Canon EOS-1DS Review

According provided by Canon EOS-1DS Digital camera huge thanks to Bogdan.

Canon EOS-1DS Review

Canon EOS-1DS Review

The Canon EOS 1Ds is Canon's first full-frame DSLR, introduced on September 24, 2002 (ie 12 years ago at the time of this review).

Canon's older line of cameras is called 'Canon Eos-1'for example Canon Eos-1 DS (look at the front of the camera) or Canon Eos-1 D Mark IV, etc., because this line is called 'single'from' EOS-1'. Usually the 'EOS' prefix is ​​omitted and they talk about the cameras '1D', '1DS', '1DX', '1DC' and their modifications, the so-called Mark'and.

The 1Ds is Canon's 4th 'native' DSLR in total, the first three being the Canon D3o crop (Kf = 1.6x, not to be confused with Canon 30D), D6o (Kf = 1.6x, not to be confused with Canon 60D) and Canon 1D (Kf = 1.3x).

Canon in just two years, since the release of the Canon D30 (May 17, 2000), which had a cropped sensor, was able to create a full-frame camera. It was a very big step for both camera building and photography.

Example photo on Canon 1Ds

Example photo on Canon 1Ds

Essentially Canon EOS 1Ds was second full-frame camera in the world. The first was Contax N Digital, introduced at the end of 2000, but went on sale much later. But after the advent of Canon 1Ds, Nikon users had to wait another 5 years, until August 23, 2007, the first full-frame camera from Nikon was presented - Nikon D3. Sony's first full-frame camera A900 presented even later - September 9, 2008. Pentax K1 - February 17, 2016.

If you look a little deeper into history, you can find earlier Canon digital cameras:

  • Canon EOS DCS5 - March 1995, 1.3 MP, Kf = 2.6x. It's funny, but this camera is not listed in Canon Camera Archive. Perhaps because of the very large crop factor.
  • Canon EOS DCS3 (was in 3 modifications: 3s, 3m, 3IR) - July 1995, APS-C Kf = 1.6x, 1.3 MP.
  • Canon EOS DCS1 - December 1995, APS-H Kf = 1.3x, 6 MP. Imagine a camera could only operate at ISO 50 to 100.
  • Canon EOS D2000 - May 1998, APS-C Kf = 1.6x, 2 MP, with a 1.8 ″ display.
  • Canon EOS D6000 - Dec 1998, APS-H Kf = 1.3x, 6 MP, with a 1.8 ″ display.

All of these cameras were actually based on Canon EOS-1n film with different digital backs from Kodak called DCS (Digital Camera System), but sold under the Canon brand. It is not customary to talk about them as about “real” Canon DSLR cameras. In those early days, Kodak made backs for both Nikon and Canon cameras, as well as the same matrices that could be found in Nikon and Canon. But the story played a trick on Kodak :(

Canon 1DS

Canon 1DS

The '1Ds' line includes only 3 cameras: 1Ds, 1Ds Mark II and 1Ds Mark III, which are no longer in production due to the release of the Canon EOS-1DX / 1DC and a change in the '1D' and '1DS' lineup. The 1Ds body is made on the basis of the Canon EOS-1D, which was born in November 2001 and in turn was built on the basis of the Canon EOS-1V professional film camera.

When you take 1Ds in your hands, you immediately feel the full power of the device - 1600 grams in a dust- and moisture-resistant case. The camera sits very well in the hand, is made in a combo case (with a vertical grip), there are a lot of rubber inserts on the camera that allow you to hold it very tenaciously in your hands.

Canon 1DS

Canon 1DS

The camera came to me without a rubber eyecup, but despite the loss, 1Ds pleases big and pleasant JVI with 100% coverage and 0.7X magnification. As befits senior cameras, in JVI there are two information lines - below and on the right.

1Ds has two monochrome displays for quick setup of basic parameters. The main color display is only 2 inches with 120.000 pixels. View the footage on such a display is very difficult. When viewing the material, you can set a quick increase in the fragment of the picture, but only for pictures in JPEG mode.

Unlike modern cameras, the 1Ds does not shoot in the “classic” RAW format used by Canon cameras. When you set the quality of RAW images, the 1Ds saves them not in 'CR2' format, but in TiF format with 12-bit color depth. The TIF format is also unusual, it can only be opened with RAW converters, for example Adobe Camera RAW. Such files weigh on average from 6 to 16 MB. To shoot in RAW + JPEG format, select RAW mode on the monochrome display and select “RAW + JPEG rec.” In the camera menu. select 'RAW + JPEG with desired quality'. I was also very surprised blue backlight both monochrome displays :) The backlight can be turned on with a special button.

Example photo on Canon 1Ds

Example photo on Canon 1Ds

The camera can shoot at a speed 3 frames per secondat the same time with any image quality settings in buffer only 10 pictures are always fit. Attention: 1Ds writes data to the memory card very slowly. The camera has one card slot CF and, even with a very fast memory card, recording 10 RAW images takes almost a full minute. Of course, with such “brakes” there can be no talk of shooting dynamic events, and it is generally accepted that a 1Ds is a camera for a studio. Also, when recording pictures to a memory card, you cannot use the camera menu; you can only view the first picture in a series.

