For the opportunity to review the lens of the MS Peleng 3,5 / 8A (Belomo EWP Fisheye Lens MC 3.5 / 8 A Made in Belarus) lens, many thanks to Ise, the author of the blog http://inzoomnet.livejournal.

Review of MS Bearing 3,5 / 8A
Instead of the legendary MS Bearing 3,5 / 8A (or at least MC Peleng 3,5 / 8A) my copy is written in Latin 'Belomo EWP Fisheye Lens MC 3.5 / 8 A Made in Belarus'. If anyone knows what 'EWP' is, please post it in the comments. As it turned out, MC Peleng 3,5 / 8A is simply an amazing lens.

View of the lens MS Bearing 3,5 / 8A
MC Peleng 3,5 / 8A is an ultra-wide-angle circular (circular) fisheye lens. This means that the lens has the strongest barrel distortion, and the image that the lens forms is inscribed in a 24mm circle. MC Bearing 3,5 / 8A is therefore called circular (lat. Circus - a circle), that the image is obtained only in a circle, which is located in the center of the image, only a black border remains on the sides. The principle of the lens is clearly shown below:

This is how the photos from MS Bearing 3,5 / 8A look like
MS Peleng 3,5 / 8A 'sees' on 180 degrees in all directions. With such a lens need to learn how to work, but if you get used to it, you can shoot very interesting scenes. When I used MC Peleng 3,5 / 8A, the sun constantly entered the frame, the sun does not enter the frame only when you turn your back to it. Also, my shadow, arms, legs constantly got into the frame, because the lens 'sees' almost everything that is in front of the photographer.
Focusing on the lens is smooth, the focus ring rotates 270 degrees. Attention: when focusing through the optical viewfinder, it is very, very difficult to visually notice that something in the viewfinder is changing. Since the lens has a very short hyperfocal distance, you can generally forget about the focus ring, and use lens always focused on infinity. When I was shooting on covered apertures, I did not notice much difference in the picture in what distance the focus was focused by the lens. When focusing, the front lens does not rotate, and the trunk of the lens lengthens by only 1-2 millimeters. The minimum focusing distance is only 22 cm.

View of the rear light filter and the aperture of the lens of the MS Peleng 3,5 / 8A lens
The aperture control ring and aperture preset ring are located in front of the lens. The diaphragm presetting ring has two inscriptions with arrows: Unlock - open the diaphragm, open the diaphragm and Lock - close the diaphragm, closed the diaphragm. The minimum aperture is F / 16. The aperture preset ring can be used to set any F-number from F / 3.5 to F / 16. My copy already has 9 aperture blades, although on the Internet you can find options with fewer petals. The lens is weak aperturebut with a wide angle lens aperture not so important. The lens can be easily take off. I shot without problems with shutter speed about 1/10 s on the cropped chamber.
How to use with modern cameras?
'A' lenses with an interchangeable shank, such as the one in this review, are very easy to use on almost any modern digital camera (both DSLR and mirrorless), just select correct adapter. The replacement 'A' shank usually has an external M42 thread and an 'H' mount (similar to Nikon F). For use on modern cameras, the easiest way is to add the required adapter from M42 to the desired system or from Nikon F to the desired system to this shank.

