Nikon N AF-S Nikkor 28mm 1: 1.8G Nano Crystal Coat SWM RF Aspherical Review

According provided by lens Nikon N AF-S Nikkor 28mm 1: 1.8G Nano Crystal Coat SWM RF Aspherical many thanks to Alexander Fetisov.

Nikon N AF-S Nikkor 28mm 1: 1.8G Nano Crystal Coat SWM RF Aspherical Review

Nikon N AF-S Nikkor 28mm 1: 1.8G Nano Crystal Coat SWM RF Aspherical Review

The Nikon N AF-S Nikkor 28mm 1: 1.8G Nano Crystal Coat SWM RF Aspherical lens in my review will be called Nikon 28 / 1.8G. This lens is the first of its kind, and until then Nikon only had 28 / 2.8 class autofocus 'screwdriver' lenses (Nikon AF Nikkor 28mm 1: 2.8D and the like) and 28 / 1.4 (Nikon AF Nikkor 28mm 1: 1.4D). In terms of aperture ratio, the Nikon 28 / 1.8G is closest to the old Nikon class 28/2 manual lenses (Nikon Nikkor 28mm 1: 2 AI and the like). It is worth noting that Nikon has been producing 28 mm fixes since 1960, the first of which was Nippon Kogaku Japan Nikkor-H Auto 1: 3.5 f = 2.8cm.

Nikon 28 / 1.8G was introduced in April 2012 and belongs to the new line of full-length Nikon lenses. Wide-angle lenses in this line include the Nikon 35 / 1.8G and Nikon 24 / 1.8G and 20 / 1.8G.

View of Nikon N AF-S Nikkor 28mm 1: 1.8G Nano Crystal Coat SWM RF Aspherical from the bayonet side

View of Nikon N AF-S Nikkor 28mm 1: 1.8G Nano Crystal Coat SWM RF Aspherical from the bayonet side

The Nikon 28 / 1.8G looks rather large, but at the same time quite light. The lens weighs 330 grams. The case is entirely made of plastic with a metal bayonet mount. Nevertheless, the lens is assembled well without any complaints.

The lens has a gold ring near the front lens, which usually indicates a high level of lens performance. But, to be honest, because of the plastic case and light weight, holding the lens in your hands does not feel as much pleasure as from old metal Nikkors: (And the country of origin is China.

View Nikon N AF-S Nikkor 28mm 1: 1.8G Nano Crystal Coat SWM RF Aspherical with covers

View Nikon N AF-S Nikkor 28mm 1: 1.8G Nano Crystal Coat SWM RF Aspherical with covers

The lens focuses using a SWM motor (Silent Wave Motor). Focusing is fast enough, quiet and accurate (tested with camera Nikon D700). Nikon 28 / 1.8G will fit all Nikon digital SLR cameras, even to those who don’t inboard motor focusing. Previous 28mm fixes did not have a built-in focusing motor. The closest focusing distance is 25 cm and the maximum macro zoom ratio is 1: 4.5. With such a small MDF and a wide angle, you can try to shoot unusual shots with the play of perspective and depth of field.

On the case there is a window with a focus distance scale in meters and feet, as well as one depth of field label for F / 16. It’s a pity there is no hard stop for quick and accurate aiming at infinity. Also, you can find the focus mode switch 'M / AM'. In the 'M / A'automatic focusing is available with the priority of manual control - as soon as you start rotating the focusing ring manually, the lens disables autofocus. Previous versions of 28mm fixes did not have this mode.

The focusing ring is very wide, rubberized, in the active position it rotates 100 degrees. Due to the fact that the lens is quite chubby, such a small stroke of the focus ring is quite enough for comfortable work with manual focus. During auto focus, the ring remains stationary. In manual focus mode, when the ring reaches its extreme positions, it does not rest, but continues to rotate, slipping. I did not notice any lag in the focus ring, about which some lens users write.

The lens is internally focused. To be precise, Nikon 28 / 1.8G uses 'RF' - 'Rear Focusing' - 'Rear Focusing' type focusing. With this focusing, only the rear lens group (from the bayonet side) moves. The absence of rotation of the front lens and the elongation of the trunk allows you to conveniently use any light filters. The diameter of the filters is 67 mm. I wouldn't mind a 77mm diameter like the Nikon 20 / 1.8G.