If you use cards larger than 8 GB, the camera will “see” them but will format them so that only 8 GB is available. I ran an experiment on my 16GB and 32GB cards. Therefore, there is no point in buying a capacious memory card for 1Ds. The exact same mechanism works on all Canon cameras up to Canon 350D.

Example photo on Canon 1Ds

Example photo on Canon 1Ds

Management at 1Ds seemed to me extremely inconvenient and There is no Russian-language menu... Learning to navigate the menus is not easy - you need to hold down the 'Menu' or 'Select' button and rotate the large wheel on the back. Confirmation of menu items is generally stupidly organized, the usual 'ok' button is sorely lacking, not to mention the joystick for convenient navigation or selection of focus points. If you do not set the task of adjusting the camera through the menu, then the presence of a vertical handle with duplicated controls helps a lot and facilitates the shooting process. Owners of any Nikon CZK camera Canon 1Ds seem like a living hell in terms of ergonomics.

Example photo on Canon 1Ds

Example photo on Canon 1Ds

1Ds uses a full frame CMOS sensor on 11 MP (the output image is 4064 X 2704 pixels), this amount of MP is enough even nowadays for a huge number of tasks. ISO range is very meager - from ISO 100 to ISO 1250. In the menu, you can expand the range to ISO L, equivalent ISO 50. There is no automatic ISO control. Usually full-frame cameras can shoot at high ISOs without much noise, but with 1Ds this focus will not work. However, we must give credit to this camera - even after 12 years, it continues to create high-quality images at low ISO values.

Example photo on Canon 1Ds

Example photo on Canon 1Ds

The 1Ds uses a 45-point focusing system, and there are quite a few highlighted items in the Custom Functions menu to set up autofocus. For more information on focusing systems on Canon EOS Digital cameras, see 'Canon EOS Camera Focus Sensors'. For shooting sample photos, I used two manual lenses - Nikon 180mm 1: 2.8 ED AF Nikkor и Yashica Lens ML 28mm 1: 2.8, and the camera often underexposed the picture during shooting in AV mode. As befits top-level cameras, the 1Ds shutter works with shutter speeds from 30 seconds to 1/8000 s + excerpt by hand. Flash sync - 1/250 sec, high speed sync supported.

Example photo on Canon 1Ds

Example photo on Canon 1Ds

You can add an audio comment to the captured photos for up to 30 seconds in * .WAV format, with a frequency of 8 khz and a bitrate of 64 kbps.

Here download link for RAW files with Canon 1Ds (230 MB). You can find more sample photos on Canon 1Ds at Canon Zoom Lens EF 24-70mm 1: 2.8 L USM Lens Review.

Another weakness of the camera is the use of a Ni-MH battery, which is much faster deteriorating than Li-on. This is a common problem for older cameras. Although I managed to take about 200-300 shots on one charge of such a battery. The camera has a PC-sync connector for controlling studio flash, a remote control connector, and an IEEE 1394 (Firewire) connector for data transfer. By the way, Firewire at that time was quite a sought-after thing.

Currently Canon EOS-1DS and Canon EOS 5D are the cheapest full-frame CZKs. Unfortunately, they can only be bought used. Due to their low suitability for serious shooting, I see no reason to buy a heavy monster Canon EOS-1DS, where his endurance would be useful. For creative ideas and for simple shooting, in my opinion, Canon EOS 5D fits much better.

Example photo on Canon 1Ds

Example photo on Canon 1Ds

Prices for modern Canon cameras in popular stores can look at this link.

In comments Can I ask you a question on the topic and you will answer, and you can also express your opinion or describe your experience. Many little things for a photo can be found on AliExpress.

My impressions

The 1Ds is a great camera, even nowadays it can do a good job for people who don't need modern "gadgets" of new cameras and who want to indulge in a full frame for a small amount of money. RAW files are very weak in the editor, but the camera creates images with pleasant, unobtrusive colors, and noise at high ISO values ​​slightly resembles film grain, which helps to create “vivid” photos. I found it damn inconvenient to change some basic parameters, for example, to change the ISO value, the metering method exposure, shooting mode, focus mode, you need to simultaneously press two buttons and rotate the main selector. For review, I took photographs on a very cold winter day, and with gloves it’s quite difficult to press two buttons at the same time. In terms of managing 1Ds, it seemed to me one of the most uncomfortable I've ever used.

Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.

Add a comment: Koba



Comments: 190, on the topic: Canon EOS-1DS review

  • 10111

    Nikon, who was dragging on some users, did not have to wait for anything, because in the same year 2002 Kodak 14n was released, and a little later SLR / n with 14MP matrices.

