Review Olympus Om-System Zuiko MC Auto-S 1: 1.4 f = 50mm

According provided by lens Olympus Om-System Zuiko MC Auto-S 1: 1.4 f = 50mm many thanks to Alexey.

Review Olympus Om-System Zuiko MC Auto-S 1: 1,4 f = 50mm

Review Olympus Om-System Zuiko MC Auto-S 1: 1,4 f = 50mm

Olympus Om-System Zuiko MC Auto-S 1: 1.4 f=50mm (hereinafter Zuiko 1.4/50) is a good fifty-kopeck film with manual focusing. The lens uses an Olympus OM mount, I used a Zuiko 1.4/50 on a Canon camera using adapter Olympus OM – Canon EOS while maintaining focus at infinity.

There are several main versions of the Olympus 50/1.4 for DSLR cameras:

  1. Olympus G.Zuiko Auto-S 1:1.4 f=50mm, mounting thread M42, for Olympus FTL cameras
  2. Olympus M-System G.Zuiko Auto-S 1:1.4 f=50mm, small quantities were produced
  3. Olympus OM-System G.Zuiko Auto-S 1:1.4 f=50mm, silver front
  4. Olympus OM-System G.Zuiko Auto-S 1:1.4 f=50mm, black front (view)
  5. Olympus OM-System Zuiko MC Auto-S 1:1.4 f=50mm (from this review)
  6. Olympus OM-System Zuiko Auto-S 1:1.4 f=50mm, multi-coated
Olympus Zuiko MC 50 1.4

Olympus Zuiko MC 50 1.4

Many lens modifications were released, I got Zuiko 1.4 / 50 with serial number 842794, which has a pronounced lilac enlightenment of the front lens. Lens despite its huge aperture, turned out to be very small and uses filters with a diameter of just 49 mm... Made in Japan, and I have no complaints about the assembly. Externally, Zuiko 1.4 / 50 is very similar to its younger brother - Olympus OM-System Zuiko MC Auto-S 1: 1,8 f = 50mm.

Bokeh lens

Lens bokeh at full aperture

Focus ring rubberized, rotates on 180 degrees. The minimum focusing distance is 45sm. The lens has a focus distance scale and a depth of field scale. Focusing is nice and easy. When focusing, the front lens does not rotate. The iris control ring is located in front of the lens. Number of petals aperture8 pieces... At aperture of F / 2.0 and up to F / 4.0 in the out-of-focus area, “circular saws"

Flare in the form of a circular saw on a slightly covered diaphragm

Flare in the form of a circular saw on a slightly covered diaphragm

The aperture closes to F / 16; there is a mark on the DOF scale for shooting in the infrared spectrum. Zuiko 1.4 / 50, like many similar Olympus lenses, also has an aperture repeater. The depth of field scale is located on a chrome ring, which adds some charm to the entire line of lenses :)

Olympus Zuiko MC 50 1.4

Olympus Zuiko MC 50 1.4

The Zuiko 1.4 / 50 at F / 1.4 is soft, and getting into sharpness is not very easy, although shooting at F / 1.4 with manual focus is always difficult. If you close the diaphragm, the sharpness returns to normal. Now such lenses are more interesting not for their sharpness, but aperture and pattern.

Drawing. Close focusing distance

Drawing. Close focusing distance

The drawing of the Zuiko 1.4 / 50 is pretty pretty, although not everyone likes the bokeh. The lens tolerates back and side light well, but sometimes you can catch a “rainbow” across the entire image field (an example of a photo is in the archive with the originals - a photo with a dog).

Olympus Zuiko MC 50 1.4

Olympus Zuiko MC 50 1.4

Here link to the archive with the originals - 120 MB, 18 images, photo parameters in the archive are indicated here.

Sample photo

Sample photo

Now, in our digital time, a fast manual fix is ​​usually used as a budget portrait lens on cropped cameras. EGF Zuiko 1.4/50 on Canon APS-C cameras will be 80mm.

Olympus Zuiko MC 50 1.4

Olympus Zuiko MC 50 1.4

This lens can be easily installed on any modern digital mirrorless camera. For installation, you should use the appropriate adapter/adapter, which allows you to use lenses with an Olympus OM mount on the desired mirrorless system without any problems or restrictions. Below is a list of systems/mounts with links to the necessary adapters/adapters: Sony E/FE/NEX, Canon RF/RF-S, Canon EF-M, Nikon ZNikon 1, Leica l, FujiFilm GFX, fujifilm x, Samsung NX, Micro 4 / 3.

A high-aperture prime can always be used in a variety of artistic designs; many amateur photographers stop at 50 / 1,8 or 50 / 1,4 class lenses as the first “creative” lens. I think with this Zuiko 1.4 / 50 you won't be bored in the open air :)

Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.

