Review I96U-1 3,5 / 50

For the opportunity review I96U-1 3,5 / 50 many thanks to Dmitry.

Review I96U-1 3,5 / 50

Review I96U-1 3,5 / 50

There are several lens modifications:

  • Industar-96U (I96U-3,5 / 50)
  • Industar-96U-1 (I96U-1 3,5 / 50)
  • Industar-96U-2 (I96U-2 3,5 / 50)
  • Industar-96U-N-22 (I96U-N-22-3,5 / 50)

Modifications differ in body. The lens was made on Theodosian Optical Plant. This is my first lens of this factory.

View I96U-1 3,5 / 50

View I96U-1 3,5 / 50

I96U-1 - this is a lens from a photographic enlarger, as evidenced by the letter “U” in the name. The lens is very, very similar to Industar-50U 50mm F3.5.

Industar-69U-1 view on a modern camera

Industar-69U-1 view on a modern camera

Use with modern cameras

Lenses with an M39 mounting thread (for enlargers, M39 X 1 / 28.8), such as the lens from this review, are very easy to use on modern cameras, just select correct adapter. On lens reflex cameras can only work in macro mode (shoot small objects with a short focusing distance). On mirrorless cameras, it will be possible to achieve focus on infinity. The cheapest adapters can be found

For use on modern digital SLR cameras Canon EOS need M39-Canon EOS adapter, you can buy such an adapter (adapter) here. Also, an adapter M39-Canon EOS can be easily replaced with two adapters: M42-Canon EOS + M39-M42. In any case, the lens will always be focused at close distances.

An adapter is required for use on Nikon SLR cameras M39-Nikon F, you can buy such an adapter (adapter) without a lens and a chip here. Also, one adapter M39-Nikon F can be easily replaced with two adapters: M42-Nikon F + M39-M42. In any case, the lens will always be focused at close range.

For such a lens, I advise you to additionally buy macro rings with M42 thread, for example here.

How to use this lens with cameras of other systems (Pentax, Sony, Fujifilm, Olympus, Panasonic, Samsung, Sigma etc.) - ask in the comments and you will be prompted. If you have any questions on compatibility and adapters, ask in the comments (comments do not require any registration at all, any user can add a comment).

Sample photos on Industar-69U-1

Sample photos on Industar-69U-1

Important: I96U-1 does not have a focusing ring. It is impossible to focus on the lens in the usual sense. The lens is always focused at a certain distance, for the Nikon flange it is 30-40cm from the matrix. Due to the fact that the lens is most often used for macro, the focusing problem is not so important. In macro photography, it is very convenient to focus by moving the camera towards or away from the subject. I do not find any inconvenience at all when working with this I96U-1.

Sample photos on Industar-69U-1

Sample photos on Industar-69U-1

Image quality:

The lens is very, very sharp. Even at F3,5, sharpness is very high. The lens even produces pleasing bokeh, slightly curled around the edges of a full-frame camera. The optical design of Tessar (Eagle Eye) is responsible for the image quality. It's a shame the lens has only 6 blades aperture. The petals from use lose their blackening and become metallic. The biggest drawback of the lens is the fear of any kind of flare. Industar-96U-1 Does not tolerate backlight at all. But, HA, vignetting, distortion are minimal. Here is such a small and remote "Indus".

Sample photo on I69U-1

Sample photo on I69U-1

Sample Photos

All photos taken on Nikon D700... RAW -> JPEG, Q90%, autolevels, 3mp resize. Added a watermark with parameters from EXIF. On crop Industar-96U-1 Works just as well as in full frame. Please note, I did not use the macro rings when shooting, but only the usual adapters on Nikon.

Personal experience

I have already used such lenses more than once, for example, Industar-50U 50mm F3.5, Vega-11U 50mm F2.8, Mikar / s 4,5 / 55, Amar 4,5 / 105, Emitar / s 4,5 / 80 and they always showed great results for macro. Fifty dollars Industrialar-96U-1 it costs ridiculous money, but it can surprise even a professional photographer with its work. Yes, he looks funny on camera, but the wizard’s strength isn’t the size of a magic wand.

