The use of rangefinder optics on SLR cameras

The use of rangefinder optics on SLR cameras

The use of rangefinder optics on SLR cameras on the example of Industar-50 1: 3,5 f = 5cm P

Nowadays, you can find a huge amount of old rangefinder optics. Rangefinder optics are mainly lenses from mirrorless rangefinder cameras. SLR and rangefinder cameras differ in the principle of sighting, and this changes the very design of cameras and lenses. Rangefinder lenses have a very short flange distance, about 28mm, because of which, when used on SLR cameras with a longer working length, of the order 45mm, the ability to focus on infinity is lost.

Photos on the rangefinder Industar-50 1: 3,5 f = 5cm P

Photos on the rangefinder Industar-50 1: 3,5 f = 5cm P


Using corrective lens adapters can improve the situation, but to achieve infinity will not work. Some lenses can be converted to SLR cameras, but this requires effort and knowledge.

Photos on the rangefinder Industar-50 1: 3,5 f = 5cm P

Photos on the rangefinder Industar-50 1: 3,5 f = 5cm P

Typically, rangefinder lenses have a M39 mounting thread. For installation on modern cameras, there are many adapters. For example, I used the Industar-50 1: 3,5 f = 5cm P lens with two adapters M39-M42 and M42-Nikon, or one - M39-nikon. How to use Soviet and other old lenses can be found in the section Soviet optics... How to use old optics on Canon - find in the section old lenses at canon.

Photos on the rangefinder Industar-50 1: 3,5 f = 5cm P

Photos on the rangefinder Industar-50 1: 3,5 f = 5cm P


When used on SLR cameras the focus ring functionality is lost the lens itself. This is due to the fact that the lens is very far 'extended' from the sensor or film. Focusing with the focusing ring has a very small effect, for example, when I used Industar-50 1: 3,5 f = 5cm P on a Nikon camera, there was practically no effect from rotating the focusing ring. It is much easier to use another primitive focusing method - to move the camera along with the lens towards the subject of the photograph, thus changing the focusing distance.

Photos on the rangefinder Industar-50 1: 3,5 f = 5cm P

Photos on the rangefinder Industar-50 1: 3,5 f = 5cm P

The longer the focal length of the lens, the further the lens can focus. You can even shoot medium-sized objects with telephoto lenses from rangefinder cameras. The shorter the focal length of the lens, the shorter the minimum distance at which the lens will focus on SLR cameras.

Photos on the rangefinder Industar-50 1: 3,5 f = 5cm P

Photos on the rangefinder Industar-50 1: 3,5 f = 5cm P

Why can the use of rangefinder lenses on modern digital SLR cameras be useful?

The main application of rangefinder cameras is macro photography. Almost all rangefinder lenses on DSLR and DSLR cameras can function as macro lenses. The macro effect is usually enhanced and obtained super macro by using macro ring. This application is quite popular, as the old rangefinder optics are very cheap. For example, I purchased a Zorkiy-4 camera with an Industar-50 1: 3,5 f = 5cm P lens for just 3.e.

Photos on the rangefinder Industar-50 1: 3,5 f = 5cm P

Photos on the rangefinder Industar-50 1: 3,5 f = 5cm P

Also, rangefinder optics can be used on modern mirrorless cameras, such as Samsung NX series, Sony NEX series, and others who also have a very short working length. On such cameras it will be possible to focus on infinity with the corresponding adapters.

Photos on the rangefinder Industar-50 1: 3,5 f = 5cm P

Photos on the rangefinder Industar-50 1: 3,5 f = 5cm P

Examples of photos on a rangefinder lens Industar-50 1: 3,5 f = 5cm P

All photos taken on Nikon D700 and fifty dollars Industar-50 1: 3,5 f = 5cm P without treatment. Reduced size and imprinted data from EXIF. When creating test shots, the focus ring on the lens was in different positions, but the focus distance was practically unchanged.

You can see more examples of photos on rangefinder optics in the usual (not macro mode):

  1. JUPITER-3 1,5 / 50 with mount Contax-Kiev RF, ZOMZ
  2. JUPITER-8 1: 2 F = 5cm P with mount Contax-Kiev RF
  3. JUPITER-8M 1: 2 F = 5cm P with mount Contax-Kiev RF
  4. JUPITER-8M 2/50 with mount Contax-Kiev RF
  5. JUPITER-8M 2/53 with mount Contax-Kiev RF
  6. JUPITER-11 1: 4 F = 13,5cm P with mount Contax-Kiev RF
  7. JUPITER-12 2,8 / 35 with mount Contax-Kiev RF, LZOS
  8. JUPITER-12 1: 2.8 F = 3.5cm П with mount Contax-Kiev RF, Arsenal

Personal experience

Many people find old rangefinder cameras with rangefinder optics at home, in the secondary market there are a lot of rangefinder offers for almost nothing. This can be used if you have a SLR camera, and get a cheap opportunity to shoot macro. Every day they ask me on the Radozhiv website what to do with lenses like Jupiter-8, Jupiter-9, Industar-50, etc. from mirrorless cameras, this article can be the answer.

