Review Super-Multi-Coated Takumar 1: 3.5 / 28 Asahi Opt. Co., Japan

According provided by Super-Multi-Coated Takumar 1: 3.5 / 28 Asahi Opt. Co., Japan huge thanks to Eugene Karakuts.

Review Super-Multi-Coated Takumar 1: 3.5 / 28 Asahi Opt. Co., Japan

Review Super-Multi-Coated Takumar 1: 3.5 / 28 Asahi Opt. Co., Japan

Super-Multi-Coated Takumar 1: 3.5 / 28 Asahi Opt. Co., Japan - Film Wide Angle Fixed. Like most 'Takumar' lenses, this review is very well made - everything is made of glass and metal, even the front cover is metal. The lens is small, the thread for the old standard filter is 49 mm.

The lens was available in several versions with different optical illumination and with a different body design.

SMC Takumar 3.5 28

SMC Takumar 3.5 28

How to use with modern cameras?

Lenses with mounting thread M42 (M42 X 1 / 45.5), such as the lens from this review, are very easy to use on almost any modern digital camera (both SLR and mirrorless), for this it is enough to choose the right adapter (adapter). You do not need to carry out any additional steps to modify the lens.

The cheapest adapters can be found at There are adapters (adapters) with a chip that provide more convenience during shooting, usually chips are used to confirm focus and / or metering exposure, and form the correct EXIF. The chip does not affect the image quality in any way.

For some SLR cameras (for example, with the Nikon F-mount), you need to use adapters with a corrective lens, which allows you to focus correctly at all focusing distances. For any mirrorless cameras, such a lens is not needed, and the adapter is a simple decorated hollow metal tube with an appropriate mount.

For SLR cameras

  1. Canon: For cameras Canon EOS with bayonet mount EF / EF-S need an M42-Canon EOS adapter, such an adapter with a chip can be found herewithout chip here.
  2. NIKON: For cameras Nikon DX / FXas well as for cameras Fujifilm и Kodak with a Nikon F mount, you need an M42-Nikon F adapter, you can buy such an adapter without a lens and a chip here, with a lens without a chip herewith chip without lens here, with lens and chip here. Why a lens? Why chip?
  3. PENTAX: For Pentax cameras with K mount, you need an M42-Pentax K adapter, you can buy such an adapter here.
  4. SONY/MINOLTA: For cameras with a Sony / Minolta A mount, you need the M42-Sony A adapter, you can find such an adapter without a chip at this linkwith a chip at this link.
  5. OLYMPUS/PANASONIC/LEICA: For cameras with a 4/3 bayonet mount (not to be confused with Micro 4/3!) You need an M42-4 / 3 adapter, you can buy such an adapter here.

For mirrorless cameras

  1. SONY: For cameras with 'E'/'FE' mount series SonyNEX и Sony Alpha you need an adapter M42-Sony E (aka M42-Sony Nex), you can find it at this link. An autofocus adapter is also available for these cameras. Techart PRO Leica M - Sony E Autofocus Adapterwhich can be found at this link.
  2. OLYMPUS / PANASONIC / KODAK / XIAOMI: For cameras with a bayonet mount Micro 4/3 (Micro 4:3) you need an adapter M42-Micro 4/3, you can find it at this link.
  3. CANON M: For cameras with Canon EF-M mount need adapter M42-Canon M, it can be found at this link.
  4. CANON R and RF-S: For cameras with Canon RF mount need adapter M42-Canon R, it can be found at this link.
  5. Nikon 1: For cameras Nikon 1 Series need adapter M42-Nikon 1, you can find it at this link.
  6. Nikon Z: For cameras Nikon Z series (FX/DX) need an adapter M42-Nikon Z, it can be found at this link.
  7. FUJIFILM X: For cameras with mount X need an M42-Fuji X adapter, you can find it at this link.
  8. FUJIFILM GFX: For medium format cameras G-mount need M42-Fuji GFX adapter, you can find it at this link.
  9. SAMSUNG: For cameras with NX mount, you need an M42-Samsung NX adapter, you can find it at this link. There are no adapters for the NX mini camera yet.
  10. PENTAX: For Q-mount cameras, you need an M42-Pentax Q adapter, you can find it at this link.
  11. SIGMA / PANASONIC / LEICA: For cameras with L mount you need an M42-Leica L adapter, you can find it at this link.
  12. LEICA: For cameras with a bayonet mount Leica M need adapter M42-L / M, you can find it at this link.

If you have any questions on compatibility and adapters - ask in the comments (comments do not require any registration at all).

I used Takumar 3.5 / 28 on camera Canon 350D via adapter M42 - Canon EOS with a chip, the adapter is programmed for 50 mm F / 2.0, so don't be surprised at the performance EXIF of originals.

SMC Takumar 3.5 28

SMC Takumar 3.5 28

The objective lenses are highly multi-coated (SMC: Super-Multi-Coated). On the lens barrel you can find the aperture mode switch - 'Man./Auto'. On the review unit, the switch was stuck in the 'Auto' position, but the adapter allowed me to still use manual aperture control with the aperture ring. As befits an old quality lens, the Takumar 3.5 / 28 has all the necessary marks on its body. The minimum focusing distance is 40 cm, the front lens does not rotate when focusing.

SMC Takumar 3.5 28

SMC Takumar 3.5 28

But the diaphragm has only 5 blades and closes only to F / 16. The lens is weak, as for fixation, aperture. Actually, versions of Takumar 35/2 are of more interest.

SMC Takumar 3.5 28

SMC Takumar 3.5 28

Here link to the archive with the originalsand - 153 MB, photo parameters in the archive are indicated here, shooting was made using protective filter Vivitar 49mm UV Haze Japan.