  • Denis

    Arkady, when discussing crop, they often say that it was impossible to make a full-format camera in those days. There is a small hunch that the class of cropped cameras was created and inflated (and is still being inflated) for the usual welding of money. the article is just in etmu!

  • Oleg Z

    I wonder when the first digital rangefinder came out? I only know about the M9 Watering can, but given that potentially rangefinders provide better quality than DSLRs, this should be interesting.

    • Basil

      There is also EPSON R-D1 (x)

    • Dmitro

      Why is the rangefinder potentiyno decreasing yakіst? For example, vіnєtuvannya food at the rangefinder objects.

      • Oleg

        the shy wand is shorter;)

        • Dmitro

          Explain the sound of the working image. Yakraz is still the smallest working experience and the best performance. And the price is not diminished in quality.

          • Felix

            For shirikov it is not necessary to go into the retrofocal optical scheme, as the road and change in quality. It’s easy to edit in any editor for folding distortions and chromatic aberrations, as for example, for SLR cameras.

            • Dmitro

              Behind such a logical middle format, a more than two times larger viewer in the mirror cameras, if you want to hide the terrible newsletter and the usual aberrations? :)

              • Felix

                Don’t interpret it in your own way, it’s not very clear in any way, but the retro-focal design is more vivid when you focus on the smaller and the smallest way. That means that there is a mirror on one and the same field on different formats, there is a problem with focal length smaller video.
                normal object for medium format є 82mm and for high format 50mm
                To that and the problem of rob vidrіzkіv one and that itself.

                According to another, abration is not to focus on all focuses, but rather quietly in retrospect retro / business design of opt-in schemes.

            • 10111

              According to your logic, we should not see mountains of penny 28mm wide on mirror systems of all systems and styles, because it contradicts the statement of cost and so on. This time. By the same logic, we should see rangefinders that are cheap and of excellent quality, but somehow we don’t see them at all. These are two Modern rangefinder wide-angle lenses made according to the retro-focus scheme. These are three.

              • Felix

                Most rangefinder shirikov were made according to the planar scheme of 6 lenses in 4 groups, an example is Jupiter 12, the same Zeiss counterparts.

                Retrofocal is used on the focal lengths less than the working segment; to create a lens with a focal length of 20mm and a retro-focus is to compensate for the difference in working segments with a zenith of 44-20 = 24mm much harder than with a rangefinder of 28-20 = 8mm.

                I wrote about normal widths and not those whales and other nonsense where in the corners of aberration and frigging climbs. What is the cost and quality, everything is fair.

            • 10111

              You have one theory. Where are all those wide angles? They have not been made for a long time, because it turned out that it is easier and better to produce retrofocus wide-angle lenses. And again, we are not talking about "whales" at all (does this have anything to do with it?). There are just a lot of wide angles for mirror systems, for every taste and budget. Moreover, wide-angle high-quality and fast. And here I see wild prices for used shiriki for rangefinders and their scanty amount in comparison with mirror ones. This is especially true for high-aperture optics, which cannot be made non-retrofocal.
              By the way, the rare and expensive Orion-15 is no better than the much more aperture Korean 28 / 2.8. Despite the fact that for these 200 dollars you can buy a great 28/2.

              • Denis

                "Which is easier and better to produce retrofocus wide-angle lenses." - better than what? On DSLRs, there is no other choice. And since SLRs have become more widespread, then more optics have been riveted under them.

              • 10111

                Better than what's on the rangefinders.

              • Denis

                Which is better, and what was your choice? Once again, for DSLRs it is impossible otherwise, because the mirror does not make the working segment shorter than the focal length. No choice.

              • 10111

                What other choice? Constantly begins in the topics at least a drop related to the rangefinder technology is the same. Theorists immediately resort to and start scribbling about a short RO, about some mythical quality, contrast, about how easy it is to make widths for rangefinders and other nonsense. If it was so simple and cheap, then I ask again, where are these mountains of optics? Why is it so rare and expensive?
                Ah ... Ah ... And silence.
                Rangefinder widths now also make retro-focus.

              • Denis

                “If it was so simple and cheap, then I ask again, where are these mountains of optics? Why is it so rare and expensive? " - and where are the mountains of rangefinder cameras? Where are they all? In the middle of the last century? That's just it. Why make optics for extinct cameras?
                Now mirrorless mirrors have begun to enter the market, let's see what they’ll do for them.
                “Rangefinder widths are also being made now” - who makes rangefinder optics now? And if it does, in what quantities? Where to?

