Sometimes a photographer has a lot of pictures sent to the basket because he accidentally touches one of the camera controls, does not notice this, and then takes a long time on the wrong settings.
When I shoot a lot during the day, I often touch the main dial for selecting shooting modes. Very often, I shoot in mode A (aperture priority) and accidentally touch the selection dial, after which it switches to either M mode (manual mode) or S mode (priority mode excerpts), after which I continue shooting with the wrong mode. Sometimes it’s possible to shoot like that for half a day and only then, when viewing material on the camera’s display, something is wrong. Very often, this inconvenience happened to me on all cameras that have a similar control dial, for example, Nikon D90, D80, D40, Canon 350D etc. It's good that modern advanced cameras have added a special lock for switching modes, which blocks the disc from accidental "scrolling". But professional cameras do not have such a mode dial, and therefore such an error does not arise at all. For example, in older Nikon cameras such as Nikon D3s, D800 the dedicated 'Mode' button is used to select the shooting mode, and to select the mode, rotate the main selector.
Also, sometimes I accidentally hit one of the selectors responsible for tuning excerpts or aperture, which can also lead to loss of quality or complete loss of the picture. For example, in inexpensive studios excerpt Studio flash sync is typically 1/160 or 1/125 s. In the studio, shooting usually takes place in M mode with a clearly defined shutter speed and aperture. Sometimes I accidentally hit the main selector responsible for the value excerpts, and change it from 1/160 to 1/200 of a second and keep shooting. By ear, the difference in the shutter noise of 1/160 and 1/200 is impossible to determine, but for 1/200 of a second I get stripes in the pictures, or some of the flashes simply do not have time to fire and violate the entire light scheme. After viewing the footage on a computer, I am very upset. But recently I found a “cure” for such a problem. Some cameras, for example the same Nikon D700 has the function F8 - 'Blocking out. and diaph. '. In the function menu, the value can be locked excerpts and / or diaphragm, and thus protect yourself from accidental changes. After locking, next to the selected mode appears the icon 'L' (from 'Lock' - 'lock'). This feature is useful to me not only in the studio, but also for shooting subjects in a light cube.
If you have such a function in your camera, please unsubscribe in the comments.
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Thank you for attention. Arkady Shapoval.
in nikon d3100 there is only an exposure lock button for automatic modes, and there is no such item in the menu for manual mode
The Canon 60D has such a feature. A separate button is responsible for it. Exp. Compensation lock in P / Tv / Av and apertures in M and Bulb mode.
and also in nikon d700 there is such a problem with switching focus, M, S, C - I did not immediately notice that I switched, and you can take a couple of frames without focus, in my opinion there are no locks left only calmness and control))) there were such There were no problems, but there are some troubles in it, two important and inseparable moments in priority, control of the plot and control of technology, I keep such a fixator in my head.
In the older monitors from Canon (1D, 1Ds, 1D mk II, 1Ds mk II) there are no problems with fixing it up, because they didn’t say anything about abnormal management, but for the truth everyone is happy with it manually - if you want it like that. , the smut zviknuti, and the lyudin, yak vіdomo, to all the soundє.
The Pentax k20d has X mode for syncing with flashes.
There is such a problem of buva, inkoli viymaєsh svіy D90 і hooked on the mode disk, infecting viimati so that you can’t reckon yogo.
Nikon D7000 - there is such a problem, I come across sometimes. We have to pull ourselves up more often, to double-check periodically. I ran through the menu, I did not find the blockage (f8 - blocking the descent without a card).
Nikon F5 - there is no disc, the Mode button controls the choice of modes. No problem :-)
Nikon D200 doesn't have such an item in the menu ...
The Nikon D3000 has an automatic shutter speed limit when wearing a flash.
As soon as you put on a flash, you can’t wind it less than 1/200 in any mode, conveniently.
In the D40 this was not and for a long time I could not understand where the black stripes came from :)
In fact, in d40, when wearing a native external flash, a 1/500 s limit also appears.
The D7100 has latches. Conveniently. :)
To be honest, I don’t remember ever having problems with what exactly touched the disc (s), didn’t feel it and, as a result, did not shoot like that. More often there was a problem that I was shooting in the same conditions - everything was fine, but then I put the camera in my bag, and there was a need to quickly remove something, and the settings were old ...
But with the touch on the lenses (especially on the whale and fifty dollars) of the focus switching mode when getting out of the bag, it's still a regular adventure.
I wanted to stick black electrical tape)
come up with your own "porblemi" people. Correct your head, and you will be clean.
I know a few words - start all the rules
Prof. Nikon's series (for example, my D2Xs) have an L button (located on the top of the wheel, where bracketing and flash settings are). We hold the button, spin the wheel we need (which we want to block) once - and voila! There is a lock near the desired parameter, and no matter how you twist the wheel, nothing will change until the lock is removed.
On the nikon D5200, the aperture does not open to f3,5, but closes to f22 which are not. Tell me what to do?
manual mode does not work on nikon d3300?
maybe something blocked?
What to do?
Arkady, tell me please, on the D7100, the wheel lock of the mode selector, the one that M, A, S, etc., has stopped working . Those. the wheel spins without pressing the latch. The lower mode switch works as before by pressing the corresponding button. Did I somehow disconnect this latch, or did it break? The camera mileage is a funny 15K positives.
Thank you
I won’t say for 7100, but for some cameras this lock is blocked. Unlock by pressing again.
Good evening, please help me with a good Nikon f5 camera. For some reason, the shooting mode dial does not rotate, the latch is pressed, but you also have the rotary selector wheel. But on the display I’m doing such nonsense 1.8 or other values of the aperture need to scroll the aperture wheel thank you in advance for your help, maybe this could be
That the device was lying for a long time did not use it.
Along the way, the Nikon f5 in the user menu has such a lock function three wheels shooting mode, the next two are shutter speed and aperture
On Nikon D5 this is the F3 function. You can lock both shutter speed and aperture.