Overview of the lens KO-120 1: 2,1 120mm

I express my gratitude to Andrey Mikhailovsky for the opportunity view of the lens 'KO-120' 1: 2,1 f-12cm.

Overview KO-120 1: 2,1 120mm

Overview KO-120 1: 2,1 120mm

By the logo of the manufacturer, you can find out that the lens was released at the Zagorsk Optical and Mechanical Plant.

The production year is unknown. Lens 'KO-120' 1: 2,1 f-12cm is projection lens for 35mm films, not to be confused with a motion picture lens. Letters'KO'most likely means'Кforeign Оlens'.

Overview KO-120 1: 2,1 120mm

Lens view KO-120 1: 2,1 120mm

The front of the lens is screwed together as shown in the photo below. The lens consists of only a few lenses, or rather 4 lenses in two groups, with one group of lenses located in front of the lens, and the other group of lenses located behind the lens, so the lens in its middle part is empty and filled with air. The lens has an aplanat scheme - 4 lenses in two positive glues. There are also similar lenses: KO-120M 1: 1.8 f-12cm (Aka KO-120M 1: 1.8 F = 120mm) and 35KP-1,8 / 120), with a little more aperturethan the KO-120, and the KO-120 itself was produced with different modifications of the hull. The lens was produced from the 40s to the 50-60s at the GOZ and ZOMZ.

Lens view KO-120 f2,1 120mm

View of the lens KO-120 f2,1 120mm. The rear part with M42 thread and the rear lens group, and the front, screwed part.

Working distance of KO-120 1: 2,1 120mm is 52,4mm. My copy of the lens has an M42 mounting thread, in order to use the KO-120 1: 2,1 120mm on modern cameras, you need an adapter with an M42 and a thin macro ring. I used KO-120 1: 2,1 120mm with camera Nikon D700 through the adapter KP-42 \ N (aka M42-nikon) without lens and 1cm macro ring... Due to the fact that the focal distance of Nikon cameras is 46,5 mm, when using a lens with a conventional M42-Nikon adapter, the lens will not give any sharp image, since it will conditionally be in focus 'beyond infinity'. The macro ring is just used to level the flange distance and get at least some opportunity to achieve a sharp image. When using macro rings, you can focus at a distance of 1.5-2 meters. More details in the section about old lenses on Nikon cameras и Canon.

View of the KO-120 1: 2,1 120mm lens on a modern camera

View of the KO-120 1: 2,1 120mm lens on a modern camera

Lens does not have a focus control ring and does not have an aperture device, also at the lens no thread under the front filter... The aperture is always constant at F / 2.1. For a 120mm lens, this is just a huge aperture value, because the lens is very strong blurs the near and far plan... The objective lenses are coated, and the lens itself is made of high quality, however, the rear metal part of the tube is rusted. The central part of the lens is covered with black paint, and the front is made of stainless steel. The lens looks very unusual on a modern camera. It is necessary to approach or move away from the subject to focus on this lens, it is very inconvenient.

Sample photo on KO-120 1: 2,1 120mm

Sample photo on KO-120 1: 2,1 120mm. Photo in the light rain

Image quality

The lens is very sharp in the center, but because strong field curvature sharpness drops noticeably closer to the edges. This drop in sharpness from the center to the edge can be used for portraits. The lens does not tolerate side and back light at all, and produces images with very low contrast. From a technical point of view, the image quality is very low, from an artistic point of view, the image quality is very interesting. The bokeh deserves special attention in the lens, the circles in the out-of-focus area become 'lemons' closer to the edge of the image, the bokeh itself is very unusual.

Photos from the lens KO-120 1: 2,1 120mm

Photos from the lens KO-120 1: 2,1 120mm

Sample Photos

This time sample photos with processing, since the original pictures have practically no contrast and it is generally very difficult to make out something on them. Basically, the contrast is increased, the size is reduced to 3MP and the data from EXIF.

Personal experience

It’s not difficult for me to shoot macro on lenses without a focus ring, for example, with a lens Mikar / s 4,5 / 55. But it seemed very, very difficult to shoot portraits with a lens without a focus ring. The lens gives a very interesting picture with unusual bokeh, if the lens had a focus ring, in artistic properties it could compete, for example, with Helios-40-2 85mm F1.5. In general, after shooting at 120 \ 2.1, I really wanted to try class 135 \ 2.0 lenses.

