h205 - black, thread M42x1 / 45,5, multi-coated optics.

MS Helios 44-3 2/58 h205-a - black, thread M42x1 / 45,5, multi-coated optics. There is no dash between 'Helios' and '44 -3' An overview of this modification can be viewed here.

Helios-44M 2/58 h206 - the only version from MMZ with a blinking diaphragm.

Plant 'VALDAI'

At the Valdai factory, lenses were produced immediately and only for M42x1 / 45,5 threads. At this plant, Helios began to produce around 1969.

HELIOS-44-2 2/58 h301 - the first lens 'Helios-44' of the Jupiter plant.

Гелиос-44-2 2/58 h302 - similar to h301, but with a modified body.

No photos.

Гелиос-44-2 2/58 h303 - similar to h301, but with a modified body, easily identified by the red aperture marks

No photos.

Helios-44M 2/58 h301-a - blinking diaphragm. 6 petals

Helios-44M 2/58 h301-b - blinking diaphragm. 8 petals.

Гелиос-44М-4 2/58 h304  - with a blinking diaphragm.

No photos. Perhaps there was no option from the Jupiter plant with the spelling of the name in Cyrillic.

Helios-44М-4 2/58 h305  - with a blinking diaphragm.

ZENIT MC HELIOS-44M-4 58mm 1: 2 h306 - the first multi-coated version of the Valdai plant. You can view the lens view here.

ZENIT MC HELIOS-44M-5 58mm 1: 2 h307 - multi-coated version of the Valdai plant. You can view the lens view here.

ZENIT MC HELIOS-44M-5 58mm 1: 2 h307-a - compared to the h307 has a changed focusing ring.

ZENIT MC HELIOS-44M-6 58mm 1: 2 h308 - multi-coated version of the Valdai plant. You can view the lens view here.

ZENIT MC HELIOS-44M-6 58mm 1: 2 h308-a - unlike h308, it has matte aperture blades.

ZENIT MC HELIOS-44M-6 58mm 1: 2 h308-b - unlike h308 has a different focusing ring

ZENIT MC HELIOS-44M-7 58mm 1: 2 h309 - multi-coated version of the Valdai plant. You can view the lens view here.

Plant 'Zenith', Vileika

Found here here one more unusual copy which, judging by the logo, was made at the Zenit Optical-Mechanical Plant, Vileika, Republic of Belarus.

ZENIT MC HELIOS-44M-5 58mm 1: 2 h401 - M42x1 / 45,5, black case

I am sure that there are much more modifications. If you know useful information on any modification, please indicate its serial number hxxx, describe the distinctive properties in the comments, and attach photos with its appearance. I will add new modifications only if there are photographs where it is clearly visible that the modification differs from existing ones.

In the future, this article will be finalized. There is no need to write in the comments 'but I have this one, it is not here'. It is better to send information about him in the comments, I will add it.

Reviews for the Helios-44 2/58 lenses:

  1. Helios-44 2/58 [KMZ, 13 petals, M39, silver, No. 0220423]
  2. Helios-44 2/58 [KMZ, 8 petals, M39, silver]
  3. Helios-44 1: 2 F = 5,8 cm П [KMZ with replaced lenses, No. 0007220, review of the lens from the reader Radozhiva]
  4. HELIOS-44M 2/58 [KMZ, 8 petals, serial number 7843528]
  5. HELIOS-44M 2/58 [Jupiter plant, Valdai, 8 petals, serial number 8027170]
  6. HELIOS-44-2 2/58 [plant 'Jupiter', Valdai, 8 petals, serial number 83052779] + autofocus review
  7. MS Helios 44-3 2/58 [MMZ, 8 petals, 8619437, 9167912]
  8. MC Helios-44M-4 2/58
  9. Helios-44K-4 58mm 1:2 [KMZ, 6 petals, Pentax K]
  10. MC Helios-44M-4 58mm 1: 2 [plant 'Jupiter', Valdai, 6 petals] + autofocus review
  11. MC Helios-44M-5 58mm 1: 2 [Jupiter plant, Valdai, 6 petals]
  12. MC Helios-44M-6 58mm 1: 2 [plant 'Jupiter', Valdai, 6 petals]
  13. MC Helios-44M-7 58mm 1: 2 [plant 'Jupiter', Valdai, 6 petals]
  14. An article about most of the major modifications of the Helios-44 series
  15. Gallery of pictures on MC Helios-44M-4
  16. Look at modern the lenses 'Helios' can at this link
  17. A lot of Helios of all varieties can be found on ebay this link

Original 'Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar 2/58 ':

  1. Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar 1: 2 f = 5,8cm T [17 diaphragm blades, M42]
  2. Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar 2 / 58 T [12 diaphragm blades, M42]
  3. A lot of Biotars of all varieties can be found on ebay this link

Look at modern the lenses 'Zenitar' и 'Helios' can at this link.

Thank you for attention. Arkady Shapoval.

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Comments: 210, on the topic: A Thousand and One Nights with HELIOS-44

  • Mikola Fedorovich

    Photo by this instrument in court!

