Review JUPITER-8M 1: 2 F = 5cm P

There are many different lenses produced under the name 'Jupiter-8'. In this review, the JUPITER-8M 1: 2 F = 5cm P version with an internal mount Contax-Kiev RF is considered, where the letter 'M' in the lens name means that the lens has been 'M' modified. You can find a lot of useful information about the Contax-Kiev RF bayonet in the review JUPITER-11 1: 4 F = 13,5cm P with external mount Contax-Kiev RF.

JUPITER-8M 1: 2 F = 5cm P

JUPITER-8M 1: 2 F = 5cm P

Externally and functionally, JUPITER-8M 1: 2 F = 5cm P is an almost complete copy JUPITER-8 1: 2 F = 5cm P. But, if you look closely and delve into different sources, it will become clear that the lenses are not as similar to each other as it seems.

The lens JUPITER-8M 1: 2 F = 5cm P looks like this:

Difference between JUPITER-8 1: 2 F = 5cm P and JUPITER-8M 1: 2 F = 5cm P (from this review) is quite significant:

  1. The Ju-8 was produced before the Yu-8M. Yu-8M is an updated version of the lens.
  2. The lenses have a different frame.
  3. Yu-8M has modified optical circuit. The difference is shown in the figure below.
  4. Yu-8M has two scales with aperture marks. The duplicated number scale F on the other side of the frame is not so common with lenses.
  5. The aperture blades of the Yu-8M at F / 2.8, F / 4, F / 5.6 form a hole in the shape of a circular saw. In the Yu-8, the hole always looks like a regular polygon.
  6. The diaphragm on the Yu-8M can only take fixed values ​​and does not change smoothly, as in the Yu-8, but with clicks.
  7. Lenses use different enlightenment. The color that the front lenses of the lenses are cast is shown in the photographs below.
  8. The Yu-8M was produced only with the Contact-Kiev mount, while the Yu-8 was also produced in the threaded version M39X1 / 28.8.
The difference in optical designs of JUPITER-8 and JUPITER-8M

Optical design of JUPITER-8 and JUPITER-8M

The difference between JUPITER-8 1: 2 F = 5cm P and JUPITER-8M 1: 2 F = 5cm P

The difference in frame rims between JUPITER-8 1: 2 F = 5cm P and JUPITER-8M 1: 2 F = 5cm P

The difference between JUPITER-8 1: 2 F = 5cm P and JUPITER-8M 1: 2 F = 5cm P

Difference between JUPITER-8 1: 2 F = 5cm P and JUPITER-8M 1: 2 F = 5cm P

The difference between JUPITER-8 1: 2 F = 5cm P and JUPITER-8M 1: 2 F = 5cm P

The difference in the enlightenment of optics between JUPITER-8 1: 2 F = 5cm P and JUPITER-8M 1: 2 F = 5cm P

The difference between JUPITER-8 1: 2 F = 5cm P and JUPITER-8M 1: 2 F = 5cm P

The difference in the aperture between JUPITER-8 1: 2 F = 5cm P and JUPITER-8M 1: 2 F = 5cm P

In terms of picture quality, I did not find any particular difference between JUPITER-8M 1: 2 F = 5cm P and JUPITER-8 1: 2 F = 5cm P.

Example photo on JUPITER-8M 2/50 and JUPITER-8M 1: 2 F = 5cm P

Example photo on JUPITER-8M 2/50 and JUPITER-8M 1: 2 F = 5cm P

Source files can download from this link (35 photos in '.ARW' format, 694 Mb). On a Sony a7 camera, I used a lens with a homemade adapter Conta-Kiev - Sony E. Part of the photo was taken in APS-C cropping mode.

The difference between JUPITER-8 1: 2 F = 5cm P and JUPITER-8M 1: 2 F = 5cm P

The difference in the enlightenment of optics between JUPITER-8 1: 2 F = 5cm P and JUPITER-8M 1: 2 F = 5cm P. Do you say Nikon gum comes off? So you have not seen Soviet cameras :).

Catalog modern brand lenses 'Zenitar' и 'Helios' can look at this link.

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JUPITER-8M is a modification of the legendary JUPITER-8, with an updated optical scheme, different coating, aperture blades, body and changes in various details. There is not much difference in image quality.

