Review Olympus Om-System Zuiko MC Auto-T 1: 2,8 f = 135mm

According provided by lens Olympus Om-System Zuiko MC Auto-T 1: 2,8 f = 135mm many thanks to Alexey.

Review Olympus Om-System Zuiko MC Auto-T 1: 2,8 f = 135mm

Review Olympus Om-System Zuiko MC Auto-T 1: 2,8 f = 135mm

With my acquaintance, I wandered around Kiev almost all day, visited several rooftops of high-rise buildings, even visited the Kiev revolutionary "Maidan" in order to collect sample photos on the Zuiko MC Auto-T 1: 2,8 f = 135mm. The next day I was very upset when the lens was found to be broken. Before the review, he underwent a readjustment and, as it turned out, quite unsuccessful.

I took pictures on the lens using a camera Canon 350D with very small display and small JVIAs a result, I could not immediately identify problems with the lens. For myself, I concluded that the size of the display sometimes plays a very important role in the modern world of photography.

Olympus Om-System Zuiko MC Auto-T 1: 2,8 f = 135mm

Olympus Om-System Zuiko MC Auto-T 1: 2,8 f = 135mm

As for the mechanics and appearance of the lens, everything is very good here. Zuiko 2,8 / 135 is made in Japan of glass and metal. The focus ring is rubberized and rotates 220 degrees. MDF is 1.5 meters. As befits high-quality old lenses, you can find the depth of field scale, focusing distances, aperture values ​​and a mark for shooting in the infrared spectrum on the body. The aperture control ring is located in the middle of the lens. The aperture has 8 blades and closes to F / 22, accepting only fixed values ​​of F / 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, 22. The petals are dull. On F / 4, the shape of the diaphragm circle has characteristic notches.

Olympus Om-System Zuiko MC Auto-T 1: 2,8 f = 135mm

Olympus Om-System Zuiko MC Auto-T 1: 2,8 f = 135mm

The diameter of the front filter is 55 mm, the lens has a built-in telescopic hood. The hood is made of metal, it is well fixed and does not dangle.

Olympus Om-System Zuiko MC Auto-T 1: 2,8 f = 135mm

Olympus Om-System Zuiko MC Auto-T 1: 2,8 f = 135mm

In addition to the Olympus Om-System Zuiko MC Auto-T 1: 2,8 f = 135mm, there is an older version - E-zuiko, both use 5 elements in 5 groups in the optical design. There is also a "slower" version - Olympus Om-System Zuiko MC Auto-T 1: 3,5 f = 135mm (and its E-Zuiko version) with an optical design of 5 elements in 4 groups. The option is also very interesting Olympus OM-System Zuiko AUTO-T 100mm 1: 2.8.

One approximate memory

One example for memory

If someone has experience and has encountered the Olympus Om-System Zuiko MC Auto-T 1: 2,8 f = 135mm, please unsubscribe in the comments.

Olympus Om-System Zuiko MC Auto-T 1: 2,8 f = 135mm

Olympus Om-System Zuiko MC Auto-T 1: 2,8 f = 135mm

This lens can be easily installed on any modern digital mirrorless camera. For installation, you should use the appropriate adapter/adapter, which allows you to use lenses with an Olympus OM mount on the desired mirrorless system without any problems or restrictions. Below is a list of systems/mounts with links to the necessary adapters/adapters: Sony E/FE/NEX, Canon RF/RF-S, Canon EF-M, Nikon ZNikon 1, Leica l, FujiFilm GFX, fujifilm x, Samsung NX, Micro 4 / 3.

Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.

Add a comment: Arkady Shapoval



Comments: 21, on the topic: Olympus Om-System Zuiko MC Auto-T 1 review: 2,8 f = 135mm

  • Hleb

    Long live single-photograph reviews.

    • Dmitriy

      Why haven't I seen your reviews, even with one photo ... The lens is broken, how can I take something on it?

      • Taras

        Well, why browse a broken lens? And what to browse in it at all?)

        • anonym

          The article says in plain text that while taking photos for review it was not noticeable that the lens is bad. And upon arrival home it turned out that only 1 photo was sane. And the author asked to unsubscribe someone else from the owners of such a lens to complete the picture

  • Vladimir

    They told you, the lens is broken! What is incomprehensible.

  • Dmitriy

    in the corners, of course, an open daub, but for portraits it will be excellent. 2,8 hole for manual focus just right

    • Arkady Shapoval

      That's just it was shot on a closed aperture, at 2.8 this instance behaves like a nonocle.

      • Dmitriy

        Then, if not difficult, still indicate the aperture, otherwise only shutter speed and FR

        • Arkady Shapoval

          This is quite complicated. An experienced eye can estimate the aperture for shutter speed and ISO :)

          • Dmitriy

            That's all, you caught me)) I'm a beginner .. It's just really interesting to what value you have to twist the aperture to get sane sharpness.
            Z. I think in the above picture the aperture is about 8

  • Dmitriy

    This is my first time seeing a Broken Lens Review. And there is even a photo!
    Review and photos from broken glass, at least original, damn it!)

  • Valentine

    There is such a lens.
    I rarely use it because on my crop I prefer Olympus 100mm 2.8
    The open is slightly soft.
    But slightly, and portraits from this are only better.
    On the aperture 4 is absolutely sharp.
    The colors are excellent, very vibrant.
    Small, light, the mechanic is just great.
    The back holds excellent.
    I really like the lens.

  • R'RёS,R ° F "RёR№

    Valentine, did you use Jupiter 37? how is it compared to 135?

    • Valentine

      There is Jupiter 37.
      The lenses are different. I don’t know how to compare.
      The Olympus 135 is sharper and faster. Both people like the boke. Both are pretty comfortable to use.
      Olympus-colored, Jupiter-shaped aperture.
      Portraits from both are excellent.
      Subjectively, Olympus likes more.

  • Michael

    I used it just now on 50D - my brother gave it to me. I agree with the person who unsubscribed, on the open one is slightly soft, with cover for one step, two - very sharp. Bokeh on the crop of course in meat =) Smooth focusing with a gorgeous distance scale (almost decimeters).

  • Daniel

    There is a feeling that he just has one or more lenses upside down. Somehow I cleaned one old Zuiko zoom inside, thoroughly eaten by a fungus, and accidentally installed one lens incorrectly during assembly. The effect of the monocle was immediately visible, right in the viewfinder of the Olympus film. :) I disassembled it again, fixed the error, assembled it - everything works fine.

    PS Thanks for the great tests and reviews!

  • Mikola Fedorovich

    Good 135 ka

  • Alexey

    OM135 / 2.8 and 24 / 2.8 on the A7r can be removed

  • aidah

    URL broke, passed through shortcut:

  • Mikola

    from out to 2.8

    • B. R. P.

      Vyn – prizisko tsutsika? does not look like a chow chow...

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