answers: 445

  1. Jury

    Tell me, is it possible to do interval shooting on the 5200?


    • Olga

      Yes. The same as on the D7000


  2. Dmitriy

    I read the comments on the nikon d610. (About the OK button).
    So in the D5200 this also works, i.e., in the view mode, when the view scale is increased, the OK button returns the normal size !!!


  3. Volodymyr

    Good day. Tell me if weasel is possible for this camera to know a smaller number of megapixels (24 became possible to change for example - 16, 10, etc.)
    Abo yak optimal vitrimka for zyomki z hands. Dyakuyu


    • The Hedgehog

      Vchіtsya read, master the review and technical passport, do not lіnіt. The optimal showcase is to lay in the focus of a specific object, the firmness of your hand and the manifestation of the stabilizer. Here is the article about the showcase and the flow, see your eyes.


  4. Alexander

    Hello. Tell me please, is it worth taking 5200 if a kit and 50 mm are used, or something else cheaper from optics, provided that the price of the camera does not matter?
    The fact is that I looked at pictures from 24 megapixels of 5200 and honestly I’m not very pleased with the clarity, will not 24 be worse on a whale than 16?


    • The Hedgehog

      It is worth taking, because not only are the differences in megapixels, but it is still better to start from the lens, that is, spend the most on it, since it is he who gives the picture, the matrix only reads it ...


  5. R'RёS,R ° F "RёR№

    Hello everyone! Help, it’s worth choosing which model to take on the d5200 / 5300 or d7000 body. Doubts about the d7000 are related to the fact that this is the 2010 model, and the technology goes forward, although the classics are eternal, and I don’t need 24 MP principle at all, why overpay for them!
    in 5200/5300 there is a matrix as well as on 7100 - although MP is not the main thing !!!
    but at the same time the focusing module in the 5200 is the same as on the 7000 - Multi-CAM 4800DX
    So I'm "suffering")))
    the 5300 lacks an AA filter (I still do not understand if this is bad or good for an amateur!)
    d7100 do not consider because a little expensive!
    I plan to not change the carcass for about 5 years, spend money only on lenses.
    First of all I will take pictures of portraits, then landscapes, sporting events (running, football match at the stadium from the stands) ...
    I will be grateful for the motivated answers!
    Have a nice day, everyone!


    • Igor

      I have a nikon 5200 and a canon 650. With all the merits of a nikon 5200 it’s much easier to get a sharp and sharp photo on the canon 650 (autofocus is more accurate, ergonomics are better for me, life view is beyond competition and video too, the screen cannot be compared, the viewfinder of the canon is better, etc.) d.) They say that the canon already has DD, but somehow it's probably hard to evaluate it by eye. Nikon 5200 loves a tripod, taking it off is like shooting a rifle. The 5300 will have the same thing. The absence of a filter is probably good, but the minimal stirring negates this advantage. Even the golden exposure rule times 2 does not always give a good result. Therefore, replacing one glass in front of the matrix with another is simply marketing. Nikon 7000 will be the best for the photo. Let it be heavier and bigger, but stronger, more reliable. But because of the size, I just didn’t take it. Good choice !!!


  6. Vasilina

    Hello. Please tell me how to configure Nikon D5200 for sports (volleyball, basketball). That the photo was completely clear, without blurring.


    • The Hedgehog

      You can set the automatic SPORT mode (look at the wheel on the camera), it is better to use the semi-automatic mode “S”, set a short shutter speed (1/300, 1/500, 1/1000, etc.), the shutter speed is selected depending on the type of shot events, focal length of the lens, its aperture and the maximum allowable ISO (according to your requests for photo quality) ... Experiment, you need to be able to navigate "on the terrain" ..


  7. Dmitriy

    Hello! There were slight scratches on the viewfinder eyepiece after going to the forest. He rubbed it with a small amount of toothpaste and scratches as it had never happened. But then I wondered if there was any coating on it or the eyepieces did not cover anything. Still wondering whether it is normal that when you hover over a sharpness, it is clear only in the center of the viewfinder, if you look a little at an angle or lower / higher / to the right / left of the center, it becomes a little blurry. The camera - Nikon d5300. Thanks in advance for the answers!


  8. mihon

    Good afternoon Arkady. Please tell me on your Nikon d5200 camera. Found broken pixels, can I somehow fight them? Identify at all? Except photoshop?


  9. Redhead

    Good day!
    I choose the first CZK .. the choice fell between Nikon d5200 and Nikon d7000 ..
    I looked at the review about Nikon D5200 and a question arose about the review .. can anyone explain what this guy means (about optics with variable aperture, what the disadvantage is):

    Thank you!)


    • Redhead

      I also forgot to ask: do you think it is worth the beginner to take the d7000 right away or is it still something simpler to make it easier to understand?


      • The Hedgehog

        But to read the reviews and decide for yourself is not destined?


      • anonym

        take d7100, d7000 has a "carrot" effect on many cameras


  10. Michael

    Arkady, please tell me. I have a device for this photo (Nikon d5200) Nikon DX AF-S Nikkor 35mm 1: 1.8G lens, if I didn’t have enough sharpness. Can you advise which other, mostly rent landscapes?


    • anonym

      any shirk that costs more than 30k and has AFS


  11. anonym

    16. The easiest way to remotely control is a wired remote control.
    Nothing to configure, it always works.


  12. Anastasia

    Arkady, good evening! Your advice is very necessary. Help me choose the right camera, I'm an amateur, but I really want to learn how to understand the issues of creating high-quality photos. Unfortunately, the budget is not unlimited. I'm interested in shooting indoors, outdoors, at sea, landscapes and portraits, including in the dark, it would also be nice to make a good video))) I choose between Nikon D5200 / D5300 kit 18-55 VR II or Nikon D5100 kit 18- 140 VR. I would like to have a universal version and great photos. In order not to think about buying something extra right away, but to take pictures) It is also important that the photographs are not blurred ... the pen may shake. Thanks!!!


