On 06.01.2015/5500/XNUMX Nikon introduced a new camera model - Nikon DXNUMX.
Key Features see here.
Thank you for attention. Arkady Shapoval.
New Nikon D5500 CameraOn 06.01.2015/5500/XNUMX Nikon introduced a new camera model - Nikon DXNUMX. Key Features see here. Thank you for attention. Arkady Shapoval. Comments: 212, on the topic: The new Nikon D5500 cameraAdd a comment |
Copyright © Radojuva.com. Blog author - Photographer Arkady Shapoval. 2009-2024
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I suspect that such cameras are not produced at all for a contingent of sites such as Radozhiva.
How many percent of the population really understands all this digital photographic cuisine?
And those who understand, have long bought everything they need.
for an amateurs of knowledge base, it’s much more convenient, easier, smaller, better video and no problems with back / front. and cheaper! :)
Cheaper ???? Cheaper ???
the youngest of the acceptable Fujikov mirrorless hm-1 a year ago cost almost 30 thousand! With a pretty little whale in the kit, the lack of a viewfinder, the need for a set of non-expensive spare batteries and braking autofocus.
A d3100 with a whale cost 15000. With WHERE the best and tenacious AF, the viewfinder allows you to shoot where the mirrorless screen just faded and is invisible, with one and a half thousand pictures on a single charge. For the remaining money, you could buy puff and fix.
by the way - a normal 35 mm fix for Nikon costs 7 thousand and for a mirrorless almost 14-20
It's strange to hear such speeches from adherent Fuji.)
Reasonable recognition of the neatness of the system does not mean stupidity, if that.
Most of all in BZ cameras, video detectors push me away. I want to sob, like Fuji is good for everyone.
Well, about the wild brakes in dynamic fast shooting, I am silent. BZ for all kinds of burghers, to slowly remove their towers, florets, and drunken faces of drinking companions.
I now have a Fujifilm X-E2 + Fujinon 27mm f2.8 (I bought it for 40.000 rubles on the off-site Fujifilm for the New Year's promotion, the lens came for FREE as a gift, but with a fallen ruble exchange rate I got a freebie), and not so long ago on December 25th he shot a reportage for a catholic church WITHOUT A FLASH AT NIGHT IN A DARK church !!! I didn’t see AF brakes at all, I shot everything through the screen for Fuji is convenient, not like the Nikon's slowed-down Live View, ISO 3200 is comparable to D3s. I shot everything in Jpeg, didn’t do any processing, and immediately threw the pictures to customers from the SD flash drive to the laptop. There is no limit to my joy. After meeting Fujifilm, I don’t understand why to take such a huge device like D5100 or D5500 FOR HOME when Fujifilm X-E2 + Fujinon 27mm f2.8 makes a masterpiece directly from jpeg. With Fujifilm X-E2, I began to shoot more than process and think about technology. In addition, it fits into the jacket pocket without any problems, which cannot be done with any DSLR. My conclusion is that it’s better than a BZK for the house, at least ALWAYS you can carry it with you.
Easy fucking! But what about the control on the camera? In a Russian review, it was written that there was no ergonomics on Fuji.
Ergonomics on the Fujifilm X-E2 are just great. 4 programmable buttons. Plus a quick on-screen menu where you can change a lot. Everything about the report (mostly those who don’t even have Fujifilm X-E2) write that it cannot be reported, that autofocus is dead and all that, don’t believe it, this is all the fears of those people who didn’t hold this camera and obviously didn’t take it. If in a report it is sensible to grab one frame at a time, and not beat it in series, then the Fujifilm X-E2 can easily cope with this task. I used almost all Nikon cameras (D3100 D5100 D90 D7100 D300s D700 D800e D3s). And my conclusion is that if you are an amateur and take a camera for the home and in order to learn photography better than Fujifilm X-E2 you simply can’t find it, because if you buy Nikon D3100 D3200 D3300 D5100 D5200 D5300 and D5500 for home, then such a camera will simply be at home because it is huge and you won’t take it with you everywhere, and the Fujifilm X-E2 will be with you everywhere and always, since with the Fujinon 27mm 2.8 lens it is extremely compact. Now I carry it in my jacket pocket every day, and I have begun to take it off at times more than with SLRs, which I do not always want to take with me. Peter S. about the landscape I do not agree with the way that Fujifilm has Velvia film mode and with it the green is almost the same as in Nikon.
I do not know how in all Fuji, but in the Fujifilm X-E2 ergonomics are wonderful. 4 programmable buttons + Q quick on-screen menu in which you can change many parameters.
Yes, of course. But after the JVI, the mirrors become sad.
The lenses are just wonderful.
People, if they don’t move much, go out wonderfully. A little more recovery, and AF slows down and misses.