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Comments: 24, on the topic: Olympus Om-System Zuiko MC Auto-S 1 review: 1.4 f = 50mm

  • Kirill

    Thank you for the article!

  • kiev_poznyaki

    Arkady, thanks for the review.
    I just didn’t understand, the kid riding on an ice slide was shot on a fully open aperture of 1,4 ?? Or is the actual aperture not indicated?

    • Arkady Shapoval

      This is a manual lens, the F value in EXif is not recorded and, accordingly, I do not indicate the aperture value on which it was shot, because it’s just too lazy to record or memorize for each picture. The specified image was taken with either F / 1.4 or F / 2.0

      • anonym

        yes, how such a huge depth of field can turn out at 1,4 or 2,0? From the kid to the stone wall a few meters. Even the end of the wall is almost in focus. It's more like f9 or something like that.

        • Arkady Shapoval

          1. principle of hyperfocal plane 2. Look at ISO 3. Look at shutter speed :)

          • travel

            This is unlikely 1.4. On a sunny day, when I open my Fujinon to 1.4 to blur something, the exposure at iso100 turns out to be up to 1/16000. And here, it seems, too, the sun (although the dark wall in the frame and the shadows are long - not noon). So it's more like f / 2.

    • Archie

      Is that a kid? In my opinion, this is a girl.

  • Sergei

    By the way, it’s not at all difficult to adapt this lens (like the other Zuiko) to Nikon without any lens adapters. At the same time, it is not necessary to have knowledge and skills in plumbing. Here is a ready-made solution: . This adapter is essentially the back of the lens. You just need to install it instead of your own. At the same time, the difference in the working distance between the Olympus Om and Nikon F, which is 0,5 mm, is leveled. The instruction is here:
    PS This adapter is suitable for almost all Olympus Om-System Zuiko lenses. For Zuiko MC Auto-S 1: 1.8 f = 50mm does not fit exactly, at least without a file.

  • Demetrius

    Arkady, thank you for the useful information. I have been grazing on your site many times already.

  • R'RёS,R ° F "RёR№

    I used such a lens for a long time for shooting slides, when I worked at the institute. Moreover, it is very sharp with an open lens, it was convenient to photograph paintings in museums, and reproduction photography was also convenient, i.e. as a macro lens. I bought it cheaply from a "teapot", but the choice was not accidental, one defense engineer was engaged in approximately the same testing and repair of equipment. He showed me the results of his tests where in the first place was exactly ZUIKO (seven serial numbers), behind it was Pentax AF, Canon FD-early version, and only then ZEISS, Canon FD-2 lens of later versions and the respected Nikon AF-in the end (photographed on one film and scanned). Similar results were in the tests of the F&V magazine, only there they tested autofocus.

  • Daniel

    tell me, the diaphragm blades are always open. How to cure this problem? thanks

  • Yura

    ARKHIV ORIINALIV - good news, didn’t you share such a presentation of the photograph (and the Facebook likes button ..)?

  • Maksim

    I will sell the Olympus OM-System G. Zuiko Auto-S 50 mm f / 1,4 lens
    Novosibirsk + by mail in Russia and abroad
    Our website:

    Group in contact (more than 20000 participants):
    Lenses, cameras, adapters and more

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  • Alexander

    Good afternoon!
    What do you recommend as a manual portraiture for the Olympus m4 / 3:
    Olympus Om-System Zuiko MC Auto-S 1: 1.4 f = 50mm or Helios-77M-4.50mm f / 1.8 MC?
    The price for them is about the same.
    Thank you!

  • anonym

    The Olympus Om-System Zuiko MC Auto-S 1: 1.4 f = 50mm is richer in color.

  • Anton

    Tell me, does this lens go 4/3 ???

    • Michael

      Through adapter

    • Gregor_S

      OM-M4 / 3

  • Biba

    Which one to choose, 1.4 or 1.8 ???
    I settled on these two, I can’t understand what will be better for portraits and landscapes? Somewhere they wrote that 1.8 is sharper.
    Help please!

    • Andy

      1.4 100%

    • R'RёS,R ° F "RёR№

      In all things, it is better that this 1.4 -tot 1.8 wins only on the covered aperture 8 and then visually do not understand this, it is necessary to scan and carefully look for the difference.

  • Eugene

    On Sony A7s which one will be better. Nikon 50 ais 1,4, minolta 50mm 1,7 or this. And in general this is a crop of lenses, did I understand correctly?

    • Arkady Shapoval

      no, these are not crop lenses. ais 1.4 just right

      • Eugene

        And why? Is he better than zuiko or minolty?

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