    • Yarkiya

      Arkady most likely has no time, so if you don't mind, I will answer you. Of the three cameras you listed, the best combination would be 5300 + 18-140, but if this is not possible, then 5100 and 18-140 are better. This is for the technical part, and after buying the camera, you need to thoroughly study the user manual, turn it, carefully reading the instructions at least once, you will save yourself a lot of time and money. Along with studying the instructions, try to study the Internet for educational information, read to Radozhiva, there is a lot of useful material and most importantly to shoot more. Good luck to you.


      • Vladimir

        May I ask my questions?

        Thank you


  13. Vladimir

    Knowledgeable people, please tell me what to take. I choose from 3300, 5200 and 5100.

    The starting lens will be KIT 18-105 + through the adapter Pentacon Auto 1.8 50 MC will be set.

    I heard that the matrix in the x200 series came out very successful ...

    Video for me is not important. More interesting are the flash modes, bracketing, and the correspondence of the listed lenses to the fotik matrix. The camera is taken for universal use.


  14. Sergei

    They say a very strong minus of this camera (as well as many other multi-pixel ones) is micro-lubrication. Which kills all the other advantages over previous versions. Is this a very significant minus to refuse to purchase 5200?


    • Anatoly

      this is the most common myth.
      the film grain was 10 times smaller than the pixel of this matrix - but no one even remembered about the “micro-smear” ..
      Refusing to buy a camera like the D5200 (if you immediately set up to buy, and then changed your mind because of some kind of story or gossip) is stupid.
      Because the D5200 is a device - a real breakthrough in this line - it leaves all competitors far behind.


  15. Julia

    I want to buy a DSLR but I can’t decide between Nikon 5100 and 5200, tell me which one is better to buy ??)


    • anonym

      5200 and glass for FF, 24-85, for example. But it’s better to dig up on the d7100. If you decide to shoot in a studio 5200 will not help you


  16. The Hedgehog

    Have you read their reviews, caught the difference? The reviews are unclean enough to draw conclusions on their own ..


  17. Novel

    Good day! In online stores, the difference in price for a 5200 body reaches $ 120. Please tell me, is this just a bloated conceit of the store or are there important reasons for this separation (assembly / quality, warranty, etc. details)?
    Thank you!


    • anonym

      Rather the first. Also pay attention - warranty from the manufacturer, official, or from the store. The official is always more expensive.


  18. anonym

    Hello, I have a Nikon D5200, a lens 50mm1.4 g I want to purchase an external flash. I plan to take pictures of children, and in the future to change kakmera. I still take myself 35mm 1.8, which should I take? considering Sat 910, this will be my first.


    • anonym

      how sb 910 will work with d5200?


      • Alexander Malyaev

        It is unbalanced in size and weight with the D5200, if only used as an external one. It's too big even for the D7100 ... Take the SB-700 better - its capabilities are enough for your eyes. And about the power - SB-700 beats up to 100 meters, if you raise the ISO a little, I tried it myself.


  19. anonym

    Good day. The D5200 does not have a screwdriver. What lenses from Sigma and Tamron are suitable for him, that would be auto focus.


    • KalekseyG

      if you don’t bother with marking, then those with many contacts on the mount


      • KalekseyG

        put the wrong picture, forgive me Arkady (I write from smart). There are additional contacts on the autofocus for controlling the built-in motor, and not just for transmitting information about the lens


  20. Anton Nikolaevich

    Good day to all. Maybe I'm trying to compare warm with soft, but still tell me what is better to choose a Canon 60D or Nikon D5200? Thank you in advance for your answers.


    • Lynx

      for family, home photos and trips - d5200.
      for serious teaching, reporting and other fun, including studio - 60d


      • anonym

        No matter how many I read comparative tests, the quality is all in favor of Nikon. Maybe there is someone here who compared live 2 of these fotik. Unsubscribe plz, in which the quality is better on the whale (18-55). Thank you


      • Lynx

        but who does such garbage - compares an incomprehensible "quality on the whale", on a professional reportage and an amateur beginner apparatus?
        there are other things compared.


  21. Artyom

    Can I shoot in the studio on d5200?


    • anonym

      Of course


    • Dmitry

      For the studio, a camera with outstanding characteristics is not required, any one will do.


  22. Igor

    I appeal to experienced photographers. I bought Nikon D5200, but failed to check the mileage. Showexif does not open the file. Who faced similar advise


    • BB

      throw in it NEF, I have the same with 7100, Jpeg does not understand, RAW eats.


      • Igor

        Thank you, threw the NEF and determined the mileage-12383 frames


  23. Igor

    More precisely, the program does not show data


  24. Andy

    Good day! There was a problem, what to take, the DSLR is already 3100, I think to change it, I want 7100, but it is expensive at the moment, but I'm interested not only in photos but also in video shooting, many people can say that Kenon is better for video, but I don’t have a bad set of Nikon optics, as you think, it’s worth buying 5200 or picking up and taking 7100,5200 it attracts with a rotary screen, which is important when shooting video. Thank you.


    • Jury

      It’s better to assemble on the D7100, but I don’t see the point of changing the D3100 to the D5200. Unless for the sake of a rotary screen, if it is so important to you.


    • Annatoly

      You can pick up and take the D7100, but keep in mind that the quality of the photos on it will get worse than on the D5200


  25. Benjamin

    Thanks! IMHO, a very good review.


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