Nature turns out to be extremely boring, it seems to me.
I took a picture of a rose bush on Nikon, and you get emerald succulent leaves, velvet scarlet petals.
In Fuji, the same bush looks dull and withered.
Again, as it seemed to me personally.
I have a Fujifilm X-E2 and you can report with it, but you need to grab it carefully one frame at a time, it’s not always possible to beat a Fujifilm X-E2 with a series because the image on the screen and in the viewfinder slows down during serial shooting. I don’t agree about landscapes. Fujifilm X-E2 has Velvia film mode, which produces almost the same landscape as on Nikon, or at worst you can shoot it in RAF and tighten green. But what Fujifilm X-E2 clearly outperforms Nikon so that Fuji gets everything beautifully right from JPEG without any processing, but on Nikon I processed RAWs more than I shot at all :) With Fuji, the process of shooting becomes like more exciting or something, you start living without RAW, right after you take the shot, you drop it over Wi-Fi to your smartphone and share it on Instagram.
In general, of course, Nikons are like concert grand pianos. Until you become a virtuoso, nothing good will come of it.
For Sashko, blinded by his Fujik and betraying the D300s, there is no need to speak for everyone. I have a D7000 and arms growing out of my shoulders. I set up my camera and forgot what RAW is ……
For Sashko, blinded by his Fujik and consigned to oblivion by the D300s, there is no need to speak for everyone. I have a D7000 and arms growing out of my shoulders. I bought it, set up my camera and, like you, I don’t even want to know what RAW is ……
So Fujik has made a DSLR killer with a fast focus. I looked at the prices for x-e2 - I don't pull, but x-m1 - I can. Now I am studying reviews - how much worse m1 is than e2, and if it turns out that not much, then of course it will be necessary to take it. At the same time, two questions remain unclear - is there a sane flash for the Fuji system of the s700 type and the absence of an 85 mm fix for fuyi with autofocus.
As 85ki, the FUJIFILM has a FUJINON XF56mm F1.2 R lens, since all the fuji crop, then 56mm * 1.5 = 84mm. There is a flash similar to the sb700, called FUJIFILM EF-42, but with it you will lose the compactness of the system, for which many take the UPC. X-M1 is in many ways worse than X-E2. Than to take X-M1, take it then it is better FUJIFILM X-PRO1 it will be enough for a long time ahead. Or FujiFilm X30 with a beautiful fast aperture non-removable lens for all occasions.
You see basil. "Fast" focusing (a bit short of fokxirovanie junior DSLRs) in Fuji only in models x-e2 and x-t1 (well, also x100s). The rest have, alas, the usual focusing in contrast, although perhaps a little faster than soap cameras.
so no SLR killers, alas.
Interestingly, the sensor in both x-e2 and x-m1 seems to be the same: http://www.digicamdb.com/compare/fujifilm_x-e2-vs-fujifilm_x-m1/
After your comments, it became clear that a fujik cannot yet become a replacement for a DSLR, BUT ... two months ago my Sony Nex was covered (the shutter was covered, which, as you know, is not the strong point of the Sony). Now I am also looking for a digital back for manual optics. I wanted to take sony nex F3N, but after reading it, given that x-m1 has such a sensor as x-e2. Still, I'll take x-m1.
Sashko, thanks for the answer, but I'm looking for a real 85, not an EFR replacement. Puff was very interested (the price of it is sane)!
Lynx, thanks for the warning - unfortunately, the fujik is really not a replacement for a DSLR, but I think it can serve as a replacement for Neks. Moreover, I'm not chasing the full frame.
Also note that the sensor on the x100s is slightly larger than on the x-e2. I don’t know if this affects the final result, but still:
Vasya, what kind of nonsense I pull, I don’t pull worse; the main thing is the head and brain in it. Unless, of course, the photographer’s hands grow most not from ..
What are you talking about, read:
This is an extremely convenient and compact digital SLR camera that helps you achieve excellence in the art of photography. (from the office review)
Glory to the marketers :)
Well, what is not written correctly here? What is the irony?
Do not pay attention, see his last sentence
A change-8M suits me
People, why talk about what and why they shoved it to? Pros know what is in the cell and why he needs it. I myself use the D7000 as a reporting camera. What I miss in it is and is not in the D750. There is a pivoting screen (if my old D90 had it, a piece of my left eyebrow would still be with me (then the shutter button, demolished by a fragment, remained with it in the Palestinian desert). Wai-Wai would facilitate the transfer speed (how much in exchange for my life, the flash drives were given to different fighters for freedom, non-dependence, European and other values, along with the material, I can’t even remember), but at the same time the shutter speed is often 1/7000 and 1/8000 due to work in sunny weather, even with ISO 100 and f5,6! And switch the parameters in the reporting not when thou have time. And the video reportazhnikam (and us prirovnennym) never will hurt. And for myself rented only on film. I like that. And everyone likes :)
Write more :)
:) :)
:) :) :)
In short, the war with Nikon-nom :) The old truth is confirmed :) Well, therefore, Nikon will never go bankrupt :)
I compared the left eyebrow, the viewfinder, the shutter button and the flip-up screen in two versions, sorry does not fit, and the Palestinian desert with fragments ... Fewer militants should be watched at night.)))
