For the opportunity Zoom Lens EF-S 18-55mm 1: 3.5-5.6 IS lens overview huge thanks to the project Photo the way, there you can rent this lens.

Canon 18-55 IS 3.5-5.6 EF-S Lens Overview
Canon 18-55 IS F 3.5-5.6 EF-S is a regular kit lens, that is, a lens that comes with the camera.
Such a lens can be found with almost every Canon amateur SLR camera. You can find an updated version of this lens - Canon Zoom Lens EF-S 18-55mm 1: 3.5-5.6 IS II, and there is a whole bunch of earlier versions of the 18-55 mm class.

Lens view of the Canon 18-55 IS 3.5-5.6 EF-S
The simplest versions (without IS, USM, STM):
- Canon Zoom Lens EF-S 18-55mm 1: 3.5-5.6September 2004, Scheme 11/9 [1 ASP]
- Canon Zoom Lens EF-S 18-55mm 1: 3.5-5.6 II, March 2005, Scheme 11/9 [1 ASP]
- Canon Zoom Lens EF-S 18-55mm 1: 3.5-5.6 III, March 2011, Scheme 11/9 [1 ASP]
Versions with USM-motor:
- Canon Zoom Lens EF-S 18-55mm 1: 3.5-5.6 USMSeptember 2004, Scheme 11/9 [1 ASP]
- Canon Zoom Lens EF-S 18-55mm 1: 3.5-5.6 II USMMarch 2005, Scheme 11/9 [1 ASP]
Versions with Image Stabilizer IS:
- Canon Zoom Lens EF-S 18-55mm 1: 3.5-5.6 ISSeptember 2007 Scheme 11/9 [1 ASP]
- Canon Zoom Lens EF-S 18-55mm 1: 3.5-5.6 IS II, March 2011, Scheme 11/9 [1 ASP]
Versions with STM-motor and image stabilizer IS:
- Canon Zoom Lens EF-S 18-55mm 1: 3.5-5.6 IS STM, April 2013, Scheme 13/11 [1 ASP]
- Canon Zoom Lens EF-S 18-55mm 1: 4-5.6 IS STM, February 2017, Scheme 12/10 [1 ASP + SSC]
Versions for mirrorless cameras with bayonet mount Ef-m:
- Canon Zoom Lens EF-M 15-45mm 1:3.5-6.3 IS STM, October 2015, scheme 10/9 [3 ASP]
- Canon Zoom Lens EF-M 18-55mm 1: 3.5-5.6 IS STMSeptember 2012, Scheme 13/11 [3 ASP]
Version for mirrorless cameras with bayonet mount R (RF-S):
- Canon Lens RF-S 18-45mm F4.5-6.3 IS STM, May 2022, scheme 7/7 [2 ASP]

The main parameters of all Canon 18-55 for SLR cameras. increase.

View of the Canon 18-55 IS 3.5-5.6 EF-S lens on a modern camera
Canon Zoom Lens EF-S 18-55mm 1: 3.5-5.6 IS is one of the simplest lens options for modern Canon APS-C type cropped cameras. Designation Ef-s indicates that the lens can only be used on cameras with a cropped matrix, such as Canon 600D.7D 1100D и can not use on cameras like Canon EOS-1D Mark II, Canon EOS 5D, Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III. I've never met people who would like to use a whale crop lens on a full frame camera.

Example photo on a Canon 18-55 IS 3.5-5.6 EF-S
Canon 18-55 IS F 3.5-5.6 EF-S has a mediocre aperture, the maximum value at 18mm focal length is F / 3.5, and at 55mm focal length F / 5,6. Aperture can be closed until F / 22 18mm and up F / 36 by 55mm. Closed aperture helps greatly increase depth of field and take a long exposure. The lens aperture consists of all 6 petals, but they are very rounded, and therefore allow you to get even circles in the blur zone, even on closed apertures, I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the bokeh of the lens.

Example photo on a Canon 18-55 IS 3.5-5.6 EF-S
The focal length varies from 18 to 55mm, so the zoom ratio of the lens is 3 times. The zoom ratio is easy to find out by dividing the larger number in the focal length by the smaller one, for example, in this case 55mm \ 18mm \u3.05d XNUMX times. If we recalculate the focal length, then EGF will match 29-88mm for a full frame. These focal length limits allow for the ability to photograph using a wide angle of 18mm, which is very important in a number of cases. Finding a cheap wide-angle for a cropped camera is tricky, and the Canon 18-55 IS F 3.5-5.6 EF-S allows you to achieve a wide field of view for a ridiculous price. In general, 3x zoom is not so bad, for example, almost all high-aperture professional lenses also have 24x zoom, in particular Canon EF 70-2.8mm f / XNUMXL II USM, EF 70-200mm f / 2.8L II IS and the like.

