On 06.01.2015/5500/XNUMX Nikon introduced a new camera model - Nikon DXNUMX.
Key Features see here.
Thank you for attention. Arkady Shapoval.
New Nikon D5500 CameraOn 06.01.2015/5500/XNUMX Nikon introduced a new camera model - Nikon DXNUMX. Key Features see here. Thank you for attention. Arkady Shapoval. Comments: 212, on the topic: The new Nikon D5500 cameraAdd a comment |
Copyright © Radojuva.com. Blog author - Photographer Arkady Shapoval. 2009-2024
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What about the d5400?
Yes, it seems like the guys have 4 - an unlucky number, although q4 / q4s was released
Everyone was waiting for d710 and a miracle was born under the index d750. Nikon is not logical, or is it a marketing move for those who are in the tank?
Have you decided to repeat the 100D?
Well, ok, let's see what happens.
I only hooked up the EXPEED 4th generation processor and HDR (I miss it on the 7000). The touch screen, in my opinion, is needed as a “cow saddle”. The absence of an AA filter ... well, will add sharpness to the pictures. The size is small, rotary touch screen, light weight - straight selfie machine turned out)))) Now if they put the matrix from 7000 there on 16Mpix with 4 EXPEEDom, they would perform a miracle and reduce the noise at least to the level of D600 - I I would have sold a kidney)))) And so, take it in one place ... Let's look at the tests, what kind of beast ... In terms of noise, I think it will be like all Nikon's 24Mpix matrices of recent years.
And the use of Expeed 4, it is on the D5300 as a result, the image slows down when you increase it in live view, and the speed drops by 14 bits.
It seems to me that this was done specially "programmatically". They also need to sell other cameras!))) Arkady, well, not all cameras on EXPEED4 slow down.
Well, actually, what I mean is that the processor is not an indicator. So, a lure, no more. Remember, in general, the very first DSLRs, then marketers did not know how to sell "processors", and personally, I do not really care what kind of processor is there, the main thing is the result. And if “it” slows down, then the conversation with such a camera is very short.
I agree.
It is believed that Expeed 4 is just the name of a generation of processors. But the processors themselves are different there. Accordingly, Expeed 4 in D5500 and Expeed 4 in D4s are two completely different processors.
I will add a little:
1) HDR appeared on the D5100;
2) As for the touch screen, I completely agree, this is a minus, not a plus (for example, when you shoot in the cold).
3) As for the sharpness, it depends more on the lens. Better released sharp cheap glass :)
Well ... The 5100 HDR was done, but the 7000 was cheated. As they said recently, “Nikon gives with one hand, takes away with the other” ...
It was not the 7000 nickname that was cheated, but added to the 5100, because the camera is newer for a year - the amateur “megacombine” should have some buns (c)
In general, I used this function twice (for 4 years) - I checked it :-) If you want real high-quality HDR, then you need to do it with pens - that is, by yourself.
At the expense of the touch screen, I would argue: on the one hand it’s a toy, pampering, and on the other hand, the lack of a second control wheel replaces the touch screen very well. I’m shooting on D800 myself, I bought this camera for my wife, let’s study. I’m used to quickly reconfigure the camera, I’ve been shooting for over 40 years. I think that the touch screen is only good. It allows you to completely remove all control wheels (theoretically). In general, the car is good, only a problem with the windows. Nikon does not have good glasses, but to put top ones, so, firstly, the camera will be like a back cover to the lens, and secondly, the glass itself will cost 3 times more expensive than the camera. In my opinion, the class of the lens should correspond to the class of the camera. So we think what to do? I would like a sharper and higher dimensions and small dimensions (Canon G1X mark2), and the price, so as not to go off scale (within the cost of the carcass).
