According provided by Quantaray 50mm 1: 2.8D Macro for Nikon AF huge lens thanks to the store you can find a huge number of different used photographic equipment, including this model.
The Quantaray 50mm 1: 2.8D Macro for Nikon AF lens is almost a complete copy Sigma 50mm 1: 2.8D Macro EX (for Nikon)... It's just that this same model of the 'Sigma' lens was sold under the 'Quantaray' brand. The lenses differ only in different body coatings: Quantaray's body is not covered with anything special, while Sigma's body is covered with something like velvety plastic. And also, there are different inscriptions on the body - instead of 'Sigma EX' we have 'TECH 10' and different 'streaks' on the focusing rings. I did not find any other significant differences, although it is worth noting that the Quantaray 50mm 1: 2.8D Macro for Nikon AF, which is presented in this review, has a slight play in the focusing ring, which was not in the 'Sigma' variant. The image quality of both lenses is at a high level :)
Here link to the archive with the originals - 339 MB, 29 photos in .NEF format (RAW) from the camera D700 (FX).
Catalog of modern Sigma lenses can look at this link.
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Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.
I buy everything
$ 150 on ibee for Nikon, for other systems a little cheaper. I wonder why?
Yes interesting :)
I suspect that because of the contact system, you need to embed not just a contact track, but a chip with spring-loaded contacts, well, and then something else.
By the way, usually more expensive are more like Sonic versions.
I always observed that the glass on the Nikon is more expensive. Once because of this, I even wanted to jump on Canon. The review is good. Thanks to Arkady.
And I wonder, share your knowledge
As practice has shown, Nikon optics are a little more expensive than the rest (massively popular), we have verified))) although there is another side to the coin, there aren’t so many used optics under SAPOG. and in some places it’s even more expensive than Nikon. although it all depends on the specific model .. quantarai and sigma are more popular in America than ours. you can often hear (especially from people aged) that I can’t buy Sigma optics in my life, only Nikon! supposedly from Soviet times, Nikon was the standard) well, it's useless to argue))
New Sigma ART escaped much further than Nikon and especially Canon, I mean 24-105, 50 and 35-ku, I use all three on 6D.
Tooting. Sigma ART is nishtyayak!
everyone praises his trough))))) but about the quality of the picture .... that's another story)
Everyone praises their store, and what it sells.
I don’t know how it’s possible) and where is the store? talking about lenses.
you with such a desire to “be bych” and cling not to sit on forums, but to go to the army.
Ps optician selects Arkady, because it does not matter what is sold in it (the store). But it seems that you need to hook up and ulce anyone. It’s necessary to somehow live easier, and simply do not cling to people. You have repeatedly made comments. And the fact that we have a hobby, someone to write, someone to sell, does not make us higher than others. And you are trying to prove the opposite. Moving from each comment to the person. Go better take pictures of trash cans with cans and spread them on 2.0 or 2.8. and make a 6-page contract with them.
I do not hang out as you put it and do not cling. I just copied your message and replaced the word KORYTO with the word STORE. It turns out that to hook and pest YOU STARTED. And I just answered in the SAME manner. Be simpler and people will reach for you. Or maybe he will start to buy something. SUCH advertising (I'm talking about TORCH) is clearly not suitable for you as a store. If my glass is WELL, then what can I say about yours? And don’t tell me what, and WHAT to rent and with what contract, or I’ll tell you WHERE to go, and WHO is your mother.
wow, wow palekhchi) asserted itself! malad)))
there’s nothing to add, I can still address you the same.
Fotika thanks for the lens. Arkady for the test. The lens is just super. Nikkor 105mm. manual. On kenon it is just ... ...
we have a section on the website for reviews))
nice) but I think the comments are not entirely appropriate)))
He draws a good fifty
just great, I wanted to buy one myself.
Thanks for the review.
Delicious picture, wonderful photographer! Thank you for the piece of beauty that I touched here!
Cherry plum and the mulberry tree really liked.