              • 10111

                Mountains of rangefinder cameras in ibey. Starting from barnacks of all stripes and styles and ending with handicrafts from Kosina with Leika type 240. At the end of the 50s it was really easier to make wide-angle optics for rangefinders, but even then it was made very little and it was expensive - rangefinder 35 / 1.4s cost fabulous money. And therefore the first Eugene and Flectogon were an achievement. Now this is completely irrelevant - SLR shims have rangefinder in all parameters as they want. So Kosina produces mainly retrofocus rangefinder optics. This is an accomplished fact.
                Full-frame mirrorless cameras will in no way perceive non-retrofocus optics due to the fact that the digital sensor does not tolerate oblique beams. This is perfectly visible on the Sony A7. For this reason, modern mirrorless optics will remain retrofocusable. So it goes. I cannot understand the essence of the dispute. One comrade threw out a rotten myth and it began. I repeat - the “problem” of retrofocusing is no longer relevant and is rather a blessing for numbers.

              • Denis

                I'm not talking about ibei, we don’t take flea markets.
                The dispute that for mirrorless designs there is more freedom in designing optics, for DSLRs, retrofocus is the only solution. And we do not see “mountains of penny shirikov for rangefinders” only because DSLRs have become much more widespread, they were “populated”, and therefore tons of consumer-grade glass under the mirror. Unlike rangefinders, optics for which were made for a long time, it survived less, the quality of workmanship was high, and therefore the price is high.

              • 10111

                And I mean that even with this “freedom”, manufacturers make wide rangefinder optics mostly retrofocus. When will I get through?
                "The workmanship was high, hence the price is high."
                Nonsense. Good technology was, in principle, high quality and expensive, regardless of its nature. In addition, DSLRs in the 50s were much more expensive than rangefinders. Again - Flektogonov is a dime a dozen, I don’t want to take it, the benefit is inexpensive. But with 35mm widths for Leica or Contact it is somehow tight.

  • Alexander

    I have a younger-film brother (eos 1N) and the number is not needed :)

  • Oleg

    So maybe Arkady can distract from the DSLRs and test the rangefinder camera, I would like an article on this topic, what is the difference between technologies, at what stage the DSLRs bypass the rangefinders, is
    whether the advantage of which technology and why the famous Lake have such fabulous prices. I would like to know the opinion of a professional

    • Oleg Z

      Oleg, the direct heirs of rangefinders are mirrorless cameras.

      • Alexander

        mirrorless direct descendants of the scalers.
        And the rangefinders were, are and will be.

        • Oleg Z

          heirs of shkalnikov - they pointed and removed Chinese digital cameras, and mirrorless cameras are a completely different class

          • Alexander

            Well, in order. Mirrorless - that is, cameras without a mirror (this is understandable), there are SLR cameras. This means that mirrorless cameras are a new stage in the evolution of zk with all their advantages and scaling with their compactness and the absence of a mirror. And mirrorless cameras are positioned as the future of the photography industry, as something that in due time will displace “massive” and “heavy” SLR cameras.

            Dial cameras are cameras with manual focus on the distance scale and they are not at all the same as “soap dishes”, because they have manual focus.

            "Soap dishes" Chinese - this is the evolution of the simplest cameras, that is, film cameras where it is similar and you just need to press a button.
            Rangefinder cameras have always been a kind of elite layer of photo cameras. And it remains so now. Its development consists only in the availability of digital rangefinder cameras.

            • Denis

              Is there this development? In addition to Lake, riveting their cameras for fans (in the amount of, in fact, two pieces), and past single attempts like Epson, there is no development of rangefinders and there will never be. Because In terms of speed and convenience, the mirrorless camera is far ahead due to autofocus. Digital rangefinders have some meaning only for owners of an extensive fleet of rangefinder optics in order to use it at least somehow. And so, the rangefinders do not have a future, it is a relic of the past.
              Although I like them wildly ...

              • Alexander

                I said that all their development is digital matrices.
                You are right, they have outlived their age. But I will never put my contax III on the shelf)

              • Novel

                Taki a Fuji with rangefinder viewfinders - isn't it? Quite a relatively budget analogue of a watering can.

  • anonym

    Beautiful winter review.

  • Igor Fursov

    Thanks, interesting.
    I would like an article about the fate of the companies Kodak, Konika, Minolta.

    • kiev_poznyaki

      everything is clear with their fate. Konika and Minolta merged in the early 2000s. Then they were successfully absorbed by Sony. Kodak seems to be still alive, but still rather dead - in debt, as in silks. Fights off creditors. Has not produced film for almost 5 years, the production of cameras has also been sold to someone. All that really remains of these brands is their good name. Well, as you know, a good name is better than any wealth))

      • Alexander

        kodak paid the debts and normally produces the film. You are wrong.

      • Vasily Artamonov

        JK Imaging Ltd bought the right to use the Kodak brand and produces digital compacts under this brand (

        • Alexander

          I talked about the film. Kodak does not produce cheap films, but actively produces a professional series.

  • Some0neElse

    Yes, in terms of ergonomics, I had the same feelings from Canon 1D mark II, it is very “two-handed”. Ergonomics Nikon is closer to me personally. But I also managed to cope with Canon, and in general I can say that you can live, perhaps the most inconvenient thing in the implementation is viewing the captured photos. And some of the buttons are frankly too small.

