Quantaray for Nikon AF 28-90mm D 1: 3.5-5.6 Macro Multi-Coated Aspherical Review

According provided by Quantaray lens for Nikon AF 28-90mm D 1: 3.5-5.6 Macro Multi-Coated Asherical many thanks to Alexander Zhdanov.

Quantaray for Nikon AF 28-90mm D 1: 3.5-5.6 Macro Multi-Coated Aspherical Review

Quantaray for Nikon AF 28-90mm D 1: 3.5-5.6 Macro Multi-Coated Aspherical Review

The Quantaray for Nikon AF 28-90mm D 1: 3.5-5.6 Macro Multi-Coated Aspherical is a complete copy of the Sigma Zoom 28-90mm 1: 3.5-5.6 Macro. I got a version for Nikon cameras. For Nikon cameras, the lens is an analog FX, AF, D the lens.

Quantaray for Nikon AF 28-90mm D 1: 3.5-5.6 Macro

Quantaray for Nikon AF 28-90mm D 1: 3.5-5.6 Macro

The lens is made in Japan, but to the touch, due to the plastic focusing ring, the lens does not seem very reliable. However, the Quantaray 28-90mm Macro has a metal mount. The zoom ring is rubberized and rotates easily and smoothly. When zooming, the lens trunk moves in a wave-like fashion - from 28 to 50 mm it hides, and from 50 to 90 mm it moves forward again. The lens can use a hood, but the Quantaray 28-90mm Macro came to my review without it.

When using the Quantaray 28-90mm Macro on Nikon DX cameras, it EGF will be 42-135 mm. In my opinion, for cropped cameras, the lens is only interesting for the presence of a macro mode. It does not make sense to buy it as a regular crop lens due to the fact that the ability to fully use the wide angle at the extreme position of the focal length is lost.

Quantaray for Nikon AF 28-90mm D 1: 3.5-5.6 Macro

Quantaray for Nikon AF 28-90mm D 1: 3.5-5.6 Macro

The lens has aperture control ring (in the photo, the ring is easy to recognize by two rows of numbers: from F / 3.5 to F / 22). To control the value aperture of any modern TsKK Nikonneed to install ring aperture to the value F / 22 and fix it with a special button, which is located on the aperture ring to the right of the numbers. If this is not done, the 'fEE' error will appear on the camera display. This ring is needed to control the aperture on old film cameras (described in more detail in the section Non-G Nikon Lenses).

Auto focus with Quantaray for Nikon AF 28-90mm D 1: 3.5-5.6 Macro Multi-Coated Aspherical lens available only when used with cameras with built-in motor focusing. An exact and complete list of Nikon CZKs that support automatic focusing with similar lenses can be found in the 'Auto focus on Nikon cameras'.

Quantaray for Nikon AF 28-90mm D 1: 3.5-5.6 Macro

Quantaray for Nikon AF 28-90mm D 1: 3.5-5.6 Macro

The Quantaray 28-90mm Macro features a 'Normal Macro at 90' focusing distance limiter that doubles as a macro switch. Macro mode is enabled only when the lens focal length is set to 90mm. After switching to macro mode, you cannot rotate the zoom ring, because it becomes locked at the extreme value. The macro mode button is small and awkward.

In normal mode, a focusing range from infinity to 0.47 m is available, in 'Macro' mode the minimum focusing distance is reduced to 0.3 m, while you can shoot with a maximum magnification of 1: 2.3, which is very, very good. The lens barrel has a focusing distance scale as well as a zoom scale in macro mode. The DOF scale for F / 8, 16, 22 and the 'R' mark are also in place.

Auto focusing in normal 'N - Normal' mode is very fast. Focusing is slightly slower at 90mm than at 28mm. Focus speed is average in 'Macro at 90' mode. It's nice that in macro mode, the autofocus speed is sufficient for comfortable work. Fast focusing speed is achieved by a small stroke of the focus ring, which rotates only 30 degrees in 'Normal' mode and 60 degrees in 'Macro at 90' mode. However, manual focusing is difficult for the same reason. It's a pity, but when focusing, the front lens rotates and moves back and forth. At the same time, when the focal length is changed, the front lens does not rotate.