Photos on the rangefinder Industar-50 1: 3,5 f = 5cm P

Photos on the rangefinder Industar-50 1: 3,5 f = 5cm P


Rangefinder optics on SLR cameras can only work in macro mode without the ability to focus at infinity. Old rangefinder optics, especially Soviet, attracts with its low price.

Help to the project. Thanks for attention. Arkady Shapoval.

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Comments: 90, on the topic: The use of rangefinder optics on SLR cameras

  • R'RёS,R ° F "RёR№

    I have an old "Zorkiy-4" with Jupiter-8 M39 optics lying around at homeЮпитер_(объектив)#.D0.AE.. Is it possible to attach it to my Canon 550D using adapters M39-M42 and M42 - Canon EOS?

    • R'RёS,R ° F "RёR№

      Rather, does this make sense?

      • Arkady Shapoval

        The meaning is described in the article, it will be macro like in this article.

    • Arkady Shapoval

      Of course you can.

  • Gennady

    Can the lens from the Kiev-4 camera be used as a macro?

    • Arkady Shapoval

      Yes, you can.

      • Dmitriy

        The Kiev-4 camera has two types of mounts, external and internal. The inner one you in no way fix on the DSLR, because it fits almost close to the film. An example of this is Jupiter-12, Jupiter-8 (not M). The mount is also specific. Jupiter-12 also has a convex lens sticking out far into the camera. I do not give a link to this camera and its lenses in my blog because of "political correctness"

        • 10111

          Hmm ... Only fifty rubles are put into the inner bayonet and nothing more, while they are also used in a different frame on threaded cameras. The given Ju-12 is inserted just into the outer one. But the fact that fifty dollars do not have a helicoid, and a good adapter costs 200 bucks ...

  • Vasil

    Yes garn article for more people (:

  • Vadim

    Arkady, and you tried to shoot on a rangefinder optics with macro rings (in the article they wrote that it turns out super macro)?
    Actually the question is, is there a maximum closed aperture for getting into the depth of field?)

    • Arkady Shapoval

      I tried it, the IPIG remains very small, and the quality of the photos from this Industar is mediocre.

  • Slam

    And here I am pleased with the photo from Industar 61 l / d. Sharpness on top! With rings, a whiter macro comes out! I advise the people who want to try macro on Soviet optics to purchase this glass in a collection!

    • Dmitriy

      I61 has very mediocre sharpness, and 50mm is not enough for convenient macro photography. Better Jupiter 37a and macromech.
      But this is my humble opinion

  • Alexander

    I installed, on Jupiter 8, using the ring from under the old filter, an eyepiece lens at minus 4.75 diopters. fixed on glue and a blend of an old FEDovsky. The result was a good portrait lens of the Zonar type. I use with Pentax k20d.

    • Onisimko

      GNVKH = invention fiction

  • Andrei

    it’s not such a simple thing to shoot macro on manual optics, we tried to know

    • Misha

      Manual lens macro rings are the simplest and most affordable "super macro" tool.

  • Vladimir

    Hello, I bought AF SIGMA 75-300 on Nikon D40, there’s no infinity of 10 meters, I’ll catch the focus with the foot and no more.

    • Arkady Shapoval

      If sigma is under Nikon, then this is a lens malfunction.

  • Vladimir

    but you can repair it

  • Tim

    Hello! Please tell me - I have a Pentax camera, I found old film cameras at home and among them there was a Jupiter-8 lens, how can I screw it to the camera, through the same adapters as to Nikon and Kenon (M39, M42)?

    • Arkady Shapoval

      Most likely he has an M39 thread (there are just different Jupiter-8s, for Contact, etc.), then you need a regular M39-Pentax adapter. But this is a rangefinder lens, it will work like Industar in this review on Nikon.

      • Tim

        Thanks for the answer! Yes, he has an M39 thread. I just sorted out old things and dug up a couple of cameras on which my father took pictures about 20 years ago, one of them is a Fed-5s with a Jupiter-8 lens, the lens is in good condition, so I think why it’s good to disappear))) if you can experiment, for normal money it do not sell. Here I have it fourth from above.