The touch screen is a very useful thing when shooting video (tested in practice), - along the way, Nikon's attempt to get into the video niche and play around with the kenon (which had a similar model (a sensor that monitors af during video) three years earlier, and is now half the price - it's a shame: ((...) plus the canon still wins with the ability to change the diaphragm during video ...
a cool machine for “I'm on the beach”, “I'm on the couch” ... but the touch screen will help when shooting macro from a tripod - pointed and pointed))) but you don't need to wait for transcendental ISOs - after all, the consumer class is focused on (blondes ) amateur
It's always nice to see in the comments a pro using a $ 100500 technique! He will always tell us lovers where our place is!
Let's hope that the number 5500 was given not because of marketing rebredding, but because of someone's breakthroughs in significant terms.
traditionally, the Japanese avoid the number 4, at least in bulk goods
For some reason, the D4 was released, and the D40 is also a very successful model,
Japanese competitors have 40d, 400d and 450d, so they somehow selectively avoid it :-)
And what kind of lens on this camera, like 18-55, and the lens mount has changed and the button on the side?
have joy already had a review of the new whale nikon 18-55 vrII ss_lochku even not get thrown!
I was impressed with 39 AF points! and then my 11 often lacks :)
But it’s interesting what would you say about my D40, on which there are 3 (three) focus points. The people are spoiled!
I have enough of 11, more than 11 seems unnecessary
when reporting, 11 points mean 60% of the photos with a focus miss. and since there are so many points on a morally outdated or primitive camera, noise at high ISO, low picture quality and other joys are guaranteed. although if you shoot static footage on fixes for the Internet in size 640x480 and you have a lot of time ...
D5500 for reporting ?! Ha ha! For a reportage, my friend, you need cameras with GOOD autofocus - d300s, D3, D4, well, at least at the worst due to lack of money d7100. On the d5500, you will have 39% of the rejects even with 60 focusing points!
No need to whistle Vasily. D 7000 is also good for reporting, something like that ...
"Noise at high ISO"
Another empty horror story. Buy a normal flash - that's the whole problem.
Buy D3s instead of flash, that’s the whole problem :)
Sasha, did you buy Fuji ?!
Yes, Vasily. I bought it. Fujifilm X-E2 + Fujinon 27mm f2.8.
just lol
when reporting, there’s no time to drive points back and forth, so the central point rules
11 points with my head are enough for me (including reportage), - learn to use autofocus)
Apparently differs from 5300 only in the touch screen.
The next update? How much can you?
How much is needed, as much as possible -) Do people need something to eat? Let them work. In the world, not only professionals, but also millions of Len, Tan, Vasya and Petya, who, well, desperately need such a device)
But Nikon is also good: they read reviews on Radozhiv and for professionals like you they can make a thread for 3-4 pieces of American money. Yes, and do not hope that it will have an all-all-all. What do they need to release and close? They need to sell something constantly -)
This is right to the point !!!
another whistle-making from nikon. With such stunningly “new” cameras, the company will not only break records for losses as in 2014, but has every chance of leaving the market following the example of Kodak, Minolta. Podakuni-Martynov expressed himself well on this in his review.
in this DSLR all the sores of the ancient technology of "mirror" are preserved - in the form of a back-front focus, there is no correction in the carcass, the video is worse than that of the new Panasonic - there is already 4K with a resolution of 1500 lines, and there are no advantages over sleepyheads of the A6000 type on which are now giving big discounts. Oh, yes - according to statistics, buyers of such cameras do not need a suitcase of lenses - they rarely take off a whale one, so A5100, A6000, etc. - much better choice. Yes, even though Panasonic LH100 or 1000 - everything is better for the family :)
Crap, well done !!!
Horror. The worst thing is that people really think so. Realistically compare Panasonic soap dishes with a wild crop factor with Nikon's ARS-S. A man in all seriousness compares the bastard mirrorless a6000 with the wonderful d5500 DSLR. Well, damn it, a person does not understand why a mirror is needed! And then they asked for whom Nikon makes fotiki with CX matrices! This is the “face” of the CX lover!