I certainly apologize, but where does such a snot of joy come from? Arkady is undoubtedly a fine fellow, but the lens apart from the master is at least overvalued here in kamenty. Sharp on the open, well, this is a makrik, if it were not sharp, then this is generally rubbish. Drawing, well, I xs, it's fifty dollars, and bokeh from fifty dollars, respectively. It's so sluggish to my taste. Ease of use as a makrikom-only flowers and overeating lazy bees for the same reason is fifty dollars. Glare again. In such layouts, Industar 61 is ten times cheaper with no less sharpness and a drawing with at least character. Well, here as they say it tastes ...
Plus for everything you said Dmitry K. The lens is a rare trash for lovers of OLD, for those photographers who are well over 40 :) And you definitely noticed about Industar, I myself use it instead of makrika and the quality it gives out is no worse, no better. Only the fotika store can praise this device for hours (years), since he sells it, and it is profitable for him to present this NEDO lens in a beautiful light, otherwise he will have to sit with him behind the counter and take pictures of his pennies and not banknotes :) There are glasses and better IMHO including Sigma ART and Nikkor D, Nikkor G which fotika waters Mr.… .nom because they are already on sale from him and Arkady does not need advertising.
PS for the money that fotika asks for this "lens" you can buy Nikkor Af-s 40mm f2.8G DX Macro and a new one and not a used one, which will serve you for a long time and will give you a picture at the exit twice sharper and better.
guys, well EPT, you can't do that! I do not go over to insults, but I speak out on the lens, and you dragged the store. They trade and trade, if you don't want to - don't take it. Instead of seething, we could post pictures with 40 2.8 with links - they say a lens for so much money with such and such a picture. And then I became the instigator of the devil, having opened this thread of "hatred". In general, the lens is not trash, it is just better and cheaper. Maybe someone will buy it from their hands for a penny and will be happy, but you described it in such a way that they say “forget it altogether”
I did not find a single word about "my" lens where I praise it for hours and years. and did not find a single word where I doused someone with something. if you're talking about a "trough" then you didn't want to offend anyone, this is just an allegory, if someone does not know the meaning of this word, then there is probably no point in talking with people at all.
all inflated themselves, as if reading through a line or post.
no need to count our money, we can handle it ourselves)
and your guesses in their heads, that if the store means it is necessary to smack it, because they are evil, they profit from us, and we are poor unfortunates. they are also trying to be clever ... we are all about)
don’t read don’t buy, don’t go to shops, don’t buy bread, don’t go out. remove trash and do not reckon with the opinions of others.
I completely agree with Dmitry K, a person reasonably conveys ideas and words.
and you, Alexander Trekhsotkovich, are clearly dissatisfied with something in this life, and everywhere you are trying to insert your 55kop, without any arguments. and make anti ads.
ps zaponite anti advertising is also advertising.
pps people who want to buy it will at least ask about the bargain, and explain it reasonably. and you have no 40 or 50 fables sculpt. time to grow
for especially gifted read on what conditions the site works, Arkady selects the optics for tests. We do not pay him, but he does. Everything is on trust. Work is essentially for people to read and find out. and our people, as usual, translate everything into personalities and try to show their reasons, saying that gentlemen know everything even without you. then don’t go here, write or read. the person himself pays for the site, hosting, spends time. this is a blog, not an advertising site.
Go take the trash cans yourself. And lenses… .. oh COVERED to people sell B / Y for the price of NEW and PR them that they are BETTER than new ones. And I'm not against shopping. When I need glass, I go to an authorized Nikon dealer and buy a NEW lens there, rather than ordering it from dubious COAT sellers, for whom all photographers shoot on their COVER trash cans. Hamlo has always been and will live in the post-SOVIET space, and such lack of culture as you are proof of that. I just wrote NOT YOU WRITTEN that Sigma ART is good glasses, because I shot with 35mm Sigma ART, and received in response that I SHOOT ON THE COVERED AND PRAISE MY COVERED, and now this hamlo is trying to prove to me that I HIT SOMEONE AND I HIT ???