Example photo on a Canon 18-55 IS 3.5-5.6 EF-S
By speed lens focus is average - not fast, but not very slow either. When focusing, the front lens rotates and the lens 'trunk' lengthens - one of the most poor focus systems, as it makes it difficult to use special photo filters. There is a focus mode switch on the lens 'AF MF', in MF mode only manual focus is available. Manual focus is inconvenient due to the very narrow plastic focusing ring, which also goes back and forth when focusing. When focusing, the focus ring rotates only 45 degrees, which complicates accurate and smooth manual focusing. The lens boasts good macro 1: 3Since the closest focusing distance is only 25cm, photographing every little detail with the Canon 18-55 IS F 3.5-5.6 EF-S is easy.

Example photo on a Canon 18-55 IS 3.5-5.6 EF-S
The lens has a very useful lens. IS function (Istomach Stabilization), which is responsible for stabilizing the lens during shooting. This function allows you to get rid of hand shake when shooting and avoid blurry pictures. It is stated that the stabilization system can help squeeze the extra 4 stops by shutter speed, but in practice, up to 4 stops away. But in general, the stabilizer in the lens works well and really helps in the fight against shake at slow shutter speeds.

Example photo on a Canon 18-55 IS 3.5-5.6 EF-S
A plastic hood may be included with the lens. The Canon 18-55 IS F 3.5-5.6 EF-S itself is made of plastic, including the bayonet mount, but the weight of the Canon 18-55 IS F 3.5-5.6 EF-S is only 200 grams. The lens itself is made in Thailand. The lens uses an optical design of 11 elements in 9 groups, and one of these elements is aspherical. The zoom ring is rubberized; in fact, the zoom ring makes up the largest visual part of the lens. The diameter of the front filter is 58mm. According to the designation on the lens, it can be used for 10 years before being disposed of.

Example photo on a Canon 18-55 IS 3.5-5.6 EF-S
Each manufacturer has its own whale lens class 18-55, here small comparison with Nikon 18-55mm f / 3.5-5.6G ED VR AF-S DX Nikkor

Two kit lenses - Nikon on the left, Canon on the right
Both lenses have a plastic body, a stabilization system, made in Thailand, have the same focusing principle and are equally inconvenient for manual focusing. Also, both lenses use only 1 aspherical element in the optical circuit. The Nikon lens is a bit heavier and shoots macro a little worse. The Canon lens has a larger filter diameter and fewer aperture blades. I conducted a test in which both lenses showed identical focusing speed, Canon's version makes a lot more noise when focusing.

Two kit lenses - Nikon on the left, Canon on the right. It can be seen that both have a plastic mount.
Sample Photos
All sample photos in the gallery below without treatment, only the size is reduced to 3 MP and the data from EXIFexamples were shot on camera Canon 500D with image stabilization enabled.
Image quality
Talking about the image quality of a whale lens is a very thankless job. I want to raise the enthusiasm of people who bought themselves an expensive DSLR with a whale, the Canon 18-55 IS 3.5-5.6 EF-S produces pretty good image quality. The weak point of the lens is the 18mm zoom position, which exhibits pronounced distortion and vignetting and HA... The camera processor can handle vignetting, but not all cameras can correct distortion. Interestingly, the lens has good sharpness, especially at apertures of F / 5.6-F / 11. The lens tolerates backlight well and provides good contrast. In general, the image quality is not bad.
An example of bokeh on an open aperture:

Bokeh example on Canon 18-55 IS 3.5-5.6 EF-S
Example of bokeh on a closed aperture:

Bokeh example on Canon 18-55 IS 3.5-5.6 EF-S
Personal experience
The Canon 18-55 IS F 3.5-5.6 EF-S was in many ways a worthy lens, you can squeeze a lot of good shots from it, because important how to take pictures, not what technique. For cropped cameras, the best universal lens is just a focal length of 18mm. If you need a full replacement for a whale lens to perform more complex photo tasks, then a good option can be Canon EF-S 17-55mm f / 2.8 IS USM with constant big aperture across the entire focal length range. And if you want to try high-aperture optics, then you can look towards a cheap fix Canon EF 50mm F / 1.8 II.