I would have wanted 2 times less megapixels in amateur crop cameras, you would look and slow down less in work and when working with rams on a computer in the future. Well, the default picture would be nicer at last done, like the old ccd line. I wonder if the new camera supports picture control 2.0?
And I would like DF offal in a NORMAL case. He wouldn't have a price! But they offer either D4 heavy, or this is a retro miracle. The simplest marketing tool, a survey, has long existed. There is a suspicion that there would be fewer misses.
D750 to help you
D750 is good for everyone, except for the shutter speed and not yet clear operation. Reliability is important. I would say that this is a MAJOR indicator and selection criterion. My D7000 already has more than 170 mileage. Everything is fine! So far I’m using Cam Ranger to remotely control the camera, but this is an extra wire that can catch on to something.
Arkady will tell you about the work of the D750 next week)) As for me, everything is great.
And in terms of reliability, I’m more than sure that the 750 is at least as good as the 7000th.
In a normal case - D4. And if in the amateur-normal, then the D4 can be immediately discontinued.
Now, if they released 610 in such a retro-case, then yes. I would take a rhinestone without looking.
D4 heavy. I already have two cameras, plus a compact one, several lenses, a flash, a tripod, a tablet, spare batteries, body armor and a helmet. Then every hundred grams in a couple of hours are felt. In general, I often meet Lakey at the reporters. It is because of weight and performance.
Viliya is simple (no auto) - this is the best fullframe
The second shift is cooler!
Leningradskaya-GOMZ or Minsk-MMZ?
I don’t even know what to say on pricing. They threw out the GPS module (compared to the 5300 camera) with a GPS module (which costs $ 150 as a separate gadget), made the screen touch-sensitive and added $ 200 to the price. It turns out the cost of the screen is comparable to the cost of the iPhone 4S. Can someone explain?
Victor, more other numbers in the title =)
If you have a connection with a phone or tablet, the module is not needed. When I control my D7000 with the help of a tablet through Cam Ranger, I can easily write in the image data the GPS coordinates that the tablet catches.
Clear pepper, which is not needed :) But they made it cheaper due to the discarded GPS. They reduced the price by $ 150 and added $ 200. Due to the fact that the screen has become a touch, added $ 350 ?! So I say - the cost of a smartphone with a touchscreen of 5 inches (which has GPS), not 3,2 inches. Marasmus.
In streaming production, such a module is hardly more expensive than $ 30 :)
Wait in February for the Nikon D7200.
Yes, there are such rumors. If everything described is true, it will be a great camera. 39 cross points (such as a completely new AF module), FullHD video 120 frames / sec, a large buffer, etc. Rumors, in general, tempting creep ...
And what will he have with megapixels? Not known yet? I have to change my D7000 from day to day, and 24 megapixels already to a fig, frankly. The pixel density is higher than on the D800.
Do not bother yourself with this nonsense, like other nonsense on the Internet. Such nonsense, not photographers write, but tech nerds. Have you tried shooting on the D7100 and D800? I tried, and there is no problem there. The cameras are great! Take and shoot!
In the course of 24.7 (((
Happy! Why is the "official site" Muscovite? Chi vin is more authoritative ... chi is born for you !!! PSBanderіvets)
The text of the article is in Russian, here is the link to the Russian-language site. For any such flood without any talk - ban_set.
You are not God Dan, you are Bill. With the prefix De
There are only 2 main languages in the world. Russian and English. All other languages are languages only "to the threshold". Knowing English and Russian you will be understood anywhere in the world. But the Ukrainian language is understood only in Ukraine and sometimes in some places. It's sad, but true. India perfectly understands this, and made English the state language so that their children do not have language barriers when communicating with the outside world, it is a pity that other countries still resist and dream that someday, in 8560, the whole world will speak IN THEIR LANGUAGE. The whole world will rather speak in English than in Ukrainian and Russian. After all, the British and Americans do not learn Russian, and ALL Russians and Ukrainians and other backward countries learn English, so that someday, at the first opportunity, they can leave THERE for a GOOD LIFE.
We are not discussing these issues on Radozhiva. ban_set.
Hello, Arkady, tell me if in the know: cf is out of order, I suspect that a virus is possible? I exclude mechanical damage (I didn’t remove it). Camera D300.