If you just wrote not “everyone praises his trough” but “everyone praises his lenses”, I would not answer you at all, or simply answered “yes, that's for sure”. No, you should have called my photographic equipment COVERED, and who is after that trash? who then hurts whom and hooks, and anti-advertises?
about the trough-allegory, I answered Mr.G and not you. and it was a joke, with a smile on his face, because forums and comments are created for advice and reasoning. and you, in addition to your pig squeal as you wrote earlier in the topics and foam from the mouth, learn to read and think. and then everything is the same but with brains and attentively, otherwise I am writing to one and you substitute the chest for him, straight Robin - good.
Mr.G wrote and wrote UNDER MY KOMENT, as a result of which I replied to you, when I write to someone I sign YOU are right, etc. And you have a squeal of squeals because you are a pig. Go eat fat!
like in a tank) do not break through ... I was born when the USSR no longer smelled, and you have illusions in your head and you don't read what they write to you. although yes, it's me .... you don't reckon with anyone. I will not stoop to your level anymore. wherever you want there and buy what you want and shoot)
and I didn't switch to you, so it wouldn't hurt you to learn the manners yourself, especially if your numbers (years) differ from mine in a big way. they buy up ancient cameras, and tell people that manual optics (Soviet) are not clear which years are better than Japanese autofocus. wake up. most people take pictures, they are not photographers who climb through trash cans. I can also spend hours talking about the cool SF manual optics, and in every post about the af otics where you left a comment, dilute the srach and say that there is a manual cool optics and your sigmo is 35 1.4 ART is a single piece of gown which in fact has a number of shortcomings, about which Arkady wrote ... and for some people they can become key when choosing. and I, apart from you, do not impose my opinion on anyone and do not sniff it out as you think ..
ps and the proof that you don’t understand people and see only yourself, there is your post about the post space))), criticism itself is good. but you only need to analyze)))
Have a good day for komunyuka) I think after such passions you can be on you, since you took the initiative.
ahahaha so that's where the legs grow, Alexander Trekhsotkovich Muscovite))) everything is clear. I should have introduced myself immediately. tons of text could have been avoided.
Ty zaraz itself zrozumіv schcho saying? I’m not a Muscovite, moreover, my grandmother is Ukrainian (thanks to which I am fluent in Ukrainian). And I have never been and never will be a Nazi, racist, etc., unlike you. I know from personal experience that EVERY nation has a bunch of freaks, and even more good people, I have many friends of different nationalities. And I told you about the lard because I redirected the SWINE SCREAM back to you that you are screaming.
Well, think scho write, as a matter of fact, for that matter. then again I’m talking about pigs, I just took the word with the words “put them in front of you” so don’t throw us all your jokes about fat and sprynyattya svita to you. don’t bachish people around you and don’t put them in your mouth, then mandry with foxes and don’t feel sick, otherwise I’ll bachazat the same kid.
Well, I'm Muscovite. Mordva by a third.
Why svidomitomu itchy?
My friends. In this case, I'm not going to either blame this fifty kopeck piece, or raise it to heaven. For Dmitry K-what we have: quite sharp in the center and around the edges on the open, the contrast of norms, the color rendition without special remarks, Well, the bokeh is for an amateur, as usual, especially from fifty dollars, especially 2.8. An ordinary, not bad fifty. There are a lot of such middle peasants (read workhorses) produced by different companies. But 3-4 pictures in the review are good, you must agree, gentlemen. He is not allowed to sit on Olympus , of course, but also the title of "rare trash", as someone wrote, he, by God, did not deserve ... ... Maybe I'm wrong in something? However, this is my personal opinion. And in order to bring all of US to the ground, I I suggest that Arkady do the following. Raise your archives and upload one unpublished photograph, say, from different fifty dollars on the open one. And we will determine where is "rubbish" and where is "brulik". I assure all of you, "everything will mix in the Oblonskys' house." .)
A very reasonable proposal. "Glass" disputes can be endless. I don’t know what it depends on, but sometimes you “fuck” some kind of macro with the old Jupiter-11 with debris in the glasses, almost not rotating, mounted on a mirrorless camera, you sit down to develop and gasp - BEAUTY ... Then you crawl half a day with Nikon and a branded makrik to repeat. It seems that everything is the same, even better, but no - the song does not go, and it turns out dull amno. Arkady always correctly notes that the photographer is the first to shoot. And the photographer, as you know, and the mood is, there is no inspiration.