So, shivering, as Arkady rightly remarked in one of the reviews:
“Especially for you, Alexey, the Chinese have created an amazing gadget - Polo D3000, codenamed“ sharp shots ”!”
On my own I will add that this is just a fucking gadget, but it costs only $ 150. It has neither a mirror, nor a diaphragm, nor anything else that annoys you so much in human cameras!
I have Nikon 1. rare guano! Aptima matrix is a rare combination of noise even on ISO200 and narrow DD. Sonya Rex, Kenon 7, not to mention Panasonic / Olik with crop 2.0-2.2 much better in the picture.
barely sold my nikon 1 for $ 150. rex cost from $ 500 - the market cannot be fooled.
What is the "bastard mirrorless a6000"? Specifically? With the same matrix, 1.5 x 24MP crop? No front / back focus issues?
The simple truth comes to you that on the D5500 it is impossible to shoot with high-aperture lenses due to the departure from the DOF on the open one since it DOES NOT TUNE it
AF? Lens with zero AF adjustment is only theory. Zooms generally need to be adjusted for several points! :)
What else is bad about the A6000 with a price of about $ 700 per whale? can a great zebra video? Focus picking? Best AF coverage per frame?
So, shivering, as Arkady rightly remarked in one of the reviews:
“Especially for you, Alexei, the Chinese have created an amazing gadget - the Polo D3000, code-named“ sharp shots! ”
you rave. if you sincerely think that the D5xxxx with disgusting video and the inability to adjust the AF, with 1/4000, poor frame coverage and unimportant AF will provide you better image quality
Sony A6000 or A5100 ???
Are you at least a little aware of the Panasonic 100 “soap dish” with x2.2 crop, the best-in-class 4K video with a resolution of 1500 lines and high-aperture optics? or flood and troll without understanding what?
Interestingly, you actually happen to be a CX user! Your Nikon 1 is the worst mirrorless camera in the world with a much smaller and worse matrix than Nikon d5500! Nikon's mirrorless camera should in no way judge the quality of Nikon's DSLRs.
I shoot without problems on fast lenses on the d5100
It's a shame for Martynov.
Of course, I understand fuji-smuji, new compact technologies, but writing already frank lazy jeans is like too much.
he not only writes but also shoots on the BZ. And what is even sadder for those who love Nikon's whistle-making (A series of MIRRORS without AF adjustment in a carcass normally works only with dark lenses or with closed diaphragms.), they are sold less and less - according to Nikon himself.
The reason is simple - it is much more convenient for novice amateur photographers and there are fewer problems - there are no back / fronts and much better video, there is focus picking, wedges, etc. advanced ones will take FF (since it is already about $ 1000). the pros will take what they need - for example, for the sport of Kenon 7DM2.
Considering the comparative cost of entry to DSLRs, and so much praised "there are no shortcomings" mirrorless - the latter have long been in flight and will be for a very long time. Bo entrance to DSLR cameras is 10-25 thousand, and mirrorless cameras, even on the secondary market, FROM 25 to 65 ..
With any comparable quality and ease of use, mirrorless cameras are 2-4 times more expensive, which is critical for beginners.
not to mention the fairly after-effects properties of the younger mirrorless ones.
and the mantras “front-focus will destroy the mirror” is completely propagandistic mess from fujik and their films of parrots that have not been watched.
Added a touchscreen, reduced weight, a price of 200 bucks more, cool progress.
Typical update from marketers. The new processor, from which at least a little sense, the matrix is the same, there are 39 cross points from 11, I think, 650, a rotary touch screen has long been used in the 200D. A couple of dozen new auto modes such as photography sushi, meatballs and barbecue, reduced weight due to what? More plastic and less battery? Noise will not decrease, video quality will not increase, phase focusing will not get better .. And for that, another $ XNUMX?
