Canon 650D Review

For the ability to review the camera Canon EOS 650D body Many thanks to Vitaly Yakovlev, who sent me a camera for review from another area.

Canon 650D Review

Canon 650D Review

Canon 650D is the newest, latest hobby cropped DSLR model as of early 2013. I was very surprised that the Canon 650D is built on the basis of a relatively old matrix. A similar matrix was used in Canon 550D. Of course, the Canon 650D uses an updated matrix paired with a new processor, which allowed us to reach the limit of ISO 25.600 (H mode).

EOS 550D 600D 650D
Digital rebel T2i T3i T4i
Kiss digital X4 X5 X6i
The number of MP 18.0 18.0 18.0
Year of construction winter 2010 winter 2011 Autumn 2012
Maximum ISO 6400 6400 12800
ISO Extended 12800 12800 25600
FPS, JPEG 3,7 fps 3,7 fps 5 fps
Focus points 9 9 9
Cruciform dots 1 1 9
Measuring area exposure 63 63 63
Display 3 ′, 1.040K 3 ′, 1.040K 3 ′, 1.040K
live view Yes Yes Yes
Display rotation no Yes Yes
Touch screen no no Yes
Video yes, 1920x1080 yes, 1920x1080 yes, 1920x1080
Frequency at 1920x1080 30 (25) 30 (25) 30 (25)
Track. Autof. Video. no no Yes
Flash control no Yes Yes

Canon 650D uses CMOS sensor on 18MP, in the end, you can get pictures from 5184 on 3456 pixels (total 17.915.904 pixels). Nikon and Sony already use 24-megapixel matrixes in their models. Of course, not in megapixels camera level is measured. Canon 650D can use ISO 100-12.800, the sensitivity range can be extended to ISO H (25.600). In general, it is very interesting that just ISO 12.800 and ISO H 25.600 can be used for shooting photos, but ISO 12.800 is already called ISO 12.800 for shooting video, and the ISO sensitivity value of 25,600 is not available at all. Also, in the automatic ISO mode, only values ​​up to ISO 6400 are available. I believe that the matrix was not completely updated.

Canon EOS 650D sample photo

Canon EOS 650D sample photo

The Canon 650D is Canon's first DSLR with a true Continuous auto focus when shooting video 'Servo AF'. Video mode is activated by a special switch near the wheel for selecting shooting modes. Record and stop video recording by pressing the Live View button. You can shoot videos in Full HD 1920x1080 format with a frequency of 30, 25, 24 fps, H.264 codec in MOV format. Sound is recorded from the stereo microphone, which is located on the camera near the flash. One speaker is responsible for playing sound on the camera. When shooting video in M ​​mode, you can control shutter speed, aperture, and ISO speed. Shutter speed cannot be set below 1/30 second. In Servo AF focus mode, it is very convenient to select the desired focus area using the touch screen. For the video camera, the Canon 650D is very well suited.

Canon EOS 650D sample photo

Canon EOS 650D sample photo

Canon 650D has touchscreen (touchscreen), which seemed to me a very convenient innovation in modern digital mirror photographic construction. Using the touch screen is very convenient to select any desired focus point when working in Live View. Also, it is very convenient to navigate through the menu and very, very convenient and comfortable to view the shot material. The display supports multi-touch, this allows you to zoom in on the captured material with two fingers. The display responds only to the fingers, gloves cannot use the display. Navigating photos taken is similar to how it is done on modern mobile smartphones, tablets, etc. I expected that the touch display would be an unnecessary element in the camera, for which you would have to pay extra money, but everything turned out to be the opposite. You can turn off the camera control function using the touch screen and use the usual buttons to control it.

Canon EOS 650D sample photo

Canon EOS 650D sample photo

Canon 650D has a focusing system based on 9 cross-type focus sensors. The same phase focusing system is used in the advanced camera. Canon 60D. But unlike other cameras, the Canon 650D has a special hybrid focus system in Live View and when shooting video.

