Review of Meyer-Optik Görlitz Oreston 1.8 / 50

Many thanks to Evgeny Petruchok for the opportunity to review the Meyer-Optik Görlitz Oreston 1.8 / 50 lens, who sent I have a lens from another area.

Meyer-Optik Görlitz Oreston 1.8 / 50

Meyer-Optik Görlitz Oreston 1.8 / 50

Oreston 1.8 / 50 is a good fast fifty. The lens has an M42 thread and a blinking aperture device. The lens has a diaphragm repeater device, and the diaphragm itself has only 6 blades.

Enlightenment of the lens and the appearance of the aperture

Enlightenment of the lens and the appearance of the aperture

There are Oreston 1.8 / 50 lenses in several body frame options. Zebra frames (minimum f / 22) and black frames (minimum f / 16) are commonly found, as in this review.

Lens view on a modern camera

Lens view on a modern camera

Focusing is a plan, the focus ring rotates almost 360 degrees. This lens boasts a small minimum focusing distance of just 33cm. When focusing, the front lens does not rotate, and the trunk of the lens lengthens slightly. The depth of field and focusing distances are present.

Bokeh lens

Bokeh lens

The lens is very similar to many other fifty dollars. The weight is small, about 200 g, the diameter of the old-style front filter is 49 mm. The lenses have a pronounced lilac coating.

Small MDF lens and huge aperture give a very small DOF

Small MDF lens and huge aperture give a very small DOF

Sample Photos

The lens has an interesting bokeh pattern. Due to the small focusing distance, you can take pictures of all sorts of insects. The image quality is not bad, something special except bokeh does not shine. All photos without processing.

How to use with modern cameras?

Lenses with mounting thread M42 (M42 X 1 / 45.5), such as the lens from this review, are very easy to use on almost any modern digital camera (both SLR and mirrorless), for this it is enough to choose the right adapter (adapter). You do not need to carry out any additional steps to modify the lens.

The cheapest adapters can be found at There are adapters (adapters) with a chip that provide more convenience during shooting, usually chips are used to confirm focus and / or metering exposure, and form the correct EXIF. The chip does not affect the image quality in any way.

For some SLR cameras (for example, with the Nikon F-mount), you need to use adapters with a corrective lens, which allows you to focus correctly at all focusing distances. For any mirrorless cameras, such a lens is not needed, and the adapter is a simple decorated hollow metal tube with an appropriate mount.

For SLR cameras

  1. Canon: For cameras Canon EOS with bayonet mount EF / EF-S need an M42-Canon EOS adapter, such an adapter with a chip can be found herewithout chip here.
  2. NIKON: For cameras Nikon DX / FXas well as for cameras Fujifilm и Kodak with a Nikon F mount, you need an M42-Nikon F adapter, you can buy such an adapter without a lens and a chip here, with a lens without a chip herewith chip without lens here, with lens and chip here. Why a lens? Why chip?
  3. PENTAX: For Pentax cameras with K mount, you need an M42-Pentax K adapter, you can buy such an adapter here.
  4. SONY/MINOLTA: For cameras with a Sony / Minolta A mount, you need the M42-Sony A adapter, you can find such an adapter without a chip at this linkwith a chip at this link.
  5. OLYMPUS/PANASONIC/LEICA: For cameras with a 4/3 bayonet mount (not to be confused with Micro 4/3!) You need an M42-4 / 3 adapter, you can buy such an adapter here.

For mirrorless cameras

  1. SONY: For cameras with 'E'/'FE' mount series SonyNEX и Sony Alpha you need an adapter M42-Sony E (aka M42-Sony Nex), you can find it at this link. An autofocus adapter is also available for these cameras. Techart PRO Leica M - Sony E Autofocus Adapterwhich can be found at this link.
  2. OLYMPUS / PANASONIC / KODAK / XIAOMI: For cameras with a bayonet mount Micro 4/3 (Micro 4:3) you need an adapter M42-Micro 4/3, you can find it at this link.
  3. CANON M: For cameras with Canon EF-M mount need adapter M42-Canon M, it can be found at this link.
  4. CANON R and RF-S: For cameras with Canon RF mount need adapter M42-Canon R, it can be found at this link.
  5. Nikon 1: For cameras Nikon 1 Series need adapter M42-Nikon 1, you can find it at this link.
  6. Nikon Z: For cameras Nikon Z series (FX/DX) need an adapter M42-Nikon Z, it can be found at this link.
  7. FUJIFILM X: For cameras with mount X need an M42-Fuji X adapter, you can find it at this link.
  8. FUJIFILM GFX: For medium format cameras G-mount need M42-Fuji GFX adapter, you can find it at this link.
  9. SAMSUNG: For cameras with NX mount, you need an M42-Samsung NX adapter, you can find it at this link. There are no adapters for the NX mini camera yet.
  10. PENTAX: For Q-mount cameras, you need an M42-Pentax Q adapter, you can find it at this link.
  11. SIGMA / PANASONIC / LEICA: For cameras with L mount you need an M42-Leica L adapter, you can find it at this link.
  12. LEICA: For cameras with a bayonet mount Leica M need adapter M42-L / M, you can find it at this link.

