According provided by Nikon 80-200mm AF Nikkor 1: 4.5-5.6D lens huge thanks to Alexey Yarysh.
Nikon 80-200mm AF Nikkor 1: 4.5-5.6D - an old full-frame 'telephoto', produced from 1991 to 1999, after which it was replaced by the same unpretentious Nikon 75-240mm AF Nikkor 1: 4.5-5.6D. Both lenses are considered the most primitive autofocus 'telephoto' for full-frame cameras.
Usually, if they say 'Nikkor 80-200', they mean high-aperture 'zooms' of the 80-200 / 2.8 class, but in this case, Nikon 80-200mm AF Nikkor 1: 4.5-5.6D with its modest maximum has entered the ranks of powerful professional lenses. aperture F / 4.5-5.6, while the lens, of course, does not have any image stabilizer. Nikon 80-200mm AF Nikkor 1: 4.5-5.6D is the only Nikkor lens of its class, basically all 'dark' telephoto lenses have a 70 (75) -300 mm focal length range.

Nikon 80-200mm AF Nikkor 1: 4.5-5.6D when focusing on MDF and 200 mm focal length (maximum trunk length)
The Nikon 80-200 / 4.5-5.6D AF body is all made of plastic, including the bayonet. Even the ribbed surface of the zoom ring is not made of rubber, but has a plastic, not so pleasant to the touch, design. But the lens turned out to be very light - only 330 grams, and also very small. With a slight shaking, you can hear the knocking of the lens trunk and some of its insides.
Surprisingly, the Nikon 80-200 / 4.5-5.6D AF has fast auto focus. The retry time of the focus ring from infinity to MDF and back is exactly the same as Nikon 70-300mm f / 4.5-5.6G IF ED AF-S VR Nikkor. During focusing, the front lens rotates with the trunk of the lens and drives forward. In manual focus mode, the ring rotates 90 degrees. The ring itself is very narrow, plastic, working with it is not particularly pleasant. When changing the focal length, the trunk of the lens lengthens, but does not rotate, and the rear lens moves, driving air through the insides of the camera and lens.
There is no focus mode switch on the lens, the transition to manual focus and vice versa is carried out using the switch on the camera, which is located near the camera mount.
In the lens, I did not like the minimum focusing distance, which is as much as 1.5 meters. Also, there are practically no useful markings on the lens. In addition, Nikon 80-200 / 4.5-5.6D AF has the smallest zoom ratio of any such 'dark' lens.

dimensions Nikon 18-55mm 1: 3.5-5.6GII VR II AF-S DX Nikkor and Nikon 80-200mm AF Nikkor 1: 4.5-5.6D
The lens has an aperture control ring. For the lens to start working normally on modern Nikon cameras, you need to set the F / 32 value using the aperture control ring on the lens itself and fix it with a special lever (it is orange in color, it is easy to find on the lens near the aperture control ring). After such a manipulation, it will be possible to control the aperture from the camera, like with modern lenses, in more detail in the section Non-G Lenses. The lens transmits the focusing distance, while there should be no problems when using it with modern Nikon SpeedLight flashes.

Nikon ED AF Nikkor 80-200mm 1: 2.8D (MKII) and Nikon 80-200mm AF Nikkor 1: 4.5-5.6D
It's important: auto focus with this lens is available only when using him on cameras with built-in motor focusing.
Exact list Nikon DSLR cameras with a built-in focus motor, on which this lens will focus automatically:
- D1, D1h, D1x, D2x, D2xs, D2h, D2hs
- D3, D3x, D3s, D4, D4s, D5, D6
- Df
- D50, D70, D70s, D80, D90
- D7000, D7100, D7200,D7500
- D100, D200, D300, D300s,D500
- D600, D610, D750, D780
- D700, D800,D800E, D810, D810a, D850
- Fujifilm FinePix S1 Pro, S2 Pro, S3 ProS3 Pro UVIR, S5 ProIS Pro
- Kodak DCS PRO 14n, DCS Pro SLR/n
Exact list Nikon DSLR cameras without a built-in focus motor, on which this lens will not focus automatically:
Only auto focus and sound confirmation of focus will not work with these cameras, all other important functions, such as automatic exposure metering and automatic iris control, will work well.
You will find a lot of useful information on the types of cameras and lenses Nikon here.

