Pinhole. Remove on a tin can. Photo Tricks from Radozhiva

Especially for Radozhiva and for all readers, an article about how to photograph on a tin can. Yes, it’s possible to take pictures of the tin can, and this proves once again that important how to take pictures, and not by what means.

Creating a Lens from a Tin Can

Creating a Lens from a Tin Can

So, let's begin. We will need, of course, a tin can, you can eat the contents yourself, or treat a cat, a dog and a few more simple things. What's the point? The bottom line is what you can try to do pinhole (pin - point, hole - hole).

Pinhole view on camera. Tin can lens

Pinhole view on camera. Tin can lens

How to do:

  1. You need to take solid material, preferably something iron and the thicker the metal, the better.
  2. Make a small hole there. Ideally, a hole should be made in a strong blackened material with a laser with a diameter less than 0,15mm. The smaller the hole diameter, the sharper the image will be in most cases.
  3. Attach the resulting piece of material with a hole instead of the lens to the camera.
Pinhole photo. Photo on a tin can. toy mouse

Pinhole photo. Photo on a tin can. toy mouse

How did i:

Cut the bottom of the can, drew two lines. The intersection of the lines gave an exact center. In the center with a small screw pierced a small hole. The needle aligned the edges of the hole. Blackened a hole with a marker. Put the cover on the shank KP-A \ N with glue to sit on the camera. Slightly curved the edges of the can. I hooked on the camera. During filming excerpt there were 30 seconds everywhere. The flash worked in a strobe mode of 30 pulses of 1 \ 16 power.

Installation disadvantages:

  1. Due to the small aperture value, almost all dust particles and any dirt will be visible on the matrix.
  2. Installation requires both physical and intellectual efforts to assemble it, and then use it.
  3. Low contrast and detail picture.
  4. Inability to focus. Moreover, this means that before the shutter is released, the frame layout is not visible in the viewfinder.
  5. The duration of the process. Without a flash, this setup takes several minutes. excerpts.
  6. For shooting, you need the camera itself (body). You can make a film version without a camera, but it's a little more complicated.

Here's what happened in thumbnails:

Thumbnail photo of can

Thumbnail photo of can

Advantages of installation:

  1. Cheapness. Class lens Pinhole I made it cheaper than for 1.u.e., canned goods are now cheap.
  2. No perspective distortion. Since there are no lenses in the installation, there are no distortions.
  3. Huge DOF (depth of sharply depicted space). The larger the aperture value, the greater the depth of field. In this case, you can achieve a huge depth of field, as in terms of the values ​​we get somewhere F40-F90.
  4. Patriots of any country can use the lens produced in their homeland. It is unlikely that one can now find lenses that are made in Ukraine, but tin cans are very popular. Therefore, you can proudly add Made in Ukraine or in any other country and have a unique lens. But, and if jokes set aside, then the availability of such an installation.
photo on a tin can

photo on a tin can

Features to watch out for:

Pinhole you can put it on the rings for macro photography, thereby making the angle of view narrower and achieve a longer focal length, or vice versa, drown into the bayonet closer to the mirror, making the angle wider. The easiest way to make a pinhole is to drill a camera mount cover. I put a piece of metal from a tin can on the KP-A \ N shank, which was lying around idle. The smaller the hole, the sharper the image will be, however, too, up to a certain limit. By eye, I got a hole with a diameter of 0.5 mm, but this is too much. At the end of the work, I slightly widened the hole and got generally blurry frames.

So after reading this article, you can be firmly convinced that you can even shoot on a tin can, although it will be difficult to achieve a good result.

Final World:

Pinhole (pinhole camera) - An interesting and very cheap version of the simplest lens with which you can conduct photo experiments. Him not necessarily made from a can... Experiments of this kind provide an insight into how the camera works in general and serve as a good lesson for the budding photographer. And to tell someone that can be removed on a tin can ... they won't believe it.

I would be grateful for +1, tweet or like. Thanks for attention. Arkady Shapoval.

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Comments: 56, on the topic: Pinhole. Remove on a tin can. Photo Tricks from Radozhiva

  • Dmitriy

    The car’s reviews, and the likes were all set)) I will be the first. Thanks to the author.

    • Dmitriy

      * clamped))

  • Andrey

    I immediately remembered a book I made in childhood as a home-made book for a pioneer camp. They offered such a camera: 2 cassettes with a film passing through a matchbox, a hole in the box with a needle.

  • Sergei

    Interesting book camera

    • Oleg

      Sergey, for 29 bucks you can buy a pretty decent used soap dish

  • Simon

    A few months ago, he got confused by this Pinhole and wrote his research here.

  • Oleksandr

    ... finding Ukrainian lenses is not a problem. No problem even buying them new, with a guarantee. And width, and micro, and even tilt-shift. And for Canon, and for Nikon and for other systems. And their quality is excellent. You can view and buy at the link Only now, do not do them now. It's a pity.

  • Oleksandr

    ... finding Ukrainian lenses is not a problem. No problem even buying them new, with a guarantee. And width, and micro, and even tilt-shift. And for Canon, and for Nikon and for other systems. And their quality is excellent. You can view and buy at the link Only now, do not do them yet. It's a pity.

  • Oleksandr


  • Oleksandr


  • Oleksandr


  • Alexander

    That's what came out of the bayonet cover
    By the way ff approximately 58mm

  • Alexey

    This is cunning. The shooting was not done on a can, but on a digital SLR camera. If the author took the frame from the transparencies with the film and placed it inside the can on the lid and pierced 0.2 mm in the bottom with a slot. In the darkness he gathered and pressed the hole with his finger. God came into the world and took it with a bank, measuring 2 minutes by the hour, that would be class. And the photo could have been better.

  • anonym

    Thanks, I haven’t laughed like that for a long time)))

  • A. Smooth

    A full-fledged pinhole is not possible on digital SLR cameras. Physics of microlenses on the matrix cannot be fooled.

  • Timur

    As I did the normal version
    : ordered a stainless steel disk with a hole 0.5 cut by a laser. Then he pierced the original bayonet cover so that the disk would fit there. Thus we get: A) a beautiful appearance and stable quality work (how much a pinhole can provide), perfect image alignment, wear resistance, the ability to replace a disk (with a large / smaller hole, with several holes (interesting option, by the way)

  • Ramis Ebellehovich

    in the course of April 1

  • Vadim

    Also experimented
    Dust is clearly visible on the matrix. By the way, a good way.

    • Jury

      A good way to not only see the existing dust, but also add a lot of new :)

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