  • Anatoly

    Excellent color rendering, sufficient sharpness, technology for 12 years, as for the original picture, have not gone so far forward.

  • Mikhail Rybak

    I am the owner of this camera.
    In addition, I will say:
    1. The eyecup fits from 20, 30, 40D.
    2. In order to be able to enlarge the photo to view the flu, you first need to activate this function through proprietary software, the latest version of which only Windows XP understands the maximum, the software works on the 1394 interface, and with this software the camera can be fully configured from a computer.
    3. There is no USB port in the camera!
    4. The memory card I have is 16GB. In order for the camera to see more than 8GB, you need to format the USB flash drive on older models, for example on 20D, and then just insert and work. If you format a 16GB card through 1DS, you get 8GB! There is a separate function, Card Clear, which simply deletes all the pictures, while the numbering of the pictures starts again (if you drop the photo into one folder for a couple of shots, you will get 00001, 00001 (1), 00001 (2), etc.
    5. Through EXIF ​​data, using a simple utility, you can see the shutter mileage.
    6. The camera does not allow viewing the picture before it is recorded on the card. If you shoot in tiff after clicking the shutter and showing on the screen, it takes about 15 seconds.!
    6. The screen is a rare hafno, but at the same time there are functions for displaying 4 photos in a grid and with a histogram :)
    7. Autofocus bomb, I say while comparing with the Nikon D300!
    8. Iso above 800 I do not recommend using, I rent for 200.
    9. In order to flash the camera with the latest firmware of 2003 :) I had to buy a Canon branded card for 32MB for 100 UAH. :) To whom I can sell this keychain!
    10. There is a button on the camera, when clicked, autofocus is instantly selected only at the center point.
    11. The menu is diby, but you get used to it in a month, by the way there are only four tabs.
    12. As far as the truth, I don’t know, but I heard a story that the camera correctly understands lenses with an aperture of no more than 1.8.
    13. The battery is large metal hydride, including a chain of 10 cells. After buying a used camera from America, the counter had a mileage of 14600 (in 11 years :)), and the battery held 150 frames. I myself repacked the battery with Sanyo Eneloop XXX cells at a price of 40 UAH. per item. The old capacity was 1650, repackaged 2450. TOTAL - for three photo sessions with breaks a week, 1200 frames were taken from one charge, in the cold -10 I made 700 frames !!!
    14. The battery charge is huge, the size of a large 120 Watt laptop power supply! At the same time, there are two outputs for charging-discharging two batteries at the same time! There is a Recovery button after which the battery will first be completely discharged and then charged.
    15. I do not feel any inconvenience in ergonomics, since I use a wrist strap. Forget about the neck strap!
    16. The camera accurately conveys colors and shades, the camera menu has a choice of five color options, used No. 1 Natural for portraits and No. 2 Saturated for flash photography in a nightclub.
    17. The white balance pleased, but sometimes, very rarely, it is underexposed, as it is strange, more than a stop.
    18. Naturally understands only EF lenses, measures exposure and white balance on manual lenses without a chip correctly!
    19. Unleashing the potential of the camera, L-series lenses are needed, they gave 24-70 2.8 an hour to try, and I already started collecting money.
    20. Weighed a set of carcass-24-70-flash = 3238grams and we boldly fend off the gopnik :)

    This is my third DSLR after the Nikon D300 and Canon 20D, and so far the best for me. Strongly bypasses the First Pyatak! If I change it only to 1Ds MarkIII which is almost comparable to 5D MarkII, but has many additional chips.
    How much the shutter comes out in a professional camera for more than 10 years, God alone knows, but more than sure that with a shutter guarantee of 150 thousand. using for home and family (I have a photo hobby, and a night club a part-time job, the money from which is added to the deposit for the purchase of an L-lens)
    this camera can film half of your life. He said this because he took a body with a battery and a charger with delivery from America for 4300 UAH, so think now ...

    • Alexander

      Mikhail, your detailed comments have finally “sent” to find a suitable option for buying Ds1. In case of questions, can I contact you? If yes, then where?

    • Anatoly

      Kapets, Mikhail You derailed many of the works of marketers. Many buying a modern SLR are convinced that the red color will be even redder (a joke, but you understand). But you don’t understand the code you look at Canon EOS-1DS pictures why you need to overpay for the multi-pixel matrix of modern cameras in order to take high-quality pictures of everyday life. We are waiting for new technologies, graphene, or whatever else, CCD and CMOS were at their peak 10 years ago, everything else that is now offered on this base, as regards the quality of the original image, and this is the main parameter, it is wasted money wasted.

      IMHO, maybe someone needs a built-in lighter in the camera.

    • Bogdan

      By the way, about the shutter.
      Before buying this camera, I searched the Internet for a long time.
      Once I came across a camera with a mileage of 203, which indirectly confirms the guaranteed shutter life of 000.