Sample photo on I69U-1

Sample photo on I69U-1

Other lenses from photo enlargers (U)


  1. INDUSTRAR 22U-1 1: 3,5 F = 50mm П | LZOS | 8 petals
  2. I-22U 1: 3,5 F = 50mm П | KOMZ | 10 petals
  3. I23U 4,5 / 110 | LZOS | medium format | 6 petals
  4. I-26m-U 2,8 / 52 | FED | 10 petals
  5. I50U-3,5 / 50 | FOZ | 6 petals
  6. I50U 3,5 / 50 | LZOS | 6 petals
  7. I50U 3,5 / 50 | NGO 'Optics' | 6 petals
  8. I50U-1 3,5 / 50 | LZOS | 6 petals
  9. И50У-1 1:3,5 F=50мм П | LZOS | 8 petals
  10. INDUSTRAR-55U 140 / 4.5 | MMZ | medium format | 9 petals | reader review
  11. INDUSTRAR-58 3,5 / 75 | MMZ | medium format | 9 petals | reader review
  12. I-90U 4/75 | LZOS | medium format | 10 petals
  13. I96U-3.5 / 50 | FOZ | 6 petals
  14. I96U 3,5 / 50 H-22 | NGO 'Optics' | 6 petals
  15. I96U-H-22-3,5/50 | FOZ | 6 petals
  16. I96U-1 3,5 / 50 | FOZ | 6 petals
  17. I-100U 4/110 | LZOS | medium format | 10 petals | reader note


  1. VEGA-11U 2.8/50 | AOMZ | zebra | 12 petals
  2. VEGA-11U 2,8/50 | LZOS | black | 12 petals
  3. VEGA-11U 3/54 | MMZ | black | 12 petals
  4. VEGA-11U 3/54 | MMZ | black | 12 petals | adapted
  5. VEGA-5U 4/105 | AOMZ | medium format | 6 petals
  6. VEGA-5U 4/105 | MMZ | medium format | 6 petals
  7. VEGA-22CA 5,6/103 | MMZ | medium format | 6 petals | reader's review


  1. Mikar / s 4,5 / 55 | PZO WARSZAWA | Made in Poland | 5 petals
  2. Emitar / s 4,5 / 80 | PZO WARSZAWA | Made in Poland | 5 petals
  3. Amar 4,5 / 105 | PZO WARSZAWA | Made in Poland | 6 petals


  1. LZOS - Lytkarino Optical Glass Plant, Lytkarino
  2. KOMZ - Kazan Optical and Mechanical Plant, Kazan
  3. MMZ - Minsk Mechanical Plant named after S.I. Vavilova
  4. FOZ - Theodosia Optical Plant
  5. AOMZ - Azov Optical and Mechanical Plant, Azov
  6. NPO Optika - Optics Research and Production Association, Moscow
  7. FED - Kharkov Engineering Plant 'FED' (F. E. Dzerzhinsky)

The names of the lenses are clearly indicated according to the marks on the case.

Comments on this post do not require registration. Anyone can leave a comment.


Industar-96U-1 - an interesting lens from a photographic enlarger. Suitable for macro photography. Industar-96U-1 interesting for its price, sharpness and compactness.

Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.

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Comments: 50, on the topic: Overview of I96U-1 3,5 / 50

  • Egor

    Very bright and colorful photos!
    ps where do you find so many different flowers?) What is not an overview - so whole classifications of floristry :)

    • Deimos

      Kiev is not small there is probably where to look =)
      This is in our Krivoy Rog only industrial landscapes can be fotkat

      • Arkady Shapoval

        I remembered that this is not Kiev.

    • Arkady Shapoval

      I travel a lot around the city.

  • Denis

    Arkady, hello! Thanks for making such great reviews! I have a question, I am holding I96U, I50U and I20U in my hands, trying to find 3 differences - it does not work. It turns out that except for the case, they are no different?

    • Arkady Shapoval

      The same optical design, just different modifications.

  • Alexander

    Hello Arkady, what would you recommend for macro on Nikon D3100-I96U-1 3,5 / 50 with adapters or Helios 81N 2/50? With uv. Alexander.

    • Arkady Shapoval

      For macro I advise Industar.

  • Alexander

    Thank you. I forgot to write Helios with macro rings. All the same, Industar?

    • Arkady Shapoval

      It is simpler and cheaper, and very sharp.

  • Alexander

    Thank you.

  • Victor

    Tell me what is better for macro with the D5000 is Industar or Vega-11U?
    A detailed answer is desirable.

    • Arkady Shapoval

      Vega-11U due to a more rounded aperture.

  • Valentine

    Arkady, tell me, I’ve installed Industar-96U (I96U-3,5 / 50), objects are visible in the lens when approaching them at a distance of 10-15 cm, nothing can be seen from it further. Looking at your photos, the distance to the objects is more than 15 cm. What is the reason, maybe you should install a transition ring with a lens? Thanks!

    • Arkady Shapoval

      I shot on D700 - there the angle is wider, visually it seems that objects are further away.

  • Valentine

    I understand that this is his working distance? The lens is very sharp. I was struck from the first picture, thanks for the review, after reading it I immediately acquired it.

  • Ruslan

    Good evening. I can’t find the info about I51 4.5 / 210 anywhere.
    Thank you in advance.