Nikon 80-200mm AF Nikkor 1: 4.5-5.6D on ZK Nikon AF N8008S
I believe that for Nikon DX crop cameras, instead of Nikon 80-200 / 4.5-5.6D AF, it is much better Nikon AF-S DX Nikkor ED 55-200mm 1: 4-5.6G SWM and its updated version Nikon DX AF-S Nikkor 55-200mm 1: 4-5.6G ED VR IF. For full-length cameras you can find inexpensive Nikon AF Nikkor 70-300mm 1: 4-5.6G or Nikon AF Nikkor 70-210 1: 4-5.6.

Nikon 80-200mm AF Nikkor 1: 4.5-5.6D on ZK Nikon AF N8008S
The lens, for its super-modest price, is even very good. In terms of sharpness, a little weak at 80 and 200 mm. 200 mm pincushion distortion is noticeable. On open diaphragms, especially 80 mm, vignetting is visible. Personally, I didn’t like the lens at all, most televisions with a maximum range of 300 mm are much more interesting.
Here link to the archive with the originals - 456 MB, 34 photos in .NEF format (RAW) from the camera D700 (FX).
All Original Similar Nikon FX Telephoto Lenses
Below is a list of all Nikon Nikkor telephoto lenses without high aperture and with auto focus support:
- Nikon AF Nikkor 70-210mm 1: 4, 1986-1987
- Nikon AF Nikkor 70-210mm 1:4-5.6, 1987-1993
- Nikon AF Nikkor 75-300mm 1:4.5-5.6, 1989-1998
- Nikon AF Nikkor 80-200mm 1:4.5-5.6D, 1991-1999
- Nikon AF Nikkor 70-210mm 1:4-5.6D, 1993-2000
- Nikon AF Micro Nikkor 70-180mm 1: 4.5-5.6D ED, 1997-2005
- Nikon AF Nikkor 75-240mm 1:4.5-5.6D, 1999-2000
- Nikon AF Nikkor 70-300mm 1:4-5.6D ED, 1998-2006
- Nikon AF Nikkor 70-300mm 1:4-5.6D, 1998-2006 (?)
- Nikon AF Nikkor 70-300mm 1:4-5.6G, from 2000 to 2014, black or silver
- Nikon AF S Nikkor 70-300mm 1:4.5-5.6G ED VR IF SWM, from 2006 to 2017
- Nikon AF S Nikkor 70-200mm 1: 4G ED SWM VR IF N Nano Crystal Coat, from 2012 to the present day
- Nikon AF-P Nikkor 70-300mm 1:4.5-5.6E VR ED, 2017 to present
The names of the lenses are indicated according to their spelling on the case.
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Nikon 80-200mm AF Nikkor 1: 4.5-5.6D is the most simple, very light and generally 'average' telezoom for full-format cameras. For its so low (in the secondary market) price, it gives a pretty decent image and is suitable for simple photo tasks with sufficient lighting :)
Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.
What do you think, an old 28-200 will not be better? Well, in the sense, both there and there plastic, and there and there a dark zoom, but in 28-200 but focal universal
28-200 there are two models, G and D. I believe that this 80-200 in its range will be better than generalists in the same range.
In your opinion, which is better, this one or 70-210 Af F4?
70-210 / 4 on the same 4,5-5,6 will be much better.
Plus. I shot it like that on 70-210 Af F4 (I took it from a friend). If you do not need aperture 2.8, then it is gorgeous and sharp and the picture gives a beautiful one, and its metal case is very durable. And most importantly, a friend bought it on ebay for $ 60 !!! I shot on the version of the tambour, which you need to pull out to zoom.
The tamper version is not 70-210 / 4, but 70-210 / 4-5,6D or 70-210 / 4-5,6 (this is ) Also a good lens.
Exactly, thanks.
There was a review and d-shnoy version
Recently, Arkady you began to shoot differently. Everything became saturated and ringing became sharp, especially on the previews on the site. Can you tell me your Picture Control settings?
I'm just not pushing ADL right now. SD mode with basic settings, only increased saturation by 1 position and sharpness.
I mean do not press on ADL? turn it on in the camera?
Yes :)
Thanks for the review, very informative)) I learned how to understand xD photographic equipment on your site
Thanks to Arkady for the next review.
Right now, Iznurenkov will be pulled into comments))) And he will say that the plastic mount is not comme il faut) They say it is not known how the plastic mount will behave after 325 years, when my great-great-great-grandchildren will remove weddings on it)))