MS Bearing 3,5 8A on a modern camera
The lens has a very strongly convex front lens and cannot use light filters on the front lens. Light filters are installed on the rear lens of the objective. The cap on the lens does not snap into place, but simply puts on, you need to be careful not to lose it. The Bearing itself is assembled soundly, the package includes a wardrobe trunk and light filters. By the way, this is not an old lens, it is still being produced, on the BELOMO website (manufacturer) you can find an interesting PR about the fact that the less electronics in the lens, the more reliable it is :) It's a pity that BELOMO now produces only 2 lenses ...
Sample Photos
The lens turned out to be weak in terms of sharpness at F / 3.5. But when you close the aperture, the sharpness in the center is just superb. When moving away from the center, the sharpness drops slightly. The lens can easily catch small glare in backlight. In the photo, sometimes strong chromatic aberration.
If you distort and try to remove the black border from the image, then the final cropped image will be similar to the image from a 16 mm lens with strong distortion. For such purposes, a linear fisheye is better MS Zenitar-N 2.8 / 16 “Fisheye”. The lens edging of the circle changes at different aperture values. The geometrical centers of the image in the circle and the center of the frame on my copy do not match, my MS Bearing 3,5 / 8A on the camera Nikon D700 slightly 'shifts' the circle down. Photo on APS Nikon D700 FX without processing:
Sample photos on Canon 350D without processing. On the Canon 350D I used a lens with a shank KP-A \ N and Nikon-Canon adapter. EGF lens on APS-C Canon cameras will be 12,8mm, while the cropped sensor cuts out the central part of the image created by the lens, but the black corners still remain and cannot be corrected during RAW processing. Roughly speaking, on cropped cameras, the MC Peleng 3,5 / 8A behaves like a regular linear fisheye lens.
Catalog modern brand lenses 'Zenitar' и 'Helios' can look at this link.
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MS Peleng 3,5 / 8A - unique lens. Its ability to 'look' at full 180 degrees can be used to achieve extraordinary images. Even though this is a manual focus lens, focus problems can be forgotten.
See Related - Overview Samyang 8mm 1: 3.5 UMC FISH-EYE CS II Aspherical NI.
Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.
“By the way, this is not an old lens, it is still being produced on the BELOMO website (manufacturer)” Indeed it is, the cost of the lens including delivery (I need it in St. Petersburg) is $ 280. Only some strange shipping, by train, payment also through the guide after receiving the lens. Why not by mail is unclear.
Thanks for the review. Particularly interesting are examples from a cropped camera.
Maybe someone is interested in having frames in the form of a door peephole =), this is not for everybody, probably. I preferred to take Samyang 8 / 3.5 on Nikon. On the crop - a full-frame fisheye with the same 180 degrees diagonally, but with full frame coverage and exposure metering contacts. Super-duper for a relatively inexpensive (for a fish) price of about $ 400.
And what's the point in photography in a circle?
The meaning is 180 degrees of view in all directions, only a circle it displays
and here are the comparisons of the bearing and the saming
A decent lens for your tasks.
He wins by the fact that he has a good construct (metal and glass), as well as at a price. For this price you can find fish for crooked vryatli.
The lens is probably good, but apart from being used as a peephole, to be honest, I don’t see any use for it. So, play and put in a box or put up for sale.
If you do not see this does not mean that they are not.
some links to the photos taken by the bearing
Beautiful frames do not even catch the eye of optical distortion (or they are already fixed). In no case do not scold the lens, only noted that for me this is a very outlandish option)
Great shots! Which camera is taken? Crop?
Thank you for your reply!
Have you cleaned up yom distortion?
Throughriskov's throat did not suffer ... marvelous trocha ...
Am I so much in for a photo here with a picture of the crop factor of a self-camera? For the reason I don’t send a problem for you!
Hiba, it is still possible to put a 1.4x-2x teleconverter behind the object, - the male, in theory, gives rise to the problem of “normal” swelling of the “superbar” in the space with an equal horizon on cameras and a “full-frame” matrix.
And so, I am reasoning, so tsei ob'ective truth - artistic and "tiny". Samyang, with analogous parameters, is simply clean and not more. I want and the middle of the "sam'yangiv" to trap the essence of "artistic" linzi.
Dorechі. Yaksho panove bazhayut - you can replace the PELENG MS 3,5 / 8A linse from me - I will bring it to Ukraine from Bilorusia. Not a problem, take it for me.
097-649-64-59, 063-788-50-45
Various crowds (in clubs, at least) are interesting to take a picture of.
Although I feel sorry for the money even for the Bearing for the sake of rare shots.
Samyang is also metal and glass. the difference in price of 150 bucks is justified by full coverage on crop and available exposure metering.
the site is called “Blog of Arkady Shapoval”, and 4 photos from D 700 are called. "Arkady Shapoval's legs")
Indeed, I fish autofocus and even aperture control is useless ... in most cases, neither focusing nor aperture is needed at all. Set focus to “infinity”, close the aperture to f / 5.6-f / 8 and that's it, you don't have to touch anything else for the entire life of the lens.
Gentlemen, can you tell me - I bought this bearing, the first 30 minutes is a solid negative, firstly it was installed on the nikon d800 with a scale down, that is, in order to see what data opposite the marks it is necessary to turn it over, but it does not matter - the problem is that when focusing on infinity he gives an error (the camera is natural) and so on up to 0,5, can someone tell me - is this normal or a defect of the lens?
Please tell me if you figured out focusing at infinity? Yesterday we bought such a lens - the same problem. Is it really a cant in the lens itself, or is there something wrong with the adjustment in place?
