Porst Super-weitwinkel 1: 2,8 / 28mm auto H review

According provided by lens Porst Super-weitwinkel 1: 2,8 / 28mm auto H huge thanks to Alexey.

Porst Super-weitwinkel 1: 2,8 / 28mm auto H review

Porst Super-weitwinkel 1: 2,8 / 28mm auto H review

Porst Super-weitwinkel 1: 2,8 / 28mm auto H - manual wide angle for film cameras with M42 thread. In fact, it turned out to be a good lens, but it only catches a lot of sun hares in the backlight. There is a multi-coated version of this lens.

Porst Super-weitwinkel 1: 2,8 / 28mm auto H

Porst Super-weitwinkel 1: 2,8 / 28mm auto H, MDF

Porst 28 / 2,8 is assembled in Japan, the focusing ring is rubberized, there are no complaints about the assembly. I am always happy to use old lenses made to last.

Porst Super-weitwinkel 1: 2,8 / 28mm auto H

Porst Super-weitwinkel 1: 2,8 / 28mm auto H, side view

The focus ring rotates as much as 270 degrees, while the front lens does not rotate. The lens uses a 55mm filter thread and an 8-blade diaphragm. There is an aperture control mode switch 'AM'. The aperture closes down to f / 16.

Porst Super-weitwinkel 1: 2,8 / 28mm auto H

Porst Super-weitwinkel 1: 2,8 / 28mm auto H, rear view

Original photos available at this link  - 194 MB, RAW full-format camera files Canon EOS-1DS in TIF format, 20 photos. On Canon, I used a lens with the usual M42-Canon EOS adapter with chip.

The lens turned out to be sharp in the center of the frame at any aperture and, most importantly, on covered apertures, the image angles are also quite sharp. In general, Porst 28 / 2,8 creates a nice picture.

How to use with modern cameras?

Lenses with mounting thread M42 (M42 X 1 / 45.5), such as the lens from this review, are very easy to use on almost any modern digital camera (both SLR and mirrorless), for this it is enough to choose the right adapter (adapter). You do not need to carry out any additional steps to modify the lens.

The cheapest adapters can be found at Aliexpress.com... There are adapters (adapters) with a chip that provide more convenience during shooting, usually chips are used to confirm focus and / or metering exposure, and form the correct EXIF. The chip does not affect the image quality in any way.

For some SLR cameras (for example, with the Nikon F-mount), you need to use adapters with a corrective lens, which allows you to focus correctly at all focusing distances. For any mirrorless cameras, such a lens is not needed, and the adapter is a simple decorated hollow metal tube with an appropriate mount.

For SLR cameras

  1. Canon: For cameras Canon EOS with bayonet mount EF / EF-S need an M42-Canon EOS adapter, such an adapter with a chip can be found herewithout chip here.
  2. NIKON: For cameras Nikon DX / FXas well as for cameras Fujifilm и Kodak with a Nikon F mount, you need an M42-Nikon F adapter, you can buy such an adapter without a lens and a chip here, with a lens without a chip herewith chip without lens here, with lens and chip here. Why a lens? Why chip?
  3. PENTAX: For Pentax cameras with K mount, you need an M42-Pentax K adapter, you can buy such an adapter here.
  4. SONY/MINOLTA: For cameras with a Sony / Minolta A mount, you need the M42-Sony A adapter, you can find such an adapter without a chip at this linkwith a chip at this link.
  5. OLYMPUS/PANASONIC/LEICA: For cameras with a 4/3 bayonet mount (not to be confused with Micro 4/3!) You need an M42-4 / 3 adapter, you can buy such an adapter here.

For mirrorless cameras

  1. SONY: For cameras with 'E'/'FE' mount series SonyNEX и Sony Alpha you need an adapter M42-Sony E (aka M42-Sony Nex), you can find it at this link. An autofocus adapter is also available for these cameras. Techart PRO Leica M - Sony E Autofocus Adapterwhich can be found at this link.
  2. OLYMPUS / PANASONIC / KODAK / XIAOMI: For cameras with a bayonet mount Micro 4/3 (Micro 4:3) you need an adapter M42-Micro 4/3, you can find it at this link.
  3. CANON M: For cameras with Canon EF-M mount need adapter M42-Canon M, it can be found at this link.
  4. CANON R and RF-S: For cameras with Canon RF mount need adapter M42-Canon R, it can be found at this link.
  5. Nikon 1: For cameras Nikon 1 Series need adapter M42-Nikon 1, you can find it at this link.
  6. Nikon Z: For cameras Nikon Z series (FX/DX) need an adapter M42-Nikon Z, it can be found at this link.
  7. FUJIFILM X: For cameras with mount X need an M42-Fuji X adapter, you can find it at this link.
  8. FUJIFILM GFX: For medium format cameras G-mount need M42-Fuji GFX adapter, you can find it at this link.
  9. SAMSUNG: For cameras with NX mount, you need an M42-Samsung NX adapter, you can find it at this link. There are no adapters for the NX mini camera yet.
  10. PENTAX: For Q-mount cameras, you need an M42-Pentax Q adapter, you can find it at this link.
  11. SIGMA / PANASONIC / LEICA: For cameras with L mount you need an M42-Leica L adapter, you can find it at this link.
  12. LEICA: For cameras with a bayonet mount Leica M need adapter M42-L / M, you can find it at this link.

If you have any questions on compatibility and adapters - ask in the comments (comments do not require any registration at all).

Porst Super-weitwinkel 1: 2,8 / 28mm auto H

Porst Super-weitwinkel 1: 2,8 / 28mm auto H, ZK view

Comments on this post do not require registration. Anyone can leave a comment.

Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.

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Comments: 5, on the topic: Review Porst Super-weitwinkel 1: 2,8 / 28mm auto H

  • Free listener

    Thoughts are right, I support. Thanks to you, I remembered my childhood (shift 8), youth (fed-3). I bought NIKON-D3100, lenses MS HELIOS-81N, JUPITER-37A, MS KALEINAR-5n. Sometimes I photograph, I enjoy. I read the blog for 2 years. I look at NIKON- D610.Thank you for your attention.

  • Ivan

    Half a year ago, I bought such a lens at the collapse for the sake of experiment, a good picture, but there are a couple of drawbacks, the focus ring scrolls very tight, it's dark.

  • Alexey

    I want to buy this video lens, how will it show there?

  • Gregory

    Please tell me who knows what the letter "H", "G" after Avto means

    • Arkady Shapoval

      Most likely the number of lenses in the optical circuit

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