The competition aims to demonstrate and discuss winter-themed photographs.

Winter competition from Radozhiva
To participate, just send an email arkadiishapoval@gmail.comWhich must contain the following:
- subject line of the letter “Competition from Radozhiva”
- attached photos, photos must be consistent with the winter theme, from one author up to 5 photos are included. Send all photos in one letter.
- name of photos, if there are several photos, then you need to send an additional name for the mini-album. If the letter does not contain the name of the mini-album, then by default the mini-album will have the name of the first photo.
- name and surname of the author of the photographs. Submitting someone else's work is prohibited.
- short text in which you need necessarily write about How, by what means, where and for what was photo received.
Works can be sent from December 6, to March 1 (March 1, work is no longer accepted). Winner will be announced. March 10. The main prize is a worker Soviet camera Zenit-E with lens Helios-44-2. The best photo, or series of photos by one author, will be selected from jury help... In the comments to the photographs of the participants, you can express your opinions for and against this or that work. The photo will be posted on the website in a reduced size, 720 pixels on the long side with a competition watermark. This time, no social media polls. Radozhiva is not a commercial project, so the prize is more symbolic. A quick link to this contest page is above Final Thoughts. I wish you all good luck and creative success.
List of participants:
- Andrey Efremov. Autumn is still here
- Wheat Roman. Pervoledka on the Samara River
- Sergey Fandikov. "Winter sketches"
- Alexey Kuptsov. "Heralds of Winter"
- Anton Morozov. Winter
- Tiana Karpunina. "Winter has come"
- Konstantin Timashov. "Walk in the cold"
- Igor Slastikhin. "Frosty morning"
- Arseny Larionov. Winter in the big city
- Kharsekin Konstantin. "Winter Krasnoyarsk"
- Tereshchenko Max. Winter crystals
- Prokopiev Vyacheslav. "Dawn on winter fishing"
- Iskakov Aydin. Zimushka winter, from December 1!
- Vadim Vladimirovich. Winter forest
- Evgeny Anatolyevich. "Frosty weekdays"
- Alexey Kostrikin. "The girl in the mask"
- Kuznetsova Christina. "Winter 2012"
- Victor Khobotnev. Just a frosty winter morning!
- Ivan Ershov. Winter competition
- Gavrilchuk Igor. Winter has come
- Victor Yarko. "Winter mood"
- Andrey Berezyuk. Winter sunrise
- Andrey Boronin. "Winter and the city"
- Alisa Evgenievna. "Winter Park"
- Denis Kulik. Winter rose
- Mikhailovsky Andrey. "Zhabosyatko"
- Lezhnev Stanislav. "Severe Ural winter"
- Sergey Ilyushchenko. "First frosts"
- Hayrapetyan Evgen. "Light in the skin from us"
- Alexey aka Cat Bayun. Photos of Kota Bayun
- Machkovsky Ivan. "Winter is around us"
- Dolidze Danil. Fog
- Dmitry Rogozin. Ice
- Karmashev Kirill. "Winter trip 20.12"
- Colonina Catherine. Winter happiness
- Denis Burdin. Winter park
- Rome. "Winter has come"
- Abrosimov Sergey. New Wonders
- Khvesik Vasil. Ah qia beautiful time - winter (:
- Oleg Vlasyuk. Osokorkor salute
- Dima Falatyuk. New Year's fireworks 2013
- Gene JB Santa Claus 'Everything is OK'
- Dmitry Yanson. "Winter sketch"
- Vitaly Elyashevsky. Last day of winter
- Mironov Denis. "Light and Shadow of New Year's Eve"
- Diana Shevchyk. Winter in the Carpathians
- Kolyatskin Sergey. Snow like
- Frunze Igor. Early morning in suzdal
- Yaroslav Kozlovsky. Winter walk
- Vladimir Romanov. Winter fairy tale