  • Valentin Kalenichenko

    The “early” Helios-44s had better blackening of the lens chamfers. White chamfers negate all the advantages of multi-layer coating.

  • Valentin Kalenichenko

    BelOMO = MMZ + "Vileika".

  • Alec

    An interesting example of Helios-44-2 2/58 with the MMZ logo fell into the hands of judging by the number 84 of the issue. But some kind of elongated mount like the M39

    • anonym

      This is a macro ring, unscrew it

  • Alec

    I tried, nothing is twisted, everything holds tight. I looked inside to see the thread on which is wound.

  • Alec

    Stripped off. Thanks!

  • Arkady

    And where is the 77th? (((
    ZY My favorite gelik ...

  • Arkady

    For the previous comment, I think the 77th development of the 44th. So that there are no unnecessary questions

  • Asp

    Can you please tell me whether it is possible to screw a Helios lens with an M39 thread into a zenith carcass with an M42 thread?

    • mAlex

      Easily! Buy a ring of rubles for 100-200 - and go ahead. If infinity is not enough, grind off 0,3 mm from the adjusting ring.

  • anonym

    Arkady I have Helios-44 h202-a, but it is with an M42 thread, and you have written m39

  • korvin1333

    ZENIT-IR 2/58 MOONLIGHT PRODUCTS - from night vision cameras, I think. Or with binoculars, I found a description on the Internet. But Auto Cosmogon is news to me, I did not find anything unique in it, except for the inscription, but it costs more than the white Helios 44 under the M39!

  • Michael

    / HELIOS-44M 2/58 h110 - Uses an 8-blade diaphragm, thread M42x1 / 45,5. The first lens with a Blinking aperture, from which the letter 'M' was added to the name.
    No photos. Perhaps there was no option from the KMZ plant with writing the name in Cyrillic. / The lens exists. 1981 KMZ issue. I can send a photo.

  • Michael

    Photo HELIOS-44M 2/58 h110

  • zengarden

    Somewhere I heard that KMZ, in addition to the Helios-40 line and the Zeniths, also resumed production of the “almost fifty dollars” Helios-44-2 58mm, but did not find detailed information; was only his announcement at the 2014 PhotoForum.
    Is there any information about him?

    • Rodion

      I did not find official information about production.

    • Ilyas

      44m-4C (canon) yes, but they are not mass-produced

  • Artem

    Please tell me, what kind of lens is this?

    • Ilyas

      more photos are possible

    • anonym

      Chinese fake possible)

    • Rodion

      There are already a lot of pictures with this GC. This is a fake, since the marking of the case, the case itself and the lenses are clearly 44M ordinary. And to relabel the ring to the “craftsman” is a piece of cake.
      And the folding I-50s are being converted into Elmars by some clever men ...

  • asvd

    There is one, I didn’t see it in the review

    • asvd

      Auto Cosmogon manufactured by KMZ, according to legend, this series of helios was released in honor of the joint space program of the USSR and the USA "Soyuz-Apollo" and was practically not implemented in the USSR

      • Ivan

        a trifle, but it's nice when you see a repost of your photos somewhere)

  • Vadim

    HELIOS-44-2 2/58 h301 No.80237881 Valdai.
    Slightly different from your scale (point between 10 and infinity). The inscription “Made in ..” is missing. There is only one red dot for the diaphragm (on the repeater ring).
    If you need a photo - tweet to the mail.

  • Vyacheslav

    Help identify the Helios 44-2 model. It is definitely Valdai, but there are differences:
    - the yellow scale ends at 20∞;
    - there are green letters Made in USSR, but on the other side of the same ring there is no factory number in the same green letters, the number is only on the Linz ring;
    - seven-digit number - 7510057, not 8-digit;

    I removed the glass from the film zenith that had fallen to me, I want to try screwing it on the Pentax

    • Vyacheslav

      One more photo ...

  • valera

    The other day I went to a flea market. And I saw the lens, and of course I bought it. Helios 44 13 petals, silver, maximum aperture 22. And most interestingly, the serial number starts with four zeros (0000XXX). I did not find information about such on the Internet. Can someone suggest something?

    • Arkady Shapoval

      show his photo

      • Valera

        a photo

        • Arkady Shapoval

          And how does it differ from HELIOS-44 1: 2 F = 5,8cm P h102?

          • valera

            As I understand it, nothing, but from your review, I realized that h102 is the same as h105. But everyone writes, about zeros in front, 1,2,3, about 4 there is nowhere.

            • Arkady Shapoval

              and what are zeros? it's just a serial number. If there were 1111 would you also consider it special?

              • valera

                would have to eat, he would be happy

              • Alexey

                Doesn't fit with four zeros? In appearance, it served, perhaps really from the first.

    • Vladimir

      Selling it?

  • Ivan

    did not see the early helios MC 44-3m, the version without the inscription "MC helios 44-3m"

    • Ivan


  • anonym

    There were also such

  • anonym

    And such

  • anonym

    And such lenses were on "Start - 3". Oh how!

  • anonym

    and these were the "Helios"

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Copyright © Radojuva.com. Blog author - Photographer Arkady Shapoval. 2009-2024

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