Lens tags Nikon N AF-S Nikkor 28 mm 1.8 G Nano Crystal Coat SWM RF Aspherical

Lens marks Nikon N AF-S Nikkor 28 mm 1.8 G Nano Crystal Coat SWM RF Aspherical

The lens uses an aperture with 7 blades, which form a more or less round hole at the F / 2-F / 4 values, which affects the nature of the luminous discs in the blur zone (example on f / 2.8) If you close the aperture larger than F / 4, then getting the nuts in the blur zone becomes much easier (example on F / 5.6, crop of a picture) On covered diaphragms, you can get the effect of 14 ray star. Diaphragm up to f / 16, Nikon 28 / 1.8G is 'type'G'and has no aperture ring.

Lens tags Nikon N AF-S Nikkor 28 mm 1.8 G Nano Crystal Coat SWM RF Aspherical

Lens marks Nikon N AF-S Nikkor 28 mm 1.8 G Nano Crystal Coat SWM RF Aspherical

Nikon 28 / 1.8G attracts with the inspiring letter 'N' in its name. 'N' stands for 'Nano Crystal Coat' - nanocrystalline optical coating. Such enlightenment allows you to cope well with glare and flare, and also creates excellent color reproduction. Most likely, only one of the lenses of this objective has' N'-coating.

Indeed, Nikon 28 / 1.8G behaves very well in side and backlight. If you really try very hard and drive a 'hard' sun or other bright light source into the frame, then you can get a couple of small highlights.

Dimensions Nikon N AF-S Nikkor 28 mm 1.8 G Nano Crystal Coat SWM RF Aspherical and Nikon AF-S Nikkor 85mm 1: 1.8G IF SWM

Nikon N AF-S Nikkor 28 mm 1.8 G Nano Crystal Coat SWM RF Aspherical and Nikon AF-S Nikkor 85mm 1: 1.8G IF SWM

The lens comes with a plastic bayonet hood HB-64, which can be installed in the opposite position for transportation. There is a white mark on the front of the lens for quick lens hood installation. I did not notice much difference when working with and without a lens hood, the lens itself creates a good contrasting image, and the lens hood can help out only in very extreme shooting conditions. In this case, the lens hood is more likely to be the protector of the front lens :), and on the camera the lens with the lens hood looks more solid.

Nikon N AF-S Nikkor 28 mm 1.8 G Nano Crystal Coat SWM RF Aspherical with hood

Nikon N AF-S Nikkor 28 mm 1.8 G Nano Crystal Coat SWM RF Aspherical with hood

In addition to special enlightenment, the Nikon 28 / 1.8G uses two aspherical elements in its optical design, shown below.

Optical design Nikon N AF-S Nikkor 28mm 1: 1.8G Nano Crystal Coat SWM RF Aspherical

Optical design Nikon N AF-S Nikkor 28mm 1: 1.8G Nano Crystal Coat SWM RF Aspherical. Special enlightenment most likely has only one lens.

The lens was sharp at F / 1.8 and very sharp at covered apertures, especially in the center of the frame. Only at F / 1.8 sharpness sags a bit around the edges, but still the lens keeps itself very dignified. Distortion is small, not very noticeable in the photographs. Friging a little disappointed (chromatic aberration in the blur zone) on open diaphragms. Along the edges of the frame, even at very closed apertures, you can get a stratification of contrasting parts into green or purple components (see crop 1: 1 of the right edge of the picture). And also - noticeable vignetting at F / 1.8. But overall the lens showed good image quality :).

Nikon 28 / 1.8G at times outperforms the cheap (and, to be honest, not the most successful) Nikon AF Nikkor 28mm 1: 2.8D.

Here link to the archive with the originals - 229 MB, 17 photos in .NEF format (RAW) from the Nikon camera D700 (FX).