- Kotelevsky Alexander. It is a New Year!
- Alexander Tkalenko. Winter landscapes
- Anton Taraskov. Golden City
- Alexey Prokofiev. January
- Khomenko Anya. The road to permafrost ...
- Zelensky Dmitry. Winter
- Drobnov Bogdan. Zimova nich
- Hvesik Vasya. Magiya Rizdva
- Shuvar Petro. The night before Christmas =)
- Natalia Efimenko. Winter
- Smirnova Tatyana. Walking with Totoro
- Smirnov Mikhail. Winter
- Usenko Igor. Winter flower bed
- Valeria Russu. Fairytale holiday
- Peremyshlin Vitaliy. Winter sketches
- Antonov Alexander. My winter world
- Bekshaev Anatoly. Day of the year
- Denis Gadasyuk. "Spun-spun"
- Kudinov Alexey. Berdyansk - the largest resort city on the Sea of Azov
- Petrov Maxim. Home corner
- Vostrikov Andrey. Benches
- Valentin Kalenichenko. Old Tallinn
- Vykhovanets Konstantin. Beautiful days, wonderful winter
- Julia Bezrukova. "With a gentle mood"
- Berezin Alexander. Night in the city
- Roman Zaostrovsky. Untitled
- Yana Arutyunova. snowy winter
- Sergey Lutsk. Winter landscapes of Yakutia
- Tomchenko Alexandra. Before Christmas
- Gordyuk Oleg. Winter fairy tale
- Petrova Inna. Dominated by icy winter
- Chudinovich Oleg. Winter
- Maria Karymova. First snow
- Morgunov Alexey. Cold
- Chebotar Eugene. Winter paintings
- Trikoz Alexander. From the depths of the cold
- Pavlov Sergey. Siberian winter
- Yarkov Nikita. Titmouse
- Alexander Rokosovik. Photography hunt
- Leonov Oleg. Ulyanovsk in winter 2013
- Sergey Dombrovsky. Summer was cooling
- Saldan Svyatoslav. Winter thoughts
- Khristodulo Dmitry. Winter in the Urals
- Sidorovich Dmitro. New winter
- Ivanov Igor
- Marauli Levani. Could not pass by
- Tikhomirov Roman. Chelyabinsk - 27
- Natalya Nakonechna. Zimova kazka
- Bochanova Svetlana. By the birch forest
- Yuzvuk Stanislav. Here we have such a winter
- Dubko Sergey. Snow figures
- Vasilevskaya Julia. Winter sleep
- Selivanchik Andrey. Walk along the lake
- Marina Tsareva. My first photographic winter
- Anatoly Kosov. We're waiting for summer
- Naryshkin Vasily. Winter in a district town
- Balan Dima. Winter sunrise on the Dnieper
- Pavel Vavilin. Sant'Ambroggio. Una mattina fredda
- Elena Samokhvalova. Just winter
- Vladimir Nalivaiko. Waiting for Spring…
- Roman Kharlamov. Carpathian sketches
- Novel. Hello from the 60s
- Fayden Alexander. Red ghost
- Ryazanova Valeria. Untitled
- Alexander Gerner. So winter has come
- Natalia Karaivanskaya. Short evening
- Dmitry Nesterov. Winter
- Nazarenko Dmitry. Winter in the south of Crimea
- Abdulina Daria. Zimushka
- Dmitry Novak. Affectionate february
- Alexander Ivanov - Winter Princess
- Mikhalyuk Mikola. Sacred tree
- Roman Devil. Macro Spruce
- Bondarenko Igor. Light fluffy
- Yuriy Borovskiy. Zimova Zbіrka
- Shimkovich Daria. Winter in Belarus
- Mark Polikashin. Cozy winter
- Soldatov Oleg. Christmas
- Semyonov Andrey. Moscow and Moscow region - Snow and Ice
- Leontiev Eugene.
- Rotar Alexey. The road home after NG.
- Julia Fed. The pleasant moments of winter ...
- Istomina Valery. Winter joys
- Kotenko Vladimir. Forest
- Kalachev Dmitry. From winter
- Tyutin Roman. Birch
- Andriy Lastochkіn. Well, that’s a big bi minute Lutsk, is there a decent description? ..
- Kobylnyak Yana. Winter magic
- Tkachenko Artem. what a different winter
- Alexander Makhortov. Dandelion
- Sergey Solyanenko. Melitopol park in winter.
- Alexey Melnikov. First snow
- Ksyusha Shimkovich. Winter sketches
- Irina Zhuravleva. My winter
- Vitaliy Savchenko. Stitch Dida Frost ...
List of photos: (links to galleries are disabled).