Example photo on a Canon EOS 650D at high ISO

Example photo on a Canon EOS 650D at high ISO

Hybrid Focus Method in my eyes was not a panacea at all. Phase focusing in Live View mode allows you to quickly focus the lens in the area of ​​focus, but then fine-tune the focus using the usual fidgeting of the lens in contrast-detect focus mode. In general, the Canon 650D focuses faster in Live View and when shooting video than contrast focusing cameras. Still, the focusing speed of the Canon 650D in Live View mode and when shooting video remains slow enough. Also, the Canon 650D can use hybrid phase focusing. only in the central area of ​​the image... By the way, they say that if you use specially designed lenses for focusing through Live View - Canon STM, it can speed up and improve focusing. I believe that Hybrid CMOS is a huge step forward, it just needs to be improved.

Example photo on a Canon EOS 650D at high ISO

Example photo on a Canon EOS 650D at high ISO. The noise level is very high.

The camera can shoot at a speed 5 frames per second... Believe me, 5 frames per second is already a serious indicator for an amateur camera. Truth, frame buffer, which is the place where pictures are placed before recording them on a memory card, the Canon 650D is quite small. I used a Canon 650D camera with a SanDisk Extreme PRO 95MB / s memory card SDHC Class 10 16GB. If you disable all additional features, such as:

  • Light Priority (aka D +)
  • Perifer. lighting (vignetting control)
  • Color aberration (lens aberration control)
  • Shumopod. when it lasts. shutter speed
  • Shumopod. at high ISO
  • ISO range extension

Then when shooting in RAW format, the buffer shows 6 shots, in JPEG L format 9 shots. With my quick memory card, the length of a real series of pictures is 1-2 frames longer than it shows frame buffer... When I used a slower memory card, the camera started to slow down after the buffer was full. If you enable all the additional functions described above, then in RAW format the camera can take 6 frames in a row, and in JPEG L format only 3 frames. In general, with a fast memory card, after filling the memory buffer, the camera simply continues to shoot, but at a lower rate of fire, while it does not 'freeze'. For instance, Canon 1100D, after filling the buffer, it slows down a lot.

Example photo on a Canon EOS 650D at high ISO

Canon EOS 650D sample photo

I also want to note that the Canon 650D has something like an auto focus lamp, but in fact it works as a timer (delayed) shutter indicator. Low-light auto focus assist illumination is provided by the built-in flash in strobe mode. I don't like this 'blinking' backlight.

Canon 650D sample photo

Canon 650D sample photo

On the camera you can find the following ports:

  • USB 2.0
  • HDMI mini
  • remote control connector
  • stereo microphone jack

Also, the camera has a number of additional useful features:

  • Cleaning the matrix from dust. Can be set to 'Auto clean' in which the camera will clean the sensor every time the camera is turned on or off
  • Auto power off function
  • Sets of Picture Controls
  • Different auto focus settings: Tracking, FlexiZone Single, FlexiZone Multi, High Speed
  • Remote flash function. This is a very useful thing.
  • Noise reduction function in burst shooting NR. Combines the last 4 pictures, does not work in RAW, RAW + JPEG. The same function increases the dynamic range of the image.
  • and a number of others, by the way, a request to users of the Canon 650D, please unsubscribe, can the Canon 650D sync with an external flash at short shutter speeds?
Canon 650D sample photo

Canon 650D sample photo

Personal impressions

I really liked the Canon 650D camera with its touch-screen rotary display. As for the noise level, the operation of the focusing system with the new hybrid phase sensors, and the quality of the images in general, I was left a little upset. You can find examples of photos on the Canon 650D in the lens overview Canon Zoom Lens EF-S 18-55mm 1: 3.5-5.6 IS II

More examples of photos (with processing) on ​​the lens Canon Zoom Lens EF-S 55-250mm 1: 4-5.6 IS II for Radozhiva kindly provided Alexander Frolov.

Prices for modern Canon cameras in popular stores can look at this link.

In comments Can I ask you a question on the topic and you will answer, and you can also express your opinion or describe your experience. Many little things for a photo can be found on AliExpress.


The Canon 650D is a great amateur camera. It attracts with its light weight, good rate of fire, touchscreen display and ample video shooting capabilities. Recommend.

Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.