The aperture consists of 9 blades and closes to F / 22 @ 28mm and F / 36 @ 90mm. On camera Nikon D700 в EXIF the maximum focal length equal to 92 mmmost likely these are just problems with programming the contacts of the lens microprocessor. It’s also very interesting that in EXIF the lens is indicated exactly as'Sigma 28-90mm F3.5-5.6 Macro', apparently the marketers were too lazy to simply reprogram the chips for' Quantaray '.

Quantaray for Nikon AF 28-90mm D 1: 3.5-5.6 Macro

Quantaray for Nikon AF 28-90mm D 1: 3.5-5.6 Macro

The lens name contains the inscription 'Multi-Coated', usually for autofocus optics they do not write about the presence of multi-coating, because it has historically happened that almost all lenses have it by default. The inscription 'Multi-Coated' is more typical for old manual optics, but for modern lenses, if they want to indicate the presence of multi-coating, they immediately indicate its type, or abbreviate it to an abbreviation. For example, the twin brother - Sigma Zoom 28-90mm 1: 3.5-5.6 Macro in its designation does not have indications of multi-coating, for this is already obvious. I think for the Quantaray 28-90mm Macro the 'Multi-Coated' label serves more as a kind of 'enticement'. Also on the lens barrel you can find the inscription 'Aspherical', which indicates the presence of aspherical elements in the optical scheme of the lens, I did not find the layout of the optical scheme itself.

In terms of image quality, the lens is weak, especially on open apertures, where chromatic aberrationthat greatly spoil the impression of the lens. But if you close the aperture to F / 8 and above, then the sharpness comes back to normal. Due to the low aperture and not the best indicators of image quality, they sell such a lens cheaply, in the region from 30 to 100 cu Of course, if you try, then with the Quantaray 28-90mm Macro you can get wonderful photos, the only question is that sometimes you have to tinker with the photo a little longer than usual :).

If you are looking for a good and inexpensive similar lens for a full-size camera, I advise you to take a look at Nikon AF Nikkor 28-85mm 1: 3.5-4.5 Macro and Nikon AF NIKKOR 28-105mm 1: 3.5-4.5D Macro. Here link to the archive with the originals - 187 MB, 20 photos, photo parameters in the archive and gallery are indicated here.

List of all Nikon FX 28-XXX autofocus lenses:

The catalog of modern universal lenses for Nikon can be see here.

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Quantaray for Nikon AF 28-90mm D 1: 3.5-5.6 Macro Multi-Coated Aspherical is a simple universal lens for full-frame cameras with 3,2x zoom, weak aperturebut with a good macro mode.

Also see the overview of the previous version - Quantaray for Nikon AF 28-90mm D 1: 3.5-5.6 Multi-Coated Aspherical.

Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.

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Comments: 5, on the topic: Quantaray for Nikon AF 28-90mm D 1 review: 3.5-5.6 Macro Multi-Coated Aspherical

  • Hleb

    as for me, it is not very sharp) but as I saw its price is not great from 35 to 50 dollars, justifies for its price, in one word "not bad"

  • Vova

    Photos with a cup and a book are gorgeous! Thanks for the review :)

  • R'RёS,R ° F "RёR№

    here is Arkady, from nifiga-a napkin

  • Alexander

    How nice to see your lens on the pages of your favorite site). Quantaray, as I understood from the Internet, this is Sigma only for the American market, and since the lens came to me precisely from overseas, there is nothing surprising here. In general, I bought a camera (d200), and this Quantaray, as I understand it, stood on it instead of the native whale, therefore I regard it as a bonus, even though the native whale (18-70) will be better. Thanks Arkady for the review!

  • Maksim

    The mount on this lens is not metal, but matte plastic painted in silver. That is, maybe, by some miracle, metal (Sigma had models where the mount material varied), but at least 90% is plastic.

    It would be good to measure the minimum focusing distance, and not rewrite it from the lens distance scale. The table of characteristics does not indicate 30 cm, but 29, and I believe her more than the inscriptions on the scale.

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