Canon EF-S 18-55mm F / 3.5-5.6 IS II review

For the opportunity Zoom Lens EF-S 18-55mm 1: 3.5-5.6 IS II Review Many thanks to Yakovlev Vitaly.

Canon Zoom Lens EF-S 18-55mm 1: 3.5-5.6 IS II review

Canon Zoom Lens EF-S 18-55mm 1: 3.5-5.6 IS II review

This lens model is very slightly different from the earlier model Canon Zoom LENS EF-S 18-55mm 1: 3.5-5.6 IS. Optically, most likely, this is the same lens. Here is the visual difference:

The difference between IS, IS II

The difference between IS, IS II

In general, Canon has quite a few 18-55 3.5-5.6 class lenses. After I made the tablet, I was very surprised that the optical design of the lenses is almost the same.

Canon EF-S 18-55 Lenses

Canon EF-S 18-55 Lenses

The Canon EF-S 18-55mm F / 3.5-5.6 IS II is a simple, cheap lens that comes with Canon DSLR cameras. The set of delivery of the camera together with the lens is called 'kit', and this lens is most often called 'kit'. The lens from this review came with the camera Canon EOS 650D, as the lens owner told me, the difference between the Canon body and the Canon kit 18-55 was about 30 cu, so he decided to take the kit in order to immediately check the camera.

Canon EF-S 18-55mm F / 3.5-5.6 IS II only suitable for APS-C cropped cameras with Canon EF-S mount. EGF lens is 29-88mmThis range is very convenient for most simple shots. The lens can not boast of anything special except the image stabilizer. The stabilizer allows you to compensate for the weak aperture lens when shooting handheld. The stabilizer works pretty well. I have not noticed a significant improvement in stabilization over the first version of the 'IS I' lens.

Lens view with lens hood

View of the Canon 18-55 IS II lens with lens hood

When focusing, the front lens rotates and moves forward. When zooming, the trunk of the lens walks in waves, then retracts inward, then moves forward. There are two switches on the lens: a focus mode switch and a stabilizer operation switch.

The lens mount is plastic, as is the lens body itself. In fact, I like whale lenses in some ways, they are very light, cheap, they are easy to take with you anywhere, you don’t need to worry that something can happen to the lens. I often recommend the whale lens as a basis from which to start taking pictures, and sometimes you can do just this Canon EF-S 18-55mm F / 3.5-5.6 IS II. It is important how to take pictures, but not by what means. Due to the fact that IS II is very similar to the version IS I, I did not write a detailed review of this lens.

The simplest versions (without IS, USM, STM):

Versions with USM-motor:

Versions with Image Stabilizer IS:

Versions with STM-motor and image stabilizer IS:

Versions for mirrorless cameras with bayonet mount Ef-m:

Version for mirrorless cameras with bayonet mount R (RF-S):

The main parameters of all Canon 18-55 for SLR cameras

The main parameters of all Canon 18-55 for SLR cameras. increase.

Sample photos:

All photos without processing. Reduced size and imprinted data from EXIF. Everything is shot with the stabilization system turned on. The copy from this review was not the sharpest.

More examples with RAW sources can be found in the overview. Canon 100D (true for review 100D used another, not the most successful instance of the lens).

Lens prices in popular stores can look at this link, or in the price block below:

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Canon EF-S 18-55mm F / 3.5-5.6 IS II - not a bad lens for the money, great to start with, has a convenient 3x zoom focal length range and an Image Stabilizer to help with handheld photography.

Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.

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Comments: 75, on the topic: Review of the Canon EF-S 18-55mm F / 3.5-5.6 IS II

  • Alex

    How do you compare to the analog from Nikon?

    • Arkady Shapoval

      As I wrote in the review, I most likely did not get the best option, so it's difficult to judge. But in the review about the first version with the stub, I described the differences, even the photos where they stand together are there, just then they gave me a whale from kenon and from nikon.

  • Denis

    Very nice lens hood. And photos are pleasant and warm compared to Nikkor KIT-we (though not so sharp) - all simplicity (truth) in simplicity.

  • Alexey

    Arkady, thank you! Sometimes your dances with tambourines, that is, with whale lenses, are practically indistinguishable from samples with more expensive glasses ...

  • Sergiy

    Arcadia! Oskіlki pіd an hour to the test of the given about "Activu Vee were reprimanded 650D, then maybe they were protesting in parallel? will you look around vicladeno?

    • Arkady Shapoval

      Yes it will. I have already got 650d for 4 days.

  • Sergiy

    Well, why are you writing “EGF of the lens is 29-88mm”? For the EF-S objects (which are broken down for cropped Kenons), real focus appears, and there is no need to overhaul. There really for a crop - 18-55. EF-S is not crazy about FF, so it’s because of the health of the logic, there’s no need to write for a koristuvach, some puzzles for how to pererakhuniv.