But the photos of Arkady (or rather their quality) for this lens in the review is even nothing. Despite the plastic and the cheapness of this glass. I also always wanted to ask Arkady a question: “Arkady, having so much experience in using different glasses, what set would you recommend based on the price-quality ratio, that is, I mean those photographers who do not earn from photography, or do not earn so much as in the capitals, that is, a kind of inexpensive set (necessarily autofocus), which will block all the focal (but will be fast) + 1 best portrait glass (without autofocus) ”Thank you in advance for your answer.
Sorry that got in, but suddenly helps. I mainly shoot reports. On the street, the aperture ratio is not needed, in the room it saves puff. I shoot 85% of the time at 18-55, another 10% at 55-200, the remaining 5% at 50mm. The zooms are dark, but for reporting, as I have already said, it is not critical. But it costs a penny and beats off its value after 5-7 reports, and the quality is very high.
Are you shooting a wedding? I've tried it, I do not like the grayness of the picture. It is then necessary to finish strongly in Photoshop. And the flash power is not always enough with a hole 8.0 (I have seven hundred) Therefore, I am struggling with fixes
I’ve never rented a wedding and am not going to - an eerie occupation, obviously not for me :)
Alexander, flood less. Each photographer himself must decide what suits him, since everyone has different tasks, some even do not need a portrait.
OK. And thanks for that Arkady.
Hello Arkady! The question is not the topic, but all the same - do you use a battery pack for any reason (convenience, speed, appearance :), etc.)? If so, constantly dressed or occasionally.
I do not like battery packs, but still they are very convenient and make life easier at times when shooting in a vertical (portrait) orientation, the d700 has Meike, a copy of the native battlock.
why don’t you like buttocks? heavy?
They attract extra attention, not as convenient as the built-in handles on the TOP cameras, and yet yes, they add extra weight.
Without video review :(
And by the way. How long does it take to write an article and how long does it take to create a video?
The review takes a couple of days. You need to write a text, subtract it, wait for revisions from the reviewers (Lynx and company), take examples (a lot of time), sort through examples, prepare preview images with impressive EXIF data, upload it all to the site, take purely test shots to understand the capabilities of the lens / cameras, re-view the lens itself, prepare thumbnail previews of the lens with a watermark, put links from other related reviews to a new review, fill in the cloud, go to the mail to send the lens, or wait half a day to meet a person who wants to give equipment for review, listen
very smartcomments, watch a couple of anime series, calm down and tweak the article. The video is generally a different story.very clever comments by the lens owner?))))) and what anime? ))))
And this is offtopic :)
well ... however, I have already figured out the "melancholy of haruhi suzumiya" and "evangelion")))
by the way, since it's offtopic, then I just can't resist - I'm releasing such a comic magazine 24 pages, plans still on the basis of Eve and Horo to do this. Who cares, write in a personal.
Lol but a couple of errors in the text
It was the zero (if you understand me) version :) here is the 4th or 5th
Sorry Trekhsotkovich not in the subject :)
With the official representative of Canon in Ukraine, it is more or less clear, but what about the official representative of Nikon in Ukraine? With such a powerful advertising of its products, doesn’t it really show interest in supporting the project, at least providing products for reviews, or maybe there are small discounts when mentioning the Radozhiv website at the time of purchase?
We are not yet selling for all sorts of discounts :) and as far as I know, Nikon's department in Ukraine is very “poor”.
good review, thanks!
Good evening! Tell me, be a weasel, skіlki mozhe vartuvati such an asset in a good camp? Dyakoy!
1400-1500 UAH will be on the open space OLX