We are looking forward to innovation in the amateur segment from the Canon EOS 750D. Everything is clear with the D5500 (
Focusing module standard, 9 cross https://radojuva.com.ua/2012/12/nikon-multicam-all/
Why so much technical knowledge? How do you know what will become and what will grow? Vanga Detected?
People are interested, read information and draw conclusions.
That message was, it was addressed to another user. I sent it to the general public by mistake.
but imagine the situation the other way around - Nikon has 3 types of fotik and everything invented for today they evenly spread over them. How many screeches will immediately begin: report this and that to this one, and remove this and that from this one. No no no, it's better to report to this one and screw it here, but throw it away altogether. Don't, don't throw it away, I'll take it, just remove this little thing from it and add that one -)
well said!!!
Wireless flash control is a very interesting feature from older models. I really missed it on the D5100. There is an article about this on Radozhivka
Ken Rockwell says the built-in flash has no command mode capability: “Built-in Flash ... Does not work as an i-TTL commander”.
In the link to the official site, it is written in Russian and white: "Improved wireless control is supported by the SB-910, SB-900, SB-800, SB-700 flash units ..." Or I misunderstood something, or CLS was added here.
Quote more succinctly “Advanced Wireless Lighting Supported by SB-910, SB-900, SB-800, SB-700 or SB-500 as leading“. You put them on the camera and remotely control other external flashes :). Details here https://radojuva.com.ua/2012/06/nikon-cls-master-slave-mode/
That is, it is not able to remotely control through the built-in puff? It's a pity. Indeed, most users of such devices are unlikely to build light circuits from several flashes.
The vast majority of users of such devices are unlikely to buy SB - *** in the appendage. Some of those who buy will put it on a shoe, and imagination will be limited to turning the head and using reflectors and diffusers. The other part will use wired and wireless synchronizers.
Strange, the description contains a lot of all kinds of information, but not a word about the matrix, except for the size and number of megapixels. Although the manufacturers of audio equipment, for example, work and improve the end result - sound, not screen buttons. I took 810 for myself after 5100 because of an order of magnitude better image quality, quiet shutter speed, not resolution.
Oh, yes, the 810 and 5100 are quite comparable in price to compare them head-on!
How can one seriously compare amateur entry-level crop and professional fullframe?
In principle, a typical, standard update from the series, we have added / updated a million things of which you really appreciate or even see a couple of things. Nothing revolutionary, but in principle nothing bad - it is quite possible to be content with the previous model, but when buying from scratch, you can also look at the new one.
The design has changed a little, something has become more chopped, plus the control disk has been exposed for some reason and the grip has changed a bit. I don’t see a special maze in the touch screen. In some cases, it may be more convenient (except for winter), but on the whole it is neither cold nor hot.
All the holiday!
logic in the name, as in the case of d750, did not see pi once.
The camera is probably not bad. We look forward to reviewing Nikon D5500 from Radozhiv and tests from dxo.
yes, if you believe the tests from the DRL, they rule Nikon everywhere, sometimes even amateur Nikon makes professional kenon, that’s crap, it’s not clear, and the site is solid and kenonists full of dams so where is the truth?
Somehow you interpret their data very strange.
passed the way of a nikonist from perfection to D800e. then bought Kenon 5DM3. need DD - take Nikon / Sony.
need color - Kenon rules. D800 / D810, in principle, will not give such a color even without dancing with a tambourine in a shop. DxO does not show any color rendering features.
Sony / Toshiba matrices are sharpened for max DD (in fact, under DxO). Kenon is for those who see color.
how much I read the nikon / kenon disputes…. everybody constantly praises his ... and you wrote 100% fact “Sony / Toshiba matrices are sharpened for max DD (in fact, under DxO). Kenon - for those who see the color ”….
