For the opportunity review I96U-1 3,5 / 50 many thanks to Dmitry.

Review I96U-1 3,5 / 50
There are several lens modifications:
- Industar-96U (I96U-3,5 / 50)
- Industar-96U-1 (I96U-1 3,5 / 50)
- Industar-96U-2 (I96U-2 3,5 / 50)
- Industar-96U-N-22 (I96U-N-22-3,5 / 50)
Modifications differ in body. The lens was made on Theodosian Optical Plant. This is my first lens of this factory.

View I96U-1 3,5 / 50
I96U-1 - this is a lens from a photographic enlarger, as evidenced by the letter “U” in the name. The lens is very, very similar to Industar-50U 50mm F3.5.

Industar-69U-1 view on a modern camera
Use with modern cameras
Lenses with an M39 mounting thread (for enlargers, M39 X 1 / 28.8), such as the lens from this review, are very easy to use on modern cameras, just select correct adapter. On lens reflex cameras can only work in macro mode (shoot small objects with a short focusing distance). On mirrorless cameras, it will be possible to achieve focus on infinity. The cheapest adapters can be found
For use on modern digital SLR cameras Canon EOS need M39-Canon EOS adapter, you can buy such an adapter (adapter) here. Also, an adapter M39-Canon EOS can be easily replaced with two adapters: M42-Canon EOS + M39-M42. In any case, the lens will always be focused at close distances.
An adapter is required for use on Nikon SLR cameras M39-Nikon F, you can buy such an adapter (adapter) without a lens and a chip here. Also, one adapter M39-Nikon F can be easily replaced with two adapters: M42-Nikon F + M39-M42. In any case, the lens will always be focused at close range.
For such a lens, I advise you to additionally buy macro rings with M42 thread, for example here.
How to use this lens with cameras of other systems (Pentax, Sony, Fujifilm, Olympus, Panasonic, Samsung, Sigma etc.) - ask in the comments and you will be prompted. If you have any questions on compatibility and adapters, ask in the comments (comments do not require any registration at all, any user can add a comment).

Sample photos on Industar-69U-1
Important: I96U-1 does not have a focusing ring. It is impossible to focus on the lens in the usual sense. The lens is always focused at a certain distance, for the Nikon flange it is 30-40cm from the matrix. Due to the fact that the lens is most often used for macro, the focusing problem is not so important. In macro photography, it is very convenient to focus by moving the camera towards or away from the subject. I do not find any inconvenience at all when working with this I96U-1.

Sample photos on Industar-69U-1
Image quality:
The lens is very, very sharp. Even at F3,5, sharpness is very high. The lens even produces pleasing bokeh, slightly curled around the edges of a full-frame camera. The optical design of Tessar (Eagle Eye) is responsible for the image quality. It's a shame the lens has only 6 blades aperture. The petals from use lose their blackening and become metallic. The biggest drawback of the lens is the fear of any kind of flare. Industar-96U-1 Does not tolerate backlight at all. But, HA, vignetting, distortion are minimal. Here is such a small and remote "Indus".

Sample photo on I69U-1
Sample Photos
All photos taken on Nikon D700... RAW -> JPEG, Q90%, autolevels, 3mp resize. Added a watermark with parameters from EXIF. On crop Industar-96U-1 Works just as well as in full frame. Please note, I did not use the macro rings when shooting, but only the usual adapters on Nikon.
Personal experience
I have already used such lenses more than once, for example, Industar-50U 50mm F3.5, Vega-11U 50mm F2.8, Mikar / s 4,5 / 55, Amar 4,5 / 105, Emitar / s 4,5 / 80 and they always showed great results for macro. Fifty dollars Industrialar-96U-1 it costs ridiculous money, but it can surprise even a professional photographer with its work. Yes, he looks funny on camera, but the wizard’s strength isn’t the size of a magic wand.