If it is still relevant, due to the absence of infinity, the same crap is on the ZENITAR fish. It is necessary to loosen the screws of the focusing ring and adjust it. I adjusted my ZENITAR so that it twists even beyond infinity ... For the sake of interest, last December we went to the store and tried to attach a new ZENITAR under NIKON - the same garbage, it doesn’t screw up to infinity ...
the scale down - it is his limit switch is screwed on incorrectly, it is necessary to twist it so that the red point on the limit switch is at the level of the transverse yellow pattern on the fixed ring.
Regarding the error HZ. And yes, the assembly can be different for some reason (I have everything in place, only they did not put filters in the kit (
Examples of shooting. Nikon D7000 + Belomo EWP Fisheye Lens MC 3.5 / 8
It seems as though through the peephole removed)
I used the bearing on the Olympus E-520, now I twisted the shank under the Nikon sprinkled, until I took it off. Images from Olympus
The test photo does not have an aperture.
Impossible to appreciate the sharpness ...
Not good for such a site.
Bearing cards - gorgeous view!
Thank you for your review. I didn’t find a review of “BELOMO MC 2.8 / 17 ″ of the same plant. On the company's website there are several examples of photos from it, but not enough.” BELOMO MC 2.8 / 17 ”apparently should be close to MC Zenitar 16 / 2.8. On the forums, usually everything about Zenitar and almost nothing about it (apparently rare enough). There is little information for choosing.
In Minsk, it was possible to acquire Belomo 17 / 2,8. Processed photos (cropping black corners, a small sharpe, reducing the size) can be seen here
Shot Nikon D600. It seemed that at infinity the drop in sharpness from the center to the edge of the frame is too noticeable ... but so far there is little experience with such optics and there is nothing to compare with.
Regarding Belomo 17 / 2,8, attention: before the 2000s copies touched the mirror on the FF (I was personally convinced on the 94 copy). My copy (examples in the post above) is 2011.
And how are rectangular photos obtained from this lens as in the comments above?
Auto: “Crop sensor cuts out the center of the lens image”. Or you can crop it yourself. editor if full format matrix.
and how this lens will go to the nikon d5200 crop. or what can be used for a wide angle
I also took it with m42, I thought that a simple M42-F / Nikon adapter will help, but everything turns out blurry, and it clearly takes a hand at a distance of 5 cm. I realized that the thickness of the adapter interferes, even if only 1 mm. It turns out that it is necessary to change the entire shank, began to look for it under the name KP-A / N, we did not find it, it turns out that foreigners and Chinese have been doing it for a long time and it is called T2-NIKON, and the Chinese costs only 3 euros in Ibei. I’m sitting, waiting for it to come, I hope that it doesn’t fail and everything will be in order. If China does not work, I will take the company one. :)
1 mm is DOFIGA in the seats.
And the main problem of Nikon in these 1,4 mm discrepancies in the seats
Mistake, all the same T2 is NOT the same as KP-A / N. The diameter is wider. But I was lucky, got the KP today)))
For cropped DSLRs, this lens has a hood that protects from flare and mechanical damage to the front lens
Gentlemen, I purchased this lens back in 2011-12, a new one from white with a Nikon f mount.
He served me faithfully. Created with him successfully. The image has always been extremely sharp.
But then something happened, and he lost sharpness, no matter how I twisted the focus. Nikon D300s
Do you know why this happened?
Daria, is the option that was previously shot on a closed aperture, but now opened, possible?
Unfortunately, changing the aperture makes little difference.
I am enclosing a photo of my problem. In any situation, everything looks like this or even muddy
Obviously, it’s not about the aperture, but about focusing at the minimum distance, i.e. focus ring “does not work”. why - I will not tell you
The CP adapter may have loosened, it is bolted to the lens with three or four bolts, try to loosen, pull the ring tight and tighten. The lens block in the bearing does not move very much, displacement even by half a millimeter can lead to defocusing.
And is the compensator worth it? they sometimes forget to put it after using light filters
Thanks again for the great review! If possible, make a review on the lens from the same factory “BELOMO MS 2.8 / 17”
I bought a Bearing 3,5 / 8A for my D90 fotik with a crop factor of 1,5, while on it it is no longer circular, but a diagonal fisheye.
Before buying my lens, I looked through a lot of reviews, forums and comparisons with analogs. The main complaints about this lens were side flare and vulnerability of the front lens. Since for the lens Bearing 3,5 / 8A, the front protective filter is in principle not possible, and the hood does not exist, all these shortcomings were taken as a hopeless given.
Many of the used lenses that were sold had serious scratches and scuffs on the front lens due to its bulge, there were also complaints about the front cover which did not hold well and could simply fall off at any moment.
The lens is quite expensive but interesting, so I set out to minimize side flare and protect the front lens in parallel.
The lens hood completely protects the lens from side flare, while also physically restricting the possibility of accidentally damaging the front lens. For cameras with a crop factor of 1,5, the edges of the hood are not visible, for full-frame DSLRs, the hood will cut out the rectangle in the center as a diagonal fisheye lens.
and where did they get the lens hood?
Itself made of screw 62 mm.
Friend, tell me more about how to do it.
Write in a personal
The killed Peleng got it (maybe it was sorted out and smeared). The shot on Nikon D90 is tolerable, but there is some disgrace along the contour. Tell me what such a circuit is talking about - where to look for a malfunction? And also - BELOMO or one of the partners sells a rear removable lens and a front one? No matter how hard I tried to find, there was zero information. In theory, such things happen in the ASC, but BELOMO somehow does not have them.
Lol, it should be so. This is a circular fisheye.
An example of bearing on a canon 50d. An excellent lens for space shots.
I would assume that “EWP” stands for Extra Wrap Around or Engineered Wrap Around for the cross section of the front lens.