“Sony / Toshiba matrices are sharpened for max DD (in fact, under DxO). Kenon is for those who see color. "
Fucked like a god! That's it, the Nikon / Canon debate is over!
color, I don’t know, - I have both Nikon and Kenon (I shot on different models of those and those) - Kenon seems to be more interesting in some way tints, but tints, but in Nikon it is simply natural color ... I would say this: you need a video then - Kenon and so nikon
And for a snack, a brain break:
Marina Gurevich, Nikon's European product marketing manager, said: “I am delighted with the capabilities of the D5500. With the advent of smartphones, more and more people are interested in creating creative shots. Our digital SLR camera will help them improve their skills. The modern design of the new model immediately attracts attention. Users will be pleasantly surprised by the ergonomic design and high sensitivity of the touch panel. Moreover, with support for Nikon's innovative imaging technology, the D5500 always delivers the exact result you expect. ”
Wow! So this is a camera with a “masterpiece” button! That's what everyone has been waiting for! Glory to the marketers!
Here is a blonde, she almost burst
At every turn there are “creative shots”, there is nowhere for a needle to fall from them :).
She would have better answered what will happen to Nikon and what is Nikon's strategy for survival. so far, despite the release of masterpiece whistle-making deals, Nikon hardly sells at discounts of up to 70% - Nikon 1 in all reincarnations, - a stunningly unsuccessful Nikon 1 with water protection with discounts up to 40%, - discounts up to 40% on an epic fail called DF ( discontinued), - discounts up to 30% on the D610, a discount of up to 70% on a soap dish with a 1.5 crop matrix and a fix (OVI at a price of $ 200 as a gift), because of a marriage in the new D750, people are going to file class actions (as was the case with the D600 ) ...
Nikon himself in the forecasts plans a decline in sales in the crop SLR segment x1.5 cameras up to 20% due to competition with mirrorless cameras.
the price is not in ukraine and russia - they are collectively less than 2% of the nikon sales market.
Nikon shares are listed at historical lows. and against this background, Nikon has no fresh ideas. absolutely. except another marketing improvement. sadness.
Everything will be okay. Don't panic))) In Russia, the price tag is definitely without discounts, because of the jump in the dollar exchange rate, prices are terrible in stores. ; (And I'm not talking about a 5-10% markup, but about a 30-50% markup from autumn prices ... I won't write further, otherwise I'll get a ban for a mate ... = (
Alexander, do not have tales about the prices in Russia for equipment. If you do not take Apple, then almost everything is cheaper than theirs. And now, and even more so. Go to Nikonmarket.ru and see for yourself.
What kind of fairy tales? I live in this very Russia all my life and I see prices not by hearsay. We probably did not understand each other. Equipment is purchased for foreign currency, the dollar rate has grown by one and a half times against the ruble. The price tag in stores, respectively, too. And the salary remained the same. I don't know about the situation in the world on Nikon. But I saw people in a hurry before the New Year in order to have time to buy equipment at more or less standards. prices - all brought in from store shelves.
is it really so difficult to go to a foreign site and check how much the equipment costs there in real life? Almost always “here” is cheaper at retail than “there”
As for "equipment is purchased for foreign currency", it is bought everywhere in such a way, both in Russia and in Singapore.
For example, we will not go far:
http://nikonmarket.ru и http://store.nikon.de/
D7100 Kit with 18-105mm: in Russia 55 thousand rubles, in Germany 1.250 oyro.
And do not tell tales about how cheap it is and expensive here.
You again did not understand me))) I understand that the price of cameras is almost the same everywhere.
DF no one has withdrawn from production, do not be misleading. Well sold at the office. website http://www.nikonmarket.ru/category/%D0%97%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B5%20%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%B5%D1%80%D1%8B
What does it have to do with it? Many products have been discontinued, but they are sold as there is always a certain stock in the warehouses of the manufacturer and / or seller.
Not taken off.
Maybe not removed - I did not confirm.
DF discontinued - there was a message from Nikon that another camera is being made at these facilities. Stocks are sold from warehouses. There is no demand - they have already given discounts up to $ 1900 per whale.