Sample photo on KO-120 1: 2,1 120mm

Sample photo on KO-120 1: 2,1 120mm. Bokeh

If it’s difficult to remake the lens, and removing it is even more difficult, then you can use the front of the lens, in which there are two lenses, to create a macro nozzle. The nozzle turns out pretty high quality and gives a good increase.

Macro nozzle from KO-120

Macro nozzle from KO-120

I tried such a nozzle with a lens Nikon 50mm f / 1.8D AF Nikkor, That's what came out of it:

Macro using a nozzle from under KO-120

Macro using a nozzle from under KO-120

All reviews of film projection and filming lenses:

  1. RO3-3M 2/50
  2. RO2-2M 75/2
  3. LOMO RO501-1 F = 100 1: 2
  4. PO 500-1 F9 CM. 1: 2 P
  5. LOMO RO500-1 F = 90 1: 2 + Review, analysis and comparative test of the adapted projection lens LOMO RO500-1 F=90 1:2
  6. LENKINAP RO500-1 F = 9cm 1: 2 P
  7. LOMO RO506-1 F = 80 1: 2
  8. ЛЭТИ-60/60М F=92 1:2
  9. 2/92
  10. F = 92 1: 2
  11. 16KP-1,4 / 65
  12. 35KP-1,8 / 65
  13. 35KP-1,8 / 70
  14. 35KP-1,8 / 75
  15. 35KP-1,8 / 85
  16. 35KP-1.8 / 100
  17. 35KP-1.8 / 120
  18. 35KP-1,8 / 120 (with aperture)
  19. LOMO P-5 F = 90 1: 2
  20. LOMO P-5 F = 100 1: 2
  21. LOMO P-6M F=12cm 1:1.6
  22. LENKINAP OKS1A-75-1 F=75 1:2 P
  23. LOMO OKS1-22-1 F = 22 1: 2.8
  24. ЛОМО ОКС1-40-1 40/2.5
  25. LOMO OKS1-300-1 F = 300 1: 3.5
  26. LOMO OKS11-35-1 F = 35 1: 2
  27. LOMO W-53 F = 75 1: 2
  28. LOMO W-54 F = 85 1: 2
  29. LOMO OKP4-80-1 F=80 1:1,8
  30. ОКП-6-70-1 F=70 1:1,8
  31. Tair-41 50/2
  32. KO-120 1: 2,1 120mm
  33. KO-90 1: 1,9 F = 9cm
  34. KO-120M 1: 1.8 F = 120mm
  35. KO-120M 120 / 1.8 with a diaphragm and helicoid
  36. KO-120 1: 2.1 F = 12cm
  37. GOZ “KO-140” 1:2,2 F–14cm
  38. Vega-9 2,1 / 50
  41. Schneider Super Cinelux 70/2
  42. Meopta Meostigmat 90/2
  43. Meopta Meostigmat 100/1.7
  44. RO2-2M 75/2 VS LOMO Zh-53 75/2 VS LOMO RO506-1 80/2
  45. Belar-2 2,5/90 (MMZ). Review of a rare slide projection lens adapted for modern cameras
  46. Projection aplanates: "Petzvali" and "Richter"

The names of the lenses correspond to their exact spelling on the body.

Catalog modern brand lenses 'Zenitar' и 'Helios' can look at this link.

Comments on this post do not require registration. Anyone can leave a comment.


KO-120 1: 2,1 120mm is a cinema projection lens, when used on SLR cameras, it produces images with low contrast and poor sharpness at the edges of the image, it is afraid of flare. May be interesting in quality art lens.

Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.

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Comments: 39, on the topic: Overview of the lens KO-120 1: 2,1 120mm

  • Destroy

    I like the picture very much

  • bubligg

    bulo b nepogano yakraz razkriti more topic about ”activists Petzval

  • Andy

    Cool glass.
    Andrei. Where did you find this?
    I use your tessarchik, really like it!
    It’s good that you started giving glass for reviews.
    Guys! If you have a lens without a review, then don’t get hungry and contact Arkady. I and the entire photo-online community will be very grateful.
    With upcoming and creative success to all !!!

