Sigma High-Speed ​​Wide 28mm 1: 1.8 Multi-Coated Aspherical Review

According provided by lens Sigma High-Speed ​​Wide 28mm 1: 1.8 Multi-Coated Aspherical (for Nikon) huge thanks to Mad Nikolay.

Sigma High-Speed ​​Wide 28mm 1: 1.8 Multi-Coated Aspherical Review

Sigma High-Speed ​​Wide 28mm 1: 1.8 Multi-Coated Aspherical Review

There are several Sigma class 28 / 1.8 lenses. There is a variant of Sigma High-Speed ​​Wide 28mm 1: 1.8II Aspherical Auto Focus, very similar to the instance from this review, but with a slightly different body design. As well as the newer Sigma 28mm 1: 1.8 EX DG, Sigma 28mm 1: 1.8 EX DG Aspherical and Sigma 28mm 1: 1.8 EX DG Macro Aspherical models.

Sigma High-Speed ​​Wide 28mm 1: 1.8 Multi-Coated Aspherical has 'High-Speed ​​Wide' in its name, which can be roughly translated as 'High-speed wide-angle'. The high speed here is not about focusing, but about the fact that you can use short excerpts, and such lenses in Western literature are called 'fast'. Indeed, the maximum aperture ratio of 1: 1.8 for a wide-angle is very good news, and this is a stop and a tail more than 1: 2.8 for most other lenses, such as Nikon AF Nikkor 28mm 1: 2.8D... The lens, apparently, came from those distant times, when it was fashionable to write on the body 'Multi-Coated' ('multi-coating').

Sigma High-Speed ​​Wide 28mm 1: 1.8 Multi-Coated Aspherical

Sigma High-Speed ​​Wide 28mm 1: 1.8 Multi-Coated Aspherical

The Sigma 28 / 1.8 is a lightweight and not very large lens with a 58mm front filter. In the hands it resembles some 'half a ruble'. To the touch, however, it does not evoke serious inspiration due to a slight backlash in the focusing ring. Internal gears make a lot of noise during manual focusing.

On the lens case there are slots for the bayonet hood, but the lens came to the review without it :(.

Sigma High-Speed ​​Wide 28mm 1: 1.8 Multi-Coated Aspherical

Sigma High-Speed ​​Wide 28mm 1: 1.8 Multi-Coated Aspherical

Autofocus is fast enough but noisy. During focusing, the front lens does not rotate, and the lens trunk lengthens slightly. The lens has a window with a focusing distance scale in meters and feet. The MDF is 30 cm. There is a depth of field scale for values ​​F / 4, 8, 16, 22, as well as an 'R' mark for working in the infrared spectrum.

The focus ring is rubberized and rotates 90 degrees. During auto focus, the rotating focus ring cannot be touched.

There is no focus mode switch on the lens itself; to put the lens in manual focus mode, you must put the camera in manual focus mode using the switch located near the camera mount.

Sigma High-Speed ​​Wide 28mm 1: 1.8 Multi-Coated Aspherical

Sigma High-Speed ​​Wide 28mm 1: 1.8 Multi-Coated Aspherical

It's important: auto focus with this lens is available only when using him on cameras with built-in motor focusing.

Exact list Nikon DSLR cameras with a built-in focus motor, on which this lens will focus automatically:

Exact list Nikon DSLR cameras without a built-in focus motor, on which this lens will not focus automatically:

Only auto focus and sound confirmation of focus will not work with these cameras, all other important functions, such as automatic exposure metering and automatic iris control, will work well.

You will find a lot of useful information on the types of cameras and lenses Nikon here.

The lens has a manual aperture ring. To be able to control the value aperture from camera or for automatic installation aperture on modern central control valves, you need to turn the control ring to the F / 22 value and fix it with a special lever, which is located to the right of the marks aperture. If this is not done, then on a number of cameras, the display will display an error - 'fEE' (ring is not installed aperture) Some cameras having diaphragm rheostatallow you to control the aperture using the ring aperturebut only in metering modes exposure 'M' and 'A'. You can read more about this issue in the section on Non-G Lenses.

The lens diaphragm consists of seven blades that always form regular polygons.