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Comments: 179, on the subject: Canon 650D review

  • Mikhail Rybak

    Arkady, thanks for the review, only you haven't written anything about camera ergonomics, working with manual (Savdep) lenses, build quality ...
    The photos were not impressed, perhaps because of the whale lens ...

    • Arkady Shapoval

      Working with manual lenses is no different from other Canon cameras of a similar level, the same goes for ergonomics and assembly.

  • Sergei

    Nikonovoda review)

    • Arkady Shapoval

      If not difficult, explain your comment.

      • d.martyn

        Sergei requested more flattering epithets to use in the description, the technical aspects are of interest to him mediocre :)

        • Sergei

          I just read a review about old Nikon, everything is interesting, but here is a review of a soap box but no question thanks

          • Arkady Shapoval

            Because the cameras are aimed at different target audiences, and this leaves an imprint on the intricacies of using one and the second camera, therefore the descriptions are different.

  • Andrey Frunt

    Thanks for your review. I have been using this model for three months in tandem with Canon 17-55 IS USM and I am satisfied with everything. As for synchronization with external flashes (I hope I understood correctly and you meant using an external flash in slave-mode), the shortest shutter speed is 1/200. In general, remote flash sync is a very funny thing and very useful in some situations :)

    • Arkady Shapoval

      Thanks for the comment. I ask if 650d can work with an external flash, for example with a shutter speed of 1 / 4000s (fast synchronization).

      • Andrey Frunt

        aah, understood, meant HSS. Yes, the camera supports high speed sync.

      • Yuriy75

        As for high-speed sync, I have a Canon 1100D and a Canon Speedlite 430EX II flash. when the high-speed sync mode is activated on the flash, even my camera shoots at shutter speeds faster than 1 \ 200.

    • Alexey

      Andrei, but tell me how the focus in the video mode is very noisy? I want to take such a bunch. Tell me more.

      • Dmitriy

        So I'm interested, or rather not at all interested in the buzz of autofocus, and I caught the focus on the soap dish (in the video) and take it off, and then I'm looking for something all the time.

        • Kirill

          the depth of field on the soap dish is huge, so there are no problems with af, what to look for there ... and the autofocus noise in the kenon depends only on the lens

  • Nicholas

    How much does the touch screen adversely affect battery life?

    • d.martyn

      I don’t know what I’m talking about, but I’m sure that the battery is not consumed when the sensor is working, there will be no noticeable difference. In general, screens are nothing in consumption compared to the matrix, processor and memory (I keep silent about the flash).

      • Kirill

        apparently you really do not know - the screen is very noticeably consuming a charge, the sensor is not, but let's shoot a video with a full screen and with muted brightness - the difference will be noticeable

      • Dima

        The screen eats the lion's share, take a photo in LV, you will be very surprised. 20d therefore shoots far beyond 1000 frames on one battery.

  • J-fx

    Thanks for the excellent review!

    Ps probably the error crept in, the photo of the girl with the sword indicates ISO 200, while the signature says about shooting at high iso

    Ps2 I disagree with Sergey about the “Nikonovod review”, everything is on the case, an excellent review without fanaticism in any of its manifestations

    • Andrey Frunt

      indeed, everything is just to the point ... What has changed is illuminated. I hate long reviews, where for the 100500th time everything is repeated that was in the previous model :)

    • Arkady Shapoval

      Yes, I simply confused it with a sword, updated it.

  • Michael

    Arkady. They forgot about (finally for many) the appeared function of automatic correction of chromatic aberrations.
    Well, of course, when shooting in jpeg.

    • Arkady Shapoval

      don't forget, Color aberration (control of lens aberrations)

      • Andrey Frunt

        but it’s better not to use this thing

      • Michael

        Oh yes, sure, sorry.
        Apparently I'm too used to the Greek term.
        And I don’t know, can anyone enlighten how this function works correctly on Canon, whether the image is degrading.
        Intuition tells you to keep it on.