    • Georgy

      Small addition. About the 8GB limit. To be honest, I learned about it only from this article and was very surprised. I am the owner of the first Ds-ki. I have a camera with the latest firmware. I use a 32 GB card, format it right in my camera. All 32GB are formatted and all 32GB are filled when shooting without any 6 megabyte restrictions. You don't need any older cameras ...

      • First name

        Real capacity of 32 Gig stick = 29.8 ... How can you fill ALL 32 Giga? )

        • Arkady Shapoval

          I suppose that the essence of the answer is clear, and 29.8 and 32 are already trifles.

    • Andy

      Michael, how to remake the battery pack as you have?

    • Anastasia

      Hello! I am the owner of 1Ds. Please tell me how to strengthen the battery?

      • Mikhail Rybak

        Only by repacking the elements, I made such and just a bomb
        The most interesting thing is that I tested each of the ten elements with digital charging and the smallest capacity was 2868mAh, and the rest are larger and so on up to 3200 approximately.

    • anonym

      Now I would also say where else 1Ds for UAH 4300 would remain, and the line would stretch to the very Canadian border!)) I myself tried to buy this ph at the same price for Ibei and Amazons for the same price, but I could not find it. took for 4000 UAH 5D. 1Ds go mostly for $ 500, even a little more. Delivery adds another 15%. But go ahead, gentlemen! maybe someone else is lucky.

    • Alexander

      Tell someone how to repack the battery under Sanyo enellop ?? It is dark to open Akum. Advise how to do it all.

  • J-fx


    It seems to me that you have not encountered deep processing of raves from old cameras - in comparison with new ones, these are two different worlds

    • Anatoly

      I didn’t come across it, I guess it’s hemorrhagic, but I’m talking about the quality of the original picture, and it’s in a 12 year old Pts camera. even not bad. And then the real reliability of especially the mechanics is embedded in the construct of the old cameras.

      Now Samsung is caught on the fact that in its products, LCD TVs, for example, it installs capacitors in the power supply directly near the cooling radiator, which have a limited service life during power-ups. temperature and the TV really fails after 2-3 years. Allowing yourself to set a minimum price for the product in comparison with competitors thereby stimulates the consumer to buy a new TV because repair is not profitable for him.

      Apple does not install a non-replaceable battery in its iPhones for 400 charge-discharge cycles, in a year and a half, both the consumer can buy and the manufacturer sell a profitable new iPhone.
      Such an unhealthy trend is observed in the production of photographic equipment with a pre-planned resource of work.

      • Some0neElse

        Anatoly, exaggerate. Capacitors change quietly, not to mention the battery. But in general, each product has its own life cycle, usually ranging from 1 to 7 years. During which the manufacturer guarantees the support and availability of spare parts for the product.

        • Denis

          “Condensers change quietly, not to mention the battery” - well, very calmly, just like a light bulb in a chandelier. Yes, the average user in life will not change it himself. Those. must be carried to a service center. And by that time, you see, a new product has already appeared, and the user understands that what to do with the old, wait until it is repaired, it is not known how long it will last after repair - it is better to buy a new one. Many do so.

        • Anatoly

          And no one argues that it is impossible to replace, but is the question profitable? Here is Apple so that the kulibins do not change the battery and the price is set at $ 70 for an iPhone price of $ 100, they started buying Chinese cheap batteries, so Apple changed the configuration of the slots on the screws so that they did not change the battery and thereby bought a new phone.
          Samsung's capacitors also change, but not everywhere and what is the price of the issue.
          The question is different, large companies that mass-produce consumer electronics massively deliberately limit its resource by applying the most ingenious tricks in order to later sell a new product and have super-profits.

          • Denis

            Here is an example with an iPhone from life - I have an old 3gs, in principle, it suits everyone, but the battery is not at all the same as before. And I'm too lazy to order a new one, take a soldering iron, tinker with it myself (because I'm friends with a soldering iron, but I'm lazy) or carry it to the huckster, I'd rather buy a newer one when this battery completely turns sour. And it would be removable, I would go to the nearest passage and buy a new one for a penny, put it out of this passage and calmly use it further.
            And in everything, incl. and in photographic equipment, the same trends are followed. Pick up the first digitizers (ala the hero of this review), and compare with the new ones - everything is visible. The image quality grows, ergonomics improves (including due to weight reduction), and the “survivability” decreases ...

          • Some0neElse

            Apple generally makes its products as closed as possible, that's their policy. I agree with capacitors that here the path usually lies in the SC, you can handle the battery yourself, there are screwdrivers on sale freely and not expensive. And about the cost of the phone, $ 100 is the cost of only the element base, the final price for the consumer includes the costs of hardware development, software development, product support, marketing, plus margin. For myself, the question was solved simply - I do not buy equipment of this brand.

            And on Samsung, can specific examples be given? (interesting)

            • Artem

              Maybe someone will be interested, but Apple does not supply spare parts for iPhones in the service center of our city, and according to the master they are forbidden to repair them in principle! Only software manipulations. If the phone fails then it is replaced with a similar one entirely!