The camera has not been removed from the sale - the warehouses are crammed with Nikon and dealers.
With all due respect to Nikon, but the camera is legendary than the D5100, you still can’t do it ..
D5100 - there was a breakthrough in quality. despite a long list of problems, it really was a great camera. Does it make sense to buy a D5500 for $ 1000 at a used D5100 price of $ 250?
today a much more versatile camera is the Sonya A6000 or the Sonya A5100 - if you get it at a good price. especially since there are adapters for manual lenses, etc. however, Nikon recognizes the advantages of mirrorless cameras and once again lowers the sales forecast in this segment.
Could you give more details (the owner of this model himself)?
Sorry to clarify Nikon D5100 - list of problems?
NO AF fine tuning !!!!
dark and small JVI
horrible video
mediocre ergonomics
mediocre AF
3 years ago this one was a great camera. Today there are many knowledge bases that will shoot frames / videos much better, less overall dimensions, weight, many other nice features.
Stop everyone describing the same thing. Spammed the entire page.
1. None of the younger DSLRs have manual focus adjustment (only with a screwdriver) dark ovs, quite convenient ergonomics, af and video at the level, or even higher, of classmates of that period. Canon at all at that time did not have a complete af for video on the lower and middle carcasses.
1/4000 is generally the standard for amateur DSLRs, even a full frame
and what is so all on AF adjustment, sorry, fapat? is it really such a universal problem? I have an amateur Nikon carcass and 5 AF lenses - all hit right on target.
This is just one of the scarecrows from Fuji marketers - they say on mirrorless cameras there are phase autofocus sensors directly on the matrix (though only the coolest ones, on most of them there is still a soap-based focusing system in contrast), which seems to remove the terribly terrible problem of back-front focuses.
oh, that's it ... well, yes, they must somehow justify the huge investment in a constructively more primitive apparatus.
I would not speak for a more primitive one - they found a good place in EVI, but the truth is only on a couple of older models
I wonder why they cut out the GPS from the D5300? Strange people - give with one hand, take away with the other ... Then they will release a new model, add GPS again and will promote it as a marketing ploy.
1/4000 shutter for $ 1000 in 2015 ?? Pfffff ... But the touchscreen :)
You can get the same for more than 2 bucks. They have a case there not a girl at the helm in marketers sits ??? Touchscreen, colored cases for DSLRs ... Just not what you need.
in what year will Nikon introduce what competitors have
- focus picking
- phase AF in live view with the ability to select by touch screen
- zebra for video
- sane wi-fi (in the courtyard of 2015 !!! and the fact that Nikon is 2001)
- double crosses in AF
- the ability to quickly change the focusing screen
- fine adjustment for two-point zoom
- HDR in RAV
- 4K video
95% WiFi in the camera is not needed. Play with smart?))) There are remote shutter releases. Incl. and wireless. HDR in Daw - not bad for sure. With focus, and so complete order. And here's what you don't need for sure - yes to this 4K video in the camera. Where can I watch / edit it? It makes no sense at FullHD. There will be nothing.))) Nikon is an old school, traditions are observed, everything is within reason. Sony is a lover of innovation - start and quit quietly. Despite all the goodies from competitors, Arkady is in no hurry to run after the same Sonya to the store. He works with what he is used to and what brings money.
Holivar Detected. ))) Yeah, Arkady do not rush, Arkady waits for the grateful readers to throw themselves on A7))).