Nikon N AF-S Nikkor 28 mm 1.8 G Nano Crystal Coat SWM RF Aspherical with hood

Nikon N AF-S Nikkor 28 mm 1.8 G Nano Crystal Coat SWM RF Aspherical with hood

On cameras Nikon DX (on cropped cameras) EGF the lens will be 42 mm, which is why it turns into a universal fast standard fix. Considering the considerable cost of this lens, I think that for cameras Nikon DX it’s better to do simpler Nikon DX AF-S Nikkor 35mm 1: 1.8G SWM Asphericalor look to the side Sigma AF 30mm 1: 1.4 EX DC HSM.

Despite all its titles 'inscribed' on the lens barrel, the Nikon 28 / 1.8G is more of a 'typical amateur lens' (although its price obviously doesn't know anything about it).

The real prices of the Nikon N AF-S Nikkor 28 mm 1.8 G Nano Crystal Coat SWM RF Aspherical lens in popular online stores can look at this linkor in the price block located below:

Nikon now has the following 28 mm autofocus fixes:

  1. Nikon AF Nikkor 28mm 1: 2.8 (MKI)
  2. Nikon AF Nikkor 28mm 1: 2.8 (MKII)
  3. Nikon AF Nikkor 28mm 1: 2.8D (MKIII)
  4. Nikon N AF-S Nikkor 28mm 1: 1.8G
  5. Nikon AF Nikkor 28mm 1: 1.4D
  6. Nikon N AF-S Nikkor 28mm 1: 1.4E ED

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View of the Nikon N AF-S Nikkor 28 mm 1.8 G Nano Crystal Coat SWM RF Aspherical lens on the camera

View of the Nikon N AF-S Nikkor 28 mm 1.8 G Nano Crystal Coat SWM RF Aspherical lens on the camera


Nikon N AF-S Nikkor 28mm 1: 1.8G Nano Crystal Coat SWM RF Aspherical, like many other new Nikkor lenses, is quite light in a new-fashioned plastic case with a good image quality. But whether it is worth overpaying for the golden ring and the letter N in the lens name remains a mystery.

Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.

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Comments: 144, on the topic: Review of the Nikon N AF-S Nikkor 28mm 1: 1.8G Nano Crystal Coat SWM RF Aspherical

  • Dmitry K

    whether it is worth overpaying for the ring - I don't know, but in fact the lens is without alternatives. 24 1.4 is clearly more expensive, 24 2.8 is darker, less sharp and screwdriver (the latter is probably not a minus, but still), and manual lenses are clearly not for an amateur

    • Czeslaw

      sigma 28 1.8 is much cheaper and not much worse. I compared mine with this nikkor

    • root

      24.2.8 is not darker, it just has a smaller relative opening coefficient.
      The luminosity of the lens is determined not by a hole but by light transmission.
      As an example, 35.1.8, for example, has T = 2.1, 35 / 2.0 is also 2.1, and new glasses with a hole 1.8 have T = 2.2. This number T is the light transmission, a hole is just a control of the zone of depth of field. They tied it to aperture only in the post-Soviet space, in the rest of the world there is lens speed and transmission. On hole 5.6, for example, the device under discussion merges 35.2.0 almost to a stop.

      • Dmitry K

        write garbage. For 24 2.8, this is the most light transmission at level 3.1 And for the new one at open 2.2, I did not find data on the same diaphragms, but I think the difference is no more than a third of the stop (and that is a lot). But the new one can still be opened before 1.8, but the old one is not. So past. And 35 2.0 is not at all shy, it's a normal lens

        • Jury

          Generally, 35mm f / 2d is a wide-angle, since its field of view is 63.4 °, while with normal lenses it is in the range of 40-60 °.

  • Alexander

    Nanocoating)) The Scheduled Bred Marketers

  • Igor

    I can't understand why the plastic case is a minus? Progress does not stand still - polymers are in no way inferior to metal. Empty then and the carcasses of the chambers themselves are poured from cast iron - let's return to the origins.

    • Lynx

      the case is not a minus. but all the guides and the base of the plastic case are a minus.
      these are EXPENSIVE and QUALITY polymers are inferior to metal in nothing, or rather not in everything.
      and cheap plastic is inferior in everything except PRICE, weight, flexibility and resistance to aggressive environments.