Well, I actually wrote that, there are good pictures, I do not argue. But the key phrase is “in isolation from the master”)))) But the master himself is lost somewhere and does not see what kind of a booth without him ... Snow Maiden! ugh, Arkady! where are you?! it's time to clean the stones here
That's it! Inspiration and skill. And the lens is just a tool. With one and the same hammer, one will hammer a nail into the board, and the other will hammer a lump on his head.
Listen guys, you, because of a piece of plastic, iron and glass, have arranged a political-historical personality srach. And both are wrong, what difference does anyone take with what. There are those who have been living and not worrying with a whale all their life, but there are lovers of a brand new, not yet tried one, someone has money for their photo wishes, and someone does not. Is it really necessary to swear at a person if he cannot buy a camera or a lens at a higher price? And again, if someone is discussing an old manual, this does not mean that he is necessarily a retired Muscovite from the USSR. Well, you never know what anyone likes. Well, here I am over forty, and what am I, in your opinion, an old fart who is not thinking? Yes, I was born in the USSR, and an Orthodox Christian with 4 children. But now I think that not many people today remember, not that they use, such garbage as DOS, and the site can easily be written in HTML pens without templates, and I have new lenses, but here you go, I wanted a fix not expensive 200 mm f4 Nikon try, try, read reviews and wanted 70-210 f4 done. Previously, I wanted a 20mm shirik Nikon, an old manual, but now I think about the new 18-55, I actively use Helios 81-n, I like it.
So, am I an old man? 10 years ago, as I was a geek, I have remained so. In general, fotika, and Alexander Trehsotkovich, your squabble offends everyone in a row, and if fotika comments on this blog relatively recently, Trehsotkovich has already firmly established his reputation as a brawler. By the way, about nikon d300s, at one time I reviewed all the programs of Scott Kelby and Mat Kloskowski and I liked how the guys praised nikon products, without prejudice to each model. So you should know, Trehsotkovich, after your "advertisement" at the mention of d300s, it turns me back from my heart. This is the kind of ad you made to your favorite technique.
p. s. There are not so many resources on the Internet with such a detailed description of photographic equipment, and if with our squabbles we discourage the good guy from doing good to people, how it will be annoying, sorry and insulting.
Sorry, I could not stand it.
I support. I am 26, born in the USSR, also a Catholic-Christian, and also not a Muscovite-pensioner, and I also made my own website in HTML. And I scandal only when they write to me that I praise my COVERED (as fotika called my photographic equipment, see above) God knows that I'm not the first srach to start here, but Arkady forgive me, I just “fought off” the uncultured. Be polite. I am silent until the first location. Zzzz ...
Sorry, it’s not clear what exactly you support. You understand, I hope that I practically accuse you of two things, namely that you offend other participants in the correspondence and do anti-advertising of Nikon products in the form of a d300c camera.
Again, make a scandal when you are offended by the "trough", what will you order me and others to do when you cursed my equipment in every possible way with sophistication? (I am a very happy owner of d7100).
I noticed that it is impossible for him to write a long text, he is either for or like a Baba Yaga - against. he stupidly does not read what they write to him, or does not understand the meaning of words.
Ray cries :)
Lamery is indestructible, alas ... (hand - face)
I won’t praise myself that I can, and say when I was born, but in defense of myself (not the store) I’ll say that I didn’t go over to the person and didn’t call anyone (first 2 topics). the atom that 300ovich reads through the line and then comes up with insults to himself, his problems. + besides, not me, not the store did not give a single specific comment with praises and comments on the account of the goods (if you carefully re-read everything)
from everything (as comrade Yarkiy correctly noted) of the political-historical personality srach, I realized that it’s profitable for a sachet with 300 hundredth to prove something to someone, and it doesn’t matter what.
For flame another similar topic has opened
Thank God the owner came home. I hope he has a broom or a shovel from a shovel.
Apparently, everything is really bad in their heads, if they have arranged a srach on the joy ... (((
I bought myself the same one but it does not have it in the lower part of the aperture scale .. is that right? ... in the photo from the review it is
Version probably for Canon?