  • tor88a

    550d Full HD 25-30 frames ... Your nameplate needs to be tweaked

    • Arkady Shapoval


  • Gennady

    By the way, who asked about the use of Soviet lenses, I can add. If you use a normal dandelion, then everything works according to the old scheme. But if you work with Chinese, you understand, then there are problems with confirming the focus, and most importantly, it can often knock out the error “the lens contacts do not match” - something like that.

    • Arkady Shapoval

      Well, with the Chinese in general, different adventures :)

  • Eugene

    Hello! Explain, please, the differences between "normal" dandelion from Chinese.

  • Gennady

    Chinese dandelions have constant exif data of 50 mm and f1.4 and most importantly are not programmed in any way. and the lens name is defined as 1-65555. there, only heaped up China began to put a programmable chip.

  • Gene jb

    EMF is also Chinese, but nonetheless programmable.

  • anonym

    Give the Chinese time ...

  • anonym

    and which of these would be advised?
    Canon 650D
    Nikon D5200

  • Andrii

    I don’t have mercy, the 550D and 600D displays may be in good condition with 920 thousand. points.

    • Arkady Shapoval


      • Andrii

        Yes. :)

  • Veronica

    Hello, please tell me which camera is better to buy for a beginner photographer canon eos 650d or nikon d5200. Which company does not matter to me.

  • Michael

    take 5200 there more than any art
    effects when shooting photo-video. and if you need a masterpiece button, then take a closer look at Sonya and 57 for the money too, but he’s doing both boot and Nikon for money

    • Alexander

      Lord! How tired of reading this nonsense about which is better, Nikon, Canon, Sony ... Here is a man removes a Casio soap dish, and not steamed, and does not throw money away. And if the hands are crooked, and in the head of knowledge "0", then that Hassel is like a mobile phone, the result will be the same!

  • Michael

    ps button masterpiece on alpha iauto +

  • Lyudmila

    Hello, please advise CZK for a beginner, the price is within 25000 thousand rubles, thanks in advance)))

    • Diehl

      look at the Nikon D7000, and I want this myself, although they’re not advised to change d90 to d7000, I don’t need a full frame yet, since I'm an amateur

    • Diehl

      why Nikon? many pros advise Nikon for photos, and Canon or Sony for video ...

  • Yana

    Was 550d, donated 600d. I want to sell which one, advise which one to keep? I read reviews "they say I will change the awl for soap" ???

  • Galina

    Arkady, I have the same question as Veronica .. Tell me, what would you choose? D5200 or 650d? For an amateur who wants to study and grow to a specialist level :-)

    • Valentine

      You can study at any, but if there is no "photo vein", then ring. They choose not a camera, but what will then be at hand the rest of the time. Go to the store and hold both devices and you yourself will understand which is better.

  • Alexey

    It seems to me d3200 and d5200 are too much. Find a decent lens for them. 650d is more interesting in this regard.

  • Anna

    Arkady, tell me the TV set is inexpensive, but with a high-quality picture (sharp) within (13000-18000 p.) For shooting from afar and near (macro shooting) for the Kenon 650D?

  • Yura

    I have a 650D, regarding the flash, it has such an opportunity, but unfortunately I can't check it because I bought a cheap flash, and it works with the camera in E-TTL mode. But with Canon SpeedLite flashes, the function works. And for dandelions, in the latest 600D and 650D models, Chinese dandelions DO NOT WORK AT ALL! He writes something like "Software error", so either look for good china with a programmable chip or buy the original. I took a Helios 44m-4 with an adapter, it works fine. Regarding the lens, I took a long-focus 74-300, in principle not bad, but very afraid of lateral illumination, I need a hood. And even without stabilization, he is capable of good results, he beats off his money =)

  • Denis

    Hello Arkady, will there be a review on the Canon eos 700d? Thanks.

  • R'RёS,R ° F "RёR№

    the review is crooked. no photos. I have 650. He shoots better on a whale in pitch darkness than there is a photo in the subway (probably shot on a mobile)))) compared with Nikon 3100. The conclusion is obvious: if you just need to practice and shoot, then Nikon will be enough for your eyes. and if you need to practice shooting, but at the same time a more convenient camera, then of course 650. Another question is whether it is worth the money….

    • anonym

      I absolutely agree with you!

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