Please Note Sigma High-Speed ​​Wide 28mm 1: 1.8 Multi-Coated Aspherical does not transmit focus distance values into the camera, which may give errors in exposure, especially when shooting with flash in TTL auto modes.

Sigma Zoom 15-30mm D 1: 3.5-4.5 DG EX Aspherical IF and Sigma High-Speed ​​Wide 28mm 1: 1.8 Multi-Coated Aspherical

Sigma Zoom 15-30mm D 1: 3.5-4.5 DG EX Aspherical IF and Sigma High-Speed ​​Wide 28mm 1: 1.8 Multi-Coated Aspherical

At F / 1.8, the lens is weak even in the center of the frame, the image, including the edges of the frame, bounces back closer to F / 2.8. Sigma 28 / 1.8 is very afraid of flare, has a normal color rendering. Judge for yourself by the examples of photos.

Here link to the archive with the originals - 443 MB, 33 photos in .NEF format (RAW) from the Nikon camera D700 (FX). Pictures in the gallery without processing - just a smaller camera JPEG. Gallery Pictures converted with ViewNX 2.

On Nikon DX cameras EGF the lens will be 42mm, which will change it from a wide-angle lens to a standard lens.

Sigma High-Speed ​​Wide 28mm 1: 1.8 Multi-Coated Aspherical

Sigma High-Speed ​​Wide 28mm 1: 1.8 Multi-Coated Aspherical on the ZK

Catalog of modern Sigma lenses can look at this link.

Comments on this post do not require registration. Anyone can leave a comment.

I am somehow very cold about the Sigma High-Speed ​​Wide 28mm 1: 1.8 Multi-Coated Aspherical - the lack of a motor and transmission of focusing distance, as well as very noisy focusing and a weak body, I do not like. On the other hand, F / 1.8 at 28mm focal length is very interesting :). If you do not find fault with the work in the backlight and the quality of the picture at F / 1.8, then in general you can get a good picture from it.

Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.

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Comments: 45, on the topic: Review Sigma High-Speed ​​Wide 28mm 1: 1.8 Multi-Coated Aspherical

  • Dmitriy

    I would take it for Canon, but who knows if the diaphragm will work on it or not. Can you tell me what age the lens is about?

    • sergey

      Dmitry, there is a version for kenon. This instance will work only in manual (manual) mode, the diaphragm can be controlled manually.

      • Dmitriy

        I know that there is a version for canon. It's just that old Sigmas under Canon often work correctly only on film cameras, and on digital ones - only at a fully open aperture. Faced with this already. So it’s interesting to know how old this lens is, whether there will be such problems with it.

        • Arkady Shapoval

          I think he's 90s.

          • Dmitriy

            So, we will look for something else ...

  • anonym

    How much does it differ in quality from sigma 30 1,4

    • Arkady Shapoval

      These are completely different lenses) if both are used on the crop, then 30 1.4 is noticeably better.

  • Alexander Gvozd

    I used such a lens - did not inspire! Acceptable images started at f / 5.6, after purchasing a Nikon 28-105mm f / 3.5-4.5D AF Sigma sold and forgotten like a bad dream! I do not exclude that I got a defective copy!

  • zengarden

    Arkady, don’t feed you bread - give me a shot against the sun :)

    • Arkady Shapoval

      Well, at least some kind of game with light, it’s interesting)

      • Lynx

        Dada, play with the light!
        To play pranks with a little bowler)))

  • Denis

    Arkady You once again write not the best reviews about the lens, but at the same time give out fantastic photos on it. Once again, I am convinced that you have talent) the last photo is simply fabulous. Arkady, please tell me if there will be more video reviews and I really like articles about how you photograph. It is interesting to know what modes and when, what you process, etc. the site is sorely lacking such articles (like articles about christening), but I know that you can write them) Thanks for everything!

  • Amatich

    Thanks Arkady.

  • Hunchback

    You know, Arkady, it was great to see your article “What to look for when choosing a used lens”. Tell about the cleanliness of the rear lens, about the back and front focus, and more. I think many would be interested.
    Thank you :)

    • Arkady Shapoval

      Someday everything will be, and there are a lot of good articles on the Internet, I don’t want to repeat either.