Reviews of the lenses of the Jupiter-8 series:

  1. JUPITER-8 1: 2 F = 5cm П | Arsenal | Contax-Kiev | 1956
  2. JUPITER-8М 1: 2 F = 5 cm | Arsenal | Contax-Kiev | 1961 | reader's review
  3. JUPITER-8М 1: 2 F = 5cm П | Arsenal | Contax-Kiev | 1963
  4. JUPITER-8М 2/50 | Arsenal | Contax-Kiev | 1977
  5. JUPITER-8М 2/53 | Arsenal | Contax-Kiev | 1978
  6. Jupiter-8 1: 2 F = 5cm П | KMZ | M39 | 1958 | white
  7. Jupiter-8 2/50 | KMZ | M39 | 1962 | white
  8. Jupiter-8 2/50 | KMZ | from the TV camera 'Electronics L-50' | 1965
  9. Jupiter-8 2/50 | KMZ | M39 | 1974 | black | review from Rodion Eshmakov
  10. Examples on JUPITER-8 2/50 (black, M39)
  11. 500PX Gallery
  12. Video about Jupiter-8

Jupiter-8 also exists in early versions under the names:

  1. ZK 1: 2 F = 5cm P | KMZ | folding frame | ~ 1948 | M39
  2. Vigilant ZK 1: 2 F = 5cm P | KMZ | white with ears | ~ 1949 | M39

Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.

Add a comment: zengarden



Comments: 24, on the topic: Review of JUPITER-8M 1: 2 F = 5cm P

  • Anatoly

    Awesome lens

  • zengarden

    Jupiter-8M is quite affordable and inexpensive, unlike Jupiter-8 / M39, because There are almost no adapters for it for digital cameras (there are 200 + $ each, but this is advisable), although it’s quite possible to make a homemade one.
    The picture is nice due to characteristic distortion :)

    • anonym

      Adapters for bayonet-m42 and m42-m39 are inexpensive and will go for all the optics of the USSR

      • NPV

        if you can link to them

  • Alexander

    There is the same camera with the same lens. And that is characteristic and the pictures were good and the moments were good. And why? (as I conclude already from using a SLR) That's because before there were 36 frames in total. No matter how, this factor contributed.

    • anonym

      I agree!

    • picture

      Pfff, then put yourself a 32 megabyte card in the CZK - and all 3 (or 4) frames will turn out to be simply masterpiece!

      • anonym

        + 1000!

  • Gene jb

    The optical schemes are the same, the elements are different.

    • Arkady Shapoval


      • Ivan

        Disassembled several lenses, both Yu-8 and Yu-8M.
        In fact, the difference is in the first lens - in 8M it is 1.5mm larger in diameter (the excess is closed with a pressure ring), gluing of 3 lenses for all options is similar to that shown in your Yu-8M diagram. I attach a photo for comparison :)

        • Ivan

          I will add that the rear gluing of 2 lenses corresponds to the one shown in the diagram for the U-8 :)
          It turns out that both schemes are wrong :)

  • anonym

    beautiful bokeh! How lucky are the mirrorless users with large matrices, short flange focal lengths and focus picking! you can put on any glass and walk, leisurely remove ... an inexpensive replacement for all Leikas.

    • Alexander

      I don’t know ... I probably don’t understand the beauty of masochism with ancient optics and its relevance in our days.
      Actually, who makes you rush to shoot? Maybe on Sony with a picking system is more convenient, I do not argue because did not try. For example, I often use manual focus and would not say that there is any problem. If there are nuances with vision, there is a diopter adjustment (although in older models).

      • Arkady Shapoval

        If you often use manual focus, then, in fact, where is masochism?

        • Gene jb

          Yes, for example VDSLR (not meaning 70D). After all, there is really no focus on them, and with such a lens you can even do follow focus.

        • Max

          Perhaps we are talking about picture quality

  • anonym

    And do not lay out the adapter circuit?

  • Vladimir

    Arkady, please advise, is there an opportunity to put JUPITER-8M on Nikon? Or is it necessary to consider only JUPITER-8 and adapter rings?

    • Arkady Shapoval

      Good day. Only threaded ones with M39 can be put on Nikon, and they will only shoot macro. There are no adapters for Contacts-Kiev.

  • Vladimir

    Arkady, thanks a lot for a competent prompt response!

  • anonym

    Good day! There is a lens JUPITER-8M 1: 2 F = 5cm P, I want to put it on Nikon. As I understand it, transition rings do not exist for this and you need to do them yourself. Tell me, how can this be done? Where to look for suitable tutorials? Thanks!

    • anonym

      Lift your eyes up, a little higher answer

      • anonym

        Unfortunately, I have never done an adapter myself, so I need more detailed instructions.

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