Andrey Efremov

Wheat Roman

Sergey Fandikov

Alexey Kuptsov

Anton Morozov

Tiana karpunina

Konstantin Timashov

Igor Slastikhin

Arseny Larionov

Harsekin Konstantin

Tereshchenko Max

Prokopyev Vyacheslav

Iskakov Aydin

Soloviev Vadim

Yevgeny Anatolevich

Alexey Kostrikin

Kuznetsova Christina

Victor Khobotnev

Ivan Ershov

Gavrilchuk Igor

Victor Brightly

Andrey Berezyuk

Andrey Boronin

Alisa Evgenievna

Denis Kulik

Mikhailovsky Andrey

Lezhnev Stanislav

Sergey Iushchenko

Hayrapetyan Evgen

Alexey aka Cat Bayun

Machkovsky Ivan

Dolidze Danil

Dmitry Rogozin

Karmashev Kirill

Kolonina Ekaterina

Denis Burdin


Abrosimov Sergey

Khvesik Vasyl

Oleg Vlasyuk

Dima Falatyuk

Gene jb

Dmitry Yanson

Vitaly Elyashevsky

Mironov Denis

Diana shevchyk

Kolyatskin Sergey

Frunze Igor

Yaroslav Kozlovsky

Vladimir Romanov

Kotelevsky Alexander

Alexander Tkalenko

Anton Taraskov

Alexey Prokofiev

Khomenko Anya

Zelensky Dmitry

Drobnov Bogdan

Khvesik Vasya

Shuvar Petro

Natalya Efimenko

Smirnova Tatiana

Smirnov Mikhail

Usenko Igor

Valeria Russu

Peremyshlin Vitaliy

Antonov Alexander

Bekshaev Anatoly

Denis Gadasyuk

Kudinov Alexey

Petrov Maxim

Vostrikov Andrey

Valentin Kalenichenko

Vykhovanets Konstantin

Julia Bezrukova

Berezin Alexander

Roman Zaostrovsky

Yana Arutyunova

Sergei Lutsko

Tomchenko Alexandra

Gordyuk Oleg

Petrova Inna

Chudinovich Oleg

Maria Karymova

Morgunov Alexey

Chebotar Evgeny

Trikoz Alexander

Pavlov Sergey

Yarkov Nikita

Alexander Rokosovik

Leonov Oleg

Sergey Dombrovsky

Saldan Svyatoslav

Khristodulo Dmitry

Sidorovich Dmitro

Ivanov Igor.