Sample photo on I69U-1
Other lenses from photo enlargers (U)
- INDUSTRAR 22U-1 1: 3,5 F = 50mm П | LZOS | 8 petals
- I-22U 1: 3,5 F = 50mm П | KOMZ | 10 petals
- I23U 4,5 / 110 | LZOS | medium format | 6 petals
- I-26m-U 2,8 / 52 | FED | 10 petals
- I50U-3,5 / 50 | FOZ | 6 petals
- I50U 3,5 / 50 | LZOS | 6 petals
- I50U 3,5 / 50 | NGO 'Optics' | 6 petals
- I50U-1 3,5 / 50 | LZOS | 6 petals
- И50У-1 1:3,5 F=50мм П | LZOS | 8 petals
- INDUSTRAR-55U 140 / 4.5 | MMZ | medium format | 9 petals | reader review
- INDUSTRAR-58 3,5 / 75 | MMZ | medium format | 9 petals | reader review
- I-90U 4/75 | LZOS | medium format | 10 petals
- I96U-3.5 / 50 | FOZ | 6 petals
- I96U 3,5 / 50 H-22 | NGO 'Optics' | 6 petals
- I96U-H-22-3,5/50 | FOZ | 6 petals
- I96U-1 3,5 / 50 | FOZ | 6 petals
- I-100U 4/110 | LZOS | medium format | 10 petals | reader note
- VEGA-11U 2.8/50 | AOMZ | zebra | 12 petals
- VEGA-11U 2,8/50 | LZOS | black | 12 petals
- VEGA-11U 3/54 | MMZ | black | 12 petals
- VEGA-11U 3/54 | MMZ | black | 12 petals | adapted
- VEGA-5U 4/105 | AOMZ | medium format | 6 petals
- VEGA-5U 4/105 | MMZ | medium format | 6 petals
- VEGA-22CA 5,6/103 | MMZ | medium format | 6 petals | reader's review
- Mikar / s 4,5 / 55 | PZO WARSZAWA | Made in Poland | 5 petals
- Emitar / s 4,5 / 80 | PZO WARSZAWA | Made in Poland | 5 petals
- Amar 4,5 / 105 | PZO WARSZAWA | Made in Poland | 6 petals
- LZOS - Lytkarino Optical Glass Plant, Lytkarino
- KOMZ - Kazan Optical and Mechanical Plant, Kazan
- MMZ - Minsk Mechanical Plant named after S.I. Vavilova
- FOZ - Theodosia Optical Plant
- AOMZ - Azov Optical and Mechanical Plant, Azov
- NPO Optika - Optics Research and Production Association, Moscow
- FED - Kharkov Engineering Plant 'FED' (F. E. Dzerzhinsky)
The names of the lenses are clearly indicated according to the marks on the case.
Comments on this post do not require registration. Anyone can leave a comment.
Industar-96U-1 - an interesting lens from a photographic enlarger. Suitable for macro photography. Industar-96U-1 interesting for its price, sharpness and compactness.
Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.
Strange, but I have an I96-U of a completely different type. And it is only for macro, since the neck automatically makes it macro. I adapted it completely for the collective farm - a piece of cardboard tube into the smallest macro ring M42 =)
The M39-M42 adapter costs around $ 0,5-1, with what, both on AliExpress and OLX (according to your taste)
>> All photos were taken with Nikon D700 APS camera.
APS and D700 - it is not clear how they are connected ...
APS - advansed photo system, APS-C - advansed photo system - crop.
The lens is not bad. It’s worth the money. It’s a pity we just didn’t do the thread in the front, this would increase the capabilities of the lens and you could put a lens hood to deflect the flare.
The lens for the magnifier lens hood unnecessarily, that's not done. And then, at that diameter, where do you find the hood?
Tell me!
I have an I96-U.
If you put it on a mirrorless (Sharp) and photograph, then at what distance (in meters) the focus will be in the picture.
How best to use it in such a situation.
Thank you
Do you want to put it on a film Sharpness?
I don’t ask why, but I say that it will not be possible to focus.
Hello, tell me please. Nikon D5000, there is an m42 adapter, it is big for him. Yes, and the carcass swears, the lens does not see. How to be?
The carcass cannot evade him, the lens, to put it mildly, without electronics. The adapter is large, because there is an M39 thread. Read carefully and “learn the materiel”.
Macro photography is fascinating... The more you shoot, the more you want to discover this small world.
At first I just screwed it to the carcass - I liked it, then I decided to increase the magnification of the picture. I found a bare body. And connected it to the lens. Roughly speaking, on the knee.
And so….
My little macro monster))
I think I’ll try Vega now, for comparison….