      • Hunchback

        Just for your blog, this is more relevant - after all, many of the lenses that you are testing are used. But, here it is your business and your time. In any case - successful frames :)

  • Gene jb

    lens host epic last name

    • anonym

      Judging by the lenses that he has already provided, this is not a last name :)

  • Artem

    I have a Sigma 28 1.8 exDG very similar to the hero of the review. Also a motor version. And the quality of the photo is very similar. Thanks for the review.

  • Jury

    I have a Nikkor 35 1,8. I want a wider angle. Is it worth changing 35-ku to this sigma?

  • Kopcapyc

    This lens has a version of SIGMA HIGH-SPEED WIDE AF 28mm F / 1.8 ll
    Which transmits the focus distance.

  • М

    Sigma 28mm 1: 1.8 EX DG, Sigma 28mm 1: 1.8 EX DG Aspherical and Sigma 28mm 1: 1.8 EX DG Macro Aspherical are all exactly the same lens.

    • Pokemon

      Not really - there are noticeable external differences in the case. I noticed this recently.

  • DmitryK

    I bought such a lens in the week.
    Unfortunately, outwardly shabby,
    There is a problem - the diaphragm ring and everything around it is entirely covered in some kind of tar or shoe polish. This is the first time I've seen this.
    He took the CIPR cologne and cotton swabs.
    Cleaned, cleaned half an evening. It gives in with difficulty. I don’t understand where it comes from. Oil was knocked out of the lens one way or another, such a collective farm of the previous owner.
    Glass seems to be in a state of tolerance and there is no oil on them and on the petals of the diaphragm.

    • DmitryK

      Maybe someone has an idea where so much lubrication is on the diaphragm ring and around it?

      • KalekseyG

        Maybe the old owner of organic oil poured tight, and when oxidized, it turns into something like that.

        • DmitryK

          If only machine, because black soot remains on cotton swabs.
          As if I was cleaning the pipe)) and it is still very badly washed out - it does not help with water, only something containing alcohol. The diaphragm ring seems to be working properly - everything closes manually, but not smoothly - it's easier to cover the diaphragm than to open it. To open it completely, you have to apply some slight effort. The camera doesn't seem to swear. I can say that before cleaning the ring, the diaphragm opened with great effort. I'm just trying to understand whether this glass is dying so interestingly or is it ... its peculiarity. There were no traces of disassembly - the screw heads were intact and without obvious traces.

    • DmitryK

      It's funny, but my specimen has a noticeable, but not very annoying barrel-shaped distortion.
      Also, you have to set the correction to -0,3EV with this glass, rarely -0,7EV. Apparently due to the fact that it is NON-D.
      Interestingly, ShowEXIF shows the following line: “Max Aperture Value: F1,6”.
      The glass itself is outstanding. Surprisingly, my copy does not lead BB into almonds like 28-70 / 2.8 or into dirty yellow like 24-135 / 3.5-4.5. The BB is completely correct, which is surprising for Sigma. Soapy glass and normal sharpness are achieved on closed up to 9-10 apertures.
      Well i.e. This is not Nikkor 28 / 1.8G :-)

      • DmitryK

        I forgot to add - the corners and edges of the frame on apertures covered up to 9-10 are normal. There is no soap or porridge. Camera - ff Nikon.

  • DmitryK

    The lens is darker than it seems and the T (Transmission) parameter of my copy is clearly darker than that of the latest version of this glass - EX DG, where dxo measured it as T = 2.
    In the first version of this glass, it is one hundred pounds worse. I felt it walking now tonight.
    I understand that the comparison is incorrect, but with 35 / 2D there were somehow less shutter speeds and ISO at night.
    My copy does not lead to warm shades during the day. Rather, on the contrary, for some reason in the blue.
    In the afternoon, for some reason, with this glass, the camera tends to set more than what is needed by about 0,3EV and you have to make a correction to minus. At night, it is better to adjust to -0.7EV.
    The sides and corners are 5.6 soapy. It is unpleasant. On aperture 8-10, everything returns to normal, but with such apertures you can’t take off at normal ISO at night.
    In frost (-15-19C), at night, the camera starts to smear with this glass. I do not understand who is to blame - the glass or the AF module. At 35 / 2D this was not the case.
    In cold weather, the lens hood does not fit. Or fit, but with difficulty.
    Glass reacts tolerantly to point bright light sources - contrast and sharpness do not particularly fall.