  • Victor

    I have such a miracle camera, but after the crop there are still 350 and 600 you need to learn to shoot again very demanding on the lenses, we move the exposure to plus 2 \ 3 there will be happiness sensations such that the crop is not 1 but 0.5 per hundred mm. you can take a full-length portrait in the room

  • Oleg

    I take the third unit for all back-focus ((Considering that there is no software adjustment in it, and the service is tough even in the city of Nizhny Novgorod with a population of one million), I was also in Moscow, in the Copy-Center ... they could not cure it either ... about personal functions .. I had the imprudence to clear them .. And that's all .. They are gone forever .. Considering that even having a Fire Wire cable, which is problematic to find, there is nowhere to connect it, if there is no MacBook and where to get this software driver is also unclear It is on XP and that's it .. just why, if there is no IEEE1394 connector on devices with a melkosofty axis? (I mean laptops ... with desktop PCs it is easier because of the upgradeability) And the noise .. they are already noticeable on ISO 200 and if pulling out the details from the shadows in the lightroom there it turns out such a canvas .. with which no shumodav can cope .. well, about a small uninformative screen, I generally keep quiet .. it could easily not have been done at all ... but what is it about one in spite of all this is amazing. .so this is the color rendition and something inthe resulting pictures are mesmerizing .. I have a third mark yet .. on it it is necessary to finalize the pictures in graphic editors for a long time .. but not the fact that it will be possible to achieve something similar ...

  • Sergei

    2 years ago there was such a camera. I was led to reviews on about film grain, super nice color rendition, and so on. bought. I tried to use it for several months - the result is that the camera is simply not useful. there are no advantages to this old junk.
    no beautiful colors there, super autofocus, super reliability, etc.
    at 50 iso the whole frame is in grain and in noises, someone will yell at a moment that this is a film grain and so on. - mura is not a film grain.
    mileage was 11 thousand - the shutter ERR error constantly got out. shot - you do not know the next one or not.
    heavy to horror.
    about the menu and viewing the picture - separately in general. I have never seen such an inconvenient menu and navigation in general.
    For myself, I decided that I would no longer be guided by reviews, it was not clear to anyone. sold this junk thank god. I do not advise anyone.

    • Sergey - RE

      and what did you buy yourself in return?

      • Sergei

        I bought a bottle of beer for sober, that's what. I will not write more nonsense, chesslovo.

    • П

      Well it is not given to you to see the color! Well, what can you do ...

  • Sasha

    I have been the owner of this camera for over a year. switched to it after 40d.
    half a year after the purchase, the shutter flew, changed to serv.ts. in Moscow for 13 tr. this winter, I think that is not expensive enough. he didn’t go to Moscow himself, he sent everything by mail, they did everything well.
    I own 1V at the same time, but we can’t find a battery in it in the wilderness, so I put the battery unit on it and leisurely put it aside, because it became as heavy as ds.
    Now I shoot a little, I probably received satisfaction from owning professional ones.
    I tried a lot to shoot on Soviet glasses, I liked it, but the build quality was not always pleasing. Pts liked Mir1v, sharp in the open, and in the closed it will give a head start of 17-40l, the picture is very good. alive.
    about the survivability of the camera - I shot it both in the rain and at 30 degrees of frost, while it is working, but I will not do this anymore. in frost it turns off right with a raised mirror, as it thaws, all the rules. the camera is worthy of respect, as well as those who use it) it's me not only about myself)) good luck to everyone

    • anonym

      forgot to write about autofocus - not as good as it is praised, try it at 1v.

    • Ramis

      How does she compare to 40s in color?

  • anonym

    a guy from a neighboring nine gave almost zero in a box and so on for a couple of vodara bubbles, just now what to do with this stuff?

    • anonym

      I can pick up

    • Sasha

      I would also take it with pleasure)

  • Vlad

    Is it worth it to buy such a camera nowadays? I’ll say right away in the photo kettle. Fota only on digital soap, basically all kinds of glands. but eternal problems, soap. you also need a photo through a microscope, and there zeniths stood, it turns out you need something with a full frame.
    the metal case is also important. camera weight is not important. since the photo is 99% at home. and with such a rarity you won’t go out on the street. immediately laugh. therefore only at home.

    here I also found out that the objects are plastic now, how is this to be understood? are they light as rattles? tapped a little and that's it?

    From the zenith lens fit on him? there are such Jupiter-37A Jupiter-21M Helios-44M-7 helios-44-2 Industar-61L / 3-MS I-61L / D Industar-50. more and more not found.

    if I understand correctly this is the cheapest camera with a large frame?

    what to look at when buying? the battery is not important, I’m doing sorting of these things with my eyes closed.

    • Sasha

      Vlad, on the street just goggle at the sight of a camera pro)
      old soviet lenses fit through an adapter.
      1ds shots are always sharp and clear.