You may not need a Wi-Fi - why sign for everyone? It is very convenient, by the way, to throw off the footage - no searches for laces, no “short cable” or “all ports are busy on the laptop”; you can not only play with a smartphone - many do not have a remote control, and almost everyone already has a smartphone - so you are obviously excited about Wi-Fi. Well, about Nikon's traditions - go shoot on film, score on the digital - be already at last as close to traditions as possible! ;)
=) Let WaiFay get excited. But I don’t need to send me to the film, this is the last century)))
Wi-Fi is a very convenient thing for working in the studio and with the subject.
and newspaper reporters, judging by the reviews, I would like not only Wi-Fi but 3g in hacked mirrors to quickly transfer photos to the editor
Wi-fi on the pic is a mega cool thing, I constantly drop the pictures on the smartphone and immediately upload them to instagram. Or take a picture of someone, and they immediately ask for this picture, bang I’ll drop them on the phone and farewell, then in the evening you don’t need to upload all their pictures to email. Very comfortably. And as a remote control, wi-fi is also indispensable.
Nikon's task is to make a profit. judging by the latest failures and losses over the past 2 years, this is not important.
if you've ever shot a video with a zebra, with a normal bitrate, you don't want to go back to the old one.
4K - watch videos on u-tube - Panasonic 100 or 1000. 1080p nervously smokes on the sidelines! all new TVs on display in Vegas are now 4K only.
new Mac-5K.
focus peaking, wedges, wi-fi, double crosses in AF, two AF adjustment points for zoom, wi-fi, nfc, etc. and the like - it's the 21st century!
it’s impossible to endlessly transfer modules from one carcass to another, pass it off as a breakthrough in technology and want $ 1000 for it :)
Nikon has a tenth-position revenue from camera sales. Nothing will become of them.
However, it would have been better not to show anything at the exhibition than this and a couple of kit lenses ...
On the other hand, the D750 and D810 will still be enough for many years to come, while no one has done anything better.
Yes, and it’s better to eat. And Canon is no worse. Only all the good is worth the money. You can take D4S and forget about something else for a long time. The question is price.
That's it, the question is price. For the same money you can buy a new D7100. I can’t understand why all these eggs on the side had to be released?
well yes. the red price for D5500 is $ 400- $ 500. no more.
not on the tenth. he has a subdivision - imaging and also selling equipment. by equipment - well .. complete.
by cameras - down and down. therefore, Nikon's shares are on the stock exchange at lows marked - sell. all infa - in the net, nikon is obliged to publish everything by law.
D750 has a flare problem. eliminate quickly (as was the case with Kenon M3) does not work out because of the design, it is necessary to make a break.
according to the latest data, the D810 is not selling well. who needs it - bought not so long ago the D800 (e) and they are not in a hurry to upgrade. The rest of the D750 / D610 are quite enough. the price of D810 has already collapsed. and also Kenon sells 5DM3 for $ 2400, creating competition with the D750 :)
According to what data? :-) in Russia it was the d810 that I bought. I bought it much cheaper before the new year than the camera is now. In Europe, prices are at the same level from 3200 euros per body.
Finally, prices for more decent cameras will fall! What's the point of a mirror with all these tricks, where the emphasis is on video and live view? It's easier to buy a mirrorless ...
Well, there is no normal video in the D5500! :)
and yes, the BZ is more convenient and better. and there is a zebra in the KB and a bit rate of 50 Mbps.
What kind of zebra? :)
Although ... As a universal machine, you could take it for a family, for friends. If you want, work with the mirror. If you want, with a touch screen. Another android and a couple of games left to shove. And the optics park is very large. And the video can be shot with a good picture. In general, the 5000 series will always find its buyer, but not necessarily the most recent version, old carcasses are also good, and modern technologies dictate their opinion to manufacturers.
he treated the five-thousandth series with contempt - he believed that they were suitable only for video filming because of the rotating screen. but recently picked up a fotik for friends. and it turned out that the Nikon D5200 is ideal in terms of functionality / price ratio. the three thousandth series is expensive (!) and primitive, and the seven thousandth series was beyond the budget. that's how it turned out in the budget segment ...
ps. Of course, the device was not purchased with a whale lens, but with a 50 mm 1.8g Nikkor (it is better to take it even with the first camera!)
With fifty dollars it will be closely in rooms. Better at first as a regular 35 1.8G.
I like the D810