    • DmitryK

      There is a feeling that glass “loves” light, or rather doesn’t like it when it’s not there, and late in the evening or at night, the picture from it doesn’t please with colors or anything else. I will continue to test ... while all in doubt.

  • DmitryK

    Strange glass. The sharpness and contrast are at the level of the somewhere old whales you X zooms. There is no sharpness, no contrast, no color. This is the first time I’ve seen such a picture on Xix. Maybe the extreme EX DG will be better, but this version gives a soapy, non-contrast and discolored picture even at aperture 9-10. For fixation, this is a shame.

  • DmitryK

    It turns out that Arkady was right - the only plus of this glass is the aperture 1.8 and shooting something abstract.

  • DmitryK

    After six months of use, I can add that in addition to neutral color rendering, strange for old Sigma, the lens quickly and fairly accurately (errors are very rare) focuses and it has a small MDF.
    In addition, it is light and small even with a hood. Directly deja vu with Nikonovsky 35 / 2D.
    An idea also appeared on its application - I saw once upon a time an explanation of 35 / 2D on one photo forum. That is, that engineers sacrificed sharpness for the sake of compactness and weight, and that the 35 / 2d philosophy is street photography, perhaps in poor light conditions. Perhaps this philosophy was pursued by Sigma too. I find it difficult to understand why the EX DG version was discontinued and there is no replacement. In addition, the 28 / 1.8 EX DG is considered a relatively rare lens. In fact, Nikkor 28 / 1.8G has no competitor in nature, perhaps that is why it has a raised price tag (even used). I understand that he is almost perfect, but the situation itself is not very happy.

  • Rostislav

    I have one. Used on Nikon D700. Excellent sharpness since 1.8, used for close-up photography - portrait and flower !!! At long distances, he covered accordingly. The color rendition is correct, I do not correct it. I don’t know why, but when shooting it provides a large dynamic range (compared to my others in the same conditions). I read the reviews and am surprised)) Maybe I got such a correct copy))

    • Pokemon

      Very lucky with the copy.
      If you have a 28 / 1.8 EX DG - a late version, then it will be better than what is in the review.

  • DmitryK

    As a result, I probably bought the latest EX DG version of this lens.
    The case is designed 1: 1 as on the penultimate 24-70 / 2.8 EX DG MACRO.
    Velvet coating and AF / MF switch on the case as on a 24-70 / 2.8 EX DG Macro.
    Filter diameter - 77mm. Aperture blades - 9 (nine!), And not 7 as on High speed wide from the review. Sharpness is better. Open 1.8 seems even quite working. I'm surprised. I will test further.
    Name on the warranty card: AF28 / 1.8 EX DG ASPHERICAL F / NIKON, on the box: Sigma 28mm F1.8 EX DG Macro Aspherical.

  • fhnb16

    An excellent lens actually came to me quite by accident, but fell in love with itself literally in a day.
    Despite the fact that I'm shooting on Nikonovsky crop without a motor.
    The picture on it is faded, but in Photoshop it is easily corrected, I think this is due to flare, I see no other reasons, there wasn’t a hood either, so far we didn’t get around to look for my native one.
    The picture on it is some kind of cinema, or something, the bokeh is blurring from the center to the edges, the sharpness is good, the video looks great
    Examples of photos:

    Almost all pictures were taken with an open aperture and with manual focus, usually you have to resort to LiveView
    More photos here:

  • Somebody

    Reading a review in 2023)
    70% against 30 what not to take.
    Enough Chinese 35mm 2.0

    • B. R. P.

      Your own business. 28mm (75°) and 35mm (63°) are two very big differences.

  • Chuck Norris

    I took the manual Sigma High-Speed ​​Wide 28mm 1:1.8 Multi-Coated.
    I like the picture.
    Please tell me the type of hood.
    That being said, the HB-47 is a little big.
    HB-46 is a little smaller than needed.

    • Chuck Norris

      *Shot on D5100

  • Egor

    I shoot on d7100, there is 85 1.8d. What to take: Sigma 28 1.8, which is newer, that is, EX, or yongnuo 35 2.0? For every street, maybe sometimes full-length portraits

    • Egor

      or even look at your native Nikon 35 1.8zh? however, they say that he is not very

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