    • Gene jb

      Unfortunately, the plastic from which the lenses are made is simple ABS. With all the consequences ... If it were carbon fiber, then I would agree with you ...

  • R'RёS,R ° F "RёR№

    Well, what can I buy instead? I need a shirik, I'm in thought. According to tests, it is much better than the new 20mm 1.8G.
    Thank you so much for the review, on time, I don’t want to make a mistake, can you tell me on the basis of personal experience mainly for group shots.

    • Stanislas

      I've taken Tokina AT-X 16-28mm f / 2.8 is a very good option.

    • Lynx

      Tokins, 116, 128, 124, or Nikon 12-24. )))

      • R'RёS,R ° F "RёR№

        In Tokin, the edges are great inferior, for a group picture it is necessary, and 12-24 is expensive-heavy.
        It turns out until I found it better, maybe there are more options?

        • Lynx

          Do not show off and move away.

          • R'RёS,R ° F "RёR№

            I'm not showing off, you won't go further in the garden ...

            • Lynx

              zenitar 16 / 2,8.
              cheap and cheerful .. on the crop - just shirik with some distortion.

              • R'RёS,R ° F "RёR№

                those. is zenithar better than 28-1.8?

              • Lynx

                Cheaper for sure.
                the concept of "better" in this case is not applicable, just taking into account the difference of the objectives in general

              • anonym

                Zenitar 16f2.8 and even if on FF? )) I would like to look at those children that will be in the picture from the edge. Well, if only to shoot for "Murzilka".))

        • Sergei

          There are 16 35 with 2.8 if I am not mistaken.

          • Arkady Shapoval

            Of the relatives under Nikon, 16-35 / 2.8 is not, there are only 17-35 / 2.8 and 14-24 / 2.8. Yes, and from third-party, too, 16-35 / 2.8 no.

            • Sergei

              I agree it was 17 35 2.8d

      • Anatoly

        and they are all on crop, 116 124 128, except 16-28

        • R'RёS,R ° F "RёR№

          11-16 Tokina approached 16 on FF without a vignette practically, but for group shots the quality is not that :(

    • Jury

      I have been using 28 / 1.8 for about 2 years now. I'm very glad I bought it. I shoot people and mostly with open apertures. always sharp and voluminous. 20mm already seems a bit wide to me. Although who is comfortable with which focal points ...

  • Pastor

    Cool glass. But for the crop, by the way, there is a sigma 18-35 1.8 for comparable money. Which is also zoomed at the same aperture. To be honest, I do not see any huge advantages of this 28 1.8, which would greatly outweigh in his direction. Except for the fact that this is a native lens, and sigma can have focusing issues. But sigma has a program with focus adjustment. And on ff, for fans of a wide angle 28 mm is not enough. Moreover, 28 mm is usually found in any high-aperture standard zoom. Well, at least 24 or less. Well, or aperture ratio of 1.4 :) In general, glass did not work out for everyone. If the price were set at 35 1.8 or a little more - within $ 300 - there would be no end to buyers. And for $ 500, many will think ...

    • Denis

      This sigma is crop.

  • Novel

    Arkadiy, what is more beautiful to buy 20 mm chi 28 mm 1,8? із серії G. How can I cut a picture? Crazy!

    • Arkady Shapoval

      20 1.8g did not use, it is difficult for me to judge

    • Dmitriy

      It seems to me that the picture is approximately the same for both, the point is focal! I think the 20th can be replaced by 14-24 2.8

  • Dmitriy

    It is interesting to compare it with 35 1.8 (full-frame) and 20 1.8 the truth is probably still not get it!

  • Dmitriy

    Just standing on the threshold and thinking 28 or 35, given that the price is about the same

    • Lynx

      as a staff for a crop - 35.
      on FF - I think the zooms will be tastier.

      • Dmitriy

        A full-frame reporter ?! Then 50 or 35 ?!

        • Lynx

          full reporter is a good zoom.
          the optimum without significant overruns now, perhaps, is 24-120 / 4, or so.

  • anonym

    Something I don't like shirikov from nikon ...
    for sigma and tokens they will be better and focusing errors there are not important shiriks there)

  • Yarkiya

    Thanks to Arkady and Fetisov Alexander. Great review of a great lens. Put glass from the discharge and bomb. In short, another work tool from Nikon.