    • Arkady Shapoval

      No, this is not true. 18-55 is the physical focal length of the lens and does not depend on the full frame or crop. And that 18-55mm focal length on the crop will look narrower like 29-85mm on a full frame. Therefore, the EGF needs to be recalculated for both EF and EF-S lenses.
      By sound logic, the focal length does not depend on the size of the matrix, for example I will give you the designation of the Canon PowerShot A2400 IS soap dish lens - 5.0-25.0mm. Now the question is, is it really a soap dish for $ 100? will be able to work as an ultra-wide-angle analog of a 5mm lens on a full frame? Many are mistaken with EGF, in more detail here -

    • d.martyn

      Sergey, in fact, by the crop factor is multiplied by an indicator of the focal length, it is physically really 18-55 (in this case), and the viewing angles for one or another FR.

  • Serge

    ..Besides, ".. the rear optical element of the EF-S lens is located closer to the light sensor than in conventional 35mm SLR cameras. ”. ( About a pererahunok pid 35 mm- equivalent may moe butimova?

    • Arkady Shapoval

      Note that the distance from the rear element to the sensor does not affect the concept of focal length in any way. This is the mechanical part of the lens. For example, there is Jupiter-9 rangefinder (which has lenses close to the film / matrix) and Jupiter-9 mirror (which has lenses far from the matrix), while this is the same lens with a focal length of 85mm, and the distance to the photosensitive surface is it is simply mechanical performance of the lens. If you certainly don't believe my logical and practical conclusions, see the official lens specification where it says in black and white "Equivalent to 29-88 mm in the 35 mm film format."

  • Anna

    The lens is budgetary, but the pictures without processing turned out to be very, very worthy, did not expect)))
    At the very Kenon 650D, and the Tamron lens 17-50 f 2.8 ... the feeling that the same thing is still in the picture ... Of course, this is still affecting my low level, I'm still studying ... Only three months have passed since the purchase and, in general, the experience of working with a digital mirror ...

  • Anna

    The only thing that is missing is volume, in the photo, where the girl is ... That's where the buds are - beauty))) The landscape also came out well, I don't know how it will be in the detail (reosti) when zooming in (zooming in) ...

  • Anna

    Tell me how you can attach a Canon 18-55mm f / 3.5-5.6 to a full frame ... specifically on a 6D?
    I really need shirik, can this be interrupted? The connector does not fit, can I use the adapter?

    • Alexander

      Either I'm a fool, or skis don't go. And how does the EF “connector” come from the EF-S.

      • Igor

        It's not about the difference between the "connector" (apparently the bayonet). It's just that in EF-S lenses, its back protrudes beyond this very “connector”, which prevents the mirror from working. Therefore, EFs work excellently on crop, but they do not return.

    • Andy

      I can help write

      • Andy

        Please delete my comment
        “I can help write"
        since this address is no longer valid

  • Vlad

    please tell me and the petal hood goes to this lens and is it possible to take any with d58

    • Alexander

      The hood will fit on him, but his trunk will rotate and the hood will also rotate when focusing.
      Conclusion yourself do.

  • Vlad

    thanks Alex, I understood everything

  • Nord30

    Hello! I liked your review on KIT lenses. I have a 18-55 year of release. I took it from Canon 2009D. I took them about 500 shots and started to play. Because is limited in funds, I also want to buy 10000-18 F / 55-3.5 IS II. What do you think, is it worth taking it or, after all, saving up for a fix for landscape and architecture. If yes, which one is better for this? Thanks for the answer.

  • Alexander

    Arkady, hello! From your reviews, I assume that you prefer Nikon more. But still, if of course you had to face it, tell me how the Canon 18-135mm f / 3.5-5.6 IS and 15-85mm f / 3.5-5.6 IS USM lenses are in terms of image quality. Is there a noticeable difference compared to the 18-55 F / 3.5-5.6 IS II? Thanks!

  • Alexander

    Good afternoon, please tell me the differences between:
    canon ef-s 18-55mm f / 3.5-5.6 STM
    canon ef-s 18-55mm f / 3.5-5.6 IS II
    canon ef-s 18-55mm f / 3.5-5.6 II USM
    And is it worth changing the whale canon ef-s 18-55mm f / 3.5-5.6 II USM to one of these lenses with a Canon EOS 350D?

    • Yuriy75

      canon ef-s 18-55mm f / 3.5-5.6 STM is the newest version of the kit lens at this time, it has redesigned the optical circuit and the design is more reliable, plus the front lens does not rotate. The resolution of the optics has been increased (since modern Canon cameras have 18-20 megapixel arrays), as well as increased focusing speed (STM ultrasonic stepper motor), on an old 350D the difference may not be too noticeable, but I think it will be visible since more uniform sharpness in the center and edges of the frame. I think it’s worth buying.

  • anonym

    If I’m not mistaken, then the difference is in the focusing drive, that is, the motor. Even with STM, when focusing, the front lens does not rotate, which will be convenient when using a polarizing filter. And to change the kit 18-55 to 18-55STM, I think it's a waste of money. The optical design, the quality of the optics remain identical.