SMC Takumar 3.5 28

View SMC Takumar 3.5 28 on the ZK

On closed apertures, the lens is sharp, but closer to the edges of the frame, the sharpness drops noticeably, and chromatic aberration increase to an incredible level.

Sample photo

Sample photo

Also, I did not find any particular flavor in the lens “drawing”.

Sample photo

Sample photo

When used on a cropped camera Canon 350D the lens seemed pretty useless to me.

Sample photo

Sample photo. Maybe winter will come to Kiev :)

Bokeh lens on MDF and open aperture

Bokeh lens on MDF and open aperture

Catalog of modern Pentax lenses can look at this link.

Comments on this post do not require registration. Anyone can leave a comment.

Brick wall to check distortion

Brick wall to check distortion level :)

Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.

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Comments: 21, on the topic: Review of Super-Multi-Coated Takumar 1: 3.5 / 28 Asahi Opt. Co., Japan

  • Oleg V.

    There was such a mediocre shirk

  • Madness scif

    type lettering - Super-Multi-Coated Mlyn - as in Chinese consumer goods.

  • Novel

    Here, information was skipping across the Internet, a little bit radioactive, there was a slight background. Lots of rumors about strong radioactivity are clearly too high.

    • Do_Oraemon

      It seems to be like adding some kind of active isotope of something to the glass. But pay close attention to this type: AAA !!! WE ALL WILL DIE!!! not necessary. There is a minuscule that does not affect anything at all.

      • Novel

        About the radioactivity of the past, the background may not be significant, though I’m not yet. I want to remember so for sports and statistics.
        In the є sub ’bend Super-Takumar 2 / 55mm, M42 I like it, it’s okay for them to take a picture and a picture for me like it.

      • Novel

        Scho write about yogo radio activity:
        “Weakly radioactive. My copy produced 1 microSievert / hour on the rear lens, with a background value of 0.1 μZ / h. There is no radiation on the front lens. The point is, apparently, in the thorium antireflection coating on the rear lens. There is practically no radiation at a distance of 10 cm from the lens. ”

  • Vasilii

    And in my opinion a good shirik.
    Toko 5 petals are not scared much.

  • Alexander

    As for me, this is a great shirik. Reliable constructive, really working enlightenment (when shooting against the sun, even when it is in the frame, neither catches rabbits, nor does not lose contrast), I have not noticed chromaticity yet. I use it on a film camera, the resolution is sufficient, even at the edges. The only (and even then dubious) minus is the maximum aperture of 3.5, but somehow it makes no difference to me, because almost always cover up to 8, or even more. Even at the maximum open there is a rather noticeable vignetting, which completely disappears after closing the aperture to 5.6.

  • Vladimir

    Brothers, do not rush to put an end to Takumara. The fact is that there were several issues (4). From 1962 to 1964 - two issues with 7 aperture blades and a thread for a 58 mm filter. And here are two issues from 1965 to 1971 - consumer goods with 5 petals and a 49 mm filter thread.
    The external difference in marks, if you see a photo of the lens from the side: the place of the aperture and focus is at the first point, for consumer goods - a rhombus. Consumer goods are presented in this test. Therefore, perhaps, some people scold this Takumar, others praise. Personally, I like the first two issues.

    • Alexander

      Vladimir, why are you distributing unconfirmed information? The fact that a lens with a point is better is nothing more than a rumor, which is abundant on the network.

  • R'RёS,R ° F "RёR№

    This is a great landscape lens. At aperture 8, it has excellent sharpness throughout the frame. To work in the near field, it is not light enough. Therefore, it must be compared in landscape photographs.

  • Georgia

    It works perfectly on film. I agree with Alexander, he keeps the headlight well.

  • Maksim

    I will sell the Super-Multi-Coated Takumar 28 mm f / 3.5 lens
    Novosibirsk + by mail in Russia and abroad
    Our website:

    Group in contact (more than 20000 participants):
    Lenses, cameras, adapters and more

    Cash on delivery, reviews, warranties, experience.
    Have questions? Ask!

  • Or

    Brothers, we need detailed information on the radioactivity of Takumarov. Interested in instance 35 / 3.5
    Some say that everyone is illuminated, others that only “bright” ones are illuminated, ie 35/2. Of course, there is no way to test. The owner of the lens is not in the know. Warned about the background. (his 50 / 1.4 phonil wildly, he sold it)

    • Andrei

      In one review, I met information that a radioactive lens was not used in 28mm Takumaras with the SMC index.

  • glavon

    I have 55 \ 1.8 not SMS. transported on the plane, no problem. Radiation control did not work

  • Cotofey

    Google about radioactivity. Read the article about thorium on Wikipedia and a general educational program about alpha radiation in the same place. Hint: 10 cm layer of air or a sheet of paper - and there is no radiation. Those. the lens screwed onto the carcass poses no threat at all.

  • Eugene

    And what advise shirik from manual and no more than 28mm?

  • Alexander

    About the jammed diaphragm switch.

    Not necessary. On takumars starting with SMC (as here) there is a lock - a small pin on the back wall behind the thread (in your photo - at the top at the "one o'clock" position), so in the disconnected position the switch does not work, and on the camera the pin is pressed with a threaded ring and unlocks the switch.

  • Passed by .......

    Excellent object. In fact, the second version of it is the same as the first. 6 petals per 5 construct is the same. The hood is generally AGON!). And about the fact that the 350ke type did not inspire - pure nonsense! For a film ff, it is initially like a wide 28ka - what conclusions can be drawn on the crop? For its price of 30 !!! I will note the Baku ones again. Thirty dollars is above all the stars. Guys, everything is fine with him, though - a worker with a 3.5 picture is very rich in contrast and as sharp as possible for shirikov from 70s. On m42, must have.

  • Alexey

    Tell me, won't a mirror cling to a Canon 6d at infinity?

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