  • Leo

    You write that the lens has a very short working length. focus on infinity only on mirrorless.
    I grinded down the “skirt” (the protruding part above the M39 thread) to ~ 41 millimeters. Sometimes I use it on K-mount cameras (Pentax Kx and K-5) through two adapters M39-M42 and M42-K - this way I can change the focus point by screwing and unscrewing the lens into the adapter.
    I have infinity, which suggests that the working distance for this lens is slightly less than 45,5 mm.
    Hence the conclusion - on the "boot" he will even run over infinity, if you screw it all the way. And in order to shoot them with a mirrorless camera, you will need to put on an macro ring.

    P.S. This lens was supplied with a plastic macro ring (I removed the lens from my enlarger).

    • Andy

      How did you manage to remove the plastic ring? I can't unscrew it in any way, but it's a pity to break.

      • Andy

        I will answer myself;). I wrapped electrical tape around the metal flange, clamped it with a gas wrench, took hold of the padstikovy sleeve, it started from the fifth time. Unscrewed.

  • Bocassa

    ABOUT!!! sorry ... found my lens in this section ... but it looks like something is wrong ... and another question ... about the macro rings ... I have them ... what will they give me?

  • Bocassa

    thanks! but my industar looks different from here ... it says OPTA. maybe a modification? .. I want to try it with impatience)))

  • Egor

    Here you are talking about flea markets. Do you mean online flea markets or just market-type flea markets?

  • Leonid

    RUSLAN. The I51 4.5 / 210 is a lens for older studio cameras with stretching fur. They shot on plates and flat films, followed by contact printing. Their resolution is about 20 lines in the center and 5 along the edge.

  • Vyacheslav

    Hello! Tell me what would be better for a macro - I96U or I23U. Or is it better to buy Industar 61LD or Vega-11U? In general, I want some advice about a normal lens for macro. Thanks in advance. P.S. Nikon camera d3100

  • Jury

    Thank you for your work! I would like to know about the Industar 69 lens on the Canon 1100D

  • Lily

    Arkady. I came across photos taken by INDUSTRAR-90U, I would like to see his review

  • Alexey

    Good day!
    My I96U-3,5 / 50 has the same body as the I50U 3.5 / 50, serial number 8702, the OPTA logo, 5 aperture blades.

  • Igor, Saratov.

    Here is a link to the photos taken by INDUSTAR-90U 4/75 plus "fur" and a flash (Nikon D3200)

  • Igor, Saratov.

    Very good!

  • anonym

    Sorry, but there are no photos of people with this lens, portrait?

    • Oswalt

      I wonder how you will shoot portraits with him, if the distance from the end of the lens to the subject to be taken is 30 centimeters at best (judging by the description) ?. I have a 650D, like Valentin, 10-15 cm at all.

  • Dubrovsky5

    There is an Industar-96U lens with an elongated body. Outwardly similar to Industar-50U.
    Is it possible to simply transfer the lens block (s) from Industar-96U to the housing from Industar-50 (or Industar-50-2), and leave the diaphragm from the donor lens to get a sharp chimera lens for use with the corresponding adapter on the micro-system micro 4/3, for example, on the Olympus E-PL-3, with the ability to sharply focus the lens at a distance of 2 to 40 meters (and then to infinity with sharpness not very)? Shoot everything except for portraits in good light.

  • Oleg 1

    Good afternoon, photo lovers. My exactly the same as in the review, I bought with plastic
    extension ring, after I unscrewed the ring, it began to focus about 5.6 meters. It is distinguished by high resolution, sharp with open but at XNUMX sharpness is just fine, contrast is also on top, photos from it are magnificent (even portraits) by
    Thanks to the high resolution, macro and subject matter are also good. Through adapter rings
    filmed a video (focus about 10 cm) as the ants on the stem of the plant milk the aphids, so they could be seen
    satisfied faces. In general, I did not expect from this stub of such quality, for macro
    and subjects are quite suitable.

  • Alexandr_N

    There is an Industar-96U-1, played, interesting. Last weekend I noticed a rather interesting feature, with a hard backlight (I was shooting a yellow leaf on a perfectly green lawn), the color of the photo turned into black and white (hereinafter BW), despite the fact that the Picture Control was set to “Saturated”, WB “Direct sunlight ”. Someone from the guru can explain what this might be related to? Why did the camera record low-saturation photography, almost black and white, instead of color?

  • Oleg 1

    Good evening, Alexander. I have seen this many times on Soviet lenses, in hard control
    completely wild colors, and not all, but some lenses can give out light.
    according to the balance, the BB does not understand at all what to do. I think that the reason is enlightenment or some kind of marriage during manufacture. You are lucky with this lens, you can get very unusual photos when playing with this defect. Goodbye, good photos.

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