    • Andy

      Thank you the same)
      So far, there is nothing interesting, but in the near future it may appear)

  • Georgy

    I congratulate you with your anniversary review!

    • Arkady Shapoval

      Thank you)

  • Seeker of happiness)))

    So who bought these glasses))) I thought to take them for myself, to try, but the selling entity turned out to be very cunning. And in general, I didn’t want to mess with him. It turned out not in vain. It turned out that he really had to tinker with in order to get a good picture)))

  • Ivan

    An interesting review. Personally, I am attracted to such lenses. Because they have a unique pattern. This picture is beautiful.

    But a specific lens can only be considered as a Do-It-Yourself constructor, because for a real shot you still need to grind a helicoid to it.

    The picture of Petzval, this lens resembles only slightly, but it seems to me that such a picture cannot be achieved on the crop, and in the full frame it is clear that it is still not fully expressed. There is no significant drop in sharpness at the edges, as in photographs from large-format cameras of the XNUMXth century. But so far, such a picture is the lot of large-format film. A figure with such a matrix, if they do, it will cost just unrealistically expensive.

    • Arkady Shapoval

      Well, my camera is up to large format like ...

  • Vadim

    Hello! I have a Helios 92 (fx) f2 projector lens. This glass has no diaphragm. Constant aperture f 2.0. I adapted this glass to the Nikon mount and successfully shoot artistic shots with the Nikon D7000. The nature of the picture is very similar to that in this review ... But, there is focusing in my lens. I can send it to you for review. And there are photo samples if needed.

    • Vadim

      Here, by reference, is an album with photos taken by this lens and a photo of the lens itself.

    • Arkady Shapoval

      If in Ukraine - send.

      • Vadim

        That's it, I'll send it today! Plus, I’ll add another lens from Pentax 50mm f1.9 Phoenix film! Received data on the email.

        • Arkady Shapoval

          fine :)

  • Denis

    I have never encountered the use of macromechs. Therefore, the question is - when landing on the canon, the difference in working segments is 7,6 mm. Macromechs provide an opportunity to cover just such a difference in focal lengths?

  • Igor

    Arkady, you once again stunned me (in a good way)))

  • Paul

    accidentally got KO-120 1: 2,1 120mm, such as in the picture. already with a helicoid, i.e. adapted to work with a camera. in my opinion, it is ideal for an artistic portrait in the open air. sharp only in the center, everything else blurs. does not like side and backlighting, as indicated by the author. in a waist-length portrait, focusing on the center point and shooting without overframe. then the top is trimmed. after processing in RAW, the portrait looks great. I use with Canon 1000d. it is extremely difficult to visit. 50% of the pictures are marriage, but the rest are masterpieces)))
    I adapted a ring from the rubber hood to it with tape on 62, now I wind the polar filter and the hood!

  • Igor

    interesting article. at the very core are KO-120M and KO-140. I have not tried to screw it to the carcass, I need to experiment.

  • Markush Yuriy

    Good day, Arkadiy!
    Dyakyu for the Chergovy Tsіkaviy looking around. Yourselves, I looked at you and spooked me before the celebration of radiant optics for my Sony Alpha SLT-37, and the gelios 44m-4 and Jupiter-37a.
    When I walked down to my hands, a KO-120M object, adjusted in parameters to KO-120 1: 2, and the new one showed a landing thread not M42, but 62,5 mm. Come on, be a weasel: how can you see in nature such transitions from 62,5 to m42?

    • Ivan

      better late than never, I also looked for instructions for making / sawing lenses to make them a helix for projectors, until I came across this article http://nukemall.livejournal.com/66831.html Now I’m waiting for the Korean 500/8 to come, to barbarously deprive him of his lenses and stick there almost the same number of 120m (120 / 1,8)

      • Markush Yuri

        It’s too late, but thanks for the advice, I will think in this direction.

