For the opportunity Review Olympus OM-System F.Zuiko Auto-S 1: 1,8 f = 50mm Many thanks to Vadim Shkurat, who sent me a lens from another area for review.

Review Olympus OM-System F.Zuiko Auto-S 1: 1,8 f = 50mm
This is a very small overview, as the Olympus OM-System F.Zuiko Auto-S 1: 1,8 f = 50mm is almost completely similar to Olympus OM-System Zuiko MC Auto-S 1: 1,8 f = 50mm Japan from the previous review.

Enlightenment of two Zuiko 50 1,8 lenses
Differences between MS and non-MS versions:
- The MC version has a greenish enlightenment of the front lens, the version without MC has a purple-violet enlightenment (seen in the picture above).
- The 'Japan' lettering on the MC version is located near the border on the front lens, in the same place as the lens name. The 'Made in Japan' lettering of the 'non-MC' version is located on the chrome ring on the other side of the DOF indicator. The serial number of the lens is also added to the name of the lens.
- Little difference in name: 'Zuiko MC' and 'F.Zuiko'.
- Different protrusions near the rear lens.

Enlightenment of the rear lens of Zuiko 50 1,8 lenses. I did not find a visual difference.
The mechanical lenses are identical. The image quality is very similar. When sighted in the optical viewfinder, the MS version gives a more natural color, not the MS version slightly cools the picture. Auto white balance digital camera completely removes this difference.

Zuiko 50 1,8 small lens difference
A few photos. Kiev won another additional month of winter in the promotion :)
I used the OM-EOS adapter, while maintaining focus on infinity and manual iris control.

View of the Zuiko 50 1,8 on the Canon 350D
This lens can be easily installed on any modern digital mirrorless camera. For installation, you should use the appropriate adapter/adapter, which allows you to use lenses with an Olympus OM mount on the desired mirrorless system without any problems or restrictions. Below is a list of systems/mounts with links to the necessary adapters/adapters: Sony E/FE/NEX, Canon RF/RF-S, Canon EF-M, Nikon Z, Nikon 1, Leica l, FujiFilm GFX, fujifilm x, Samsung NX, Micro 4 / 3.
Olympus OM-System F.Zuiko Auto-S 1: 1,8 f = 50mm - a nice little fifty, very similar to other modifications of the Zuiko 1.8 / 50. Also very interesting is the lens line 1,4 / 50, for example Olympus Om-System Zuiko MC Auto-S 1: 1.4 f = 50mm.
Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.
And the cat has grown))))))
if there are already 3 fifty kopecks everybody wants to know how much this one is better compared to 81n (as a public standard).
Also interested in this moment, how does this Zuiko compare the Helios-81H? they even look a bit like))
I also stand before the choice of Helios 81H (which Arkady praises very much), this Olympus F.Zuiko Auto-S 1: 1,8 f = 50mm (offered for very little money ...), Zenitar 50 \ 1.7 or Canon 50 \ 1/8 first generation. The fact is that the cost of these lenses in the secondary market is about the same, but the picture you want is the highest quality. I would like to know Arkady's opinion on the four lenses described above, thank you.
To marvel at this photo, and think about it.
(+ in the compactness of the seria vigra. Vzagal, the designer of the whole model range of the bouv іngineer photographer - vіn that vzhe shariv SHO_NADA)
This is what I cannot understand. There are interesting old glasses, but this is more likely to refer to zooms that can be bought for a penny, but why is everyone so interested in fifty rubles? After all, they are new and not so expensive, about $ 200, but there is autofocus, and if a fotik with a motor, then fifty dollars in general 120 $. worth ...
But I see many here buy and look for fifty dollars. What for?
poltinic is power))))) and they are all different ...
Anton, for now, ask yourself with SUCH food - “you don’t know” ^ _ ^
Є two vague reasons - the stench of koshtukyut is often a copy and the stench of a little picture is given (and a little one, including), they were used for plots (speaking in happy slang - for ready-made children)
In the first place, this is how to give an image, as much as possible to repeat that picture, how to back the eyes of people.
The MS and non-MS versions have different optical schemes, the front achromat in the MS was glued together and it turned out 6 in 4, but not ms had 6 in 5 groups. The non-MS version has good contrast and sharpness, but the light transmission is not super, at 1.8 the light transmission is the same as in the Pentacon at 2.8 (the same shutter speed, ISO, artificial lighting) or the minolta of the third version 1.4 at aperture of 2.8-3.5 (something average) . In the MS version, the light transmission due to, in fact, the MS and a smaller number of surfaces is already normal and corresponds to 1.8.
By the way, a similar situation exists in the lens of MC Helios 81n, on its 2.0 frame it is exposed in the same way as German Japanese lenses exhibit at 2.4. True geometric hole in g81 that remains honest in Olympus, bokeh and depth of field corresponds to the specified aperture.
It is not clear what the catch is)))
And who tried to put on nikon? Is this possible and at what cost?
Easily. look here -
there is an alteration if the hands are your own, or acquaintances, or paid.
Hello. I am considering the option of acquiring a similar lens with an M42 thread only. Has anyone encountered such a lens?
It’s worse, but there’s nothing wrong with it.
Plover with parts M42 are the first Olympus lenses on SLR cameras. Sklo yak sklo, but even more old. If you are bathing, then it is important to be surprised at the light. As we are talking about 50f/1,8, the threaded version often has problems with the front adhesive of the lenses and fungus on the lenses.
It is better to take the bynet option with the number 5.
Before the speech. Having repeatedly reviewed information about the fact that the Zuika 50f/1,8 is the most massive lens in the world, which has been released significantly more than the gloriously fast Helios 44 in various modifications.