    • Alexander

      Arkady more than me)

      • Do_Oraemon

        Here, from which side to look. If you had not sent, then there would be no review :-)

  • Do_Oraemon

    Damn, the owner of the glass is really respect. For the fact that he did not get drunk and sent a rather expensive glass to the review (unlike many). Yarkiy is right. Arkady - of course, like the review too.

    • Alexander

      This is my small contribution to the works of Arkady….

  • Sashko D3s

    The lens is certainly good, and the review is just wonderful, but 28mm is not 24mm, and not even 30mm. In a word, glass is specific and not for everybody. I don’t understand the Nikon company, which updates everything that is possible but not really demanded things, such as 135mm f2 DC or for example, how to update screwdriver Fishies with new USM motors.

  • J-fx

    thanks for the review! used it for a year, very cool glass, in the secondary market you can get it for 17-18; sigma 24 1.8 is still a great alternative by the way, which is the macro version

    ps my example of a "star" from this lens on a closed one (IMHO, very beautiful stars he turns out)

  • Yarkiya

    Maybe even the stocks of old ones are not sold out, and indeed, it seems that Nikon's lens fleet is the most numerous in terms of the number of models and modifications. And the Nikonists themselves, as manufacturers, clearly do not consider some of their products to be unsuccessful, unlike us, consumers who always argue about what is better and what is worse. But it’s quite possible that they slurp what you miss.

  • Rostovr

    The competitor's 24 / 1,4L costs completely different money, a different size and weight. It's strange, especially if this nikkor is really good in the open, but the fact that a 1,4 competitor with soapy edges is known ... It's strange that it's so cheap, probably not so good at his 1,8

    • Alexander

      It even looks good in comparison with the competitor. At 1.8 it is inferior in resolution, but much smoother across the field. Parity at apertures 4 - 5.6 With chromatics, Nikkor 28 f1.8 is certainly worse.

    • Alexander

      here is a plate

  • Amatich

    I WANT !!!!

    • The Hedgehog

      to whom? :-))

      • anonym

        ALL !!!

  • Roman D

    It should be noted that the entire 1.8 range (20 / 1.8, 28 / 1.8, 35 / 1.8, 50 / 1.8, 85 / 1.8) was created more for videographers than for photographers. This is especially true for the first three glasses.

    • Sashko D3s

      It should be noted that for video shooting, people like come up with VIDEO cameras :)
      And even movie lenses
      But despite all this, some stubborn individuals continue to shoot VIDEO on PHOTO cameras.
      IMHO, you can make a movie on an i-phone, but why complicate things like that, there are specially invented, and most importantly convenient tools. I don’t want to hurt anyone, but this is my opinion. All successful shots and video clips.

      • anonym

        Would you take such a camera with such a lens on vacation at the seaside, and what if some “stoned” one takes it away from you by accident?

        • Sashko D3s

          Anonymous, I’m not saying that amateurs will take pictures of such cameras, for amateurs, and for the sea there is an i-phone or any hand-held small camera, or Go-pro at worst. And those cameras and glasses to which I gave links are intended solely for making money and commercial filming. Yes, and I don’t think that someone will take Nikon D7000 with them to the sea on vacation, for example + Nikon 20mm f1.8G and they will not steal it and will not press it :) In general, EVERYTHING, even an i-phone, can be used to squeeze or steal, if you are an Internet hero and you have rich dad. With a weight of 60 kg, you need to be careful. And if you are in normal shape + a knife in your pocket (or injury) then all the rules will be;) To all those who take pictures at night on the street !!! If your camera costs about $ 3000, don’t be too lazy to give up a trauma for $ 300! I was told cases when guys squeezed out all the equipment at night city shootings. Or there were cases when they appointed a photo shoot on some kind of abandoned building, and there everything was taken away. Be careful guys!

          • anonym

            I agree about caution. And on the first question, a video on a camera, plus a movie lens some kind of old (sincere), is the only way to take something worthwhile for someone whose dad is not very rich.