        • Ivan

          it was me again, and so, I acted almost according to the manual, since the canon's flange would not allow the use of such a luxury as the T2 tail, so it was cruelly cut out of the tail and a piece of the M42 macro ring was glued in its place, then, stuck in the projection lens into the focuser (without epoxy, because there were doubts), I found out that there is not much enough on my 50d before, but the depth of the back gluing allows you to shorten the rear by 120m by 2-2,5mm. after this operation, infinity appeared. checked the resulting masterpiece and on nikon - at infinity 6-8 meters gives exactly. I'm waiting for the ordered 35kp 140 / 1,8, according to the seller and tyrnets - a version with a planar scheme, it will be interesting to compare with aplanat ko120m 120 / 1,8

  • Vladimir

    Hello! I took a Rustar-2 2/100 lens from the guys. Do not tell me what kind of thing this is, and what he is capable of. Maybe share the link, otherwise I can't find anything about him ...

    • Simon

      Andrey, how did you add it to mark 3 so that there would be infinity? Please tell me, the same is coming for me ...

      • Rodion

        She is there from the very beginning.

  • anonym

    I bought this particular copy from a peasant for 30 UAH. Since I did not have a SLR at that time, it was just a film. I did not see any interest in it and sold it. Now I look that it would be possible to leave it purely for experiments.

  • Alexey

    On canon this glass, through which adapters will it be? so that there is infinity.

  • Rodion

    These KO-120, 120M are awesome things! Sharp, with a beautiful pattern is what you need for a portrait. I use both at 600d, remade each one to fit the boot bayonet. Each ink inside with soot candles - raised the contrast very seriously, now the side holds and does not merge so specifically in the back. The focuser made a simple one, approximately like on the LETI-60M 92/2 - the same in essence. But it's convenient all the same. The marriage rate is low compared to the white J9. I love the drawing of these glasses.

    • Alexey

      I have 120 1.8 how did you remake it under the Boot?

      • Rodion

        YES, literally on his knee, he wrinkled a glass with a canon tail.
        At 120 / 1.8, the wall is thick - I made a groove in it, I drilled a hole in the glass. As a result, the rod is inserted into the groove through the hole in the glass - the focuser is ready. It's a hack, but I'll almost free it)

        • Simon

          I didn’t understand who you were wrinkling there ... you can explain normally, even if you attach it to the Canon mount it does not show infinity, maximum 4 meters ... Did you saw it or what did you do? How many pipes do you need to cut to get to infinity?

          • Rodion

            Ummm, actually, he normally gives infinity in his native case even.
            Cut 52 mm! This is with a margin, even if we are talking about “attach to the mount”.

            Assemble your lens properly - maybe the halves are not fully twisted.
            So - sort it out well with your copy, then you will understand.

            • Simon

              Oh, what a clever girl ... I'm going to figure it out ... :)))) You write and don't think what you write ... It would be better if you didn't write at all.

              • Rodion

                Ahah, and the fact that the lens from the review stood with infinity on Nikon did not even bother?
                It seems that you, the familiar gentleman, did not read and did not think.

              • Simon

                Embarrass? Even should I be embarrassed? In order for the KO-120M to become on Nikon for infinity, it must be sawed, about 10 mm. That's why I asked what did you do? Well, okay ... go in peace with the sense of e \ that

  • anonym

    I use the front block KO-120 of the 70s as a macro nozzle on the Panasonic FZ1000 camera. The quality is impressive. In the photo of the fly, facets of the eyes and the finest antennae with a thickness of 1-2-3 hundred are clearly visible. Snowflakes work well too. I can upload a photo. but I don’t know how to do it.
    Sincerely, Alexander.

  • Zhenya

    Excellent glasses, I have an analogue to 140. The only difference is in quality, sharpness is present in all, but some, like a haze, some. The background is spinning psychedelic)

  • Rodion

    I offer those interested in a qualitatively adapted version of this lens. The lens block is made anew, the circular iris diaphragm is installed in the correct position inside. The inner surfaces of the lens unit were blackened - a very good level of contrast was achieved in comparison with the original lens. There is a thread for filters 62 mm. The M42 threaded helicoid allows you to shoot from infinity to macro range. The lens is compatible with all modern cameras, including cameras with Nikon F mount. Cost is $ 300. Write to mail: rudzil@yandex.ru or by other contacts indicated in my articles here.

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