    • gene

      Looking for what to buy this camera for, Ds is heavy but for that it is and proff. that it would be possible to do something without having smeared the 1/10 shutter speed, he likes L lenses, I have 50L and 135L AF, I shot them motocross and it was 10% defective, I caught it in the jump and whatever , portrait, sport, flowers, if the professional glass works without problems, the batteries can be sorted out and put new ones, it is better in color. It’s better than 5D that we compared with 5D, in general, prof, for this money there’s just a ball, and for each day, where quality is not required took Samsung NX11 there and the video is also inexpensive by the way

  • Vlad

    the camera has come. yes weight inspires. but what is surprising is that they do not slip out of hand. yes a little hard. something is unusual but there is no feeling that it will slip and fall. the same ipad makes you feel that it can fall out of your hands easily.

    struck by the abundance of buttons. and even so, everything is different from tsifromyl. I could not turn it on for about 10 minutes until I realized that press the button and turn the wheel. the camera wanted an MD format. since the first time I encounter such a technique, I first shot Malevich’s black squares.
    that’s what’s called a habit with tsyfromylu. but gradually something began to be understood.

    if I understand correctly then this camera. Not designed for shooting at home without a flash?
    simply. with tsyfromyla I’m taking a picture of a painting hanging on the wall at the end of the room. lighting. probably 40 watt incandescent lamp. Well, I'm a resident at night. I do not like bright light. so that about the same picture in brightness was on 1ds, you had to set iso to 1250 and the shutter to 8. the aperture was 2.8

    lubrication and. I do not take color into account yet. It’s important to understand how to take a picture’s brightness.

    This is the norm for 1ds or what am I. what am I doing wrong?

  • Igor

    After going through all the early units, except 1Dx and 1Dc, I come to the conclusion that, regardless of the resolution that the eye has on the drum, and the main color rendering to it, I will say that 1Ds Digital in my opinion gives an unrivaled source for color reproduction, and I solved the problem with the NP-E3 battery once and for all changing fingers on the Sanyo eneloop 2.450 m / ah holds indefinitely, you just forget about charging. I charge at least 4 hours.

  • Igor

    Volumetric, sharp landscapes on the open ef 200mm f / 1.8L

    • Dima

      Igor, a chic color, who says that nothing good, let him go on with Nikon acid removes)

  • Alexander

    I recently disassembled my unit. It took a little renovation. Three-piece body; - all made of light alloy. Spooky armor.

  • anonym

    Guys, I still do not understand, is it worth taking for 500 ye?

    • Jury

      Better not.

    • Lynx

      everyone decides for himself.
      But if you want an inexpensive Canon FF, can you look towards the first nickle?
      or report back and take the second.

    • Alexander

      What technique to take; - new but expensive or somewhat outdated but at a lower price? This question haunts many. Similar to cell phones; - the voice of the interlocutor sounds exactly the same both in the newcomer and in the 10-year-old ... But the new one has all sorts of gadgets, you can tinker with your fingers on the screen. For $ 500 it makes sense to take 1Ds M2, but it is more for studio shooting. You were correctly advised the first patch, if you do not find fault with shadows and color, besides, it is cheaper.

      • deleted

        For the price of a nickle, it is almost worth it. If he had been instead of 1Ds, of course he would not have thought about it ...

  • anonym

    An acquaintance sells it. It looks perfect! Perhaps he stood in the studio all his life. The mileage of the program determines in the region of 9000. Of course it is hard to believe ... 5d is not available, only through the Internet. You understand, 1000 ye for a pig in a poke. And there is no such money in the photo.
    I want him to merge my d7000, 18-105 and 35 1.8. In exchange for 1Ds. Here in thought)

    • Alexander

      Don't think too much. The Nikon D7000 is too good to be washed out. Alternatively, merge both lenses, add a little pennies and buy Sigma 35 F1.4 or Sigma 50F1.4 only from the Art series (whichever is more acceptable in focal length; I would prefer 35) and enjoy the result.

  • anonym

    D7000 I like EVERYTHING !!!
    Except for skinton. We were in the capital not long ago, I took a picture with my wife under ideal conditions in the light - the skin is pink-gray ...
    Process each family photo according to complexion ... If you are lazy ...
    Here I took half to 30d - I'm trying to run it in a zhipeg. That would be right away and without any special twists: swing if exp and bb ...

    • Alexander

      The color in JPEG on the D7000 adjusts in the carcass to almost any “taste”, read the instructions, adjust…. Everything is there specially for the lazy.

      • anonym

        I've tried everything ... Clay and pouring don't leave the face ...
        From the same ancient 30d I use kamzhepeg. Sometimes in Dpp I click on the curve assistant and that’s it!
        It doesn't work like that with d7000. An exception is indoor shooting. In this case, almost everything suits me ...

  • anonym

    By the way, guys, what do you think: is it realistic to view the mileage program?
    Opinions differ ...

    • Lynx

      Nikon has mileage in files.
      At canon - sometimes in a carcass - you need to fill in the program and cut it to the laptop. sometimes - just not.

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