Example photo on a Canon 18-55 IS 3.5-5.6 EF-S. Macro and bokeh.
Lens prices in popular stores can look at this link.
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Canon 18-55 IS F 3.5-5.6 EF-S - whale lens with stabilizer. Suitable as the first lens for a cropped digital SLR camera, has a convenient range of focal lengths. It can not boast of a huge zoom, but the image quality is pretty good.
Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.
I always knew that on my whale you can take such wonderful pictures!
That generally cool pictures from such a lens)
made a test. took the old whale 18-55 II, vivitar 50 / 1.8 m42, helios 44-2. I took a test pattern with converging lines at approximately the same distance, then carefully examined it on my computer.
1st place Helios
2 vivitar
3 whale
the whale by resolution is about 2 times worse.
After that, I practically do not use the whale. only when shirik is needed.
beautiful red rounds !!!!
Arkadiy Vi yak is right, it is important not: "What about photography technology, but yak ...?" So, I can wait a bit from Gene JB, so that we will see three-and-a-half results, but not Gelios, but the same Gelios, in the first place, doesn’t seem to mind or in another way, but sometimes it’s even more important, out-of-the-way autofocus. And in the country, the leather is robbing its own technology out of its own possibilities, and wondering what tasks it is necessary to virishity, which is a whole lot of people from Arcadia, which is like for the first object, which is impossible to come up with.
A somewhat incorrect comparison, isn't it? Plastic zoom against two fixes ... In addition, front / back focus whale specimens are quite common.
Good day Arkady.
Now it is possible to take a NIKKOR 4-5,6 / 35-80 D (nikon d80 camera), but doubts torment me ... You don't have it in your reviews, and there are crumbs on the net. But I decided to ask you if I suddenly had to hold such a lens in my hands, or even more - to shoot one :) Take - don't take?
This is an old station wagon for film cameras, on the D80 there will be no latitude angle. You can take it if the price is normal.
Oh, so is it wide-angle?
asking for 400 hryvnia.
On the full frame - yes, on the crop (D80) - no. More details about the focal length here -
Thanks! The lowest!
Canon 18-55 IS II - Very good lens!
Exposure 1/4 - The stabilizer holds perfectly. By the quality of the photo, the difference from Elka can be found only by looking at two photos of the same image. But it will be called this: Find the five differences.
In general, if it were made of metal, with an ultrasonic motor and moisture protection, then it would cost no less than Elka.
Those who hate it, either simply do not know how to shoot, (but here the Elka will not help) Or pursue their own interests.
Anyone who calls a whale a good glass that didn’t take off really on the same Elks, etc. because a whale to compare with them is simply the height of unprofessionalism
I have been using the first version for many years (without a stub). This is certainly not L-ka. But: successful shots look quite decent on A2 format and more - my record is 1 frame per two standard exhibition stripes (i.e. 2 meters wide!)
for a whale it will do, after it there is room to grow ...
I bought a flash of 430 EX for him and I’m not overjoyed, I shot the wedding of my relatives as a second photographer, professionals turned green with anger!
I bought myself one in addition to the 30D. Rather, first the camera (bu) and then the glass. When I took test shots and looked at them, 2 hours after the shooting time itself, I was quite horrified. Before that, there was a Nikon D40 also with a whale. But the whale gave the picture an order of magnitude better. But, apparently, it required elementary adaptation on my part. Now, 48 - 50 hours after the purchase, the lens shows a very, very good picture, better than on Nikon's kit. Sharpness is just class. But only on a hole from 5,6 and above. So it is)) It is very inconvenient to screw in and remove the lens hood, because I accidentally scroll the focusing ring itself, there is a fear that it will break ((
When installing the hood, put it on the manual focus, otherwise you will break the drive motor and when the hood is installed, it is very convenient to rotate it in any position during manual focusing.
Arkady, what kind of fraud or violent PR canon !? How can I advise replacing a whale for $ 100 lens for $ 1200-1500? I would also understand in this place a sigma of 17-50 / 2.8 for 300 (b / y) -500 $.
those who do not see the difference in the quality of the picture from the whale and the L-series ... well, I advise you not to download photos from the Internet, but go to the store and shoot 2-3 identical frames without fiddling with settings (except with different resolutions) with 2 lenses "Green zone" though "manual".
come home and look at normal plasma or ips or any monitor no less than 24 ″ ... Surprise!
I don’t understand what you mean.
Tell me, there was a canon s5is with 12x optical zoom before - I loved it very much for that. Now I want to take a canon eos 100 d with a standard 18-55IS lens. When zooming in, this lens is still smaller or larger .. I just can't understand .. Not a professional ..
Does it make sense to purchase a Canon EF-S 18-55mm for wide-format shooting with a Canon 10-18?
Theoretically, on crop 1.6, the range of focal lengths will be 16-29 mm. Those. this range is overlapped by whale 18-55.
Thank you.
How does it overlap? whale 18-55 will be on the crop 29-88mm (35mm equivalent)
the focal point for lenses is always indicated the same thing, without recounting in the ERF.
Accordingly, 10-18 and 18-55 will be for crop 16-29 and 29-88.
I shot on this lens and also on the world 1c and ms helios 77m-4 so after these ficus the whale lies and gather dust on the shelf
In general, if you shoot it on fixes or widths exclusively. Cheap zooms give out a completely uninteresting picture, neither in color nor in resolution
Arkady hello!
Can you tell me which lens is “better” (if such a comparison can be made at all) for a novice photographer Canon Zoom Lens EF-S 18-55mm 1: 3.5-5.6 or Canon Zoom Lens EF-S 35-70mm? To read your review, I got the impression that the 18-55 is more convenient and “better” for shooting.
I have such a lens. I use it on the ancient canon 300D / From the bayonet side, next to the contacts, there is an inscription: made in Japan / is this what it means is made in Japan? And on the lens cover is an inscription-Taiwan.
How to clean this lens? Settled dust is visible inside the lenses.
Works great in full format after rework
And the mirror does not catch?
so it also limits the zoom during the alteration.
and what minimum apertures can be set to focal 24mm and 28mm?
I couldn't believe my eyes at first, but it says made in Japan on my lens!