            • Sashko D3s


    • Alexander

      Why is this interesting?))) There are many uses for such lenses.

      • Alexander

        Post above to Roman D ...

  • Alptar

    I use this lens in conjunction with the D7100. I will add my observations, can anyone help in choosing. On my camera, it is used as a staff and is much more convenient 35 for a crop. It is great to shoot children, especially at matinees at school where there is little space and even less light. The nature turns out to be especially colorful, in contrast to 85 / 1.8 chromatic aberrations on the open, there are almost no. Strangely enough, excellent portraits with open apertures, especially of children. I will not argue about coverage and enlightenment, but bunnies can only be caught in front of the sun, and this spectrum of the rainbow sometimes looks very beautiful and harmonious. The sky can be shot without a polarizer, very beautiful color rendition. Applied a gray gradient (round marumi) for sunset and sunrise shots - the effects are amazing when covering from 8 to 13 the sun with the star beams in the colorful sky. With filters, it's real savings if you have 3 lenses with the same diameter, I have a 18-140 set, a 85 / 1.8 portrait lens and 28 / 1.8 for everything extreme and creative. If anyone likes to photograph food, then this lens creates simply mouth-watering still lifes. And lastly, I have a multi-pixel matrix and with this lens I get super sharp shots, similar a little on macro due to the detail at a distance of about a meter to the object. Focusing speed and accuracy are very high.

    • R'RёS,R ° F "RёR№

      thank you

    • Alexey

      Alptar, tell me, can I see the photos taken with a juicy color rendition? I also have a D7100, if it doesn’t complicate you, I want to understand how it will behave when shooting 1.3 in a room where there is little space and light (it costs 50mm f 1.8, just a kapets while I aim and take everything into the frame). Also, if it does not complicate, what do you say by sigma 18-35 f 1.8? Thanks in advance!

    • Owned

      Disagree about 85 1.8g.
      USED ​​BOTH lenses. 85 1.8g has no aberrations. a 28 1.8 G AND ABERRATION AND FRIING. 85 draws better, although it doesn't have a gold ring. However, 28 is good too, I use both of them.

      • Versal

        How can he not, when exactly he does. Then you don't know where to look🔍

  • R'RёS,R ° F "RёR№

    Bought, thanks for the tips!

  • Vasyl

    warranty Nikon (2 + 1), 100% complete set + bonus filter, really very sharp, fast, light, light - constant 1.8, with good color rendering, gold band (pro) Nikon glass I sell due to reorganization (Nikon carcasses were sold, we are working on kenon) Nikon AF-S 28mm f / 1.8G Nikkor - very good glass! I will send to any point at your expense, 30 000 rubles
    Yes, I forgot to add - and the filmmakers are very pleased with this glass - quiet, bright, EASY and the presence of an engine

  • Vasyl

  • Maria

    Please tell me, I have a dilemma: what to choose 28 1.8 or 16-35 4.0? I need not a bad block and not expensive shirik on d 810! Thank you !!

    • Vyacheslav

      The choice is more than strange, if focal lengths up to 16mm are needed, then a 28mm fix will not provide you with anything. I would not buy a fast aperture, since the aperture is a secondary parameter for the aperture, for the aperture it is necessary to watch so that at the working focal length there are minimal geometric distortions and high resolution. But if it’s cheap and cheerful, then you can do with one universal, such as nikon 24-120 f / 4, it will replace both shirik and standard and portrait.

  • Maria

    Thank you Vyacheslav!

  • Maria

    Arkasha just doesn’t have a review about 16-35 (((if I had been decided long ago)

    • Alexander

      We hope that soon will appear, but for now see if it can help with the choice. If interested, I can take paired shots with both lenses in the near future. 28 F1.8 glass worthy of the most flattering reviews ... but fixed, and this is a feature that can limit the scope.

    • Lynx

      You see, Masha, here the choice between fixed and zoom is strongly determined by tasks and habits.
      I would choose a fix for a reportage (maybe not an old one but a new one), but for any wedding - still a zoom.

  • Alexander

    There are greenhouse tests on the "photo zone", you can see. The comparison is not entirely correct, but everything is better than arguing on emotions.

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