Photo tricks. Part 13

These photo tricks will be useful for owners of Nikon cameras, which very often shoot and twist-rotate shutter speed / aperture value.

Photo tricks. Part 13

Photo tricks. Part 13

I take pictures very often and I constantly need to set the desired aperture value and excerpts. On my cameras Nikon D700, D80, D40, just like on all the rest of the Nikon Central Control Centerfor setting excerpts and aperture responds front and rear control dial. These discs are called the main'and'additional disk'. The main dial is located on the side of the camera display and is controlled with the thumb of your right hand. The optional control dial is not available on all Nikon cameras, but only on advanced and professional cameras, it is located near the shutter button and is controlled with the index finger of the right hand. Usually the main disk is responsible for the installation excerpts, additional disk is responsible for iris control. In some cameras, disks can be programmed for different tasks.

В P, A, S, M modes changes available excerpts and apertures only when the exposure meter is on. Exponometer turns on when you press the shutter button halfway. When the exposure meter is turned on, the values ​​in the lower green field of the optical viewfinder are visible excerpts, aperture sometimes and ISO. The same values ​​are duplicated on an additional monochrome display of cameras that have it. When froze exposure is not produced, these fields are left blank, the fields or display are said to be 'extinguished'.

Very often, I turn the control dials for a long time, trying to set the desired aperture value or excerptsbut it turns out that the exposure meter is off and mine efforts are in vain. After which I have to press the shutter button halfway, thus including exposure metering, and then adjust the values ​​I need again. This is not always convenient, sometimes I need to change the values very very fast. The trick is to always have quick access to management shutter speed and aperture, while I just adjust the camera menu automatic metering delay exposure for 30 minutes. This is done in the menu 'Auto Off Delay froze.'. This feature may have different names on different cameras. In this state, froze exposure It works constantly, and with it, control of shutter speed and aperture. it very comfortably. It’s not worth worrying about the camera’s battery. You can set metering exposure without limitation.


when I need to take another shot, for example, with a more closed aperture, while I raise the camera from my chest to eye level, I immediately turn the aperture control dial. To the touch, I approximately know how many times to turn the dial, and I do not need to press the shutter button again to turn on the exposure meter. This is a trifle, but my practice shows that I often used to have negative emotions when spinning control disks in vain.

Some cameras also have the 'delay reset off exposure'- this function activates metering exposure pressing any multi selector (joystick) button on the camera. Also, you can program the discs the other way around - swap the main and sub discs and set the direction of rotation.


Duration function exposure can be very useful for fine-tuning the camera in some cases. Every little thing can be very useful in the life of a photographer.

Help to the project. Thanks for attention. Arkady Shapoval.

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Comments: 29, on the topic: Photo tricks. Part 13

  • Alexander Nikitin

    Very useful Trick! Thanks Arkady!

  • Alexey

    Arkady, what do you think about cleaning pencils, like I want to take it, but I don't know if it's worth it….

    • Arkady Shapoval

      I had 2 of these, the side with graphite wears out very quickly.

      • Ivan

        I clean with soot, even removes fingerprints perfectly.
        There is also a pencil (it’s convenient when you need to quickly wipe the lens), after 5-7 cleanings, I rinse it, dry it and spray it on the soot from the candle, having previously smoked a piece of clean glass. After that, the pencil cleans better than the new one :)

  • Andrei

    ATP Very useful, 100 pudos come in handy.


    Convenient little trick. Thanks Arkady!

  • Alexander

    Thank you, Arkady, this was often annoying.
    And on the account of the battery can be more detailed?

    • Arkady Shapoval

      Rumor has it that a constantly-on exposure meter eats up the battery faster, as well as rumors that the exposure meter itself is spoiling. In practice, I did not notice anything like this.

      • Alexander

        Regarding the second, it would probably have been indicated in the instructions, but about the first it’s now clear. Thank you

  • Alexander

    Oops, the D40 only has one dial ... or do you have an exclusive D40?

    • Arkady Shapoval

      The Nikon D40 has one control dial.

  • Alexander

    I kind of mean that: “I take pictures very often and I constantly need to set the desired aperture value and shutter speed. On my Nikon D700, D80, D40 cameras, just like on all other Nikon CCDs, the front and rear command dials are responsible for setting the shutter speed and aperture. ” not correct ... D40 is superfluous here ...

    • Arkady Shapoval

      The following is an explanation that not everyone has two drives.

  • Anatoly

    Of course, to activate the exposure meter, it is not economical to constantly press the shutter button because this action consumes a lot of battery current. On the D700, I set the auto meter off delay to 30 seconds, which is enough, and it’s very convenient to activate the exposure meter using the (MODE) buttons and the exposure compensation button (+ _) next to the shutter button, while the current to activate the stabilizer gyroscope . The motor and autofocus backlight are not consumed, you can still use the (OK) or (QUAL) buttons under the fingers of your left hand.

  • Jury

    I am pleased to read your site. One of my favorites.
    I have such a question, although not quite on the topic (sorry): I have a D7000, in mode A when shooting with flash it works with a shutter speed of only 1/60. This is not always convenient and you do not always want to switch to M mode to set a faster shutter speed. Is it possible to make the camera work with a shorter shutter speed in modes A and P?

  • Alexey

    What about autofocus in AF-C? Is it active while there is metering, or am I confusing something? We have to check in the evening. d7000

    • Alexey

      Sorry, stupidity overcame. Autofocus is active when the shutter is half pressed ...

  • Ivan

    Arkady good afternoon. Help me to understand. D7000 camera mode A and M aperture setting. The native lens is all right, Helios 81H also changes when the lens aperture ring is twisted. But when I put another manual lens, the camera shows only one value (set in the camera menu “lens without a microprocessor”) and does not respond to the control ring. Tell me how to figure out my instructions in bourgeois and Spanish.

    • d.martyn

      I think the other manual lens is not an analog of Nikon AIs, otherwise assign another number to another and set the required parameters for it (FR and maximum aperture)

    • d.martyn

      Download the instructions in any language from the official website (, after registering your camera first, otherwise the download will not be available.

      • d.martyn


  • Ivan

    Thank you d.martyn for the answer. Yes, other lenses are not Nikon analogues.

  • Alexey

    Good day! I apologize in advance for the stupid question. I did not find in the d5100 the menu branch where the exposure metering delay settings are located. Do not tell me?

  • Danila

    Hello. A week ago I bought a D3100 18-55 vr. (There was not enough financial resources for more). Please tell me if the quality of the tamed setting is very different when shooting in auto mode? It's just that it's still difficult for me to understand the settings ... And another question, if possible: will the capabilities of this camera be enough for me for the first time? With this lens?

  • Alexander

    Nikon D3300
    Setup Menu -> Auto Timers shutdown -> User setting -> standby timer -> 30 min

  • Alexander

    Nikon D90
    Custom Settings Menu -> Freeze Timers / AE -> Auto Off Delay -> 30 min. -> OK

  • anonym

    Nikolay Erdman. 27.09.16 Very useful Trick! Thanks Arkady!

  • Nikolay Erdman

    27.09.16/XNUMX/XNUMX Very useful Trick! Thanks Arkady!

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