        • Tim

          He looks like a lens from the Limited series :)

  • genaev

    Hello Arkady! Advise how to connect the built-in flash on Nikon 3100 with a manual lens. Thank you. Gennady.

    • Arkady Shapoval

      You need to switch it to manual mode and set the power manually, in more detail at the end of the article about Soviet lenses.

  • Sergei

    Good evening, Arkady. please tell me where exactly it is possible to get manual optics of Soviet manufacture in normal condition (and how, by the way, to determine this condition) in Kiev for this very cheap thing? Thanks in advance.

    • Arkady Shapoval

      Anywhere at flea markets. You can use the contacts in the manual optics section.

  • Misha

    This Industar-50 is a universal rangefinder-mirror lens and its “conversion” to a mirror version does not require “efforts and knowledge of the matter” ...
    The rear part of the lens is a "macro ring", which is removed after unscrewing the locking screw, the pusher of the rangefinder is also unscrewed, after which the lens becomes "mirrored".

    • Arkady Shapoval

      Thanks for the information. Many users will not even be able to perform such a simple procedure, because this article shows exactly what there will be no infinity with rangefinders, and does not concern issues of remaking.

    • Dima

      Misha, if you know, can a lens with a FED-4L be attached to Nikon D5100?

  • Alexander

    Misha, could you please a little more in detail ?!

  • Vladimir

    I have such a lens on a Zenit-E SLR with a whale. Does this mean that it is already adapted to DSLRs and can be used on the Nikon D60?

  • Alexander Kozachek

    Tell me, is it possible to install Industar-50 3,5 / 50 on Nikon d3200, and what is the difference between this lens and the one mentioned above? thanks in advance…

    • Arkady Shapoval

      Yes, you can, how to do it, and what will come of it, see here -

      • Alexander Kozachek

        Arkady, Industar 50-2 is described there, and I have Industar-50 3,5 / 50, can you explain what is the difference between them? And what kind of adapter is needed specifically for my lens?

  • Yaroslav

    What is better for macro? Industar 50 or from a magnifier to look for? Naturally with macro rings.

  • Bogdan

    Tell me if it is possible to use Jupiter 8m mount mount in conjunction with Nikon

    • Arkady Shapoval

      This is a rangefinder, it will only be macro.

      • anonym

        Thanks for the quick reply. Please tell me with the help of which adapters it can be installed on Nikon

        • Arkady Shapoval

          M39-Nikon, or M39-M42 + M42-Nikon.

  • Bogdan

    unfortunately he has a mount mount, so the M39 will not work

    • Arkady Shapoval

      If this is a bayonet variant, then things are bad.

  • Bogdan

    thanks for prompting

    • Andrei

      Good day. Redid his Jupiter 8m (mount Bayonet Contact) on Nikon D5000. On the rear cylindrical part of the lens with a bayonet mount, a sleeve with an M42 external thread was put on the sealant. (I ordered a turner). I screw the sleeve into the adapter M42-Nikon. On the front of the lens I planted a -5,25 diopter lens in the frame of the filter. I ordered a lens in Optics (where they sell glasses). The result is infinity. On an open aperture, the contrast is not high. You can make portraits in a light manner. With aperture cover, contrast is normal. It is inconvenient that more than one revolution has to be made on the thread to focus, but it has adapted.

  • Eugene

    In a month I go to d300 or d7000 (now - d3100).
    The question is that as many as three lenses were found - Jupiter 8m with a special Kiev bayonet, Industar-5-2 from the deceased, unfortunately, the zenith and the regular Industar-61 from the FED-3 camera, which, to celebrate, even shot a couple of films. On the latter, if I am not mistaken, the bayonet is replaceable. So can I adapt at least one of them for portrait (ideally landscape) shooting with a sufficient focal length?
    Or buy all the same helios?

  • anonym

    And if not, what kind of helios (what else? =)) To buy - 40, 44, 77 or 81 with Nikon bayonet?

  • Dmitriy

    Please tell me what can I do with a lens like Helios - 103 1.8. What adapters are needed for it for installation on Nikon d90. And also what can I get using it. By the way, I have not found an article about such a lens on your website - I can let you drive the glass until I figured out what to do with it. Geographically I am in Kiev.

    • Igor

      You can buy a back ring for Nikon mount and use it for macro.

  • Dmitriy

    And to the post above - what kind of bayonet is this Contax-Kiev?

  • Sergei

    Arkady, if I understand correctly, then the smaller the focal length, the larger the macro?

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