Everything is possible. Contact the service.
I came across information that in this camera, focusing in Live View mode was 20% faster. Curious, due to what could be achieved if the principle of contrast focusing has not been changed?
speed of the processing algorithm for a more powerful percent.
So they write that the processor is the same as in the 5300.
yes, whatever. improved algorithms, made separate pixel-by-pixel focusing like on Canon for 100d, or simply lie.
And I did my D3300 and bought a Sony NEX 6 and here's why:
1. Inadequate autofocus when shooting video
2. Auto white balance falls yellow in artificial light
3. Working with manual optics - hell (the exposure meter is blocked (in the video mode it also works), the viewfinder - nothing can be seen in it, LV brake, magnification in LV is inconvenient)
4. The decorative tape came off on the whale six months later. No, well, I kind of understand, cost reduction, but decorating a camera lens for $ 700 with foil like on a cigarette pack is what is ???????????
5. Tactile sensation - cheap plastic (as the Chinese say in video reviews - “fantasy plastic”). The cover of the battery compartment is flimsy - it will almost disappear….
And that something of the above described by me in 5500 was improved / fixed ???????
The touch screen is buzzing, but it was necessary to write an interface for it, and those ugly arrows that appear near the “adjusting wheels” of the old interface….
Arkady, can you post something more interesting, something more relevant to life? Well, the same Fuji X-E2 or something ...
Have the guys from Microsoft bought Nikon? )))))) This is somewhat reminiscent of Nokia's dying agony ...
Either he is Andrew, then he is Alexey, but still gives himself away with giblets!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFPe1RelKYY - video reviews are already appearing.
In my opinion, the touchscreen on the camera is not a buzz. For an amateur))
Being a purely amateur, I bought a Nikon 5300 a year ago. And I really like it, I leave blabbling about Fuji, Canon and Sony to the professionals. But now I compare this camera and my own, and I see - the matrix, processor, AF, screen are the same, in the characteristics I see only the missing GPS (not the most important thing, but how could it interfere with marketers? It was funny, look on the map, where is that removed) and slightly reduced weight. Oh, yes, even ISO up to 24000 like a thousand was written, although a normal person in the dark will still not shoot, the laws of optics cannot be fooled. The question is - what have I not noticed? Why is this camera better than mine, other than the number in the title?
Nothing better than a mass-size sensor and (if anyone needs it).
I read all these opinions and bought a d5500 with sigma 17-50 and am very pleased.
Hello. I can not decide between the Nikon d5500 and Olympus OM-D E-M10 MarkII. It is planned to shoot mainly in the room, portraits and shooting in the evening and at night (photo). I would like to hear your opinion. Thanks.
Nikon did not hold this, I would choose Olympus. For the subject and night shooting, this model has many convenient functions. Stability with a carcass, compactness, colors, there are excellent lenses at a reasonable price.
Definitely d7200
Differences from the predecessor:
1. Removed GPS
2. Risen ergonomics
3. Reduced the small protrusion
4. Deteriorated chamber jeep quality
5. Reduced weight
6. Removed the shooting mode button
Like cooler, because:
a) the buffer is doubled
b) touch screen
IMHO: Instead of evolution, degradation has turned out.
Dear Arkady! where did you disappear I don’t find on your site this year your frills in a photo school. Sincerely, Gennady Fomin
Yes, here I am.
DX camera is like a camera. normal, modern, but the main plus is a small DSLR. which means - light, plus, a bonus - any lens, except for the whale one and 35-50mm looks powerful on it !! the camera is not visible due to the lens. someone like, but I like it;)
plus wifi, very good feature. somehow it was a holiday, I shot everyone. when there was a pause, I threw the photos over to the participants, everyone was happy))) and then they did not bother me with requests to give them a photo
Good review from Radozhiva! ..
Well, where did you see the mention here that this is a “review”? This is an announcement :)
good afternoon
I can not find a program for my Nikon d 5500 transmitting images at a distance of a PC via wi-fi.
I thought about buying a flash drive with a wi-fi module.
Dear who will advise what I will be very grateful.
Good afternoon Arkady and company)
please advise, I want to buy the first SLR camera ...
The choice fell on the Nikon d7000 and d5600
The price is about the same, there is a desire for further development in the photography industry, but I still can not decide on a choice.
d5600 is newer, and all sorts of chips (for example, file transfer via WIFI, rotary screen)
d7000 is more reliable but outdated.
Please comment.
Supplement, I would like to quickly review your review Arkady on the Nikon d5600
Thank you for your work!
I would take the D7000, if only because it has fewer megapixels. Not to mention the screwdriver, the ability to work with non-chip optics, 2 memory cards, etc. etc.