If you have any questions on compatibility and adapters - ask in the comments (comments do not require any registration at all).

I was pleased to shoot and work with the Meyer-Optik Görlitz Oreston 1.8 / 50, the photos in the print version of the large format from this lens somehow stand out unusually in my home album.

Comments on this post do not require registration. Anyone can leave a comment.


Meyer-Optik Görlitz Oreston 1.8 / 50 is another fifty dollars with manual focusing, interesting for a small MDF and good bokeh. Applications in aperture fifty whole darkness.

Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.

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Comments: 78, on the topic: Review Meyer-Optik Görlitz Oreston 1.8 / 50

  • Akio

    Boke really liked it, as much as a distraction, but probably this is a minus? :)

    • Eugene

      Bokeh minus can not be! )))

  • Eugene

    Arkady, thanks for the excellent view of the lens, I liked it as always! Gorgeous photos, I did not even think that the Meyer-Optik is capable of this.

    • Miu

      Eugene, do you have anything to think about? Meyer Optic has some of the best manual lenses. If the words Orestor, Primoplan and Trioplan do not say anything to you, throw the camera away and go in for gardening.

      • Arkady Shapoval

        MIU, be polite.

      • Eugene

        MIU, quietly! Why are you so nervous? Yes, I collided with the lens for the first time ... so what? When that and you did not know anything!

      • Alexander

        You would benefit from gardening to calm the soul and seek harmony with yourself)

  • Sergei

    Arkady, a really interesting lens. I achieved infinity after buying a better adapter; it turns out that not all lenses in M42-Nikon adapters are equally useful.

    • Andy

      And what a crossover, if not a secret. And then there is also a problem with the quality of the lens

      • anonym

        He took the first adapter without an object and an apparatus, about 50 hryvnias. He did not allow focusing on infinity. The second for about 180-200 hryvnia. When buying, I immediately checked with the seller and everything is OK.

  • Ivan

    Arkady, thank you .. As usual, everything is brief and on the topic. What is needed for practice, and not for endlessly debating theorists ... Here's just a question on the forehead ... what is the photo of the aperture of this lens made of? What is this lens? Frankly, my question does not shine with intelligence, but I'm just curious!

  • e-spirit

    if it already exists, then it’s good, but if I were to pay money I would choose a pentacon 50mm f1.8. The same minimum distance of 35, the boke is very similar, and the chromatite is noticeably less

    • Anatoly

      Don’t tell, the bokes are different, there are similarities but they are different

  • Valentin Kalenichenko

    Why break spears, friends? This is another representative of fifty dollars according to the Gauss-Planar scheme. All of them - from different manufacturers - of approximately the same quality, and the range of parameters for all is such that it may be (probably not so often) Helios-44 or Helios-81 better than Summicron, Oreston or Nikkor. Another thing is that different manufacturers have different levels of quality control. Of the Soviet, more or less stable quality, for example, differed from KMZ optics and all optics with M39 mounting thread for DSLRs (until 1970, when a fairly strict quality control was still maintained).

  • Vitalik

    Somehow I came across this little thing, worn, unattractive. I snapped at her everything that pleased the eye (fortunately the day was sunny and the mood was good), and when I came home and looked at my computer, I was stunned, I couldn't get such a juicy and lively picture (from manuals I also have Tomioka 1.4, Helios-44 , chinon - although they are all good in their own way).
    Immediately I refurbished the chipped paint on the case, found and removed the crunchy grains of sand, refreshed the grease where necessary and removed the excess, straightened a small dent on the filter threaded edge - the lens immediately began to match the pictures it gives me.

  • Sergei

    Hello! Please tell me, is it possible to manually set the aperture value when using this lens on the Nikon D90, or is it only with automatic control and it will be possible to shoot exclusively at the maximum open aperture? Also interested in the possibility of using Oreston 1.8 / 50 with M42 macro rings on the Nikon D90. Is this real? I apologize in advance if my questions are stupid or incorrect, I'm an absolute beginner in photography))

  • anonym

    Any lens with an M42 thread + M42 adapter rings + an M42-N adapter (lensless can be used) is mounted on a Nikon D90, but only macro photography is possible.

  • Eugene

    What to do? My trunk rotates about 120 °, the lens itself is in place. How to eliminate, can this affect the quality of the photo?

  • Vitalik

    Recently I became the owner of a twin lens of the saber Pentacon Auto 1.8 / 50 (without MC and Multi Coating !!!) (i.e. it's the same thing, just after merging with Pentacon in 1968, Meyer-Optik still continued to mark its lenses as before until 1971) -

    Later MC versions of this lens (Pentacon) are completely different from the subject (I do not know anything about the similarity of the insides)

  • Screwdriver

    The review on some passage lens-block, but not on Oreston.
    And he is beautiful in the meantime.