Marauli Levani

Tikhomirov Roman

Natalya Nakonechna

Bochanova Svetlana

Yuzvuk Stanislav

Dubko Sergey

Vasilevskaya Julia

Selivanchik Andrei

Marina Tsareva

Anatoly Kosov

Naryshkin Vasily

Balan Dima

Pavel Vavilin

Elena Samokhvalova

Vladimir Nalivaiko

Roman Kharlamov


Fiden Alexander

Ryazanova Valeria

Alexander Gerner

Natalia Karaivanskaya

Dmitry Nesterov

Nazarenko Dmitry1

Abdulina Daria

Dmitry Novak

Alexander Ivanov

Mikhalyuk Mikola

Roman Chertov

Bondarenko Igor

Yuriy Borovskiy

Shimkovich Daria

Mark Polikashin

Soldatov Oleg

Semenov Andrey

Leontiev Eugene

Rotar Alexey

Julia Fed

Istomina Valeria

Kotenko Vladimir

Kalachev Dmitry

Tyutin Roman

Andriy Lastochkіn

Kobylnyak Yana

Tkachenko Artem

Alexander Makhortov

Sergey Solyanenko

Alexey Melnikov

Ksyusha Shimkovich

Irina Zhuravleva

Vitaliy Savchenko
about! and this is interesting! after the session, it will be necessary to come up with something
I will definitely participate!
Arkady, please tell me, should the series be from one photo shoot or can you send fundamentally different pictures (landscape, subject, macro)?
As you wish. The only condition is that it should be a winter theme.
I propose the first preliminary result to be announced on December 20, then suddenly it will fail :)
Okay, we survived 91, 45, 33, we survive and 12th
Not, probably, Oleg meant the beginning of the “winter festivities”, which will smoothly flow into May 1st. :)
Can, for example, send a photo now, and if there is still something worthwhile, then in a month or two another couple? The competition is still for three months, who knows what you are shooting for these three months ;-)
Can it then exceed the total number of photos than 5
It cannot, it contradicts the conditions of the competition.
And that's right, only now I was in a hurry, a bit)))))
And on the title page straight my camera :)
Foolish ears for the competition, Arkadiy can write a article about those correctly corrected reflex cameras before winter walks (:
Has already
Dyakoy (:
cool snow for you…. we have +11 in Sevastopol :)
snow is changing for you and us +11
Arkady, excuse me the out-of-competition question, do you think it is always necessary to give a name to a photo work (today almost all of them are in the competition).
It depends on what kind of work. For this contest, the title of the album is reviewed.
great. Having long been checking the competition for joy, it’s better and better to know more and more. dyakoy Arkadiy :-)
I’m a brand new one having bought a nikon d 5100 18-55 kit tsikavo bulob to try !!!
Try it) 5100 is a great device)
I have never participated anywhere and this will be my first experience. If only seasoned professionals did not take part in the draw in this, otherwise the newcomers will not have a chance to win :)
Name “seasoned professionals” in such contests do not take part (: Ale and just take the fate may not be worthless (: I myself want to take part in the contest. outskirts (:
Good afternoon! I would like to take part in the competition. Tell me, please, are there any restrictions on the maximum and minimum size of the photo, is it possible to process the photo, and is it possible to use photos taken with a soap box or a film SLR?
There are no restrictions on the specified parameters.
Good afternoon, Arkady!
So you can send photos as they are produced, that's great. And the name of the album will not change? how will it look like? I sent 1 photo and named the album, a month later I sent 3 more they may be completely different in spirit and design and the album name will not be relevant, as to be, please explain. Thanks for the article!
Album name cannot be changed.
Hello, I was just starting to get involved in photos. Could you teach me the basics of photos on Skype.
We can. My contacts are easy to find on this site :)
Food is not on the topic is possible!
I want to take fotik for stop motion, and also for zyomki ditini, etc. Thinking about the Canon EOS 1100D, I’m feeling 1,5 life.
Please belaska optimal variant with a budget of up to 4000 UAH.
Suitable Nikon D3100 18-55VR Kit, just in 4000 UAH you can meet.
Douzhe, dyakuyu vіn melodiously yakіsnіshy that th matrix more ...
Happy new year!
Thank you
Merry Christmas!
Arkadiy in you on the site often wines 503 pomilka. Imovirnish for everything through a lot of powering up to the server (maybe a DDoS attack), launching heavy scripts (rozsilka mass lists, modules to retrieve from DDoS ...), disputed cms components. I am interested in reasons є a lot of raju to read about a pardon and to live I want to come in. If it’s in you є lyudin yak to work on the site, then don’t wonder if you can start (:
Thank. We will know.
Hello Arkady! Can the Russian people take part in photo contests? Thank you for the site! :)
Yes maybe.
Arkadiy and will the spring contest?
There is still a lot of time until spring.
Yarkadіy I want to talk with you please a yaky polarizing fіlter krashiy radyansky chi chinese? I can be briefly plus and minus one and the other (:
I did not use these filters, I can’t tell you.
Zrozumіlo (:
Chi can fіlter fіrmi Pixco:
I’ll be blowing a drowsy for help (:
Hello. Please tell me why not all of the photos sent were included in the album for the contest?
Most likely you attached your photographs to some file hosting service, according to the terms of the competition, all photos should be attached to the letter.