  • a guest

    They vainly criticize this lens on the network, everyone is not lazy. It is quite normal optics with stabilization, and not bad, and tenacious autofocus. And the fact that the case is made of plastic, these are the requirements because of autofocus, it’s easier to work out the motor and less power consumption. Glass lenses and enlightenment are not bad, not plastic bottle ones. Workmanship is also up to par. For operational shooting and traveling light, this is it.

  • anonym

    What is the optimal focal length for a whale? I mean sharpness. As for distortions, this is understandable, the barrel on the wide, with an increase in fr, returns to normal. I noticed that at the long end, especially in sunny weather, the contrast falls, maybe due to the fact that with the zoom the inner lens extends forward, and more sun rays fall? Even at the long end, the sharpness is poor. Please tell me, are these features of zooms, or is each lens sharp on different FRs? It’s just that you don’t really like to shoot on a wide one all the time, the buildings are littered, everything in the frame is small, but I don’t want to zoom in, because not very

    • Alex

      up to 35 mm inclusive, sharpness of norms, at 55 drops, for sharpness och. the aperture value affects, the sharpest values ​​of the focal aperture (without falling sharpness at the edges) in my opinion are:
      18mm (up to f5.6); 24mm (up to f5.6); 35mm (up to f8); 55mm (up to f11)

    • anonym

      It is enough to cover up to 55-7.1 aperture with a 8 mm aperture, the sharpness increases noticeably. I personally like the soft picture, especially when shooting portraits. A lot depends on the type of lighting.

  • anonym

    I always shoot at 8, here at 55 mm the contrast drops especially in sunny weather

  • Alexander

    Awful glass! even to begin with, a little 650D did not sell because of this glass. If 18-55 then with STM at least, I bought 18-135 with STM, heaven and earth, autofocus is fast even in Live View and you can not hear the buzz of the motor, it’s heavy only. Something like this.

  • anonym

    Is a buzzing motor a problem? Normal lens. The stabilizer works for at least 1 / 4s at a wide angle, you can achieve an image without blur. The minus is inconvenient manual focus, and after 35 mm the quality is certainly unimportant. But 18 mm is pretty good. Wide-angle lenses are now expensive, I can not afford L-class optics. Low aperture? why do I need it in the wide-angle? still have to cover the diaphragm while shooting the landscape. And for the portrait there is helios 44-2.

    • a guest

      And you will attach a standard hood and you will have an excellent grip for manual focus. The hood has a low weight - no loads on the rotating trunk, somehow it does some work, gives the lens a serious look, serves as an additional grip for manual focusing. So there are practically no flaws in the lens if you use it for its intended purpose and not try to shoot the moon on a bright sunny day.

  • Andrei. Ekaterinburg

    Hello everyone. I got a fotik DSLR in the DNS Canon EOS 1100D. As it turned out later, with an EF-S 18-55mm F / 3.5-5.6 IS II lens. At the store, the consultant said with a stabilizer. But I'm not experienced in this matter and I thought it was some kind of built-in. A fotik is printed on the box with a lens, it has a stabilizer on off switch. And on my lens it doesn’t work out (stabilizer then) ??? Is it possible for the store to present something? Thanks.

  • Alexander

    I also bought in dns. Sellers there, however, as well as many where they like to hang noodles on their ears. The box has the serial number of the camera. it should match the number of the camera (at the bottom, near the battery compartment. There is also a lens number on the box, if it does not match the number on the lens itself, then you were stuck in a lens from another set. or just the box was not given the right one. Switch on the lens 2 -One from the stabilizer, the second switch from autofocus to manual. In the warranty card, did they write you the serial number of the camera? If you did, check if you can prove something, depending on how long you bought it. I didn’t write anything in dns on the warranty except the stamp They told me to write it myself These are lazy people who work.

  • Alena

    Good afternoon, I'm going to buy a canon600d cetacean, it comes with either this lens, or from 18-135. I would like to know if there is a big difference between them, which one is better to choose? The difference in money is about 7 thousand.

    • a guest

      But wouldn’t it be cheaper to buy 18-55 for a whale 55-250? I do not think that 18-135 will be better than the two.

  • Oleg

    Good afternoon.
    I have a tiny little problem. Help resolve it. Canon 1000D camera, standard 18-55 mm lens included. Blenda bought separately for him EW-60. In general, everything is as in the picture above "View of the Canon 18-55 IS II lens with a hood". And THIS IS NOT THE TASK the landing blades on the hood are larger than the slots for them on the lens !!! those. it is not possible to simply dock the hood with the lens
    Question: where and how to choose a hood?
    Thank you in advance.

    • a guest

      The lens hood should be an EW-60C, and it should sit tight enough. If you bought the right lens hood model, just make enough effort to fit the lens hood.

  • Sergey Kursk

    With manual focusing, I feel small step jams (jerky), is this normal for this model? there are no problems with autofocus
    Help, you need to decide what to do next

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