  • Screwdriver

    Only I am not a "Nikonist" and I use it to the fullest. Although there is some run over infinity, I want to note. But this does not detract from his merits.

    • Arkady Shapoval

      It would be nice if you shared your experience of using this lens, it is especially interesting with which camera and find out your own ideas about the lens.

  • Screwdriver

    A few other reviews are written about the Pentacon, although I personally did not use it, maybe an error crept in. (?)
    Yes, it will be useful if I share, the camera really doesn’t think it’s interesting, it’s just friends with the M-42, you know.
    I’ll write about my ideas with pleasure. But I did not prepare, for this I will leave my review about a remarkable lens a little later.

    • Arkady Shapoval

      Will wait. In my review, 350d is also unremarkable, but nonetheless. And on the link to the Pentacon you will see many more clones of this lens, the Pentacon is not the only one.

  • Ilya Molokov

    There is one, I put on Nikon portraits just magical ... and most importantly, the drawing ... bokeh ...

    • Elena

      how to see the photo ((if possible :-)

  • Screwdriver

    Maybe some vivid examples will fit in place of a thousand words? :)
    It’s easier to point out a couple of drawbacks than to paint your feelings about using this glass.

    • Arkady Shapoval

      You’ve already unsubscribed several times in this article, and as a result, you haven’t added any new and no useful information about the lens, even now I hardly believe that you have it :)

  • Screwdriver

    Quotes from the article:
    “Oreston 1.8 / 50 is a good high-aperture fifty dollars.
    The lens is very similar to many other fifty dollars.
    The image quality is not bad, it does not shine with anything special except bokeh. "

    It remains to add that he is very dull and boring. :(
    The aperture is 1.8, the maximum relative aperture is so working that when the aperture is closed, practically nothing improves and does not increase, except that the depth of field.
    If you count the depth of field on MDF with different calculators, then you get something less than 1mm, i.e. something close to "nothing", and when the extension rings are screwed in, something tends to zero.
    In the meantime, with some dexterity, you can capture a full-length centimeter bug (when using rings), with what other lens such a maneuver will ride on 1.8 and so outline - I can't imagine.
    At first, the Oreston's “sharpness” may seem insufficient, but in fact the resolution and detail are very high. Just right after the depth of field, on both sides of the blur zones, a very noble soft effect begins. And it was he, and exactly “there”, and not “soap” anywhere, as on some well-known lenses.
    And the detail is so high that my attempts to make a female portrait led to a very hard picture, showing the smallest wrinkles, which seemed to be “by sight” and did not exist. And he draws everything out.
    All this would be "nothing" if it were not for the blurring of the background, coupled with the above. And there is no point in printing about him, because you have to see. And "use".

    I will add that when I almost ruined the front lens due to the cover that had fallen off in the "chumadan", I urgently bought a second copy, obviously worn out, since it turned out to be a penny.

    • Arkady Shapoval

      It's a pity you haven't added anything really new. And who knows how to see, he sees everything by examples :). And indeed, apart from the bokeh, there is nothing special, a huge number of fifty rubles "workers" with 1.8.

  • Screwdriver

    You can view samples on the page: albeit in pop quality vk. The signature contains the name of the lens. Sabzha photos prevail there, if you look at the photo from the wall. The albums are mostly shovel optics.

    • Arkady Shapoval

      Thank you for the photo) so right away.

  • Screwdriver

    I will paraphrase: “… a huge number of fifty rubles“ workers ”from 1.8, but with MDF from 0.45”.

  • Screwdriver

    Thanks incidentally for the selection, it will be useful. :)
    And where did you get the idea that exaltation took place, simply answered the article, outlining the strengths that make it what it is, and not tessaro-helioso-like.

    Industar-61 L / Z MS tried, we know. That is disgusting.
    And in general, pay attention, except for the clones themselves, in terms of aperture ratio there is no equal.

  • Screwdriver

    But nishtyaki from Asians, on the model, however, the plaster did not dry:

    Film, FF, respectively.
    On the crop, there is a tendency to “twist”, but it does not reveal itself as in FF - to the edge “flattens and twists” in earnest.

  • Arthur

    Meyer-Optik just hit me
    He became the owner of the Meyer-Optik Gorlitz Trioplan 50 mm f / 2.9
    I bought it exclusively for amazing bokeh
    But as a “bonus” I got amazing sharpness, micro-contrast and richness, which I am not afraid to compare with Canon 50 mm f / 1.2L
    If Arkady considers it necessary to place, then you will have a link with examples of photos:
    Meyer-Optik Gorlitz Trioplan 50 mm f / 2.9

  • Arthur

    Link to sample photos:

  • d'Nikol..lay

    Hello, Arkady! For a long time and with great interest I have been reading your articles: and I must say, there is no better and more intelligible in the internet! In connection with this topic, I want to ask, what do you think about Meyer-Optik Go "rlitz Orestor 135 / 2.8? for the D90 and found it to be sharp enough with unusual bokeh.

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